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hi I'm japanese and I'm new here. I think my eng is pretty shit but I need you guys help. I've just dive into deep web and I want interesting links that kind of deepwebish one. all thing I see in deep web is just scam and porn and scam, and it makes me sick :( I want good contents and your help. I want creepy good staff.


"creepy good stuff"? you come off as an agent. if you're not an agent, you can go fuck yourself anyway.

to anyone else reading this: there are publicly listed darknet chans this could be asked on, this doesn't belong here, don't feed him, and if you do plz put "sage" in the email field.


nothing wrong with morbid curiosity, and there's probably not much resources in japanese
anyways https://darknetlive.com/onions/


thanks for links!!! love yoou<3





Creepy? WTF are you talking about? I think Japs should learn to speak English at an acceptable level. It's crazy how Japan is one of the top economies in the world but one of the worst English speaking countries. Nobody is going to learn your weird Chink+Jap language. If anything they are just going to learn Chinese. Learn a real language.


Much and love and respect for all my ESL countries. God bless.


I think these anons have mistaken your request as being for illegal pornography, when you likely mean horror art projects.


Nobody wants to find darkweb links for this jap.


>1 year ago

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