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/draw/ - Original Art

"The strength of art is greater than that of a nuclear bomb" - Kim Jong-Un
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File: 1652407525786.png (21.85 KB, 382x473, Chud.png)


Ok leftychinletcels I got a proposition I drafted this chinlet drawing and I was wondering if you guys could guess the person it's modeled after…


its obviously >>2473


No I don't wear glasses


Whose that?


what a throwback


>right wing chinlets
>Shoots up unarmed civilians just going to church or in a mall
>Die getting shot by cops or spend life in jail

>Left wing chinlets

>Join an internationally recognised terrorist militia to fight ISIS in Syria
>Calls well known right wingers out on Twitter and makes them ass mad about a commie doing the thing they claimed they stand for
>Go home and live life happily ever after


I was going to say this too


It's Noam Chomsky!


File: 1660275650393.png (312.31 KB, 402x386, ClipboardImage.png)

>2 years later and /pol/yps are still trying to pretend they're not completely assmad about the chinletjak

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