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Its about time we talk about the connection between Harry Potter, Liberalism, and idpol.

and also how JK Rowling is the biggest blair simp
283 posts and 69 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>What's the best Harry Potter parodies/bootlegs have you read?
My Immortal


>Someone reupped it
LMAO I remember this shit, fun times.


A classic.


Not sure if it counts as a 'parody' but it does make fun of/fix a lot of plot holes from the books, I just read Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality again a few weeks ago and enjoyed it.

Yes, it's by Eliezer Yudkowsky, but hey, I still think most of the messages in it are good.



oh yeah, I've been meaning to read this


there's also a audio version with character voices if you like that




Welp it finally happened.


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Reject Rowling
Embrace Rosen


>Fallacious argumentation of "well the Nazis believed X, so anyone that believes it is automatically Nazis"
By that slippery-slope logic, any socialist is a Nazi because of some similarities in ideological belief. Not to mention the fact that the Nazis also believed in other medical facts that remain FACTS, hell some of their human experimentation - while a crime against humanity - confirmed facts that are proven.
I don't care for J.K. Rowling but this is just shoddy bait, and she's an idiot for taking it.


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For sure, and look this is the kind of reason I have no respect for twitter screencaps. Most of the posts are blatantly fallacious.
<The first is an association fallacy (trying to create guilt by association)
<The second just assumes events from mid-air, wishful thinking fallacy
<The third passes. (Even if some would nitpick that Holocaust denial is a specific concept referring to certain denials, I think calling it Holocaust denial is fine and valid mainstream terminology, since JK is definitely engaging in historical denial of Nazi persecution)
<as circled, the fourth just rips up some goalposts, puts them a millimetre apart and sticks a strawman dressed as a clown in front

And as a bonus, unless there are more tweets we're not seeing, the Wikipedia editor also can't fucking read. Seriously, I don't think I'm particularly smart, but my reading comprehension, even when basically asleep, just seems outstanding compared to this shit. Two retards fighting, then one punches the ref.


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The Wikipedia editor can read, because they're blatantly and intentionally misrepresenting the situation to the point that its clearly bad faith action. They get away with it too since 90% of people don't check the sources or what the sources actually demonstrate/say - that's how a ton of anti-communist myths get posted fact there. Also thanks for perfectly explaining each of these assholes' sort of fallacy… it's just *chefs kiss*. Reading that entire exchange makes me feel like an adult watching 2 kids get into a verbal pissing contest.



>"well the Nazis believed X, so anyone that believes it is automatically Nazis"
Bruh she literally went "nuh-uh" when somebody brought up a part of the holocaust.


>simplism and outright parroting the wiki assertion
Oh look, more bait! Go back twitterite.


My opinion on Harry Potter changed after reading Mob Psycho 100. Most wizards are useless pricks that are too over-reliant on magic, they can't change a light bulb without a wand these guys.


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For those who haven't watched it, here is the torrent for all films, but more importantly, extra audio channels for listening listen to:
Wizard People, Dear Reader - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wizard_People%2C_Dear_Reader
(and Rifftrax for all films)



>Its about time we talk about the connection between Harry Potter, Liberalism, and idpol.
We've talked about this on this website about 74 times one after another


I love wpdr. It permanently changed my vocabulary. I wish Neely's other projects were more successful


>replying to a 4 year old post just to say nothing


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I wonder what is going to happen with the Harry Potter show. I can see the Executives being fully okay with lgbt hatred but holocause denial? Well that's a bit too far even for normalfags


>I can (…) holocause denial?
Oh noes leftypol gonna be canceled by twitter intellectuals


ah but she only denied the holocaust of trans people, not jews, so it's fine.



almost every character besides the main cast of harry-ron-hermione is far more interesting than them combined even with barely any focus
it's why its so popular for fanfiction (besides just its general popularity)


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this seems ominous


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It's popular to dunk on Harry Potter for the bad politics, but people don't talk enough about the weird psychology on display.
>Jo IRL is obsessed with trans women in bathrooms
>2nd HP book revolves around the villain hiding his giant snake in a girls' bathroom, and just seeing the snake directly can kill you


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Are you just bumping this thread with loosely related E-Drama every week or so? You're REALLY making a stretch considering what came first and Rowling's current politics having nothing to do with the books she wrote literally 2 decades ago. This is far beyond "Orcs are Black People"-tier fallacy and going into schizo-territory.


you cant complain about "e-drama" being mentioned in a thread about a book series whose author loves tweeting out their thoughts as much as possible
also fun fact, we're on the internet
this argument is e-drama, oh no


when the white boy reaches in his bag 😂😂😂😂🤣🏃💯


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>you cant complain about "e-drama"
Can and will
>in a thread about a book series whose autho
Everything to say about Rowling has been said so many fucking times (ITT included) it's beyond overdone. Posting twitter updates is EDrama and isn't actually new or relevant
>this argument is EDrama
No, that's not what EDrama means, you babbling baboon.
>we're on the internet
Specifically we're on an imageboard website, on a board about hobbies like books and film, and this thread is about the Harry Potter books. Occassional comments about the author may be relevant, but only in regards to the actual written material, these posts malding about some Blairite posting tweets and getting responses from liberals has nothing to do with Harry Potter as a story or a franchise, it's literally Yellow News tier /isg/shit that belongs on that cancerous general.

Furthermore you proceed to pointedly ignore how much of a fucking reach the post I was responding to is. It's basically schizophrenic shit trying to tie two irrelevant things together using very loose threads. In fact >>42343 is absolutely NO different to shit twitter libs say using Harry Potter analogies "Zelensky is Harry and Putin is Voldemort!" for example.

TL;DR: It's boringly trite and a tiresome negative circle-jerking about a topic barely even tangentially involved. Take it to /isg/.


e-drama means electronic drama
youre using an electronic computer hooked up to the electronic internet to argue about this
hence this is e-drama


Almost the entire reason Harry Potter is still relevant is that the author is a raving bigot online.


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E-Drama as a TERM deciphers into Electronic Drama, but you're being deliberately obtuse, because by your metric, nearly EVERYTHING is E-Drama as our lives are intrinsically connected to the electronics at this point. This is of course incorrect. E-Drama is used specifically in reference to INTERNET dramatics that are purely online and/or superficial that illicit high emotional reactions and argument; stuff like "le Culture War" or "memes" of which this is an example of. This does not apply to electronics, any more than Electronic Arts would be used as a term for any type of electricity related 'artwork'. To summarize; Usage of electronics to argue is not in and of itself E-Drama, any more an email correspondence is "E-Drama".

Rowling's modern political views are only loosely related to Harry Potter's story. While her ideological beliefs may vaguely appear within and influence the story itself, it is not the focus, nor are her twitter rants usually related to Harry Potter, especially as of recently. Even when they are, it is a case of Death of Author, as they are retroactive claims from after the books and movies were made and finished. Hell, at least discussion of such retroactive shitposts is actually relevant and can be interesting to take apart from a literary perspective, but her purely political screeds and the idiots that respond to them are no different to Steven King's political postings and responses and how they relate to his literature, (in that they don't). Therefore they have no relevance to this thread, and belong in the "Internet Spectacle General" as it is purely online political

I repeat; it's been done to death ITT and outside it, if you wanna wank about twitter screencaps, do so on /isg/, it's tiresome to have multiple posts whining about the same irrelevant shit over and over again when there's literally anything else relevant to Harry Potter to discuss as a story. Culture War garbage belongs in the trash with the /pol/fags and libshits that take part in it.

1) "X is muh bigot!" has been thrown around so much and so arbitrarily that it's become a meaningless phrase. Also, imagine taking sides on a liberal social media slap-fight. The people 'arguing' with Rowling are just as retarded, as demonstrated by the failed "boycott" of the most recent Harry Potter vidya and other idiotic takes.
2) Uh no, you underage idiot. I've posted this before - The Harry Potter fandom is one of the largest online fandoms to exist from the 90s to the 2000s, proven by the fact that the number of fan-sites, fanfics and fan-art as well as rip-offs and parodies of it exceed massive and older popular IPs like Dragon Ball, Marvel Comics and Star Wars. You kids don't seem to remember how insanely popular Harry Potter was and remains to this day. Harry Potter gets referenced constantly, the name is instantly recognizable. This is further remarkable given that unlike some later franchises that got popular in mass-media, Harry Potter did so in the very early days of social media and internet, when things did not go 'viral' easily, yet it spread across the world in dozens of languages and for multitudes of age-demogrphics, despite being initially aimed at child-teens within the Anglosphere. And considering that it did so initially in book format further proves my point, since visual media like film is more easily spread compared to written language.


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People have been making this joke for literal decades, whoever this post was by isn't as clever as they think. Presenting a cold take like its hot unironically is redditor behaviour.

To be fair, re-reading Harry Potter, I start noticing little references to the socio-economic environment from the time-period of her writing, and her experiences in them coming up within the story's details; In Philosopher's Stone for example Mr. Dursley makes a joking remark about Harry taking his time with the mail, asking if he was checking for a mail/letter-bomb, something the IRA did do during The Troubles. Plus Irish people are often depicted as hot-headed, with explosive tempers (the historical materialism behind this is complicated so I'll detail that in another post later) which is also referenced. However people should also keep in mind this was clearly a passing gag/joke, and one that isn't actually referenced very often. I think I can remember only 3 times this gets mentioned over the entire series - maybe 4 - as it was mostly a one-off humorous moment of a children's story, not a political commentary. Neville's fuck-ups were far more focused on. If someone actually gets offended over something this mild then they're terminally burger-brained. Serious classical Russian literature would give them a fit in that case.

As a side note it would be more accurate to say Seamus is the only Irish character seen and interacted with directly. Irish characters appear, Goblet of Fire's beginning involves the entire Irish Quidditch Team, and other Irish characters are referenced directly.


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She does not like trans people bro. She's not even doing the whole concern trolling about "women's spaces" schtick anymore, like she does not like trans people at all. I know you're gonna browbeat me in an excruciatingly tedious manner about how I'm a horrible SJW and doing freaking unwholesome culture war e-drama by pointing out this simple fact, so let me just let you know in advance that I'm not gonna read your text wall.


Look up Medusa


nooo anons, please don't corrupt the purity of the possible discussion of a 25 year old children's book series for children by bringing the author into it!! just because every other fandom on earth would do this doesn't mean we have to stoop to their level!
we should be having serious and interesting meaningful discussions over topics like: could harry potter cast a vanishing spell on 119,980 ballot papers in, say, 2016? does he have the power? is his magic good enough? would he canonically get in trouble for doing so? if one belonged to hagrid would he leave it and pick a different one to destroy??
and what if wizards had phones? haha how would that go. hogwarts whatsapp. (don't cite twitter, no popery here, in my lutheran harry potter fandom we go by scripture alone.)


I'm going to stab you


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>She does not like trans people bro
uygha, I do not care because her twitter shitposts have almost ZERO impact on real life. It's all online Culture War bullshit, and giving it attention is pathetic. What do you think screencapping her and talking about this shit achieves? She's become a multi-millionaire, she has quite literally mocked people for replying and giving her this attention stating verbatim that she can quite literally go dry her tears with her bills of money.
And again, it has basically nothing to do with the main thread topic.
>browbeat me in an excruciatingly tedious manner about how I'm a horrible SJW
<Being a poorly read twitter-tard that can only read small excerpts like the media I constantly obsess over is akchually you being boring
Leftypol used to mock /pol/ for not being able to read/discuss at length… disappointing
>Muh EssJayDubu!
At no point have I mentioned this, you're projecting, because you're a terminally online liberal invested in a meaningless spook of culture war nonsense.
>by pointing out this simple fact
If it was once or twice that wouldn't be an issue, but it's being repeatedly brought up ad nauseum, when nothing has actually changed. You may as well post /pol/ screencaps about the newest OP about how much they hate jews and commies, it's the same old shit that has no real-life impact. Go Outside, Touch Grass.
>Everything that isn't as short as a twitter post is a textwall
Ok /pol/faggot.

>we should be having serious and interesting meaningful discussions over topics like: could harry potter cast a vanishing spell on 119,980 ballot papers in, say, 2016
I agree with >>42418 KYS for being a pretentious slippery-slope strawmanning faggot.


if you've got a magical (heh) third position beyond "talking about the author and the public discourse around the series" (which you've repeatedly said you don't care for) and "talking about the books and films themselves" ("pretentious slippery-slope strawmanning") i'd love to hear it.

no points for retard house if that position is "stop talking about harry potter", however, given you're in the harry potter thread.


What the fuck are you even on about? I'm not making a "third position". You're being blatantly disingenuous.


the harry potter books have no real life impact. this thread has no real life impact. we shouldn't talk about anything. delete this whole website and hecking touch grass
that anon stinks of "centrist" debate bros whose entire schtick is having no real point while getting mad at "SJWs" for caring about something in the slightest


jk rowling hate is mostly corny now i think
shes gotten too mask off with her reactionary sentiments at this point for any dunks to be epic and funny, and the impotency of "cancel culture" against someone with actual wealth/power who can "cancel" back much much harder is becoming more and more evident


she shouldn't be seen as funny, she should be seen as educational. it was obvious that she was a reactionary even when she appeared to have "normal" progressive social views. for those who knew she proudly aligned herself with the 2000s Labour party (which, like Rowling, has a wholly undeserved reputation for social liberalism), everything else follows entirely naturally. what would you expect from someone who wrote a book while on welfare, then promoted and donated huge sums to a government who's first move in office was to cut welfare for single mothers? what would you expect, in short, of an upwardly mobile wealthy british person? of course they turn vehemently against redistributive or even reformist politics, of course they adopt the social norms of britain's paedophile ruling class.


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>the harry potter books have no real life impact.
Provably false. Your entire attempt at mockery is dead on arrival because you go beyond hyperbole and straight into slipper-slop fallacy nonsense. You need to "hecking touch grass" you braindead twitter brained ignoramus.
>If you want irrelevant nonsense to be posted in the thread it belongs in you're a "centrist"… entire schtick is having no real point
I do have a point, you're projecting your own pointlessness. Rowling's political drama is purely online and you're letting her live rent free in your heads, and forcing it on everyone else ITT. Mocking liberals or even Rowling herself for using Harry Potter for real world analogies is one thing, but the past few posts about Rowling is just annoying internet spectacle that belongs on the general literally called that - /ISG/. As stated, everything about Rowling's politics that can be said, has been said ITT and outside it too, we don't need updates that are simply a new repetition of the old, it's tiresome and so irrelevant to the actual thread topic that IT DOES NOT BELONG HERE. Literally NOTHING is stopping you faggots from making a "Rowling Hate" debate on /isg/, it'd certainly get more replies.
<hating SJWS
At no point did I bring up or even implicate SJWs, you two nitwits did. Take meds
>for caring about something in the slightest
<Shit up thread with twitter screencaps that are not relevant to the thread
<Get told that its gotten tiresome and belongs in the existing thread for the subject of internet spectacle
<"Waaaah, why can't I post my irrelevant identity politics squabble on a thread that has nothing to do with it!?"
Disingenuous, two-faced radlibs like you deserve the wall. You come to places and shit there, then feign shock and offense for being told off.

Unironically caring about online drama that doesn't impact anyone and is entirely internet spectacle (e.g. /ISG/). It's not even discussion of media and stories which are still real in the sense of cultural impact and being works of art/writing/music, it's just being snide about some dumb social media post nobody will remember in 5 years time because secretly you're asshurt about what someone said on their social media account: "Wow, Rowling said [insert some neolib shit], she's such a cunt right?", rinse and repeat a dozen times with slightly different wording, like a chatbot. Hell, Rowling probably spends less time on this shit than you morons do. Congrats on giving her attention!

This. Fucking this.

>she shouldn't be seen as funny, she should be seen as educational.
In what way? The idea that a liberal is just an unscratched fascist is well known among actual leftists, and seeing this isn't convincing any liberal to stop being one, they'll pretend it's "just a bad egg" and lean towards whatever particular flavor of liberal cancer they believe in. If you already know the liberal-fascist pipeline, then watching Rowling's social media is a waste of time, because you already know, so why let some online nonsense be your personal boogieman?


lol the OP of this thread is literally a twitter screencap and explicitly prompts discussion about the series' politics
what are you doing man
what fight are you fighting


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The OP image of the thread is a twitter screencap from 4 years ago and was reposted from a leftypol thread mocking Rowling and is about liberals being stuck in their escapist fantasy books to the point that they project it onto real life like idiots and it was still for the sake of discussion about Harry Potter. That is my entire 'fight'. Love Harry Potter, hate it, that's the discussion topic. Not some rich bitches comments. Her also being HP's author doesn't make this shit relevant. If it was funny like mocking her for the random spaz shit like "Dumbledore was totally gay!" that's actually funny, because it's clearly tokenized attention whoring, attempting to ride the fame of her books for clout. Rants about how much of a meanie she is because of [insert liberal debate topic No.12345] is just tiresome and unfunny. Capiche?

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