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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Post quality RSS feeds for whatever. Blogs, news sites, even a YouTube channel RSS feed or other video content. As long as it has an RSS (or atom I guess) feed attached to it.

I'll go first and dump some of what I think are good ones:

>Grumpy Gamer

this one is rad, it's the personal blog of the lead developer behind The Secret of Monkey Island series (so basically my hero). He talks about a lot of cool random shit. Check it out.

>Niki Tonsky

Another personal blog, I've only read a few articles but they have to do with UI mainly which I like.

>Cosmonaut Magazine

Quintessential pretentious leftwing magazine. It's good, I like it. It's more insightful than I thought it would be and their articles even when I disagree with them (I usually don't) are always comfy reads.




Was gonna link the feed to kokoscript.com but it's down rn.

I'm just starting to get decent at organizing things, so I should have another crack at using rss.


You can subscribe to any YouTube channel over RSS by editing their channel ID into a URL like this: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=[put ID here]
for example here is Brandon Lee's channel: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCWo99XiRXCDdhn98vJs9Ivg


YouTube has a seemingly proper RSS link in the page source, like this:
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href="https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCwxYYcsH8AeuPWkv8wFogpw">

But for some reason Thunderbird can't cope with it.



I think QuiteRSS is able to parse that out
this is unironically how I notice new threads on this board



does lainchan have rss?


Fraidycat (the browser plugin, idk about the appimage, I don't use electron stuff) is pretty good at recognizing them, currently moving all my subscriptions over to it.
And while it's on topic: https://fraidyc.at/blog/


It should have, it's running the same software.


Is this your site?


Here's a blog about RSS feeds: https://envs.net/~lucidiot/rsrsss/feed.xml



Yes. Do you like it?


nta but the cherry leaves falling is a neat touch.


uygha's site is 3.5 MB just for some text.


QuiteRSS is no longer under development.


true, definitely needs optimization. Most of that's the background (2.5 MB), so that'd be worth tinkering with.



not every program needs to be further developed, except maybe fixing bugs

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