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/draw/ - Original Art

"The strength of art is greater than that of a nuclear bomb" - Kim Jong-Un
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File: 1704274346817-0.jpeg (1.1 MB, 979x1177, IMG_6356.jpeg)

File: 1704274346817-1.jpeg (798.41 KB, 841x891, IMG_6357.jpeg)


Is this shit decent or what? I want to hear honest criticism or encouragement.
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It's good.


Nice job!


Pretty good, did you use pastels?


i like the arms a lot very 3d esque shapes pop out a bunch something is a bit wonky w the face on the bottom though but still good



also regardless if its unintentional or not like te variation in textures like the sketchy lookin eye next to the rendered person appeals to me personally

 No.714[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

We anons humbly request Alunya artwork from drawfriends
As Alunya art would be for all leftyanons' sake & .org
Especially from new drawfriends
595 posts and 381 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Nooo alunya!!!!!!!!!



she'd never! she'd convert grace, like the chinese did with puyi


File: 1709403929380.png (115.48 KB, 787x960, alunya toesip.png)


she's canonically flat, it has been said

File: 1708318490540.png (157.63 KB, 1280x820, ClipboardImage.png)


Thoughts on this Agent Kochinski drawing I made?


>Tor browser icon
<Google Chrome


it looks great


File: 1708344699061.png (654.08 KB, 537x579, Mare dryer..png)

voosh isn't bald. he also doesn't have any MLP r34 (that we know of)
I give it a 4/10

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File: 1636501035784-2.png (168.11 KB, 1080x810, stufffffand_such.png)


post shit made in three dimensions


How do I use Blender
Why is it so complicated


>How do I use Blender
install Blender on your computer
watch Blender tutorial videos and learn from them by replicating exactly what the videos show by your self


File: 1636743055015.png (154.56 KB, 1366x729, soviet power supreme.png)

It's still better than most shit that Autodesk puts out, bro.


Try blockbench first, it's less capable, but less buttons on screen. Then you can get into the cooler stuff blender can do once you get the vocabulary of 3D modeling software.


File: 1708326379123.png (877.85 KB, 1920x1080, ClipboardImage.png)

For Blender, SFM and VR-Chat I found these models of the Scratazon from Ice Age 5, do with that what you will. At least one model is ripped and modified from the game "Ice Age: Scrat's Nutty Adventure"




File: 1705495387720.jpg (1.18 MB, 2816x2667, Illustration16.jpg)


No idea if I`m doing this right but critics are welcome. Flame me bros.


Welcome, comrade.
I can't really recommend any improvements. It's well done. (I suck at drawing).

I guess the eyebrow on the other side of the face is a bit weird. It gives the impression that the head is more tilted than what the rest of the face seems to suggest.

Also the forehead is a bit featureless. Unlike other parts of plain skin, this doesn't have much depth.


The collar is misplaced, no? Otherwise, seems pretty good to me, but I only started to study drawing since this month.


I think the idea is the head is turned to the side so the face is in full profile and the torso is like 3/4 view.

Recommend studying anatomy a bit. The ear position is too high here, and the neck muscle looks like it connects to the throat instead of the collarbone. That's the most noticeable part to work on.


Shading on the neck looks too dark/big

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File: 1701136407020-1.jpg (61.42 KB, 628x948, g45.jpg)


idk draw random stuff
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how would u adjust the colors bene stumped on what to add to the piece


File: 1701825720959.png (20.17 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


see kot
like kot
that's pretty high effort
noo don't hurt the doll


Nah I'm just passing him the blunt


Cool banana cat
cool sketch
nice scetch


Can you draw better than Hitler ?


i could draw using a gun all over his corpse. all fashoids should follow their leader and put a round of lead into their skulls


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>hitler drew himself as the epic gamer chad
pretty funny tbh


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A thread to discuss pencils, pens, brushes, erasers, paints and any other sorts of artistic implements you use as well as share recommendations and tips.
I would personally like to know how exactly Western brands compare to Chinese ones. I have recently bought one of those German pencils advertised to have a sturdy extruded wood-plastic composite casing and which has a pretty weighty feel to it, while my experience with Chinese brands varied very differently with some being meh while others like second pic being pretty good contenders for best value-price coefficent, but I am again not sure how well they compare with "big name" brands. Question: is there actually much difference in quality between all these brands, or it do not really matter much as long as you know what to look for?

File: 1688162001077.png (39.87 KB, 1159x757, horse.png)


how 2 draw horse
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You find her fuckable?


Everyone does, anon. Dont try to deny it.


i see a penis with 2 urethra and genital warts


erm, that was a r/cursedcomment


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File: 1667208851032.png (6.15 MB, 2048x2048, ClipboardImage.png)


What's the scariest thing you've ever drawn?
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File: 1678035979756.png (14.23 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

beat me to it lol


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File: 1694677009344.png (5.95 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


File: 1694702567437.png (Spoiler Image, 25 KB, 500x486, Oekaki.png)



File: 1696453559094.png (9.07 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

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