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Sandals vs Sneakers vs Boots

Which is the goatest and most practical of them all, comrade?
For the everyday man

Which one will cause the least foot problems and encourage the best foot health?

Nude feet hippies stay out
110 posts and 27 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


doesnt most waterproof coating cause cancer? lol


also its fucking bullshit that goretex is still proprietary, exclusive and expensive - fucking capitalism


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About to buy temporary shoe replacement online
Any advice
The cheapest I could find is these women's shoe
With Size 8

My feet come at 25-26cm length and these are going to be cutting it close with 26.2cm

Should I buy a size above always?



is there any hope for goretex shit to get leaked and for people to start using it?


yeah DMF which is the one most clothing brands use is linked to cancer


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>Sandals vs Sneakers vs Boots
None, Slip on shoes are king.


That was a big fad in the early 2010s, never got interested in them and they look a bit impractical for everyday stuff, though they'd probably be as asset in diving or rock climbing.


What's the ideal setup for indoors and outdoors

Boots for regular outdoor wearing on the roads
But what for indoors?

I want something that I can wear around but also slip off easily to go and pee

Do people wear shoes inside there?


are these better than slippers?

i heard slippers are bad for feet but would they be if you're just wearing them casually around the house


Never heard of house shoes before?

They're cool but retarded because pebbles get between your toes. Maybe if they covered the gaps between the toes so that can't happen they would make more sense.


what are house shoes
post 'em


waterproof hiking boots, paired with socks they work in-40 winters too, tho I dont recommend it
>Do people wear shoes inside there?
No, we take our shoes off by the front door, in fact its rude to wear shoes indoors


i meant inside the pee pee and poo poo room

>waterproof hiking boots

is that vessi shoe that yt be shilling good? they seem to genuinely like it

also is it a bad idea to buy football shoes for regular non football use

they look colourful as fuck


Just tried noshoe for a whole day and now I'm in pain.

Concrete paths were a mistake.


Shoes kick ass, you're dumb. Even in ancient times people wore sandals.


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Basically slippers and other slip ons. Kind of a catchall for shoes that are only meant to be worn indoors.

Pic1 is from an article that said top 20 house shoes for women, but it shoes you the general variety.


Thank you, I love 3
The casualness of it all

Are these kinds of shoes bad for our feet


what is the ideal number of footwear to have
how many do you have and for what practical purpose

think of having a boot for formal occassions and then some slippers for casual occassions or some crocs


>falls off

*psh* nothing personal kid


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why wear shoes indoors at all?



i like walking inside, doing this
thinking of getting this
anyone have experience owning these kind of shoes?


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mean to attach this


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I've gotten my requirements down to very easy for daily shoes

I need something that is stabilizing, i want to jump and run at go, without having to worry that i'll get caught or trip on something

Something that is easy to clean regularly, there's a lot of mud and grime around me

I need something that won't ruin my foot posture and what not, all that podiatrist shit

These are the three prototype of boots I've got

>Hikey kind

>Basketbally kind
>Army kind


I assume the middle one is best for me, I got flat feet

And high arch support I've heard is bad, I've been using a very flat sneaker and it's been gucci for me


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i want to buy this shoe so bad, the funky colours, but i'm pretty sure synthetic is the worst material


These look like cute slippers and not shoes. Where I live people wear slippers inside especially in the winter when the floor can get real cold.


Your feets is cold, socks are slippery on hard wood.


Do y'all buy your shoes online or still prefer to go to a brick and mortar place and get them fitted and felt?

*Collectors need not apply

I thought the distinction between a shoe and a slipper was the way it goes around your ankle and fully covers it






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the last boots you will ever buy - breathable, light, cheap, i've kept the same pair for over 3 years now (through a roofing job, a ranching job, and now living in nyc). if you know how to tuck your laces right, pulling them off/on is as fast as sneakers.

just make sure to get the picrel w/ nylon upper and wellco soles, some army contract boots have a suede upper and shit soles. As long as you don't wear down the crepe, the rubber beneath can be replaced w/ pretty much anything, including rubber from a tire. 2nd pic is an old pair i slapped some sneaker soles on for budget balenciaga look.


A jungle boot?


I got the gay-ass Austrian surplus combat boots that /fa/ shills. They're alright but they are a little too spacious and the insole makes a squeaking noise. I might get some jungle boots still


jungle boots is what i've gotta call them while searching right? they look good

anything wrong with being spacious, do you feel they'll come off if you run


so arch support is good as long as you regularly exercise, right?
i think i have back pain from using flat shoes with no support


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I prefer comfy medieval peasant footwear.


A lot of people say contradicting things about arch support but you should only get zero drop shoes. This means the sole is same height throughout no slope.


why od people wear yeezys, are they really that comfortable?
what's special about them or is it just celeb worshipping


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are these zero drop?
i don't know if basetball shoes and football shoes can be wore like regular

i hope they can be


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do these designs matter underneath a shoe?
is there any science or importance to it


>Can't visit a cobbler
Poor firsties getting wrecked?


my local cobbler can fix these high end shoes and sneakers too? sweet


obviously no, it's branding


>How are you going to be cobbling in the field while you're at war. Are you going to lug around some cobblers tools just for your boots?

Well that's what they did in the Napoleonic war, the unit cobbler would fix everyones shoes


They do if its Vibram soles


depends on the purpose. for running, running shoes give you a strong advantage due to energy return.
for general wear, zero rises are best. Converse or any of the many "barefoot shoes".
for hiking (backpack < 20 lbs), shoes are good
for backpacking(backpack > 20 lbs or on loose/rough terrain) boots are best.


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They do matter in terms of providing more grip. something like this will give you a lot more grip especially on wet ground


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the budget balenciagas made me lol but if you can afford it more modern boots are nicer, especially if you're eg. going backpacking on rougher terrain where the benefits of a boot are most needed. for example these boots I have had (salamon 4d) have a lot more ankle support and cushioning, and also have proper eyelets halfway up the ankle so you can tighten them down more around the ankle and not so much on the top of the foot. leather is also nice and the rubber on the toe cap stops that from getting worn through as easily. my 2 cents


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anybody have a pair of kikos? Are they worth it?

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