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Hello everyone, I want to make a topic about books, but, ones that are too trashy for /edu/. Talk about books, request books, et cetera.

Well, I'll start off the thread by asking for recommendations for 'optimistic sci-fi' where humans and aliens get along (relatively speaking) and accomplish things. Bonus points if there's first contact involved, extra bonus points if there's interspecies romance. Mee-yow. I've already read a lot of books like this but I can't get enough. Thanks everyone.


I came here because I remember being very entertained by the series "Isaac Asimov's Robot City" even though it's not written by Isaac Asimov but by various authors, it's a good read but I read it when I was younger and I don't have a copy of the books anymore. Check it out if you like scifi and AI.


Dragon's Egg is a scifi about an alien first encounter, written by an astrophysicist (Robert Forward). It's awesome - everyone I've leant it to that has read it said it was great.


What's the cheapest way to print a copy of a digital book (that I pirated)? I can't read for too long on a screen, mainly because it's uncomfortable and because I get easily distracted. Plus, I would like to recommend >>13688 to my dad but I don't want to subject him to hours and hours of looking at a screen.


> I can't read for too long on a screen, mainly because it's uncomfortable and because I get easily distracted.
I hear some reading devices are like paper to look at. You might try one of those. Probably cheaper than printing books.


are there any nice fiction reading communities online? i want better book recommendations than lurking twitter or whatever


Best I know of is /lit/ unfortunately. Their wiki's alright though.


/lit/ is fucking doodoo have you even seen their catalog in the past 5 or so years


also i just want something relaxed and more open to heterodox topics and the like


A Confederation of Dunces is hilarious, doubly so if you have a passing familiarity with neoreactionaries. I cannot recommend it highly enough.


Read the Foundation series by Asimov.
Best scifi I have ever read in my life.
Should be the default scifi recommendation for Marxists.

Really good shit.


I didn't like it, I thought it was very liberal if anything, also just boring.


kobo e-reader


😭😭😭😭😭😭 how dare you.
Recommend me something.


I would read it if I knew how to read? Anyone else know these feels bros?
-sent from my google voice


Have you read Solaris yet?


No, I've only seen the Russian? Soviet? movie, which is nice.


Finished “Brave New World” recently.
It’s actually kind of funny for a dystopian novel, but for once, I’d like a protagonist in this genre to fight back and win in a way that’s believable.
They all end on such a sour note.


Le Guin is alright, since she stays far away from any kind of utopian speculative-ness


year+ late reply, but lulu


I don't read a lot of books but I'm curious about this one. What are your thoughts on Brave New World? I know nothing about Huxley tbh



It's fine, but I can imagine not enjoying it if you don't agree with the "why take away suffering when we're meant to suffer" angle. i only really see the book praised in right wing circles.

Also, just a pet peeve but it'll sometimes shift POV with no breaks which gets confusing.


What a fiction-book list to chew through?
It would be great if the list also included the page count so I can read through the shortest first.


>17 posts
<No mention of the andromeda trilogy that not only written by a soviet paleontogist but came up with the posadist communist aliens before Posadas himself did
The guy is noted to criticise not only capitalism but both Chinese and Soviet comtemporary socialism.
To get a better understanding of the subject on cosmic altruism i would suggest also reading the Killing Star and Three Body Problem that argued the opposite of cancerous destructive life that views cooperations as impossible. It's quite funny how the dark forrest hypethesis completely fall apart the moment any scrutiny or any serious observation of cellular cooperation of life on earth are made.


How does cellular cooperation on earth refute the dark forest? The whole argument is that another interstellar civilization might be subjected to radically different material conditions, which refutes the posadist assumption that a sufficiently advanced civilization must be peaceful communists. Of course this doesn't mean that there aren't alien civilizations who want to cooporate, but we ultimatly can't know this until it is too late, so why risk it?


Can someone give me advice about reading books that feel very flow of consciousness and actively make me tired reading them? Just got Man's Fate and have a copy of The Unseen that I would love to read but I think "just" reading them isn't doing any good.


Prob gonna read this.. how is the prose? I read Asimov once and it was the worst fiction I've ever read, I've been scared of STEMcels ever since.


what did you read by him


One of the best first contact story I read is Blindsight from Peter Watts, heavy on science and philosophy, on the bleak side of things because it really question the idea, trough a materialism understanding of reality and a well crafted antagonist, that consciousness is not really a thing.


ive been meaning to pick up Malazan again


I've been reading spanish childrens books recently since I figured it would help with learning the language.
I linked the two I've read so far, they're cute, and are interesting challenges.

I'm probably not going toenglish get into reading (English adult) fiction books until I'm 30 or somthn since there's so much to read out there, so I'm never going to post in this thread more than twice.

Maybe I'll make an exception for this, and Animal farm – but only to see what's the hype's about.


>reading children's books
Most literate poster on here


Imagine trying to make fun of someone for learning a new language. Are you monolingual by any chance?


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>nooooo don't read material that was literally meant to teach people how to read the language!!!!!!


I have started the Grand Journey of Reading both H.P Lovecraft's Complete works of the Cthulhu Mythos, and the Uplift Series. The First book in the Uplift series being Sundiver where Humanity had uplifted their second Species the Dolphin the first being Chimpanzees. While the Cthulhu Mythos is getting my brain working as I get drawn into mysteries.

I have also been doing some language learning also. Been reading some Japanese Short stories with the help of the Kanji that I know and the Kana, while been reading some books in Latin those are really nice. I started to pick up my French again and reading was looking for some more French books to read to improve my literacy again.


>average american


I'm the person you originally replied to
That's what happens when you type a post, think of a better way to convey what you want to say but want to keep part of the original post, and then fail to merge the posts because the brain just filters it.

>I'm probably not going toenglish get into reading (English adult)

Should be
>I'm probably not going to get into reading (English adult)

>only to see what's the hype's about

Should be
>only to see what the hype's about

etc – plus other mistakes, like the run-on sentence.

Ironically, you guys supported his point with these posts.


I like digging through the 'small' web looking for weird things people have made, including stories and books. I've happened across lots of small and amateur writers working outside mainstream publishing by stumbling onto their blogs and personal websites. They're usually not the most polished but they hardly ever want for ideas, and it's a nice break from the all the MFAlese the publishers churn out these days.

Right now on my to-read list I've got a near-future space murder mystery, the collected issues of an aborted superhero webcomic, a Roman alternate history, some kind of religious cyberpunk story, a schizo novel written by some occultist, and some old BBS zines of original fiction and poetry. Also a guy who made a game engine I used to tinker around with has a collection of fantasy short stories so I'll probably read that too at some point.


What is MFAlese ?


Presumably writing that resembles what someone with an MFA would write


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i think these books fall off after Time of Contempt


Blindsight was fucking awesome. I've been looking for scifi novels that cover similar subject matter, but haven't been finding shit. Do you know of anything else like it (other than its bizarre sequel Echopraxia)?

Got bored of it about four books in.

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