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"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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Anyone here can make decent money scamming boomer/porkies/petty bourgeois/state?
I'm interested in ways to pay rent and maybe a dinner with someone's else money


I sell feet pics I find on the internet
I am currently working on a ai that generates feet pics


Where do you sell them?


Mainly people on insta and snapchat



I used to ewhore on dating websites. Sign up for their affiliate programs for adultfriendfinder and whatnot and pretend to be a chick and sign up some coomer brains.


Is carding viable or just a meme?


File: 1608526822797.jpg (59.25 KB, 700x815, az9mMNz_700b.jpg)

what the hell is wrong with you


File: 1608526822968.jpg (36.89 KB, 877x480, disturbed pikachu.jpg)

>I sell feet pics I find on the internet
&ltcurrently working on an ai generating feet pics
… wut?!


I need to see this to believe it… this is like gamergirl bathwater all over again.

Also >>>/anime/2576 animu feet pic thread


>Ai generating feet pics
Based, fucking based


Do you use pictures of someone else's Insta/OF? I guess catfishing is pretty easy but you need some source material the coomers are not gonna find.



I just used pics from other less popular dating sites. The one thing I learned is coomerbrains are literally retarded, a lot will sign up for shit without checking anything really.

If there was a better product to grift coomerbrains with other than sham dating websites, it would make bank.


how much money can you make through that
i thought the website takes like 90%




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