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/draw/ - Original Art

"The strength of art is greater than that of a nuclear bomb" - Kim Jong-Un
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File: 1636501035784-0.png (144 KB, 640x480, huh.png)

File: 1636501035784-1.jpg (51.4 KB, 1080x591, ufostuff.jpg)

File: 1636501035784-2.png (168.11 KB, 1080x810, stufffffand_such.png)


post shit made in three dimensions


How do I use Blender
Why is it so complicated


>How do I use Blender
install Blender on your computer
watch Blender tutorial videos and learn from them by replicating exactly what the videos show by your self


File: 1636743055015.png (154.56 KB, 1366x729, soviet power supreme.png)

It's still better than most shit that Autodesk puts out, bro.


Try blockbench first, it's less capable, but less buttons on screen. Then you can get into the cooler stuff blender can do once you get the vocabulary of 3D modeling software.


File: 1708326379123.png (877.85 KB, 1920x1080, ClipboardImage.png)

For Blender, SFM and VR-Chat I found these models of the Scratazon from Ice Age 5, do with that what you will. At least one model is ripped and modified from the game "Ice Age: Scrat's Nutty Adventure"




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