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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Which one's better? OMEMO seems to be gaining more use than OTR. But leftist activists still use OTR. OMEMO users will claim OTR is outdated, but its PROVEN and TRUSTED.

I got setups for both for anyone who wants to chat with either.


OTR is just better, but what about development support that seems to be moving to OMEMO?


I wasn't aware that dev support was moving to OMEMO. That doesn't sound good.



honest question why do all chat clients, be it for matrix, xmpp, irc, whatever, literally every single one sucks and is either bloated or impractical

the "minimalist" ones are the worst, they usually only work for one protocol and have the most retarded user interface possible, why do I do if I have to talk to different people on different protocols? now I have to install 5 minimalist programs, each with their own garbage ncurses interface, their own bullshit hotkeys, their own autistic commands and their own config files


have you considered using gui clients if you prefer them over non-gui clients? that might help


those are bad too. the browser-based one have essentially the same problems and they are so complex that it defeats the point of encryption because the client is probably compromised, but the codebases are so massive and complex that I have no way of auditing them (and even if I did - I would never be sure)

I might eventually write my own. I already use my own matrix client (although I'm not really happy with it) and it was only ~4kloc in c++


because matrix is horrifically poorly designed and xmpp is, while somewhat less of an idiotic clusterfuck, incredibly complicated and has absolutely shit-tier documentation for explaining how to actually *use* the protocol and develop on it, and also has in general had zero leadership or drive for adoption since it was killed by Google Talk. xmpp is however still an overcomplicated pile of shit, while matrix is just an actual blight on the world and should be considered harmful.


OMEMO is ubiquitous in the XMPP sphere and seems to work well. I haven't heard of any break of it. the biggest problem with it is that it's JSON, which is an abomination in a protocol like XMPP which is XML based
use Pidgin if you want a client that supports all the thing. but bear in mind libpurple has had oodles of 0days over the years


also Matrix is a memory hog from what I've heard


OMEMO, obviously
OTR is severely outdated
I even use OMEMO for 1-on-1 DMs
Gajim is decent


+1 on Gajim
Snikket is OK also


both are soon dead. MLS is the future

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