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 No.1838552[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Remember!!: R.I.P. Russell Bentley


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine
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Ziggers are either dumb or very sick people. I hope this war will end soon so this cheering will end.



nobody is cheering


>you are shining so much light you almost glow
"Yes, OPERATIONAL SECURITY is the reason I'm too lazy to sign a fucking online petition. I, a first world leftist, am in immense danger of being assassinated by the Ukrainian police for this."

give me a fucking break


Ok motherfucker i will see if i maybe perhaps could sign this


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 No.805130[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

🗽United States Politics🦅

Absolute State of America Edition

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth.


State mandated propaganda livestreams:
CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
Bloomberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dp8PhLsUcFEegalitarianism
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yep this one's going in my burgerpunk compilation


👏 normalize 👏 pooping 👏 your pants 👏


Jesus Christ.


I was waiting for some kind of reveal that this wasn't real


How cooked does your brain have to be to think this makes the cops look good? This is clearly somebody with a limited awareness of what's going on around them, and probably a limited ability to communicate given they're clearly dubbing a voice over since this individual doesn't have lips and can't make most of the sounds needed to say those words.


 No.1841747[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

So you think you are a worthless NEET? Let's see what uncle Ted has to say:
>The people whose behavior is fairly well under the control of the system are those of the type that might be called “bourgeois.” But there are growing numbers of people who in one way or another are rebels against the system: welfare leeches, youth gangs, cultists, satanists, Nazis, radical environmentalists, militia-men, etc.

NEETs are rebelling against the system! We are part of the rebellion! Ted is based!!!
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>Are you kidding? He's out of his mind right now. He talks about human extinction even on zoom lectures like its another monday and finds it fun.

He's literally always done this, it was his entire thing and this predates moldbug by a loooooooot. Did you only ever read Land through Fisher or something?


>nakedly being afraid of death though.
There is nothing to be ashamed of in it. Since at least it is something to strive to combat rather than an acceptance of in an act of defeatism. The latter is a reactionary view which is inherently hostile towards the idea of betterment. It is nihilist by character.
>there's nothing wrong with *dying.* People do it all the time.
Yes, Ted is dead and he deserved it. Reactionary wrecking fucker. His fanboys should follow him.


>He's literally always done this,
In scifi writings? In pseudo fiction / philosophy? Because that doesn't matter. Neither did the flying dicks or dicks everywhere.


And inb4 'duh luddism is reactionary'. Ted does not deserve that label. Neither do his followers. The original luddites opposed the instruments that were being used to exploit them, they did not reject the instruments themselves, but how they were being used against them. Technophiles are fully capable of self-criticizing and destroying the harmful aspects of technology with its exploitative uses, however that is inherently connecting with seizing the means of production. Which primitivists give no shits about as they see society itself as unsalvageable. This is why the next frontier was anti-civ and post-civ in continuation.


>Whatever his following is after he began drug abuse is neither leftist nor interested in technology for the same reasons he is now in preaching extermination. Unlike the entirety of primitivist thought which has never shifted or changed its goals in excessive misanthrophy.
They are still technophile groups. They may not be the original fans, but that doesn't change what they are
this still applies lol
<but that doesn't mean I cant find the same shit with the technophiles.
>Nick Land fans didin't go stabbing random hikers and sending bombs to universities and in public places.
true, but the schizo actions of those people doesn't fundamentally change what the "current" landians or landian influenced people believe in.
And you can even argue they arent engaging in the stabbing and bombing, because theres no point for them to do so Since, their beliefs are the whole technocapital WILL eventually exterminate humanity and replace it with whats arguably a techno dystopia/feudalist or whatever(from a certain pov).
Which in some ways its worse, since thats just we know this fucked up future will happen no matter what, and we will activetly support it aka dont do anything against it, and etc.
>Unlike the entirety of primitivist thought which has never shifted or changed its goals in excessive misanthrophy.
I doubt that. I dont know if I can believe the entirity of primitivist thought was like that


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 No.1842286[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Down with imperialism, down with capitalism, down with zionism. The protests are spreading beyond the US. Don't let up the pressure, make sure to strike when the iron is hot.
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StAbBeD iN tHe EyE
<EXACT QUOTE: "I was stabbed in the eye last night on Yale University's campus because I am a Jew." - Sahar Tartak


I'm talking about the two pedophile rapist Amerikkkan zionist presidents who are backing Israeli slaughter of Gazans to the hilt and are currently in a fight over which one of them loves Israel more. It is absolutely on topic.


borderline polface


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Universities in the US have been first and foremost finance institutions for decades, so while the absolute knee jerk reaction of their directions and the police state against the protesting students can be explained by the strategical interest the US has in Israel, it's also the consequence of direct and immediate capital relations.
Indeed, doing a strike or a protest in a US ivy league college is not just annoying people and blocking access to students, it's targeting the wallets of very wealthy shareholders and their fund managers who want this business to function as usual and in this case it's even contesting their right to do what they want with the money by asking those institutions to divest incredible amounts of capital currently invested in Israel.
I find it's something a lot of people involved in this discussion missed, and that it's a big factor that decided the "unusually" violent and viscous reaction those protests encountered.


good and important post
>I find it's something a lot of people involved in this discussion missed
Remiss to not have mentioned it, but given this is a communist website I think some of us were just taking this for granted as a thing people here understood.


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 No.941093[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

A thread focused on discussing the parasocial relationships cultivated by the Almighty Algorithm to generate profit off of our atomization and society's commodification of petty internet drama.
Brace through the hyper-real lacanian void together with the Leftypol Twitter account:

Reminder That None of This Is Real!
ɢʀᴀʙ ᴀ ᴘᴀɪʀ ᴏꜰ sᴘᴇᴄᴛᴀᴄʟᴇs


>The Society of the Spectacle (1967) by Guy Debord
📖 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/debord/society.htm
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0blWjssVoUQ

<The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (1936) by Walter Benjamin

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Late stage rentierism
Early stage comedy


oh i get it now when its thing the other guy doesnt like its "pandering" lmao


Let me guess, it also comes with Denuvo or some other antipiracy measure?


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>game requires to sign up on separate platform
With a face photo! And Google is asking for a literal photo of your government issued IDs or a credit card for "age verification" as well.


>buy game on steam
>game requires PSN account
>creating PSN account requires you to use "trusted" email domains like gmail/outlook
>creating a gmail/outlook account requires phone verification
>to buy a sim card you need to show ID


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 No.211384[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Able Archer '83 has shown that they are quite willing to fight a Nuclear war against Communism if they think they can win, nothing is impossible.


Question for any Chinese anons or anyone else who knows, what is the origin and importance to Chinese people of the use of phrases like the 'three favorables' the 'two whatevers' 'three noes' etc? Why do they use these type of number phrases commonly?


Logographic Aestetics and two/three are considered to be lucky numbers. It's also a reference to classical Chinese literature.


Wtf? Nobody told me that socialism with Chinese characteristics had such sick flows.


You are right. They would if they thought they could win but I doubt they could for now. As it stands, America doesn't even know how much of its nuclear stockpile would work. They are already planning to spend a trillion dollars trying to make sure they are fixed and ready to launch. This plan would take place over a period of decades and knowing American cost overruns it will end up several trillion if they actually do it at all.



This isn't about the vilification of real-life revolutionaries or even characters that were from the start had any sort political context, but characters who were always meant as simple villains. For me the most obvious case is with the Decepticons and their leader Megatron. they were a toy series turned into an animated show where they were just evil for the sake of evil. It was good robots who would turn into fire trucks, ambulances, and taxis versus evil robots who turned into fighter jets and tanks. Sometime around the late 2000s, there was both a fandom and source material change to the origins of this faction, where they changed their origin to be moderately political, making Optimus and Megatron former friends and casting Megatron as someone born in the lower classes who became a revolutionary but went "too far" and caused a 4-million-year-long war which destroyed his planet
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The problem is that real Africa was mostly colonized so it's hard to imagine what an advanced modern Africa would look like with little to no influence from the west.


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not really thought,if Africa was never colonized it would most likely be ruled by an Islamic Arbaized states, which would be the high culture of the region, literally the first centers of learning in sub-Saharan Africa was madrasas in the 10th century


Spears are good tho


>never colonized
>ruled by Islamic Arabized states
colonialism isn't synonymous with white people lol


Yep, it's something in the Dindu thread too >>13193


 No.22171[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

A general for "western" animations/cartoons.
Gonna start off with a recommendation to watch The King and the Mockingbird the 1980 version especially, absolutely comrade-pilled movie.

Good torrent sites (massive pop-up warning, put on an adblocker):
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Animation unironically peaked here


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>likes the pilot style better
It's very common for pilots or first seasons to have better animation. Then, you get cases like Regular Show's season 2 episode 'First Day' (turning the pilot into a canon episode) where you can just tell which clips are ripped from the pilot and which are new.
There are also other cases like Gumball S1 where they didn't get all the episodes out (36 instead of 40) and S2 is very clearly degraded in comparison.
Since a pilot is a single episode not made with the same industrial constraints in mind, they're typically much more stylized, even in cases where the animation is more limited.

Digging into the history of shows sometimes just shows how far they fall from what they could have been, and how they changed to fit pop culture, like an original idea turning into a Simpsons family sitcom.

I know it was made after the pitch, but:
>not posting the plank character model sheet


Nobody's gonna talk about the multiple Disney TVA pilots and other material that someone on 4/co/ leaked?


I find it funny how the animation industry has not changed one bit, with them showing off AI as making animation similar to how Foodfight said with their motion capture software, along with Larry Kasanoff throwing out already completed animation to make it "better" like what Phil Lord did with Spiderverse recently.


Goddamn, Digital Circus Episode 2 was a fucking ride. Completely different from the pilot, yet just as good IMO. The fucking end with Gummigoo was just heart-rending, like GODDAMN that was genuinely fucked up.



Congress party is a 'mureed' of Pakistan: PM Modi
The Prime Minister further alleged that the Congress party aims to amend the country's Constitution to provide reservation for Muslims, taking away from the Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, and Other Backward Classes (OBC) communities. He challenged the Congress to put in writing that they would not change the Constitution to provide religion-based reservation or give backdoor quota to Muslims in states where they and their allies are in power.

Myanmar stops men from working abroad as war intensifies
Myanmar's military government will no longer allow conscription-age men to travel out of the country for work, weeks after an enlistment order prompted many to try and flee. On Thursday, authorities said they would suspend all applications from men for overseas work permits.

Canada arrests alleged hitmen in killing of Sikh separatist, official says
The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive law enforcement matter, said the three men who were arrested are Indian Canadians who are believed to be part of an organized crime network that is acting on behalf of the Indian government and its intelligence apparatus.

Quebec premier says police should dismantle pro-Palestinian student camp
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 No.1836100[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


🚨 Live Happenings/Updates 🚨

• Al-Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/3/8/israels-war-on-gaza-live-60000-pregnant-women-face-malnutrition-in-gaza

• Middle East Eye: https://www.middleeasteye.net/israel-palestine-hamas-war-gaza-live-invasion

• The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

• Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-march-09-2024/ (trigger warning)

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Hezbollah operations 05/03/2024:

14:35: targeting a gathering of "israeli" enemy soldiers at Al-Sarwat point opposite the town of Yaroun with rocket weapons.
16:50: targeting the spying devices at the Ruwaisat al-Alam site in the occupied Lebanese hills of Kfar Shuba with appropriate weapons and hitting them directly.

Hamas leader Mahmoud Mardawi to Al-Quds Network: Tomorrow, the "israeli" stance will be tested to see if it is serious about entering a path that will lead to a deal.
Our assessment is that "israel" remains unable to make the necessary decision to achieve this due to internal political reasons.
This requires a greater American role to pressure Netanyahu to make a political decision that involves entering indirect negotiations leading to an agreement, with the ball in the American court, and the demand is simply to exert more pressure.
Without this, we will find ourselves behind another round without results, adding to the previous rounds that failed, and every time the reason for failure was Netanyahu's intransigence.

The occupation forces set up iron barriers around the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Al Quds to obstruct Christians' access to the church on the eve of Holy Saturday before Orthodox Easter on Sunday.


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This is what happens, Larry, when you fuck a stranger in the ass


Walter Sobchak vs. NYPD riot cops, who wins


have they started bombing rafah?


Rafah has been being bombed for months anon…


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Anon from the cybercom thread suggested I post this here as well. A forum for political economy research started by Marxists. Classical Econophysics is listed on the resource page.

>The goal of this forum is to create a community for producing and reproducing scientific knowledge in political economy that exists totally outside of the realm of academia, the world of bourgeois non-profits and thinktanks, and the state apparatus. Today, political economy, which has been transformed into the “scientific” discipline of economics, has been both gutted of its most insightful content and held back by obscurantist and outdated mathematical models. It was once the case, in the days of Smith, Ricardo and Marx, that political economy was a form of thinking, researching and discussion which was undertaken by a broad public: working men, skilled craftsmen, professionals, clergy and professors. In this time, people didn’t write textbooks of economics, books to be taught by rote learning, they wrote books which were meant to be read by people interested in political economy and further their own research and understanding.

>This forum is built on the optimism for human curiosity and ingenuity, on the hope that there’s a possibility for creating a social science that isn’t trapped in the confines of a state ideology. A place for discussing political economy and related issues outside of the universities, economic bureaucracies and institutes funded by and for the ruling class; to the extent individuals from that world use this forum it should be to escape that world. On the other side of things, while it would be excellent for the work of this forum and its users to go on and inspire political movements, the forum itself is not sectarian, and is intended as a place for a general scientific community where all stripes of researchers can present their findings and debate.

>The features of this site are intended to nurture such a community. Users can write posts on their own personal blogs in long form to describe their research, as well as follow the works of other users. The actual forum allows users to create topics to discuss anything political economy related, as well as developments in real world economies, keeping dialogue open and inclusive to the public. The debates in the forum can teach people about political economy, as well as inspire further investigat
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Look interesting. I don't have the know-how to contribute anything, but I would read the stuff on there.


Bumping for interest. Will post a more meaningful response later if I think of something


Good idea



We need people well versed in low level programming languages and data science languages like C, R, Rust, Go etc. who can crunch numbers and do large scale econophysical simulations. We need to raise a future generation of Cockshotts.


 No.1809963[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Why were Nazis obsessed with indian history and more specifically the Aryan caste?
I started reading Hitler's esoteric beliefs and it seems he rejected catholicism for vague dharmic Hindu beliefs and was fascinated with the Hindu caste system. I also noticed this being a trend amongst German academics of that era.
Schopenhauer being the most prominent scholar of Hinduism at his time and also Nietzsche to some extent. Who praised Hinduism for it's life affirming and warrior asthetics. He even claimed he wished he was born a brahmin.
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>the Islamic world at that time wasn't majority Muslim


That is beyond my capabilities. Seek and you will find.


There was a Muslim caste ruling over a christian majority. Similar to the Mughal dynasty in india


Ergo NOT the islamic world then
India was never categorised as such despite their overlords
Your statement is nonsensical
>>the Christian world at that time wasn't majority Christian
You see the problem with that statement right? You're breaking the basic logical law of non contradiction. Think clearly and express yourself clearly so that people understand what it is you're trying to say.


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>We're also not really sure what they looked like, so they may not even have been "white" in any recognizable sense.
According to estimates based on genetic remains we have they would probably be somewhere between Arabs and Europeans in phenotype, granted this is by no way exact. I know my link is a blog, but the blogger takes genetic data from real archeological samples and statistically averages it out to create a population parameter and runs a poly genetic score comparing it to modern populations.


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Come dispute bans, complain, and other such things related to /leftypol/ here. Please try not to spam this thread or make multiple posts on the same issue, as this makes it harder for us to respond to issues.

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I am a man and gay, we cant have children. You need to use a condom though, dont want to risk It, you know?


after posting the boards bar stops being position fixed for some reason


 No.416549[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Letzter Pfaden wurde dank der /Pol/acken vom Brett gepusht. Deshalb ein neues Deutschland General.
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I am still disgusted with myself. I don't know how to feel. These people exist in real life.


The more I think about it the more I want to puke. How can this woman be together with him? How am I alone while this disgusting excuse for a human being exists and receives affection?


What was his argument?


His gf told me the gist of it. It was more than enough.


Welcome to Germany. I believe no place in Europe has as many Zionists as we do. Ukraine might have more, but who knows for how long the country will continue to exist


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You are not converting right wingers.

Just wanted to drop in to tell you that your negative attitude towards liberal progressives but your welcoming attitude towards right wing extremists with the rationale that the latter has more potential to be converted „because they also despise capitalism“ is both dumb and proven to be false.

We‘ve had a fair share of right wing extremists here, mostly because of raids and at other times attention whores starting pointless debates. Rarely do we have successful converts and when we do they still can‘t let go of right wing brainrot, i.e. chauvinistic idpol. And unlike the liberal progressive idpol it‘s actually pro-actively divisive while liberal progressive idpol still seeks to overcome oppression and bring people together this way, albeit based on a misguided liberal understanding of how these oppressions came to be.

The people with the greatest potential to be converted remain liberal progressives for the simple reason that they have a shared sentiment in opposing oppression and establishing an egalitarian society. Meanwhile, right wing extremists are exactly opposed to that. Sharing the notion that something sucks about capitalism has in no way meaningfully moved these people closer to being your allies, which is blatantly obvious through historic precedent; it was right wing extremists who killed communists whenever they could.

Your attempt to try to differentiate yourself from mainstream left wingers to appeal to /pol/acks by saying uyghur is pathetic and very telling. Grow up and develop a realistic grasp of who your actual allies are.
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I feat that nazis and kahanists are locked in a dialectic where their hate of each other just fuels the growth of the other side.


What the fuck happened to Ishida's brain


hilarious how most new "lefty" /pol/ers are seemingly unaware of how reactionary this shithole truly is


Never go full radfem


>Just wanted to drop in to tell you that your negative attitude towards liberal progressives but your welcoming attitude towards right wing extremists
I shit on both. This is an imageboard, not a proletarian party, and I have no idea of knowing whether the asshole on the other screen is a middle-class idiot or a proletarian.


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 No.1790865[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


>Princess of Wales: Kate image withdrawn by three news agencies amid 'manipulation' concerns

>Three photo agencies have retracted a picture of the Princess of Wales over concerns it has been "manipulated".

>The image, taken by Prince William and issued by Kensington Palace for Mother's Day, showed Catherine with their three children.

>But Associated Press was the first to pull the image as it "did not meet" the agency's photo standards. The agency noted an "inconsistency in the alignment of Princess Charlotte's left hand".

>Kensington Palace declined to comment.

>The photo shows the princess sitting down, surrounded by Princess Charlotte, Prince Louis and Prince George, the latter wrapping his arms around her.

>It was the first official photo of the Princess of Wales since her abdominal surgery two months ago. Since then she has stayed out of the public eye.

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He's the one copyright free now though.


Who cares


they are harder for the police cameras to read.


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He had a Novara Interview and he went off on a weird one about Gays not being 'normal'.
The interview isn't out yet but it looks like the standard Galloway self-sabotage procedure.
I sincerely don't know WTF is wrong with that guy sometimes.
It's not as bad as the Naz Shar incident but i sincerely want to shake it out of him whilst shouting 'WHY CAN'T YOU JUST BE NORMAL' until he's fixed.
In a just world he'd be given some hard socialisation and labour until rehabilitated.


That or send him to the Birmingham gulag


 No.1792730[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>Says Capitalism has created intolerable poverty and immiseration for the masses
>Blames Capitalism for the climate crisis instead of coping with the Book of Revelation
>Orchestrates meeting of both Christian socialists and actual atheist Marxists and anarchists to discuss society's contemporary issues
>Chastises US imperialism
>Chastises Israel
>Says gays are okay and can get married
>Tells Zelensky to quit coping and put his people first by surrendering
Tf is with the current Pope? Does he know he's gonna die soon or something?
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Engels didn't know shit about history. He pulled half of that shit out of his ass. Marriage as we know it in the West evolved out of Catholic traditions. The Catholic church institutionalized marriage and restricted divorce while phasing out Roman style concubinage to protect women and prevent men from getting girls pregnant and running off leaving the girl and the child destitute. Marriage was a conservative institution meant to tie people down and cushion the woman while enforcing a monogamous model of family life on the couple that restricted sexual behavior. This is why gay marriage makes no sense. Gays and lesbian couples don't get pregnant. There's no need to cushion the inferior or subordinate partner, there are already mechanisms through which these couples can enjoy inheritance rights etc. In fact, most queers don't want to marry or are in marriages that are open relationships, in direct violation of church teachings on monogamy. Catholic theology is asexual and promotes celibacy. Sex should only exist for procreation and marriage is a sacrament that acts as a vessel for pro-creation i.e. marriage is a necessary evil in a fallen world. Endorsing gay marriage runs entirely counter to Catholic teaching. Its utterly pointless because very few queer couples are interested in Catholic style marriage and can't procreate without IVF or adoption, effectively meaning marriage is utterly redundant waste of time.


If you need spooks like marriage to bind women to you as your experience property in the first place then it really doesn't matter one way or another for you.


Didn't know marraige was a one way relation like that.


>supporting religious and bourg notions of legal contract monogamy
>crying about non forthcoming blessings and approvals from priests
Liberals. Lmao.


>critical support for vatican
Chad having harem of voluntary women is eugenic-leninist?


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Thread for watching rocket launches and shit.
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>when you put your spacefaggotry ahead of all else
t. spacefag


When the American space program was based on merit and not on personality cult, like in the Eisenhower and Kennedy years, failure was named as failure and success as success – and were followed by actions appropriate for each.
Indeed, when the Navy's Vanguard rocket exploded after takeoff on December 6, 1957, it was named as failure and was followed by giving the chance, without delay, to the competing Redstone rocket team to complete and test their rocket. Of which success on January 31, 1958, is now history.
Thus, only naming this latest Starship explosion – after at least 7 previous explosions of this basic design at the costs of about $3B – as failure can lead to understand the related engineering and managerial problems. You may remember that the launch of this spacecraft was postponed on April 17 due to the discovery of an engineering error. Yet, Space X proceeded with the launch just 3 days later. Sure, their machine exploded again.
Thus, the question remains: Should an intelligent and moral society place the fate of starting Moon and Mars settlements into the hands of a leadership that doesn't fully understand the difficulty, complexity and dangers of this mission, partly, because it spends time with selling cars, digging tunnels for trains, implanting brain devices, buying social media companies and acting in the entertainment industry almost daily?


>CTRL+F "edu"
>Not a single link to the board
Here, the space thread related to this one >>>/edu/1460


This is going to sound extremely schizo but is there anyone else here who believes in secret space program conspiracy theories?


Like what? Obviously there are secret projects dealing with space. Governments aren't trying to hide that fact. Aerospace tech is a big deal for national security.


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>it was reported that early on in his imprisonment Kaczynski had befriended Ramzi Yousef and Timothy McVeigh, the perpetrators of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and the Oklahoma City bombing, respectively. The trio discussed religion and politics and formed a friendship which lasted until McVeigh's execution in 2001.
so a white nationalist, a pakistani islamist, a practicing anarcho primitivist and a cuban american gang leader were all sharing a single cell block together and apparently got along well together, how would their ideologies have clashed and what conversations they could have had?
also what are some examples of unlikely political friendships in history?
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Anti-Semitism is an all-consuming force that can often override and contradict all other racial prejudices. For example, William Dudley was an admirer of Hitler who didn't seem to hate black people and Native Americans. In fact, he was a big advocate for the latter and thought that the reservations should be for Jews and for a great people like the Natives


I mean, Arab nationalists were pretty much all inspired by fascism. It's not even a question but when fascism fell and the Soviet Union became a dominant power they hid just quietly ignored but didn't change any ideological or political foundation


>political friendships
dont think thats the case they wouldnt have liked each other outside of prision but inside they had no other options


I think just considering the difference between Kaczynski and McVeigh is an interesting one. As people, to the extent that we know them, they were entirely different. As narratives, entirely different. And as well in terms of their own consciousness of what they were doing, apparently entirely different.

I have no interest in the life of Ted Kaczynski. I can read what he wrote–I don't agree with the main premise, but I appreciate its being written–and that's all I need. I feel I know everything about the man, expressed with impressive clarity. I don't feel there's anything in his relatively ineffectual acts or in his hermitage of any value beyond the extent that his lifestyle and his actions allowed that text to crystallize.

McVeigh, on the other hand, wrote little of note. His essay on "hypocrisy" is an interesting look at the limits that his reaction (and it is not a reaction isolated to him) to imperialism could possibly reach. His statements during the 60 Minutes interview get even closer:

>I went over there, hyped up, just like everyone else–not only is Saddam evil, all Iraqis are evil. What I experienced was an entirely different ball game. And being face to face with these people, you realize, they're just people.

<It's hard for people to come to grips with you as the same person who was commended by the army, as being the same person who was convicted in the Oklahoma City bombing. They cant put the two together.
>I do understand. Many people say, well Tim, if we think you're guilty, imagine the paradox. In the Gulf war, you were given medals for killing people. So I've faced that issue quite a few times.
<How do you explain it?
>At that point, I usually just leave it at that. And say that…it is an interesting paradox.

He couldn't express himself–he already had. The only real statement of truth that Timothy McVeigh ever made was in the singular bombing itself, which must stand as the greatest artistic statement to have come from the US in the twentieth century. It is the purest juxtaposition–the daycare in an Iraqi institution is a "shield"; the daycare in a US federal government building makes it an atrocity–that once illustrated, demands no further words. Everything else about his story–whPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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reminded me of this



This isn't about the vilification of real-life revolutionaries or even characters that were from the start had any sort political context, but characters who were always meant as simple villains. For me the most obvious case is with the Decepticons and their leader Megatron. they were a toy series turned into an animated show where they were just evil for the sake of evil. It was good robots who would turn into fire trucks, ambulances, and taxis versus evil robots who turned into fighter jets and tanks. Sometime around the late 2000s, there was both a fandom and source material change to the origins of this faction, where they changed their origin to be moderately political, making Optimus and Megatron former friends and casting Megatron as someone born in the lower classes who became a revolutionary but went "too far" and caused a 4-million-year-long war which destroyed his planet
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What about taking a real-life person who was not really revolutionary and making him a being of pure evil? Oda Nobunaga seems to be the best example
Many stories and portrayals depict Oda Nobunaga as a villain or demon bent on the conquest of Japan too
He appears frequently within fiction and continues to be portrayed in many other anime, manga, video games, and cinematic films. Many depictions show him as villainous or even demonic in nature, though some portray him in a more positive light.
the novel and anime series Yōtōden portrays Nobunaga as a literal demon in addition to a power-mad warlord
Nobunaga is portrayed as evil, villainous, bloodthirsty, and/or demonic in many video games such as Ninja Master's, Sengoku, Maplestory, Inindo: Way of the Ninja and Atlantica Online, and the video game series Onimusha, Samurai Warriors, Sengoku Basara (and its anime adaptation) and Soulcalibur.

prepare for cringe
and make it double


The problem isn't "edgy deconstruction" itself which can gave a genre story an interesting twist. The problem is edgy deconstruction for it's own sake that doesn't work with the larger story.
Also, beyond rain's star wars I can't think of any other mainstream movie where that happens.

>the worst thing Bioshock Infinite did is make Daisy Fitzroy try to kill a kid, then walked it back when people whined loud enough.
What's also bullshit is when main characters never make hard choices because the audience's self-insert, waifu or husbando might look bad.


>making a movie about the depravity of the American state with Oppenheimer has been truly weird to behold. The fuck happened to that guy in the space of a decade
Nothing? He's a libshit.

>erased Oppenheimer being a commie

>shows him dunking on those stupid Western commies
>wow, JFK! *soypog*


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Holy fucking shit. The imperialistic propanda runs deep in this shithole of a country.


Moved to >>>/hobby/41737.



post jungle and drum and bass music. Anything from the 90s to today.
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Finally a place I can spam cool shit.



no good jungle past 1998



Good shit

The Jungle DnB Goat GOLDIE



Let's try not to start a dumb argument in what otherwise would be an epic DnB thread.

The year was 2014….and a boy named Aaron was walking through the AMAZON




Dead internet theory and all I know, but in recent years LLM/gpt chatbot content has been flooding the internet with low quality shit from youtube faceless automation channels to SEO product review sites flooding the first page of search engine results.

Will we reach a saturation point where the only places to find actual answers to anything will be reddit/quora or tiktok?


You think those platforms aren't also flooded with bots?

The harsh truth is the only place this leads is the deanonimization of the internet. Not necessarily to other users, but to ISPs, hosts, and the state. At the very least every major platform will implement a requirement to prove you're a real human being before you're allowed to create an account.


>The Internet*
<*Search Engines
It's killing the core web, the web as a whole is thriving as a result.
>Will we reach a saturation point where the only places to find actual answers to anything will be reddit/quora or tiktok?
Those were never sources of answers to begin with. Wikis and forums reign and will continue to do so.
>The Internet*
<*Major™️©️®️ Platforms
Non-issue, new sites like fedi instances just ask you write about yourself and ban you if you turn out to be a bot. This is just going to result in the return of manual account approval, not IDs.


 No.1793453[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

"we used to have culture" edition

come in, make friends, talk about everything Brazil related - politics, news, the arts… and shitpost, of course.

Previous thread: >>1683261
349 posts and 137 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Lembrando da vez em que o circo fez um LOA tão fodida de enjambrada que corria o risco de configurar crime, fazendo o próprio Bozo marcar viagem pro estrangeiro durante o prazo pra assinatura pra não assumir essa bomba. Mas lógico como, como literalmente todos os crimes dessa corja, não deu em nada. A velha corja, que inventou o tal crime das pedaladas fiscais, não deu um pio ante essa megapedalada.


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Evangelistão já copiou a lei antisemitismo


Sem querer ser otimista, mas há boas chances disso ser derrubado pelo STF.


Jujubas choramingam sobre antissemitismo mas nunca dizem pq há antissemitismo


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 No.742065[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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* No Spam
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Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>Are you really gonna continue this charade?
yes (pic related). i take it u hve given up and realize u shouldn't post retarded comments to put ppl down. good job.
>Does "w" mean why. The standard way to shorten that is "y" and there is a reason for that.
no is short for "win" as in "[to] win [is the act of] reading"


Thank you for the support (and your past service!).
Feel free to hop on matrix if you want


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The Muslim brotherhood are coming back aren't they? El sissy destroyed the country and every year he leaves fewer options than revolution.
The Muslim brotherhood are strengthened by the sheer fact that their constituents have tripled in number since 2013, because they breed like rabbits and they're the only ones willing to defend Palestine. Also they're effectively organized like a Leninist party and their persecution by the hands of the government gives them more legitimacy
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True, but as a political force they are decimated. Many of the rank and file organizers are in prison or dead and there's infighting within the movement. Its a mess right now. Knowing the Brotherhood, they can and will build themselves back up but that could take years even a decade or so. In many ways, the Islamist wave of the 90s and 2000s is pretty much over. Hamas is the last really Islamist government in the region (outside of Iran) and both NATO and Russia are determined to beat them back and keep them down.

Doubt that. The Ikhwanis and Iran are on the opposite sides of the political spectrum and Syria is a huge sticking point. Negotiations with Iran fell through years ago.


What's done is done anon.


Either that or something worse will emerge.


You're ignoring that a significant part of would be mb members are in cahoots with the military right now. The entire administration of Al Azhar would switch sides the moment the military collapses.


Lmao that was in 2015.
They've moved passed that and have restructured.
They've gone through an ideological shift. The latest strategy by hamas is proof of that .
Even in 2013, when the brotherhood was in power during the Syrian revolution they had reinstated diplomatic ties with Iran




post leftist music
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i assume this is AI generated


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 No.2111[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Comrades, we need a thread on privacy. Any decent activist should try ways of staying anonymous on the web and prevent being tracked by governments and corporations.General tips===* Use free software as much as you can.* Use GNU/Linux and keep it up-to-date, to be sure that you don't have unpatched security exploits* Don't use Flash Player, use youtube-dl instead for watching streaming videos online* Do not use Google, use DuckDuckGo or StartPage instead* Use a password manager like Keepass or for GNU/Linux users keepassx. Create new passwords for every site that you visit and use a strong password as a master password. A tip for easy remembering of your master password is to use a sentence. "i fucking love cookies and tits!" with extra capital characters etc. is easier to remember than some random characters and long enough to prevent brute force attacks of any kind.* Use the Tor Browser Bundle if you really want to stay anonymous.Firefox====* Go to Preferences -> History and set History to "Never remember history". * See for additional tweaks: https://github.com/amq/firefox-debloat and https://vikingvpn.com/cybersecurity-wiki/browser-security/guide-hardening-mozilla-firefox-for-privacy-and-securityAdd-ons-----------* Use uBlock Origin for preventing tracking etc. Bonus: use hard-mode to manually whitelist external domains on sites. Don't use uBlock but be sure to use uBlock Origin https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Blocking-mode:-hard-mode* HTTPS Everywhere* DecentralEyes: prevents CDN hosting from tracking you (Google for Jquery etc.)* Self Destructing Cookies: only allow cookies that you choose to allowOS==* Encrypt your hard drive or home partition at least* If you use GNU/Linux, you can try to restrict systemd or syslog from logging. * Use a distribution which takes security seriously. Also, be sure that you don't install a lot of things outside the repository. It will cover most of your needs.Real life tips===* Pay with cash if you canFeel free to provide tips to each other comrades!
238 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>security + privacy thread on 4chuck was taken over by cyb aesthetic posters
whatever. it was shitty anyway
>it gets 1% better. seems neutral in a careful way. All privacy and sec attention now goes to this thread.
>lord tripfag of the thread posts podcast rec
go on
>tldr: podcast makes reasonable point about torrent of civilwar/civilunrest themed netflix content
>host calls Michelle Obama "Michael Obama"
>couple of days later……
=== /cyb/ News:
Mass immigration apocalyptic dystopia in otherwise perfect nordic state. Did you know!?!


I don't know what VPN works here but you can use the Onion link: http://76i2c3hn55fcj5nut3tqlboqqbbh23zvphv7lefk3vftpx6wketlanyd.onion


Is Safing VPN sus? Has anyone looked into it? How does it compare to Mullvad? I have a feeling that it's glowy, they even use Pisscord for communications, like, cum on.


Also, is there any VPN that works properly with i2p?


It's the choice between hardware and software backdoored by American glowies or Chinese glowies. So pick your poison.


 No.1732849[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


How would IP laws and copyright be handled under socialism?

Would it be abolished or just reformed? How would artists be compensated if not for royalties?

Also, what about “hard cases” like instances of cultural appropriation, etc.?

Let’s have this discussion.
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And who made most of those “pre-existing music snippets” by chance?


So what’s the argument FOR copyright/IP aside from “China dies it”?


Why is the discussion on copyright and royalties solely limited to music? Why no discussion on literature or movies? How would actors or film directors be paid?


Well how do they do it in China?


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retard's razor states that, when presented with a systemic problem, and the option to either understand it as a systemic problem, or to look for an easy scapegoat instead, the average person, here dubbed "retard" will always take the latter option, and look for and easy scapegoat.

Immigration to the 1st world? It's the fault of immigrants who are leaches. It has nothing to do with climate change or political policy or sanctions or embargoes or wars or people seeking asylum from regimes. It's just that the immigrants are bad people who want to steal our jobs and live off of our welfare.

Palestine? Those people are fighting back because they're dirty terrorists, not because they're deeply oppressed.

Israel? Those people are oppressing the Palestinians because they're hooknosed jews, and that's just how hooknosed jews act. It has nothing to do with Israel being a US-backed settler colony who is armed to the teeth by the imperial core.

Capitalism? There's nothing wrong with capitalism as a system, it's just individual bourgeoisie, "crony capitalists" or "jewish bankers" being mean and not sharing enough. If we got "good" capitalists in charge everything would be OK.
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>their Satanic-Luciferian idea of reviving Babylon
Retard alert
Nah it's pretty much Yahwehist prophecy of muh chosen ruling the world from jerusalem when their mashiach shows up
Don't bring the much smeared Babylonians into this


Low lQ


in the past we had the South Korean lobby, the china lobby, the South Vietnam, South Africa apartheid lobby etc… while these had strategic benefits, just like Israel, but none of them have the same power, or the reaction to opposition like the Israelis do.


It's profitable for taking everyone's shit and making them slaves… with Israel getting free shit and able to come and go as they please. Who benefits? A country that cannibalizes its own productive base is no longer "the US" or any country at all. "America" isn't getting anything out of this. The criminal organization called "Israel" are treated like royalty while we are poisoned from cradle to grade. The ordinary "Israelis" don't get much out of the deal, but they imbibe the Jewish supremacist religion over there.

When Israel falls, you're going to see just who was "on top" this whole time, so far as any country benefitted at all. But, this is globalization - a world of endlessly backstabbing, where humanity is herded into holding pens and told "this is what you are". We're just starting to see how horrible this gets.

Those lobbies were led by American / Anglo investors with a base, and their compradors in the country. There was a clear line of economic development and cooperation for the interests involved - a terrible plan for the world, but you could see those cooperations as win-win for the conspirators and against the public.

Israel is something else entirely. Israel produces nothing but torture and rape. That is its world-historical mission. The entire project is pure death, so odious that no one can say with a straight face what it is for. What Israel aims for is something very different from the usual dickering for political office. Usually the lobbies are doing what the trading companies were doing, but with more local interests. Israel is an enterprise with no "material interest" other than creating more torture and death for its own sake.





A list of reading groups and their schedules that have chosen to advertise themselves here. Take a minute to check them out. If you would like to promote your reading group, feel free to leave a comment telling people where they can go.

>>5912 /read/

>>6162 Continental Floppa
17 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>J. V. Stalin’s Economic Problems of Socialism in the U.S.S.R.
>Selected Works of Mao Tse-Tung
Should be required reading, because too many idiots run their mouths about the USSR and Mao and Stalin, while blatantly ignoring what they actually said and enacted.


>tankie reading

No thanks, bro

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