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I am thinking of doing a video project based around news and history from a leftist slant in the format of 'shorts', as seen on tiktok and on youtube. Can anyone recommend what the best direction is in regards to the best Text-to-Voice softwares and projects out there in terms of narration?


Doesn't tiktok have its own built in TTS function?


Have a look at the FestVox project (http://festvox.org/) or the carnival gui (https://carnival.sourceforge.net/).


Thank you anon. I'll try these out and see if they are good enough for a product. :)
I have no idea and don't really care. It would not be very useful if so.


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As far as TTS goes, elevenlabs is the platinum standard. Fantastic, ultra realistic (99% of the time anyway) voices. Has free and paid versions.

Capcut is free, has a web version, and automatically makes text to captions


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thansk! I did not have much luck before but i will try these too!
There is so much low quality content that utilizes TTS on youtube that still gets a lot of views, it is kind of insane.
Probably the market will be saturated soon but i think it seems a good idea to get in whilst can.


TTS sounds horrible, use your voice. I hate the spongebob sounding one from TT especially

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