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This is the capeshit film thread
Discuss capeshit
I'll admit I hate Marvel films, first off they're some of the glowies films out there, every single one fellates the Pentagon. The plots are almost all identical, filled with general pro-porky propaganda. The jokes are overdone and stale, literally Adam Sandler humor. The CIA is shit for such expensive productions. The characters are getting stale. Fuck these movies, death of cinema shit piles.
131 posts and 26 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




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yes, it's the only kind of bad propaganda that matters to me and sane people,

but i assume you reactionaries are aesthetic mongers that aren't even communists

not my problem if you piss yourself over, women and gay people


i genuinely have no idea why you're talking about deadpool 2

the only thing i know remember that movie for is that a stunt worker died

and i can't remember if her family was even taken care of not


People getting the powers of Thor when they pick up the hammer due to being worthy was always a thing.

Isn't Favreau a producer on the MCU movies? It probably was him lol.


Yeah, Beta Ray Bill comes to mind, There are so many
Even in the MCU, it's already been lifted by Vision, Cap and the legendary coat rack

Wasn't Fear Itself a storyline where everyone gets hammers, like even Deadpool


Picrel isn’t capeshit, it’s a Space Opera/Fantasy


whatever, fascist


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>yes, it's the only kind of bad propaganda that matters to me and sane people
<U-ur reactionaries
<reddit spacing
Go back you idpol spouting faggot, radical liberals are fascist LARPers pretending to be leftist
>piss yourself over, women and gay people
1) Strawman; tokenized and retarded insertion is disliked for being forced inclusivity.
2) Learn better grammar.

SPOILER WARNING: Reactionary faggotry


>People getting the powers of Thor when they pick up the hammer due to being worthy was always a thing
Getting the powers of Thor, not becoming/replacing him. Not to mention that's not an excuse for blatant liberal idpol


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>calling someone a fascist for liking a movie you don't like
>muh reddit spacing
>using fallacies and then calling out fallacies

Very clear you're a pseud and only interested in wokescolding, and shitflinging.

enjoy your aesthetic politics phase

reminder to the readlets

FASCISM is when the ruling class, industries unites with right-wingers to go mask off in their exploitation of people, and use violence against leftists because of a threat of popular communist/leftist movement

It is not in fact when a comic book movie shows two gay rocks holding hands over lava to make a baby.

I can't wait for Thor 5 to be a roadtrip movie, with Hercules


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>muh reddit spacing
Yes, it's shit formatting and a waste of space.
>using fallacies
>calling someone a fascist for liking a movie you don't like
No, you got called fascist for skirting around and trying to defend blatant liberalism and its propaganda. Just because its "gay" or some other color of idpol doesn't make it excluded from being propaganda.
>Very clear you're a pseud and only interested in wokescolding, and shitflinging.
Nice liberal buzzphrases to try and deflect from the point. Just one problem, you're replying to at least 2 different people.
>enjoy your aesthetic politics phase
Yeah go back or lurk more, liberalism is cancer and you're blatantly obvious. Either that or you're a massive theorylet.
>fascism is [proceeds to cut out important parts of fascism and insert 'le repression of leftists']
<ignores the key part about class collaborationism
<ignores the part that it is about reactionaries, not necessarily right-wingers
<ignores that liberals are not leftist
No, read Lenin for starters and then move on to some other literature about fascism.
>It is not in fact when a comic book movie shows two gay rocks holding hands over lava to make a baby
Idpol is cancer, take it back to your shithole.
>I can't wait for Thor 5 to be a roadtrip movie, with Hercules
Random as fuck but Ok. I'd be fine with that, and I liked Thor Ragnarok and the original Thor, even though its capeshit, because it's enjoyably fun for the most part.


you're a fascist because you like and defend fascist propaganda


>Your political beliefs determine what pop culture trash you’re allowed to like
One of the most cancerous developments of the post-20th Century, specifically the mid-2010s onwards


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No fucktard, I can still enjoy Lethal Weapon and understand the police are not those kinds of heroes IRL for the majority. I can still enjoy a fantasy fiction and understand that the concept of monarchism is not really as noble as the tales. These are all things for the sake of art and fun. I've berated people on leftypol for trying to claim that politics are all there is to culture and media consumption.
This does not exclude the concept of pushing ideology be it openly reactionary (nazi-type shit) or the hidden reactionary (liberalism) being pushed as propaganda in Hollywood, if you don't believe that, then read more, read The CIA in Hollywood, read up about the Red Scare films and read about the fascistic ideology pushed by liberal films like Captain Marvel and Black Panther.
Pop-culture trash enjoyment is one thing, uncritically denying blatant liberalism is another.
See >>13010


IMO Capeshit today has gotten so bad it has worse writing than Dragon Ball Z, GT and Super


Are there any superhero movies that ultimately don't boil down to "cops and feds are le good and we must protect the status quo?"


Mystery Men


Yeah it was pretty good. Why tho the parole board memebers had medals from USSR?


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There's a portrait of Karl Marx in the X-Men mansion? (Deadpool 2)


Just watched Wakanda Forever. I mean, it's alright. The highlight of the movie of course is Namor, whose played by a fantastic hispanic actor. I know comic movies are bad and corporate id pol is too of course. But the actor was so good and they were so respectful to indigenous latin culture that I'm sitting here as a non-hispanic person trying to understand now how people cant just be happy for others when they have good representation in an otherwise dominated field?


Are they based?


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The actor who played Namor was great, indeed, but
>they were so respectful to indigenous latin culture
They literally made a war between an african country and an indigenous tribe and painted them as savages who had to be dealt with kid's gloves for 90% of the film until they finally engage in battle (because the indigenous are too savage for reason) and make the indigenous surrender and retreat back into their cave to proceed planning their malicious deeds. Not based imo.


Literally the first thing Namor does is try to reason. He even tries to talk it out again later. He also just so happens to be a blood thirsty god king thus his people would do whatever he says.

I don't care if the water Mexicans win or loose. I was just pointing out they looked and acted cool


Fuck Razorfist. He's a complete retard and a poser. And a typical reactionary burger retard.

I swear what the hell is it about Arizona that somehow creates people like him?


Watched Black Adam, dropped about 2/3 of the way in
These shits don't even have a plot anymore


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>People dislike homogenous, toothless, utterly corporate, literal children’s films that frequently try to be “deeper” and “more complex” than they possibly can be (being essentially children’s media)
<Clearly they are just being contrarian
The actual problem was that kid’s movies dominated the box office for over a decade and had an intense adult fanbase


>Pointing out your own schizophrenia as an argument


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>Replying a year later to just cry "S-schizo"
Concession accepted, ideologue.


Interesting take. Digits don't lie, after all. I believe superhero movies portray the mythology of Neoliberalism (if you could call it that) on the big screen with all the glitz and glamour possible. The most egregious example of this that I can think of is Iron man. Tony Stark is the mythologized ideal of an intelligent, wealthy and charismatic techno-optimist who solves all of humanity's problems. Funny how he embodies every bit of cope that porkies throw at working class people in order to provide them "solutions" for their problems and also makes them look good while doing that. That too to the point where people have started drawing parallels between him and the apartheid leech Elon Musk. It's no coincidence that he's considered the coolest Marvel hero.


Is the age of capeshit coming to an end? It seems like lately the studios have been taking a lot of Ls. Joker was the last one that made any waves, but it's pretty much only technically capeshit.


It's over, the satire has already been recuperated


I think it's more telling that he creates a machine that basically creates unlimited energy and instead of using that to free the world of fossil fuels he uses it to power his toys instead.


>another American teen High School drama
Just what we all wanted. I'd rather have another series of The Boys, tbh
>Is the age of capeshit coming to an end?
Capeshit as we know it, yes. Sony shit the bed years ago with Xmen Dark Phoenix, Marvel has kind of just been treading water since Endgame, and DC couldn't pull off a hit if their lives depended on it.
In a broader sense though, I think that films have got as big as they're going to get now. I very much doubt any film will make more than Endgame or Avatar 2, and even if Avatar 3 squeaks past the old record, they're not going to be able to sustain that level of growth for all 6 sequels. The last 20 or so years will probably be remembered as the most extravagant in the history of the medium in terms of budgets and scope (thinking about the MCU), and I believe it's only downhill from here, at least in terms of scale.
Oh also, remember the Dark universe? fucking lol


>The last 20 or so years will probably be remembered as the most extravagant in the history of the medium in terms of budgets and scope (thinking about the MCU), and I believe it's only downhill from here, at least in terms of scale.

If so then thank god, not a one of these films was any good, maybe we can get back to slightly interesting films


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Marvel is doomed


um because all bodies are beautiful and deserve representation you hateful bigot


Personally I think the whole "fat acceptance" movement is a food conglomerate psyop to sell more food. And to legitimize a unhealthy lifestyle. Seriously, don't those people know how much strain they are putting on their body and heart by having that much fat? They are leading themselves into a early grave.


stop replying to yourself


I will bite the bait. That isn't fat. Not everyone has the body of a supermodel.


>Fatties detected. Opinion discarded
This sites fucking trash now. Some light fat shaming and my post gets deleted. Fucking bullshit site should be renamed to sjwpol


Why is MCU so absolute boring shit now? I remember being excited to watch Marvel films up to the first Avengers and then after that the fatigue quickly set in. The only MCU films I've had any interest in were the Spiderman ones. Why is everything so same and boring and shit?

Actually no I actually watched the Raimi Dr Strange film and enjoyed it because it was so batshit which is what I expected from Raimi.


I was being sarcastic you fat fuck


Super is weirdly apocryphal the main character is literally a chinletjak. Its the most realisitic super hero movie imho since its just a schizo christofascist who doles out unnecessary violence on lumpenproles until the end where they face off with actual organized criminals and sidekick literally gets there head blowed off. I didn't like the ending at all and thought it was a forced happy ending. Its a weird ass movie but viewing as a satire on /pol/yp LARPers is pretty funny


RIP Rogue's Ass


the wokerati strike again


Funniest part is that most of the men are still muscular.

Also inb4 "Muh mutants and Rogue were meant to represent the gay struggle"
Stan Lee literally created the idea of Mutants because he was tired of creating hundreds of backstories for the superpowers his characters had, so it was just "the X-Gene" and it let him create characters more freely… that's it, that was the entire motivation behind the X-Men. And the idea of alienation and wanting to be accepted by society is a universal concept among all people. The flamboyant designs are also just because it was cool, and literally applies to most superheroes in DC and Marvel that have no relation to the X-Men. If gay people identified with it, then good for them, but it wasn't intended to be specific to any one person or group, and people trying to say that are projecting their own political views onto illustrated power-fantasies for children and teens.


IMO Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes is probably the best version of the Avengers. Venxous has a good video series on the individual characters and generally its pretty well made for a capeshit cartoon series.

Also the intro theme slaps.

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