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Ancient History and Lost Civilisation Enjoyer Thread #3

>Previous threads:



<Confirming the age of ancient footprints

>For their follow-up study, the researchers focused on radiocarbon dating of conifer pollen, because it comes from a terrestrial plant and avoids the issues that can arise when dating aquatic plants such as Ruppia, according to the news release.

>The scientists were able to isolate some 75,000 grains of pollen, collected from the exact same layers as the original seeds, for each sample. Thousands of grains are required to achieve the mass necessary for a single radiocarbon measurement. The pollen age matched that found for the seeds.

>The team also used a dating technique known as optically stimulated luminescence, which determines the last time quartz grains in the fossil sediment were exposed to sunlight. This method suggested that the quartz had a minimum age of 21,500 years.

>“The immediate reaction in some circles of the archaeological community was that the accuracy of our dating was insufficient to make the extraordinary claim that humans were present in North America during the Last Glacial Maximum,” said Jeff Pigati, USGS geologist and co-lead author of the study. “But our targeted methodology in this current research really paid off.”

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/05/americas/ancient-footprints-first-americans-scn/index.html


Humans were in S. America 21.000-23.000 years ago, during the Glacial Maximum of the last ice age. Now, either Humans arrived there before the last ice age (where is the evidence for that?), they scaled the massive glaciers in N. America (unlikely), or they traveled by ship (my favourite theory). But this would beg the question: how come they had ocean-going ships? Were they perhaps taught how to build them by a lost civilisation?
130 posts and 31 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


nta but if there's any truth to Hancock's speculations the culture would probably be at the level of early Neolithic southern China.

So yes, technologically advanced but still subsistence farmers, and yes that culture in its southern expansion across the sea did indeed hug the coasts.


New DeDunking.
He's going through Hancock's Fingerprints of the Gods book that kicked off so much of this.


Sad that the only answer to my questions, that has any merit, didn't come from the Hancock schizo.


>Those are not defined (as much) by their cultural practices, which most of the time can't be reconstructed, but by their tools and construction methods.
Precisely. There are no similar constructions to the Tepes, that's why they say Gobleki Tepe and Karahan Tepe belong to a separate material culture. They are not part of the Khiamian or Natufian material culture.
>I also don't understand how the meteor caused a flash flood.
Glaciers are very big ice cubes. These ice cubes can be kilometers (or miles) tall. That is a lot of water.
>pic rel
The white stuff in the north of the planet are glaciers.

A meteor is an asteroid (big rock that can contain iron, platinum, and other metals) that is on a collision course with Earth. These meteors can be huge, like the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs hundreds of years ago. These meteors, pulled by Earth's gravitational pull accelerate towards the Earth. As they accelerate through the atmosphere, they compress the air in front of them, so they become very, very hot. So hot in fact that they glow (you may have seen "shooting stars", which aren't stars at all, but smaller meteors entering the atmosphere and burning up). Now you have a massive, buning metal-rock object hurtling to the Earth, picking up energy/momentum. When this rock hits the Earth, all that heat and energy it has collected has to go/dissipate somewhere (conservation of energy). If it hits a big block of ice, that energy will go into the ice (with some energy being converted to sound), melting it. The release of energy will be quite sudden and fast, and therefore it will melt a lot of the ice suddenly. When ice melts, it becomes water, and as they say, rest is history.
>asinine response like >>36894 (You) here about Pi measurement.
You asked me an asinine question. You asked how many digits of Pi they knew, thinking it is some gotcha cause you don't know how Pi is calculated. You thought it was some complicated equation computers have to do, when in reality one can get an approximation of Pi using a stick and a string. And the beauty of it it doesn't matter what units you use to measure the diameter and circumference, centimeters, inches, cubits, Pi is always the same because it is a ratio of those values.
>Last time i made him so salty he started to post photos of his pasty liberal hands to prove he knows anything about construction.
Making up lies is not a sign of confidence. If your position relies on making stuff up, then you don't even think it can stand on its own merits. I posted links to the previous threads and what you're saying never happened. Otherwise post the pics.
>ONE artefact or structure, that is all I am asking for.
We haven't explored the whole planet, how can you say it isn't out there?
>Also explain how the meteor lead to a flash flood.
Already have in this post.
>And while you are at it, explain why Hancocks ancient civilisation never expanded more than a couple hundred meters from the coast.
Much more than a "couple.hundred meters" was submerged after the sea levels rose. Try to look at a before and after map. Whole continents were submerged.
>I can't think of any examples for a group of subsistence farmers that limited themselves in such a way.
Because you made it up.
<make up thing
<say you're surprised the thing you made up never happened
You're a fucking dweeb, MiniMan.


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>My replies take little effort since he makes many obvious mistakes and I just want to see what happens when I keep pushing him. He has no choice but to keep replying to my posts, since nobody else is giving him attention on here.


First of all I don't even like the minuteman guy. The way he insists on Gobekli Tepe having been built buy huntergatherers is unfounded at the moment. As of this moment we don't have any clear evidence on whether or not the early phases coincided with early agriculture.
That is not the Younger Dryas impact hypothesis. According to the hypothesis the meteor disintegrated when entering earths atmosphere, which lead to the changes in earths climate. There is nothing about a global flash flood.
If such a massive global flood did occure you should be able to point towards geological evidence for it.
>still mad about the Pi question
>Making up lies is not a sign of confidence
I fully believe that anon. I caught you lying about your prior posts before.
>We haven't explored the whole planet, how can you say it isn't out there?
You admitted that you have nothing. I win.


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>>36955 (me)
Lets be honest, you are just a coping angloid that is big mad, about us Levantines creating civilisation.


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>That is not the Younger Dryas impact hypothesis. According to the hypothesis the meteor disintegrated when entering earths atmosphere, which lead to the changes in earths climate.
Next time don't get so excited at finding a "gotcha" that you stop reading as soon as you think you've found it.
<The Younger Dryas impact hypothesis: Review of the impact evidence
In the next paragraphs it says this fragments impacted the Earth.
>pic rel
That is why it is called the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis. Everything I have said about the meteor impact is still true.
>still mad about the Pi question
>How many digits of Pi did the lost civilization know?
You're the one who doesn't know the basic math behind Pi, thinking it is some super complicated number hard to calculate. You don't even need that many digits for the vast majority of things, certainly not building. NASA uses fifteen digits but that's because distances between planets are huge, so a higher degree of accuracy is required than for distances of tens, hundreds and thousands of meters.
>How advanced was the "lost" civilisation?
More advanced than you, apparently.
>I caught you lying about your prior posts before.
Another baseless claim. Don't you have anything better to do than to "troll" me?
>I win.
Seeing everything as a competition is a sign of someone who has been fully socialised into capitalism and has internalised the dominant ideology's logic. What are you even doing on this website if you aren't willing to criticise the dominant ideology, or if you happen to be a liberal, challenge your learned preconceptions? Are you here just to laugh at the "dumb commies"?

Communism isn't when everything stays the same but there's a world government and no money. Communists want to change everything, the totality of capitalism, including your liberal academic institutions teaching bullshit like consensus is more important than reality. You don't give a fuck about the truth, all you care about is that we all agree with the dominant narrative, nobody must question it, otherwise they will be fact-checked, pre-bunked, de-bunked, canceled, marginalised, and called a pseudo-whatever.

And you're not even a little bit funny. Sad.


>us Levantines creating civilisation.
>anti-hancock lib has been a nationalist all along
If you want to keep believing "you" created civilisation, no amount of evidence will ever convince you. You're motivated by emotion, not reason.


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So according to this paper the meteor did exactly what I said it did. Now where is the evidence for the giant wave?
And even if you could prove it, you still have no material or genetic evidence.
There is no need for a prior civilisation teaching people agriculture besides wishful thinking, they figured it out on their own.
cower before me whitey


>You asked me an asinine question.
Never asked you anything, you retarded schizo, i just pointed out how asinine your understanding of measurement is. Then again last time you couldn't even undestand that you don't need to constantly lift the stones up and back to ground to fit them to make a wall out of them.

>I posted links to the previous threads and what you're saying never happened. Otherwise post the pics.

Still mad i see. Seethe, shitlib.


<Confirming the age of ancient footprints

Have Tarantino sniff them


>ignores evidence
>posts picrure of guy pretending to be blind alongside it
Is this really where trolling has gone?


I'd love to see the evidence.


Been posted several times, even in the OP


There is nothing about artefacts or global tsunamis in the OP. Why are you lying again?


>Ancient footprints aren't evidence of the modern historical industry being a mess and an advanced civilization most likely having spread to the americas


Why are you shifting the goal posts away from the giant murder wave? Did you lie about having evidence?
>Ancient footprints
Humans could have arrived even earlier (didn't you read the article?) or they maybe even got there by boat (early humans also made it to australia with boats)
>historical industry
Could you name some people you consider to be part of Big Archaeology?


>>>/edu/16648 is also a thread about this topic


This dude lives rent free in your mind bro.


based archeologists proving the Bible correct yet again. the only explanation for how this could have happened is the Flood and Noah's Ark.


Archaeologists discover 476,000 year old structure, thought to be oldest known wooden structure …
Researchers from two UK universities have discovered what they say is the oldest known wooden structure, which they found at the Kalambo Falls, in Zambia, and, at almost 500,000 years old, predates the emergence of Homo sapiens. The archaeologists think the two large logs they found were joined together to make a structure, possibly the foundation of a platform or part of a dwelling. Prof Larry Barham, from the University of Liverpool’s Department of Archaeology, said whoever built this structure “transformed their surroundings to make life easier, even if it was only by making a platform to sit on by the river to do their daily chores. These folks were more like us than we thought.”


>oldest human artefact is no longer from israel



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We came from Africa obviously it's there, but going back half a million years it's not even our species any more.


Meh close enough, they're part of the human family like neanderthals


What is that suppose to be evidence of?


>people have been using tools to build artificial structures for hundreds of thousands of years, not just the last ~10k
>a lot of our structures weren't built from stone or other materials that will last a long time, so a lot of the evidence has rotted away
>contemporary history/archaeology theories keep having dates for developmental milestones pushed back because every time we find the oldest thing (so far) we assume we're not going to find an example that's even older


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It's a known fact that humans could build structures even before neolith. In fact in the last thread you even tryed to deny that because your argument was "how could they suddenly learn how to build stuff without some aliens or white people teaching them" and everybody and their mother were saying that hunter-gatherers knew how to build. You are one stupid motherfucker.

What it doesn't prove is existence of some super advanced civilization back then.



>the origin of the Atlantis cultural dispersal hypothesis isn't that racist guy Ignatius Donelly archaeologists all cite
>it's a French guy who was going to be a colonizer before he actually went to central America and concluded the Mayans were cool and the direct descendants of Atlantis
Thank you Dedunking. I would not have thought to look into this.



Uhhm…. Don't tell me Handcock's theories were based on Christian nonsense?? No… the Pyramids must have been built as granaries… despite following all the conventions of Egyptian tombs, being known by ancestors as tombs and having literal contemporary writing INSIDE them saying they were tombs… but where are the bodies in these monuments that were constantly pilfered for at least 1500 years?


are you telling me cuntham shitcock and all the other ancient aliens ass conspiracies are thinly veiled reactionary propaganda? im absolutely shocked


I always wondered why building the pyramids put a granary in all your towns in civ 2


Ah fuck, I can't believe they've done this


When did Hancock say they pyramids were grain silos? His whole thing is that they were built using more advanced knowledge than the usually attributed to the builders, and that they relate to the stars.


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> the anti communist Hancuck
Except that Hancock is a self-proclaimed Socialist and anti-liberal? I don't know whether the man is right or not, I don't have the archeological/historical authority to say definitively (and neither do any of the anons in this thread tbh), but these posts screaming about how he's [insert right-wing boogieman] hold no water. I can only conclude that this is because Nazi LARP pursued research of alternative Ancient Civilization history as part of their mystical brainworms, but that's just ideologues band-wagoning on an already existing concept, just as /pol/ does with a lot of anti-liberal critics.

TL;DR: He's not a nazi or a schizo for making theories and not sticking to the mainstream narrative. None of us know the real objective truth, especially as to Ancient History, so we are in no position to say that he's wrong. Rather than reflexively getting mad, it's best to read and think about the arguments and evidence Hancock presents and decide objectively whether his claims hold merit or not.


He cited a guy who was one of those woo nazis in one of his books, but he also cited a bunch of other people tbf. The idea that these ideas about lost civilizations started with the nazis is obviously wrong if you think about it for a second (like how the Atlantis story dates back at least as far as Plato). There definitely are racists today who push this stuff but they're also certainly not the only ones, and the liberal method of "racist do it so nobody else can" is always very stupid and in the case of alternative theories of history outright politically dangerous because it's used to cast anybody who questions the mainstream liberal history or racism or some other ism.


I've brought up this point before on other subjects but, There are many established MAINSTREAM theories and subjects that were studied by the Nazis and are accepted as fact, such as in biology. You may dislike these people for who they are, but it does not automatically make them wrong, that's dogmatism. I am in no way arguing for Nazi science or some shit, but my point is that you can't dismiss evidence just because the person that brings it up is an ideological enemy. A Soviet archeologist was one of the people that cracked the code of Mayan writing, by all ideological reasoning, Western historiography and archeologists should have rejected his work as something "those damn commies made up", but that's not how that works. And like you said, he does cite many other people who aren't Nazis.
>in the case of alternative theories of history outright politically dangerous because it's used to cast anybody who questions the mainstream liberal history or racism or some other ism.
Absolutely, it's how the Holodomor myth continues to be propagated despite many Western historians like Stephen Wheatcroft debunking it and having no communist or Soviet/Russian sympathies.


>it's how the Holodomor myth continues
The Holodomor being a myth is academic consensus. The myth is perpetuated by activists and journalists, who utilize media connections to promote their agenda. Kind of like how Hancock used his connections to get a documentary on netflix.


>The Holodomor being a myth is academic consensus.
It isn't. Historians to this day continue to propagate it as an unironic genocide of the Ukrainian People, even before 2014. History books in American Universities talk about it as a genocide and use the same old debunked myths and photos of the 1922 famine, and these textbooks and journals given to students to read are written by Ph.D 'historians' and 'academics'. Media propagating it further in films and other forms is a form of base-superstructure interaction. Netflix produces anything and everything, no matter how true or false, same as the History Channel and Discovery Channel before it. The Hancock documentary series is clearly a result of a big media company exploiting something. Hancock simply wasn't dumb enough to not take the chance to get a wider audience to his research.

Regardless of what your stance on Hancock may be, to compare his theories on alternative history with the CIA-shit Holodomeme is bad-faith false equivalency.

I don't agree with all his theories, but I don't presume to simply dismiss him because 80 years ago, the Nazi party latched on to alt-history for propaganda purposes. By that logic any valid criticism of the Capitalist system that /pol/ also shares, is now invalidated because the alt-right is riding the coat-tails of something they had no part of.


>The Holodomor being a myth is academic consensus.

Man i am a very, extremely lazy guy, so if you could inform me about studies that are against the "Holodomor" narrative please inform me.
I searched for the topic in a very long time on the internet and never actually got results
Almost all sources say "red famine" or "communism genocide" stuff. Is hard to take those "studies" seriously.


dangerously bourgeois cope and factually wrong as already pointed out

Holodomor myth has been debunked but is still a popular interpretation in mainstream academia, because - and I cannot emphasize this enough - academia itself is subject to bias, not just the reporting and education as you imply. This is the real kernel of the problem, the objection to any competing narrative with "the science" as it stands. Hancock has problems with his ideas but some of them also have some merit. But many academics fall prey to scientism or positivism and treat their field like a higher revealed truth rather than an ongoing process of study. That's because "science" and academia has been codified within bourgeois liberal society as a substitute for religion and academics for the clerics. That's not to say that academia is bad, but it can be (and has been) corrupted by its sociopolitical context for the interests of the ruling class. Part of this function entails protecting the reigning theories, which have been crafted to suit bourgeois interests.


>The Holodomor being a myth is academic consensus
try telling that to Glowiepedia
bourgeois historiography isn't science though, unlike historical materialism


>bourgeois historiography isn't science though
That's what's being defended from counternarratives, not historical materialism.


The responses are very telling.
This isn't about truth, it is about being a contrarian. Even if you have the backing of mainstream academics you have to pretend otherwise, because them agreeing with you threatens your status as brave rebels, who fight the lies of those academic eggheads. Sad.


What the fuck is this vague accusation even referring to? To whom?


What are you talking about? The overall point of "there are older cultures we haven't found yet" or "ancient peoples were more advanced than we give them credit for" are pretty mainstream. Some of the more marginal and less important claims that Hancock reports are also seeing more evidence pointing towards them, like that crater found under the Hiawatha glacier or the South American crop residue found on Rapa Nui.


>The Holodomor being a myth is academic consensu

Leftypedia does not agree with that


>In the early 1930s a series of food crises affected major agricultural countries,[4] the one in the UkSSR being an outright famine:

>[…] the USSR experienced an unusual environmental disaster in 1932: extremely wet and humid weather that gave rise to severe plant disease infestations, especially rust. Ukraine had double or triple the normal rainfall in 1932. Both the weather conditions and the rust spread from Eastern Europe, as plant pathologists at the time documented. Soviet plant pathologists in particular estimated that rust and other fungal diseases reduced the potential harvest in 1932 by almost nine million tons, which is the largest documented harvest loss from any single cause in Soviet history.

>— Mark Tauger, [5]

This was followed by severe drought.

>Anticommunist sabotage also had an influence.[6][7] While collectivization might have influenced the famine, its extent remains disputed, but is likely that inappropriate procurement targets also contributed to the crisis.

>The Soviets responded to the famine by sending food aid and reducing food quotas and food exports.[8][9][10][11] Despite their efforts, modern analysis indicates that 1.8–2.5 million people still perished, which corresponds to the Soviet estimate of 2.4 million.[12]


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