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/music/ - Music

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Thread for Palestinian music against Zionism.
Songs from other Arab regions or across the world in support of Palestinians are also fine.palestinePalestine
53 posts and 91 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


PFLP song: The red flag appeared. I got this from their website.


Saddam era Iraqi song for PalestinepalestinePalestine




God damn what a based song.


Instead of being a jew-like you can spread love & peace and not war & hate. People around the globe will then see Plastinians as pacifists, and Israelis as war-loving that profit off of war and killing. #PeePeeNetanyahuResign #FreePalestine #2StatesSolution


>People around the globe will then see Plastinians as pacifists, and Israelis as war-loving that profit off of war and killing
Majority already do. And why is it a bad thing to have songs about punishing those who profit off of war and killing and avenging those who were killed by them?
2 states "solution" = a big Israel with Palestine as a weak puppet state, just like with the "bantustans" of apartheid South Africa.palestinePalestine


Posting mp3s found on archive.org.
Some from Hamas and some from PIJpalestinePalestine






Holy kek


Lmfao this is fucking great


>>1777 (checked)
There was a Hezbollah song with a similar beat, do any of your know it? It used to be possible to find it on youtube by searching for "hezbollah katyusha song".


This is an updated remake of that video with a more accurate translation.palestinePalestine


You mean this one?palestinePalestine


Yes it is, thank you so much!


continued mp3 dumppalestinePalestine

















thank you anon


File: 1627806645032.mp4 (7.24 MB, 854x480, Al Quds is ours.mp4)







These kinds of threads are so baffling to me. OP, do you ever actually listen to music you enjoy? Or is your entire existence some kind of LARP?


not OP but i have pretty eclectic music taste so i love shit like this too. i got into Julia Boutros romance ballads because of her songs about Hamas and Hezbollah.



anyone got an english translation of this?


uh, yes? this category is not even 1% of my files.
this place is one of the few areas where you can post this sort of thing without getting banned for "terrorism promotion" or some shit.




name of tune in first vid?


this is catchy


Youtube carried out another purge. RIP.





Bump for the occasion!



does the Palästinalied count as pro palestinian?


that fascist salute is a little spicy


File: 1698760394860.mp4 (33.89 MB, 714x548, Ansar Allah PIJ Song.mp4)


Not Palestinian, but a cool joyful Japanese song celebrating Leila Khaled, famous PFLP air pirate, I just love it.


Bumping for current events.


Unique IPs: 15

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