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/draw/ - Original Art

"The strength of art is greater than that of a nuclear bomb" - Kim Jong-Un
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How does one stop being a NGMI faggot and start grinding? I feel like shit knowing that my works will be toddler tier for years until I can master the basics.


wat is ngmi?


/ic/ brainworms, you wouldn't understand.

it means Not Gonna Make It, ie. never going to do art professionally or even make good art


I was sure it was a /fit/ thing


oh, sounds pessimistic


I saw it in a roid sub the other day lol


Also to address your OP, I'm not an artist at all but what are you hoping to draw? What do you enjoy drawing now even if it's toddler tier?


>Also to address your OP, I'm not an artist at all but what are you hoping to draw? What do you enjoy drawing now even if it's toddler tier?
I don't know. I have so many ideas in my head but it doesn't matter because anything I make will look like absolute garbage that will kill any motivation I have so I'm instead forced to do soulless "grinding" until I supposedly can draw well. This never worked and now I've given up on drawing altogether.


Do you think anyone that had drawn something they are proud of didn't start by cringing at it?


Like I have seen even professional artists streaming and they make a first copy good or not and get super embarrassed and ashamed


It takes a special kind of patience to be able to forgive your shitty /beg/ works which I do not have. I wish I could just make bad drawings and move on but so far I haven't been successful.


Are you impatient with yourself in general OP?


To a certain extent, yes. It depends on what I'm doing.


>How does one stop being a NGMI faggot
Stop being ashamed of your "shitty" work, for starters.
There's a difference between knowing the flaws in your art and wanting to kys everytime you draw something (which also happened to me, which is why, besides some placeholder assets that I don't have to put a lot of effort into, I haven't drawn anything in months).
And there's also a difference between being "deviantART 14-year-old weeb who doesn't think they need to improve" tier and appreciating or liking what you can do now (while recognizing your art's flaws), so don't worry too much about lacking self-awareness either.
After all, what's the point of being obsessed about "making it", if that mentality is what's preventing you from drawing? Thinking about your long-term goals all the time, instead of focusing on the present, is bad.
Who cares if you're not as good as you would like to be? No one, except yourself and people like the insecure fags at /ic/.

Maybe showing your art to non-artists and friendly artists (in other words, getting positive attention and validation) would motivate you. But don't be ashamed of accepting the praise. Remember, it's a process and you'll improve little by little, and there's no "good and bad"; there's a range of skill.

It's definitely also an /ic/ thing

As far as I've seen, "soulless grinding" doesn't work, while focusing on improving specifically what you want to draw better does.
>I have so many ideas in my head but it doesn't matte
Then draw more things that you can draw, things that you know will look good enough to not kill your motivation.


it pertains to all sorts of things


Unironically just get up off the internet nd do it. The internet sucks you into a hole, get out of it.




Prove it.


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I'm stuck


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I'm finally feeling (vaguely) comfortable drawing, and I wanna finish something for /draw/ but for some fucking reason every time I open a Clip Studio Paint project it gets stuck.


you pirated it and didn't install it with your internet off I'm gonna assume.


Of course I pirated it, but it had been working fine for months.
Anyways, I restarted my PC and now it's working fine. It's probably an issue with my computer, not the program.


Step 1: Stop going on /ic/

Step 2: Find something easy to draw with little details that you enjoy. For me, its 1 minute gesture drawing for an hour while just listening to music.

Step 3: Stop trying to be a pro artist and just try to see it as a hobby

Step 4: You become better and get an intrinsic motivation to learn more, eventually building a habit and skill.


not bad niffo


Nah it looks weird and unnatural, maybe not that much but I can see it. I really should stop avoiding gesture drawing practice.
I fixed it somewhat, it's in the catgirl thread.


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we're all gonna make it brah


No one is denying that it came from /fit/, if you go to /ic/ you'll see that they adopted the NGMI meme, it's pretty common to see it there.


>I can see the flaws in my art

Year no shit. Nothing is ever going to be as perfect as you imagined it. Stop worrying about it.


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>Nothing is ever going to be as perfect as you imagined it


uygha take a look at early renaissance art and tell me that it's perfect. It isn't, because art and artistic progression isn't about being perfect, it's about putting in your care and effort, that's also the reason abstract stuff a la modern art can be rejected because it' just an excuse to NOT try. You can still improve yourself and get better nd should do that, but perfection is an illusion.


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>uygha take a look at early renaissance art and tell me that it's perfect.
It looks perfect to me… this is literally one of my favorite paintings of all time. Just look at that perspective.
>You can still improve yourself and get better nd should do that, but perfection is an illusion.
I suppose I can't make anything look "perfect", but I want it to look "right", and I often fail to do that. But the obvious cure to that is simply studying and practicing more. Which I don't do because I'm in a vicious cycle where I know it's gonna come out like shit and feel unmotivated, or if I end up drawing I lose motivation as I draw and realize I can't draw what I want to draw.


the people are all the same size, the bodies are not fully natural and the lighting is coming from random areas, The feet of side standing characters are almost cartoonishly flat. etc.
yes it is indeed a beautiful perspective and painting, but on a technical level there are mistakes.
>I want it to look "right"
Again look at Botticelli, his characters are never properly walking, they float over the terrain and never look at one another, they have demure, cold and detached looks on their faces because that had been the intent, various anatomical inaccuracies and more are irrelevant but there.

in short there are 3 basic stages of artistic progression
1 - poor on a technical level but full of life and passion
2 - technically improving, but static and dead as a painting
3 - technically correct in the areas it matters, nd more importantly full of life - that's the reason Ucello's paintings of battles, despite numerous anatomical and perspective faults and lack of proper lighting/shading is a phenomenal effort and groundbreaking for its time - the scale and attempted depiction is lush and alive, and you only notice technical issues if you seek them.


> I'm in a vicious cycle where I know it's gonna come out like shit and feel unmotivated, or if I end up drawing I lose motivation as I draw and realize I can't draw what I want to draw.
Yeah I know the feeling, just keep doing it, Rome didn't get built in a day. Even the Great Masters of the early Renaissance took years to improve their efforts (Compare 2 paintings of St.George and the Dragon by Ucello).


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Even if this painting is technically flawed or something it is quite pleasing to my sensibilities. I love that usage of black with the marble and as you say the perspective in general, just everything. Idk what it is called but I really enjoy "archetypal" looking poses splayed out in this portrait sort of view like for example in "the last supper" or the psychedelic historical film "a field in England"


<just look at thet perspective

>No vertical convergence despite a low angle view

>lines parrallel on the y axis are parallel on the canvas even toward the sides of the canvas, despite our eyes having a slight fish eye effect

1 and 2 point perspective, and even 3 point perspective, is simplistic and unrealistic. It looks unrealistic.


>weight of the man with the funny hat and the bald man is placed outside of their standing area, making them unbalanced and tip over if it was real
>middle blonde man has eyes super far up his head
>shit lighting, basically video game bright-everywhere lighting with only a little bit of cast shadow
>courtyard in the sun exactly as bright as inside a building


It is pleasing on the eyes even if it's unrealistic


>it looks perfect to me, i can never make anything so perfect
<Here is everything wrong with it
>Well it looks pretty

Yeah thats the point. You dont need to be a 1000 year old art master to make shit that looks good. Just practice

also that painting looks horrible


OK you've convinced me, I just gotta draw and draw and draw and not fixate on my own mistakes or failure to achieve my vision so much and instead enjoy the final product while keeping in mind that I gotta keep practicing.

Shut up motherfucker, it looks beautiful

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