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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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File: 1700887730492.jpg (236.08 KB, 1232x1830, 1587342690965.jpg)


Why is everything so big now? Even laptops and smartphones just keep getting bigger.


consumers think big = better
did you want an answer that sounded rational? these people aren't rational, they're impulsive idiots enslaved by marketers and penis size anxiety


I'm fairly sure it's because of streaming services.


Things weren't supposed to be like this.


File: 1700890516261.jpg (170.78 KB, 640x970, iphone7komix.jpg)

phones were fucking microscopic for a while so now they're backtracking but only making the screen bigger.

We need thicker, not wider.


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is this supposed to be a dunk on anyone with half a brain who knows removing the audio jack was a stupid idea

even the official google android docs show why it sucks


I fucking love innovation under capitalism.


i've never enjoyed watching stuff on a laptop screen, even the big 15 inchers
even a home television monitor is a scale down from how cinematic works were meant to be enjoyed, and it's barely tolerable


>is this supposed to be a dunk on anyone with half a brain who knows removing the audio jack was a stupid idea?
Probably but if it actually came into existance I'd want one.


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very small laptops are so sexy


Enough with the minimalism it's time for phones to become pip-boys.


Because things have to be scaled to humans so that it is ergonomic.


when using a phone single-handed a smaller screen would be more ergonomic…


Porkies would rather cram as much high-end specs as possible rather than add anything actually useful, that's the reason.


Apples users don't tell on yourself challenge (impossile)

This. You should be able to hold the phone in one hand and reach any part of the screen with the thumb of that hand. And not just a general average consumer hand, but also smaller adult hands within like 2 standard deviations.


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I'm not an apple user, I genuinely want a phone with ports and other amenities that devices used to have and that's why I posted that image.


Laptops have GPUs and shit now, they're becoming more portable (in the RIP to your back way) workstations than actual computers to put on your lap


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I was talking about the people who created the image to own the apple critics.


Ah okay, my appologies.

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