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The sliding scale between Masculine vs. Feminine anime.


What's some masculine anime that came out in the last 5 years?


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>Dorohedoro one of the most masculine


Watamote is a masculine anime, I agree.


>one piece more masculine than berserk


Masculinity doesn't mean strong, it's basically pandering to the id of japanese young men who seek power fantasy and le gooffy faces


It makes sense for only women can have an accurate view on masculinity. After all a ruler cannot measure itself


The ruler measures itself just by being


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A lot of rulers extend a little past their markings, so they truly cannot measure themselves accurately


the only thing that matters is gar


Berserk is half shojo drama.


shitzo graph


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genres be spooked categories fr


Kyoani fans are far commonly male. Fangirls moved on from Free!, dudes are still super into K-On, and most of their output definitely skews towards male otaku despite the huge amount of female staff.

Lupin III what the hell, it belongs in the middle like Naruto. No idea how it's more feminine than Jojo either. Same goes for Eva, Madoka, One Piece, Gundam (yes I know the latter was mainly driven by girls at first, I mean now)

Otokojuku has far more female fans than you'd think and breaks the stereotype of "bara is for men, prettyboys are for girls".

Girls und Panzer feminine lol what the everloving fuck. There is no significant female fanbase for it. And right next to Versailles? Nonsense.

Dorohedoro ran in two magazines full of woman-targeted stuff and only moved to a more seineny one by the very end. It's pretty subtly girly.

Soul Eater & FMA being near the middle slightly but skewing a lil to women is super accurate for once.

Kaiji being way more masculine than Lupin is nuts especially the very overtly macho Lupin stuff like the Osumi & Koike anime & the manga.

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