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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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What's a safe way to store lithium batteries in case they ever burst on fire?


File: 1654733047322.jpg (90.61 KB, 736x475, ToolChest.jpg)

Standard metal tool chest.


Neighbor installed a Powerwall, so I'm going to need to fireproof the fence.


also i read to keep them at 40% charge for the least wear on them, and keep them in a fridge lol (not freezer tho)


in it asshole


>lithium batteries
we don't even know how that shit works: https://wikenigma.org/content/chemistry/li_ion_batteries
<Although lithium ion batteries are considered as system of choice for variety of mobile and stationary applications, fundamental knowledge is alarmingly required to uncover the underlying principles controlling the basic processes that determine and dictate their function, operation, performance limitations as well as failure.


I just throw them into a random drawer and hope for the best.

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