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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Canada’s favorite coffee chain was covertly data mining the shit out of people who just wanted cheap coffee, and they got outed by the government, then concluded tim hortons was basically being evil then was like “oh well can’t punish them".

>The Tim Hortons app used location data to infer where users lived, worked, and whether they were travelling. It generated an “event” every time users entered and left their homes, entered and exited their office, or travelled.



i dont get what the point of these apps is
isn't fast food literally meant to be able to just walk in and buy? why do you need some fancy app for that?


It streamlines the process. If you already have the app it has your payment info and so on and you can order stuff before you get there or something. It's really unnecessary and a sign of how strapped for time and productivity-maxing society has become.


here's how to streamline the process: use cash


it's a good feature, you can pre-order your food and only go there to pick it up

more broadly, it's crazy how inefficient the food sector is under capitalism. food is the archetypal economy of scale, cooking at home shouldn't be cheaper than eating outside, there shouldn't be a kitchen in every house

everything I eat tastes like shit because I'm not going to waste my time learning to cook, and I'm not going to waste money eating outside


>more broadly, it's crazy how inefficient the food sector is under capitalism. food is the archetypal economy of scale, cooking at home shouldn't be cheaper than eating outside, there shouldn't be a kitchen in every house
It was the same in the USSR


>cooking at home shouldn't be cheaper than eating outside, there shouldn't be a kitchen in every house
Those are two separate issues. Why it's more expensive to eat outside is because the restaurant has to pay salaries to cooks and waiters, rent, taxes, licensing fees, equipment, etc.

No, there shouldn't be a kitchen in every house. People should have a communal kitchen in the building, and then people from that building have to be paid to work in the communal kitchen. It shouldn't be a free-for-all, the communal kitchen should be run like a restaurant. People can have a kitchenette at home to warm up things, make tea, etc.

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