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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Do you have advice for a software engineer?


Be yourself


reread the styleguide of a language you're currently programming in a thread died for this . sage


Do you remember what thread was pushed off by this thread?


sage is not a downvote


idk. maybe it was the thread for questions that don't deserve to be posted in the questions that don't deserve their own thread thread. this is worse than the time all top 5 threads were about apple ngl.


debugging is a great skill to learn, it will also teach you a lot.
always take time to do some cool personal projects, it will keep you motivated and interested in programming cool things. most programming jobs aren't that fun or interesting and the industry is fast reverting back to the stuffy corporate days of the 90s with layers of bureaucracy that will suck your soul out.


premise of OP is too general to be answered


So missed the baller years then?


unsaged. get le epically owned kid


mostly yeah. there's still some areas where cool stuff is happening and they're new and in flux enough, like AI.
but other areas have become somewhat ossified compared to 8-10 years ago.



Stop doing software while you still can


Learn assembly, it'll make you better at optimizing normal code.


Design, program, and fail. Learn from your mistakes for the next time.


How does that work? Do you actually look at the assembly generated by your compiler?


Start applying for McDonalds because they'll automate programmers sooner than McJobs.


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Use an anime pfp.


+1 on debugging and also git gud at writing tests


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nice meme but thats all it is, a meme, unrepresentative of real life


Where Programming Socks and cat ears.



Basically this is correct.

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