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Since a lot of time has passed since the old thread was made and all the old servers apparently got nuked by the hosting service, I have decided to create a new one on the Aternos account that I have registered back in the Bunkerchan days. Just like the previous one, it runs on one of the newer versions (1.19.2) of the game with a simple custom modpack that contains tech mods like Mekanism and the Thermal series, as well as some that add new elements to the game world as a whole such as Biomes O' Plenty and Aquaculture. Some previous additions like Pam's Harvestcraft and Chisel had to be pruned however due to lack of a 1.19.x version or being too resource extensive.

Instructions on entering the new server:
>Download UltimMC https://nightly.link/UltimMC/Launcher/workflows/main/develop
>Download the modpack https://gofile.io/d/vQSpcg
>Extract the UltimMC archive anywhere you like
>Launch UltimMC
>Create an account record in the UltimMC accounts section in top right (no Microsoft account required)
>Install the modpack through Add instance > Import from .zip
>Launch the newly "LeftyCraft" created instance
>Add “leftycraftreborn.aternos.me” into your server list and join the game

To start up the server in case it is down:
>Log into aternos.org with account “leftypoluser” (password: solidarityforever)
>Press the “Start” button
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Should've been 1.7.10 with HBM's and Techguns.

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It has recently come to our attention that the users of /games/ are seeking a reliable method of communication for online play and general conversation about games. I am unsure if anyone is aware, but, there currently exists and unoffical matrix room specifically for this located at: https://matrix.to/#/#leftypolgaming:matrix.org

Leftycraft community ( >>25060 ):

If anyone is interested in gaming discussion, or, online discourse please feel free to join. That is all. Thank you~


Is this the end of anti-woke? Or at least a deep wound in it?
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i've seen people play a bit of both games and that's the impression I get


ah the social media staple, discussing a hallucinated version of media you didnt even engage with beyond second-hand videos


I sat with my friend and watched him play it for like an hour while I was eating lunch, anyway why can't I have an opinion even if I did just watch videos? who cares this isn't a courtroom


>why cant i have an opinion on something i didnt experience


uygha thinks humans getting an impression of something from observation is a recent phenomena

 No.28641[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

It actually looks like a pretty good game after skimming this video. I hope the combat will be more dangerous and punchy though and that the quest/dialogue aspect of the game which wasn't the focus the vid will be good.
Planned to release for September 6th, I think I'll pirate it on day one, or whenever empress does her magic if it's under Denuvo.
Well I would need a better PC, whenever I thought about upgrading my decade old machine to play releasing AAA titles such as Cyberpunk or Callisto Protocol I ended up not doing it because those games were shit, most of the big games recently were shit actually, hope Starfield breaks the trend.
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It's not only that we get no console exclusives. We also barely get good PC poris either (of bigger-budget games at least). Even if PC gaming isn't dying, the sheer existence of console gaming makes PC gaming worse. There is not enough incentive to make good PC ports. The same way there's not enough incentive to remove Denuvo and third-party launchers as Steam has a very deregulationist policy (despite having a heavy taxation policy, peak neoliberalism) unlike GOG.


>>33507 (me)
The final solution is therefore communism the collapse of the console market.


8 months after release it sounds like they're finally getting their footing with the latest update. Some of these changes were sorely needed back when I played, and it looks like they're introducing the first pieces of survival mode with the modular difficulty settings; I'm hoping they'll carry over the separate incoming and outgoing damage multiplier settings into TES VI, at the very least. Still no creation kit, but it sounds like they're giving paid modders access to it first so the monetized creation club has a leg up compared to free mods. Exploration still has glaring problems but maybe they'll fix it somehow when the DLC comes out this fall.


ehhhh starfield was dead on arrival.
>Generic visuals and art direction
>Generic setting and characters
>Generic gameplay and mechanics
It’s just boring.


>release bad game
<maybe they'll fix it a year later with a bunch of updates
absolute state of AAA god damn

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>Progression system
The pieces drop faster the longer you play.
>Build variety
The number of piece combinations and placement options means you can customize as you see fit.
The emergent narrative possibilities are unmatched by any other RPG, as they're restricted to simple dialogue options.
>Choices and consequences
Putting the pieces in suboptimal locations can fuck up your run completely.
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It's named after the Shakespeare play. Russians love their native arts.


what is the role that you play in the role playing game tetris


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>RPG where combat is played out via Tetris


Actually, it's a shortening of "tetramino," a puzzle game Bazhenov based his game on.
>Russians love their native arts.
Lol, no.


It's up to player headcanon, it's very immersive in that sense.

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 No.20754[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

It's 2022 and TF2 still slaps.
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Shitting on Israel isn't antisemitism.




they'd unironically be better off letting it die. It's an almost 20 year old game. It's done.




>It's an almost 20 year old game.
Doom and Sonic fans: *collective laughter*

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 No.7861[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Without Colonel Soll, there would be no New Sordland!
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Now that I think about it. Can Marxists potentially ally with lolberts?


>it's not like he releases the information anyways
He does. He literally does. It makes it easier for you to get Zillie through AN arbitration and pleases Wehlen, so you might not even have to.

If you send Titus after Su Omina and don't cooperate, you can use it as a chip against Lespia in negotiations. If you exhaust every option, but the last, you can bring up the spy, and either Lespia will give up Rusty to you, and you can nationalize RRG (for +5) or you can have them veto any sanctions against you, if you're going to war.

You will always lose AN arbitration, if you have a shit global image for being a racist asshole, accept ships from Valgsland, and keep ships in the field.


>Now that I think about it. Can Marxists potentially ally with lolberts?
And thus, the united front was born


I don't remember him releasing the information. Even if he did I feel like that being public domain would help my case at the AN right?? That Pales' primary backer is sponsoring terrorism against me. I did manage to get Zille back though without the AN so that's something. Wiktor is a funny guy!

In seriousness the only reason I would prolly consider playing it again is to follow up on the fact that if you pursue a pro-Valgsland foreign policy Hegel rings you up at some point and is like 'I think we may have a common interest which you have been keeping from everyone around you… is that right?' and you can be like 'assuming that was the case, now is not the right time, and I wouldn't admit it anyway', which makes me think there is some goofy Manchurian candidate path where you allow the country to have a socialist uprising. Possibly added to by the drinking game where you can be like 'sometimes I wish that the republican revolution had succeeded'. But no idea if that's a real fully fleshed out path or just a tease/an afterthought.


If you note the curious "Flagship" unit that there is no way to obtain, it's safe to say the DLC isn't finished.

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 No.13127[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

of course most /pol/tards side with caser's legion but looking at it almost every single faction is awful one way or the other, The NCR is literally a reboot of America that is in the middle of a manifest destiny, House is a egotistical maniac and probably appeals to Musk bros and Yes man is just a libertarian wet dream
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Legion is le multipolarist faction.


Legion has 0% chance of winning. BRICS can send mankind to space and make the west bleed billions of dollars each year. Brics already won. They are not the same.


Been playing Fallout 76 andI cant find any problems with it. I feel like new vegas fan boys lied to me about this game and I missed it completely because of it.


it was dogshit on launch but it's supposed to be much, much better now


what's the point of a fallout game with no NPCs or moral choices?

 No.32028[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

There's going to be a Fallout TV show and it looks like a yoghurt ad. It's also solely based on Fallout 4 and it's going to have even more BOS wank. Thanks Todd!
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Todd says everything is canon, for what that's worth.


I love BB and all but I seriously don't like the idea of random celebs crawling out of the woodwork to try and worm their way into shows because they like the IP. If Aaron Paul is in S2 I'm actually going to be a bit irritated.


Matthew Perry was put in New Vegas because he talked about playing 3 a lot. Aaron Paul could work in Fallout. The problem is they would probably put a bunch of BrBa jokes in there.


That pic is from New Vegas' launch event.

>If Aaron Paul is in S2 I'm actually going to be a bit irritated.

Maybe if the pics get enough traction on social media but I doubt it.


I hate to say anything good about dark souls 2, but elden rings combat is considerably worse. The only good thing about it is the lack of enemy spam and that’s it. AOE attacks, environmental hazards and gank squads in boss fights, projectile spamming, enemies that exist as ai variants of the player character, unusually high poise enemies, and unpredictable delayed swings make running a melee play through even more painful than it is in dark souls. I’m not asking the game to have sekiros combat pacing, quite the opposite. I like the feeling of weight the souls trilogy had with their combat, it feels sluggish, fair and brutal like the world you were in. Only a few large enemies were actually fast and that’s if they were more lean than large like yhorm or gundyr. Every fucking enemy in elden ring has so much cheese attached to the way they attack that it’s meta to spam jump attacks and rolls which is even worse than the r1 and estus mashing of ds3, also poise is meaningless against spells unlike DS2. It’s a shame knowing DS2 and 3 still have the best pvp that’s far more aggressive with much less of people straight up running away, spamming spells/summons and constantly fishing for jump attacks, parries and backstabs like in DeS and DS1.
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>The fact it caught on as its own subgenre shows that bandwagoning redditors don't even understand what made the games appeal to people.
From software fell off after bloodborne and you can tell just by how people talk about their favorite bosses
Every single one always pics the flashy, cinematic looking boss
I've been saying this shit ever since elden ring came out that every boss turns into a dodgeroll, then wait for their aoe to finish and dodge roll again
No more boss battles that reward you for paying attention to the environment or anything like in DS1


I just gotta say that this is my first time coming here after checking to see if 420chan was finally back, and it's reeaal fucking weird to see the same damn opinions here as on /v/, albeit without seeing the word transhumanist being thrown around by obnoxious manchildren.


>albeit without seeing the word transhumanist being thrown around by obnoxious manchildren
so whats the problem exactly


That was the nice part. I just wasn't expecting to see people shitting all over DS3, Elden Ring etc. like the perpetually angry and hateful chuckle fucks on /v/. I guess I just miss 420chan still.


I mean pure melee builds are not really supposed to exist. You have STR casting options with minimal Faith, or Dex which improves casting speed so it's good combined with Fai or Int which can both work with Arcane shit too.
The whole game is balanced around casting and weapon arts but melee is super sustainable with a high amount of endurance.
Probably my best build is just pushing STR and END with 14 faith, and 2h scaling works fine even past 100, there seems to be no actual cap on carry weight bonus from END. Also it lets you take some points out of Vigor and many out of Focus.

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