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/hobby/ - Hobby

"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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How do you take your baths /hobby/?


Random, but I think over the course of two months I'd get two *showers* a week in. Some weeks might have daily / bidaily showers, some might have none.


>>32856 (me)
Been more frequent since I started keto. More energy + more stinky


I don't I take showers.


If you don’t shower every day at least once, then you are a less than a subhuman untermensch, you are a burger!!


Showering every day is pure angloid obsession and causes skin irritation (https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/showering-daily-is-it-necessary-2019062617193).


Ever since I moved to a colder country I don't shower every day. Its kinda gross ngl, but now I see why Europeans smell.


I shower when I must work


I shower every day, like most people here (not anglo or saxon)


akshually OP asked specifically about BATHS so all of these replies are off topic


Baths are bourg, this has been empirically and dialectically well before this thread


Well there are bath houses, I've never been to one but they seem fine, since you aren't just filling the tub up for one person.


Too bad there aren't any bathouses expect for tourists here


appeal to a normalcy that does not exist


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Not that hard to find out yourself, picrel is how often people shower once a day in selected countries


Anon, I…


I never trust men in self-reports tbh.


If you don't at least shower once every morning before you go out you are a disgusting pig. Either shower both before bed AND in the morning, or at least shower in the morning. People who shower everyday before bed only are still pigs.

>you are a burger!!


And all the pig excuses about wasting water:

>turn on water for like 20 seconds and wet yourself

>turn off
>scrubs self off

Less water than flushing a toilet once.


>causes skin irritation
Maybe just change your soap dude. Do you not wash your hands every time you use the restroom because of "skin irritation?"


>If you don't at least shower once every morning before you go out you are a disgusting pig
do moids really?
I smell good even a few days after not bathing or I can just gaslight any men around me into thinking that by acting normal


>I smell good even a few days
You don't, I notice a lot of women reeking actually. Perfume doesn't cover body odor lol.


how would you know though? 😳


Because I can fucking smell you walking past you.



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The odor only accumulates in a few regions that you can clean over a sink. I shower once every 2-3 days and wash myself every morning.


Yeah at least a whores bath daily before going out. Still a whole shower is much preferable.


ngl i kinda like body odor as a smell. not sexually or anything but its kinda just a reassuring smell for the most part. i wish more people were accepting of it.

that said i shower daily because social pressure so whatever




smelly girl :3
let me sniff you


Do you have any statistics to back that up?


You really only need to shower like once every two or three days anyway. It's well documented. Only exception is if you have been sweating or live in a humid climate.

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