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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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>*makes websites unusable in your path*


It's basically a giant glowing MITM.


>go onto leftypol (no proxy)
>check umatrix
>its all 1st party stuff

>go on leftypol (tor proxy)

<"Please enable challenges.cloudfare.com"
>check umatrix
>the cloudfare scripts are now visible

i thought 4cuck was the only chan to get cloudfared. you guys are losing the privacy contest to the neo nazi board.


more and more websites are blocking any tor traffic god fucking damn it


Worst case is when a fucking .onion site is blocking Tor traffic. For example, web archive: archiveiya74codqgiixo33q62qlrqtkgmcitqx5u2oeqnmn5bpcbiyd.onion/
Try searching the archive for some URL and you'll see.

On the other hand the Internet is so saturated now that 99% of the time I can just close that page and find another site that provides with me with the same info or whatever.


The onion link has no CloudFlare but I do hope that the admins have enough brain power to install some more privacy-respecting (Libre and Open Source) solution that doesn't require proprietary JavaScript. Also, they can allow the clearnet site to be viewed through Tor, they can just prohibit posting.


>>22992 (me)
Like, there are server-side solutions and stuff, you don't have to run JavaScript in someone's browser.


>On the other hand the Internet is so saturated now that 99% of the time I can just close that page and find another site that provides with me with the same info or whatever.
Sweet payback.


Spam and ddos are a problem that can't be solved easily without tools like cloudlfare. Spam in particular requires multiple defenses on different levels. All of these decrease the quality of the user experience, that's the pay off.


Use another tool. It should be server-side if possible.


I can no longer post to 4chan because cloudflare verification is an infinite loop!


File: 1706566408779.png (17.44 KB, 592x111, kiwiflare.png)

Kiwifarms made their own tool that they host themselves after cloudflare kicked them off, but it does require javascript since it's based on doing proof-of-work on the client


how is this better? with this site I just come here and bam


It makes sense for them because they're running some shitty forum software and are constantly getting ddosed and hacked


I mean we used to get DDOSed all the time too, that's why we needed to get CF


Yeah but they got kicked off by cloudflare so it's not an option for them


yeah I know, just saying I don't see why people hate CF, in the modern day it's necessary


There are multiple reasons, like privacy, javascript software freedom concerns (lol) and straight up making websites inaccessible in some non-mainstream setups.


>I don't see why people hate the internet gatekeeper
it is literally a protection racket


I mean they're not the ones DDOSing everyone so far as I know


"this is a dangerous neighborhood" says the cloudflare henchman "there was a ddos attack not far from here the other day"


leftypol was actually DDOSed multiple times though


Humiliation ritual


How do i install it on my router

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