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Shay did your mom make you see the latest Qoomercore film and if so is it any good


Actually shes going to see it in theaters in a couple of days. I would rather watch barbie though


Funnily enough my sister wants my mom to watch this. It's never going to happen.
> I would rather watch barbie though
Based and barbie pilled


Just watched it. It was good but not great. The normies in the theater were clearly shocked that child sex trafficking is a thing that exists but the acting was a bit wooden and the plot itself did at least keep a rather somber tone consistently. The scenes felt disjointed and all the traveling and meeting people didnt have time for the viewer to properly digest it all, though it probably wouldnt have been able to actually even tell the story without all the travel. The main character lacked charisma - it really felt like he'd get caught by the pedophiles he was undercover attempting to investigate due to his acting skills, but clearly his mild acting abilities got him through it all just fine. I thought it would get political when he went into FARC territory but surprisingly it didnt really elaborate on them at all, it didnt even name them by name - though it did portray them as cocaine producers. The music was a bit bizarre; it utilized a choir singing in spanish but the instrumental itself was at odds with the singing, in my opinion. It did a pretty good job at portraying the pedos as slimy, without getting overbearing or trying to… show too much, as netflix surely would have wanted to do for scandal marketing.
Was it clearly "QAnon"? No, it wasnt. It had a christian message, but it didnt touch pizzagate or epstein island or transgender grooming at all. It did say that america is the number one consumer of child pornography and child sex slaves, which isnt at all surprising to me, but probably would be surprising to most people. Overall it wasnt bad. The side characters pulled a lot of weight, especially the main character's partner in the undercover operations. That guy has a future in acting if anyone in the movie does.


I think we would all rather watch Barbie, fam


>It did say that america is the number one consumer of child pornography and child sex slaves
based for delegitimizing Amerikkka


this means the sequel will be the FARC and ELN will teaming up to kill rw pedos and the force ghost of Chavez will exorcise an Epstein phantom with liberation theology


Lol of course leftists hate a movie which portrays pedos in a bad light.


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All right wing organizations from the Vatican, to protestant delegation, to the dailai lama, to the ummah are international pederasty cult.
You lost in 476
You lost in 1789
You lost in 1945
You vvill lost in 2077


Will you have sex with me?


I don't have sex with childrens


I'm not a child. I'm of age. Again, will you have sex with me?


No i am asexual greyromantic


Only acceptable s*yjak


<So much for the tolerack!


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