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 No.13127[View All]

of course most /pol/tards side with caser's legion but looking at it almost every single faction is awful one way or the other, The NCR is literally a reboot of America that is in the middle of a manifest destiny, House is a egotistical maniac and probably appeals to Musk bros and Yes man is just a libertarian wet dream
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yeah let's all scratch in the dirt instead, and be at the mercy of deranged slavers


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colonel autumn/the enclave wanted to poison the water so it would kill anyone who was mutated though. that's the whole point of the story.


The super mutants and deathclaws in FO1 are no joke. Starting to think small guns is a waste of skill points cuz even with it maxed out I can't kill them.


>yeah let's all scratch in the dirt instead, and be at the mercy of deranged slavers
like the NCR?


The NCR aren't slavers, they're capitalists which is objectively better than slave based economics. People in the NCR heartland are living the best lives in the whole USA in terms of basic needs.


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>People in the NCR heartland are living the best lives in the whole USA in terms of basic needs.
wow, so not unlike the USA vs the rest of the world now. huh, I wonder if the creators meant anything by this


How are the NCR exploiting the rest of the wasteland? Their influence only extends to a few hundred miles outside their borders ie. the Mojave. They allow settlements to sign up to become part of the NCR if they want. Sure the people on the periphery have harder lives than the ones in the heartland but that's just the nature of the gradual economic development. Even if NCR is profoundly unequal (it is in a lot of ways) being a smallholder under the NCR where you're protected from raiders and slavers and having basic rights and living standards is better than living in the wasteland.


Living under the legion is just as well


Except the legion are deranged slavers who destroy every civilisation they come across and enslave most of the population that they don't exterminate.


the legion is anti-imperialist


yeah it's a real shame for the legion to destroy the proud civilization of *checks pipboy* insane drug addicted cannibals they are the real monsters


The Legion massacred and/or crucified everyone in Nipton except for three people who won a 'lottery' just because the mayor agreed to sell out the NCR troopers/powder gangers to them that boozed there. Like the devs really can't make any clearer to you that they're psychotic mass murderers.


>knight titus from the show represents titus interactive
>his death lets max step into the armor
>max is bethesda




oooh aaah the legion killed a bunch of people oh noooo unlike the ncr which definitely isn't committing genocide on "raiders"


Both of them are bad, that doesnt mean the legion is better then the NCR. The legion is a bunch of weirdo larpers who fight primarily with swords, while the NCR hás tanks, power armor, and helicópters. They are extremely behind, its not even close.


The only really good faction is the folowers of the apocalipse, the anarchist Saints of gaming.


Legion is le multipolarist faction.


Legion has 0% chance of winning. BRICS can send mankind to space and make the west bleed billions of dollars each year. Brics already won. They are not the same.


Been playing Fallout 76 andI cant find any problems with it. I feel like new vegas fan boys lied to me about this game and I missed it completely because of it.


it was dogshit on launch but it's supposed to be much, much better now


what's the point of a fallout game with no NPCs or moral choices?


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J Sawyer dropping insights into the high-level design process of New Vegas.


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What do you mean? Fallout 76 is full NPC factions and moral choices. Are you implying that having ending credits about gameplay decisions makes New Vegas a proper RPG?


This is terribly written and the font is annoying. Is it from 76?


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You guessed right.
I find most Bethesda Fallout raider gangs to be extremely generic honestly except for Pitt raiders in FO3 and the Gunners in FO4, latter technically not even considered raiders but more of an unscrupulous PMC. Even then they are very flat and boring in contrast to FNV's Vipers, Powder Gangers and Great Khans.


you mean the gun runners? they're a faction from FO1


yeah the writing and dialogue in 76 is embarrassingly bad, dont know what they were thinking


I thought there was only robots in 76, did they change it?


They changed it like 5 years ago.


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>weirdo larpers
what is the ncr but larping as pre nuked merica', shit-for-brains
>that doesnt mean the legion is better then the NCR.
The legion is easily better since they address the original consequences of indiscriminately introducing science/technology. Big MT is testament to that you retarded cunt, the Perillos syndrome is rampant there as it is in current day realities
>The NCR aren't slavers, they're capitalists
<le slavers with extra steps
>of course most /pol/tards side with caser's legion but looking at it almost every single faction
>The NCR is literally a reboot of America that is in the middle of a manifest destiny
>What side is do you choose in Fallout new Vegas ?
<Yes Man with securitron army destroyed,
<Saved Caesar
<Kill President
<Kill Lanius(mercy kill tbh)
<Kill Oliver
<Kill Julie Farkas
<Kill Colonel Hsu
<Kill House
<Kill Gun Runners(reactionary unionists)
<Let Cass have vengeance
<Destroy research from mutant plant vault
<Kill all Ncr head researchers and assistants including ghoul
<Allow Omerta Plot
<Sell arcade to Caesar
<Give Misfits drugs
<Kill NCR sniper team
<Kill Hanlon
<Kill all Fiend leaders except Viola since she is best girl
<Let GoodSprings fight for itself. Petite booj retardism on full display
<Kill Enclave Remnants
<Support Hardin
<Support Boomers(no airplane)
<Sabotage Ghoul cult
<Kill Enclave Remnants
<Troll boone into killing his friend then kill him
<Support Cooke
<Support Legion against Forlorn Hope
<Send Khans on suicide mission lel
<Have Veronica kept inside the Brotherhood
<Bomb Monorail
<Side with powder gangers against ncr. Lumpens FTW
<Murder all prostitutes male and female
<Feed haute bourgeoisie son to petite bourgeoisie
<Spare Ulysses since crypto historical materialist
<Nuke Ncr in Lonesome Roads
<Kill all ThinkTank except Mobius
<Kill Daniel and Joshua cause it is shit and religion is a regressive force
<Skip Dead Money cause it is shit
<Install robo sheriff for the lols
<Crucify Benny
<Kill Chet
Las Vegas is a city which needs to be excised from existence as with all parasite cities


How strong do you believe the "Legion" are in comparison with the NCR and the army of securitrons of "Yes man". Give me an plausible scenario where the Legion can actually win against an organized military .

In your estimate suggestion, how many soldiers does the NCR has? And how many does the Legion?
The technological discrepancy in this hypothetical conflict would play no role? Since you said:

>The legion is easily better since they address the original consequences of indiscriminately introducing science/technology.

Could you elaborate on this further? What solutions the legion found that "are better". You point a lot of:
As an solution, but lets ignore the "moralist" debate for now.

The point is that the legions are outnumbered, don't possess modern technology, never fought against an actual military armie in direct combact. Never destroyed any sort of aircraft or jet plane. Do small acts of terrorism and spionage. I think we both would agree that the NCR is not only using 10% of all its military capabilities to utterly destroy every legion larper in las vegas.

In my liberal pety bourgeoisie mind, i can only see the Legion as a bunch of malnutritioned boys who don't know how to wield a sword doing a charge against machine gun fire.


Your post just illustrates why all Legion fans are utterly deranged, no further discussion with you would serve a purpose.


It's a shame they didn't get the chance to flesh out the Legion some more, so we could see how shitty it was supposed to be and being a Legion fan would be even more embarrassing.


Letting Ziggers onto this website was a mistake


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>don't possess modern technology
they use anti material rifles, regular rifles, artillery, explosives, salvaged brotherhood armor, potent herbal medicines, limited autodoc, and powerfists
>How strong do you believe the "Legion" are in comparison with the NCR
ironically the legion is smarter than the ncr via its intelligence apparatus and exploiting vulnerabilities in its entrenched positions and organization
>Give me an plausible scenario where the Legion can actually win against an organized military .
play the game lol
>Could you elaborate on this further?
Unrestricted technologies led to complacency among the masses and its ruling class fostering a culture mutual annhilation and self-destruction
>The point is that the legions are outnumbered
likely yet probably equals out given reinforcements from other campaigns from both sides where ncr get its modest to moderate reinforcement in the form of veteran rangers and legions gets major reinforcements from their campaigns in the east
>don't possess modern technology
see above
> never fought against an actual military armie in direct combac
have you played game? its the 2nd battle lol
>Do small acts of terrorism and spionage
They nuked a 1/3 of the game's map smh
>but lets ignore the "moralist" debate for now.
why mention it then, retard?
>What solutions the legion found that "are better"
stability, meritocracy, selective primitivism
>In my liberal pety bourgeoisie mind
fed confirmed
>Your post just illustrates why all Legion fans are utterly based
fixed, faggot, Mao agrees with this sentiment
>Legion fan would be even more embarrassing.
imagine typing this
favorite faction is Marked men btw


>Give me an plausible scenario where the Legion can actually win against an organized military .
>Play the game lol
The ending where the legion wins is not explained in great detail. I would even go to say that basically all ends are unrealistical. In the yes man ending you end up controlling the whole new vegas region. In the house ending, mr house creates an technocratic utopia and you live in a luxurious way of life. If i an not mistaken, in the NCR ending you are greated by the president or something.
None of the endings should be taken at face value.
>they use anti material rifles, regular rifles, artillery, explosives, salvaged brotherhood armor, potent herbal medicines, limited autodoc, and powerfists

How many of this equipment you think they have. How much does the NCR have in comparison.


Yea i did not remember the endings very well


>I would even go to say that basically all ends are unrealistical
all endings are intentionally open ended whether you think it is realistic is debatable
>mr house creates an technocratic utopia
no, he only consolidates his power in the region and rapes the ncr economy
>in the NCR ending you are greated by the president
no you are awarded a golden branch(gold star) by no one in particular lol
>None of the endings should be taken at face value.
pretty much it relies many implications left by throughout the playthrough
>In the yes man ending you end up controlling the whole new vegas regio
no, it more a liberation ending really and it is the most open ended and vague
>The ending where the legion wins is not explained in great detail
they enslave much of the population what do you expect?
>How many of this equipment you think they have. How much does the NCR have in comparison.
likely more yet in reality less since the ncr is corrupt and uncoordinated in allocation of resources. probably has its share of Fast and Furious Scandals, example being the ncr smuggler you can make deals with


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also not a legion fan, chose yes man ending, asswipe. Las Vegas in-game and irl is a dogshit american city anyone who visits know this


>post deleted
What the fuck is up with the jannies lmao?


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retard take


he is a known liar and pedantic


What if we established underground communist communes and simply outlived all the capitalists?



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hit a wall in FO1 after finding the water chip and decided to take a break and skip straight to New Vegas. Kinda bored of it, ironically, because of how good it is. The game was so memorable that even after not playing it since it was new I find myself anticipating everything that happens. Oh well. The highlight so far has been No-Bark Noonan, that dudes dialog had me laughing out loud.
As for the politics, I agree with the folks saying the Followers have the best intentions but they seem like a charity more than a political organization. So far I haven't seen any evidence that they want to be anything more than that. They're really just helping whoever's in charge maintain power by acting as a release valve for the system, be it the folks running the strip or the NCR, so for that reason I'm throwing in my lot with the NCR as the least bad option.
The most interesting decision I've had to make so far was deciding where to send power from Helios. Do you guys think spreading it around equally at the cost of brownouts or just sending it to the under-served areas is the best move? I went with the former but in retrospect I think I should've done the latter.

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