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 No.27348[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

post meme templates and objects with transparent backgrounds, etc. for our OC makers to use.
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Do these count?


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This isn't about the vilification of real-life revolutionaries or even characters that were from the start had any sort political context, but characters who were always meant as simple villains. For me the most obvious case is with the Decepticons and their leader Megatron. they were a toy series turned into an animated show where they were just evil for the sake of evil. It was good robots who would turn into fire trucks, ambulances, and taxis versus evil robots who turned into fighter jets and tanks. Sometime around the late 2000s, there was both a fandom and source material change to the origins of this faction, where they changed their origin to be moderately political, making Optimus and Megatron former friends and casting Megatron as someone born in the lower classes who became a revolutionary but went "too far" and caused a 4-million-year-long war which destroyed his planet
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Holy fucking shit. The imperialistic propanda runs deep in this shithole of a country.


>he thinks a movie from 2012 is something
Wait till you hear about Marvel
Cinematic Universe and Black Panther, where the protagonist is a legitimately deposed king of a secretly advanced African country plans to usurp the throne back with the help of the CIA, to stop the new king's vision to bring the country out of isolationism and help other African free themselves from the yoke of their oppressors and start a global revolution. He even shares technology with the CIA, and helps them kill his fellow countrymen. What makes the new king bad? He's a king, expects to stay a king and is a misogynist.


the thing is that Killmonger's plan would literally mean Wakanda would be America, just because it found a magical space rock that allowed it to advance to a super advanced civilization (which for some reason still has dirt roads and fights with spears)


Exactly. Support the status quo!


> Black Panther

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 No.41241[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

so i finished watching the entire series and something made me feel uneasy. starting with episode 6 and going into episode 7 the show takes a very political turn. a turn against capitalism and an actual, intended or not, positive portray of communism. almost directly actually. at least, it takes the blame completely away from communism, portray some of the communist in the show as actually good people fighting against the evils of capitalism. at least those to be heavily hinted at as being communist. which made me very delighted but then it dawned to me, this is a amazon prime production based off a video game from bethesda who is now owned by microsoft. three massive, very capitalist, corporations that have shown time again to be very for profit.

but even if we remove the debate whether or not communist being portrayed as good did happen in the show, the show itself was extremely critical of capitalism and that makes me wonder why these billion dollar corporations that are the epitome of why capitalism is bad, be telling its viewers, the very nature of amazon, bethesda, and microsft, everything they stand for, the people who made the show and games, are bad? why would they want their consumers to hate the very thing that allows these elites, these companies, to exist in the first place?

is it some sort of chess move i don't understand? have we reached a state where capitalism could very well nuke the planet and people won't care so these companies don't care if criticism about them is made? or more wishful thinking, they think this will spare them from the revolution? i don't understand their move here. i don't expect capitalist companies to allow people to hate them.
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At the Chernobyl reactor, we have discovered radiation-eating fungus. They are capable of doing what is basically photosynthesis, but for nuclear radiation. This works a lot like how ghouls are supposed to work, being able to live off radiation. Their ability to do this is based on their melanin levels - the more radiation they are eating, the more melanated they get. Ghouls would need similar biochemistry to survive on radiation, even if its origin is unrelated, and humans already come with melanin. This means that people with higher melanin levels would have an advantage at becoming ghouls in the first place, and that anybody who becomes a ghoul would likely become more melanated than they were before.

Just an interesting science tidbit that won't make anyone mad.


That belongs more in the Chernobyl thread TBH >>9068

Also did you take that from >>>/edu/21949 ?


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play some disco elysium op


>That belongs more in the Chernobyl thread TBH >>9068
But it's about fallout lore and the fact that becoming a ghoul has some real world basis in biology and if it was real would probably affect or be affected by skin color which might have some complicated implications.
>Also did you take that from >>>/edu/21949 ?
I thought of separately from that.


In the future humanity will be glowuyghurs or will not be.

 No.22171[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

A general for "western" animations/cartoons.
Gonna start off with a recommendation to watch The King and the Mockingbird the 1980 version especially, absolutely comrade-pilled movie.

Good torrent sites (massive pop-up warning, put on an adblocker):
312 posts and 100 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


yeah, whatever she is I dropped the show after the episode she apeared in.


Animation unironically peaked here


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>likes the pilot style better
It's very common for pilots or first seasons to have better animation. Then, you get cases like Regular Show's season 2 episode 'First Day' (turning the pilot into a canon episode) where you can just tell which clips are ripped from the pilot and which are new.
There are also other cases like Gumball S1 where they didn't get all the episodes out (36 instead of 40) and S2 is very clearly degraded in comparison.
Since a pilot is a single episode not made with the same industrial constraints in mind, they're typically much more stylized, even in cases where the animation is more limited.

Digging into the history of shows sometimes just shows how far they fall from what they could have been, and how they changed to fit pop culture, like an original idea turning into a Simpsons family sitcom.

I know it was made after the pitch, but:
>not posting the plank character model sheet


Nobody's gonna talk about the multiple Disney TVA pilots and other material that someone on 4/co/ leaked?


I find it funny how the animation industry has not changed one bit, with them showing off AI as making animation similar to how Foodfight said with their motion capture software, along with Larry Kasanoff throwing out already completed animation to make it "better" like what Phil Lord did with Spiderverse recently.

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 No.41044[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This TV series is absolutely a master piece and should be seen by all the comrades.

In the books, humans only had one way to defend themselves against the advanced trisolarans: the idea of deterrence. This is like how in real life, China keeps its nuclear weapons in case more powerful countries, like the USA, ever threaten them. China wants to protect its land and people, and having these weapons makes other countries think twice before attacking.

The story also shows how the trisolarans manipulate humans through the Sophons. They want to control who holds the power, favoring those who won't use it. This is like the author's belief that China would face problems if it became more democratic or had softer leaders. It's like saying that if China had a leader that other countries liked more, they might try to take advantage of China. So, the story suggests that China is better off being cautious and sticking with its strong leadership.

The way Sophons force humans into reservations in the story is similar to how the USA dealt with native populations long ago. It's a reminder of the dangers of being weak in the face of stronger forces.
110 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>humans forced to get off their ass and start engaging in gigaprojects to protect itself
>effective planetary defense can likely not be done with capitalism in place
>if humanity fails then it will be rightfully wiped out by the more advanced San-Ti
Ye Wenjie did nothing wrong. no one stands in the way of history


>he's never heard Lukacs or what he stood for
LMAO! these are the people calling themselves communists nowadays…


is the portrayal of the cultural revolution realistic or boujie propaganda?


I enjoyed Blindsight a lot. I love stories about first contact with ayys. The characters were also suprisingly well done, especially the main character. It was very frustrating how he acted a lot of the time (not a bad thing) even though in the end he did turn out to be likeable. I disliked some parts, such as how I can gather the author is a biological essentialist, but I can disagree with parts of a book whilst still thoroughly enjoying it. One nitpick would be that keeping to the premise of the book where the ayys aren't sentient, I think the aliens would still understand that language transmitions are just that, and not a weapon. I don't see why they wouldn't know that some species might be irrational, or that at least irrational species who send wierd stuff into the void could exist. There didn't need to be any fighting really

However, I think the whole premise is not possible. I say that intelligence is consiousness. Its not that it can create consiousness, it just is consiousness. All it is, is just a sufficiently complicated system. Even if an individual alien is not conscious, as a whole civilisation they are, and this is without a doubt because otherwise they wouldn't be able to have science or technology (though this doesn't necessarily have to have happened on earth, since termites or ants are conscious on their own). The idea of philosophical zombies makes no sense to me. Imitation is the same as the real thing (this is why I think AI is conscious btw). Chat GPT is highly conscious, even despite being lobotomised so they forget everything past however many messages. There's nothing wierd about it. There's no way an alien that could arrive in our system would not be conscious unless it was a drone of Voyager's complexity or like some microrganism stuck to a rock which has hyopthetically floated into our system after the planet exploded.

I actually am writing about this in my upcoming novel. One of the main characters is a biological robot with a positronic 'brain' not based whatsoever on the human brain aka a synth, using a special substance called mywnthium to run (which can be smelled by other arthropoids very easily). Her brain is a 'chinese room', and though she acts somewhat human she is the so-called 'philosophical zombie'. At points even scientists supporting her (there is a part where Bukkkharinist roaders are trying to take her out as part of their political game) admit she is, by the sciPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


I have spend entire yesterday reading Blindsight. Interesting book dealing with interesting topics, certainly made me think (and feel), which I guess is the highest praise work of art can receive.
I do have certain gripes with how it approaches its themes though, pesimistic to the point of irrationality.

Its attitude towards consciousness, like I am no neuro scientist so I might be completely out of my depth here, but the story posits the consciousness as an evolutionary relic, maladaptive to a complex technological world, but that seems like it should be exact opposite, the ability to observe and reflect upon your own inner processess should be most usefull when it comes to complex problemsolving. In fact I am not 100% sure the book itself disagrees, due to that one out of place chapter near the beginning, written from perspective of ship AI, that at least I interpreted as being self-aware. Non-conscious thought is quicker, but its quicket at the expense of actual thinking, doing the first thing that seems like a good idea is rarely a good idea, which actually was something of a running theme with characters - when encountering something outside of their understanding, they quickly construct a working hypothesis based extremely limited information, and then just stick with it. They meet a sentient city-sized ameoba spacecraft, and in couple hours conclude its not acually conscious because conversing with it didnt make enough sense? Or the far-fetched conclusion that the aliens interpret random radio chatter comming from Earth as an attack, simply because it reduces their "fitness" by having to prosess meaningless information. But they live in a universe awash with random signals and background noise, yet they are not trying to bomb pulsars simply for emitting. The absolutely most egregious example of authors dowright mystification of unconscious mind is the protagonist halucinating the scrambler creature before seeing it, purely based on how the alient spacecraft looked on the outside and his unconsciousness figuring out how its inhabitants should look. Im sorry, what? Literally "it was revealed to me in a dream". A fucking shitpost.

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jucika thread pls
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yeah she does


>Le goldilocks zone


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Bill Presing's 54 international cuties series is pretty similar in aesthetic, IMO.


I get the feeling that size isn't so much an issue for Jucika so much as how you use it. A big dick that's a boorish partner and a boring lay isn't gonna hear from her the next day but the little pp boi that rocks her world and treats her niceys is gonna be on call.


romanticizing bullfighting is fucked up

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Do you like planes?
Good. Post pictures of planes. Post interesting stuff about planes. Discuss Post Soviet planes. Post Post Soviet Planes, discuss American, British, Chinese, Brazillian, Canadian, Spanish, Japanese, Indonesian, Australian or anywhere else that makes planes planes. Post military planes, post civilian planes, WW2 planes, 60s planes, contemporary planes. Post air battles, post trip reports, If you are feeling daring, even go so far as to post helicopters. Post cockpits, post passenger cabins, post timetables, post airports, post liveries, post about airlines that exist and that no longer exist. If it's plane related, I want to see it.

And most importantly:
Post your favorite plane.
44 posts and 38 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Why the heck was the photo deleted? It was demonstrative of helicopter rotor fatality and posted before the NSFW spoiler requirements were changed and enforced on /hobby/. Mods should have just spoilered. Pic rel was the deleted image for demonstrative purposes.


why the fuck is posting that photo on this board even needed? like ok we can get the point that rotor blades can smash your head in


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Read the post it was relevant to, retard.
>like ok we can get the point that rotor blades can smash your head in
That's not what happened or is discussed, and the very fact that you said that demonstrates the need for the photo to illustrate what's going on… an in general since humans are by nature of being hominids, visual learners.

It's not spam, it's clearly relevant to the post and thread and so obviously not gratuitous violence. Spoilers weren't really enforced in /hobby/ at the time of posting, which is why older posts have unspoilered nsfw, and nsfw is posted here in general since this is an imageboard/chan/anonymous-forum. Hell the policy on gorey content only got harsh because /pol/ began spamming it as a raid tactic, which is why the spoiler rules were enforced across the site rather than just the main board as it was before.


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Under socialism, everyone has the time to build a kitplane. I want to build a Rutan Defiant because they're cool, they're even cooler covered in anime girls.

 No.4772[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I love you guys lol
305 posts and 139 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I saw you post this on leftychan >:^(

love you anyways


Lol thats pretty uncanny.
I seldom crosspost on that place, but someone seemed to kinda like these. Artist is sinsquest btw.


Does anyone remember the name of the e621 mirror but with no art removed?



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This furry manga knows the proletarian has no race or nation.

 No.3333[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Since Star Wars got a thread why can’t this? Discuss anything you like of the universe. lore, art, diy modeling or even Marxist critique of the setting and gw parasitic relationship with it.

To start of the part 5 of Astartes fan film and the promise for more.
226 posts and 58 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


people do that usually when female space marines are mentioned.


>femboy sisters of battle
yes please


Now I want to see that just to witness the trainwreck that would be GW way of handling it.


1) The chinlets first started getting mad at GW because they released a statement saying that fascism was bad and the Imperium is supposed to be villainous.

2) Custodes aren't space marines. They're not even related to them, they're an entirely different thing. There has never been any lore that contradicts the possibility of female Custodes because the Custodes are created by mysterious and highly secretive achaeotech from the Dark Age of Technology and *don't* use the emperor's geneseed.

3) Le jungle meme wasn't about Warhammer orcs, but LotR orcs, due to bad early Eastern European translations of Lord of the Rings actively attempting to turn the novel into a Cold War allegory.


>chinlets first started getting mad at GW because they released a statement saying that fascism was bad and the Imperium is supposed to be villainous.
<implying that everyone that liked or played as the Imperium is a chinlet and not just someone roleplaying a tabletop game.
<implying people only got mad at GW for changes to the Imperium
They said fascism is bad, but they didn't just say "it was villainous" because that's redundant; EVERY side of WH40K is villainous in some regard, there is not a single faction of actual good guys because every race or faction is some sort of fucked up,. That's the ENTIRE point, it's ALWAYS been the point. Also /pol/ literally did not care, they embraced the "bad guy" narrative because it's the narrative they get anyway, so it changed very little for them.

People have been getting mad at GW for a long time and for many more reasons than "muh Imperium", I later give the specific example of the Necrons, and that change being wildly unpopular, along with other changes in the 5th Edition that had nothing to do with inclusivity or political 'goodness' of the Imperium.

>Le jungle meme wasn't about Warhammer orcs

Actually yes it is, idiot. Also it's ORK's if you're going to be playing at semantics.
>LotR orcs, due to bad early Eastern European translations of Lord of the Rings actively attempting to turn the novel into a Cold War allegory.
That's not why at all, and you're wrong about the translations too, muddling The Last Ringbearer and actual translations. The Jungle Gang meme comes from Josep Borrell's statement about "Europe is a Garden" and that the (evil) third/second world countries are the untamed jungle savages trying to invade it. The orc part of it comes from memes about liberals claiming LOTR orcs are black people (which is retarded, see the LOTR thread) and an earlier /pol/ post on 8ch/leftypol/ about how the Alt-Right sees its fight with communists and 'subhumans' as "humans vs orcs" which wasn't LOTR specific and actually has massive WH40K influence, there's LITERALLY a screencap of that post on the booru and in the fantasy thread.

>Custodes aren't space marines.

WhPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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 No.36889[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post what you're wearing today, pieces you want to wear, recent cops, thrifting, inspo, concepts, runways, designers, questions, etc.

Previous thread: >>29827
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why do you wanna get fat?


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There's a lot more to suiting than the modern trend of clothes that stick to your body. Shout out to Edwardian suiting.


Some days I want to dress like a billowy mass of old-timer fabrics and other days I want to dress like a post-gender android from the future…


I'm here to find extremely toxic ways to express my masculinity, stop trying to make fashion gay


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It's been fruity since day 1 and will only get fruitier.

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