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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Stalinists and many other types of leftists are about to be fully jettisoned into the fucking dustbin of history if they never manage to overcome their history LARP. You unironically have nighas on this board arguing the OGAS cybernetic system of the fucking 70s USSR was the last actual technological advancement meanwhile American and Chinese research firms are building general purpose humanoid robots (androids that can take any basic command and execute it), building the infrastructure for a fully digitized real world visible only through headsets, neuro-chips that control computers with thoughts, successful gene therapy, and successful eye transplants; but keep fapping to tech from a literal century ago


All of this tech is in the hands of Porky, just like the means of production.
How can we obtain such technologies and how to use it for the socialist revolutions are topics we debate in /cybersocialism/ thread.


You forgot about CPC making porky its bitch.






Gen Z must be full of some real brain dead uyghurs, holy shit normies can be such fucking cattle
Stupid fuckin cattle


It's cool and all, but we all know how much automation is actually applied in the modern period. There are actual laws behind this, like return on investment. Some automation is a no-brainer because of the low costs, and we see it everywhere around us, such as administrative automation. But the automation you describe is fucking dumb, and everyone knows this - even Elon Musk admitted this. ChatGPT with arms and legs does sound cool, if very dangerous, but it's not a fourth industrial revolution. The rest of this bullshit is even more fucking dumb, zuck found out the hard way that people don't want their tech to be even more intrusive than it is now.


Starship is probably the most real and cool thing happening right now, some people even really believe that Elon Musk will colonize Mars. Second is LLMs, they do have some applications (non-critical ones). uyghurs who ignore it are fucking dumb, but you are even worse.


>make up a guy and get mad at him


You mean these guys


lol jannies moved this thread to tech


i'm not too educated on technology and all that but it feels like there's been a sudden explosion of advancement over the last couple of years? 2000-2020 didn't feel like there was that much going on other than computers getting better at computing, but now we've got AI and brainchips and drones and railguns and fusion and are sending rockets to space again and all that crazy shit


>muh AI
yep it's another midwit thread


>But the automation you describe is fucking dumb, and everyone knows this - even Elon Musk admitted this. ChatGPT with arms and legs does sound cool, if very dangerous, but it's not a fourth industrial revolution. The rest of this bullshit is even more fucking dumb, zuck found out the hard way that people don't want their tech to be even more intrusive than it is now.
This is only true of consumer electronics. (But people will get AI shoved into everything anyways because you vill eat ze bugs). But corporations will employ AI heavily because they don't give a shit about how invasive it is. You're not seeing the whole picture.



Yes, that's correct.


>AGI by 2025!!!!!!11
Oh cool. At least you're making a falsifiable prediction that isn't decades away.


that's not what the gif is saying, idiot


Of course it isn't. Calculations per second and their exponential increase have fuck-all to do with the thread's topic or the post that was replied to.


ok, you have a room temperature IQ and no familiarity with the history of the subject matter. I understand now.


In reality, it's somewhere in the middle. Many innovations we use today were already made in the 90s for military purposes and since the goal of competition is profit over innovation the technological progress is actually slowing down, with companies more eager to sell us some gimmicky garbage like iPhone rather than taking risks and investing into research, so either the future is gonna be boring or we'll become a human farm for the bourgeoisie while they'll be able to enjoy advanced tech we would not be able to afford.


pretty sure you can't write with an IQ of 20
le ebin "can see both sides" debator has entered the thread


Stallman needs to come back and write about AI. He was in the AI scene in the 70s and 80s.


>i'm not too educated on technology and all that but it feels like there's been a sudden explosion of advancement over the last couple of years? 2
It is nothing to the boom of the 70's into the 2000s. We went from the Sun-2 being the best workstation money could by at the end of 1984 rocking a 68010 to SGI selling 3D workstations powered by MIPS processors in '87 thus why the old timers keep talking about the end of Moore's law you can really feel computers not improving as fast. Back then in the enterprise end things were growing so fast a brand new top workstation was able to emulate a three year top of the line workstation at full speed because you were talking over double the performance in just three years while consuming less power. And here are with data center just throwing hardware to grow as hardware architectures have not evolved as fast as they use to a quarter century ago.


probably the most obvious indicator that tech has advanced since the 70s is the fact that you can post on here with a rectangle in the palm of your hand instead of a filing cabinet that can only output text


The first web page was hosted on a NeXT workstation in 1990 so not a great metric.

The question is how quickly are computers getting more powerful compared to then. In 1981 the IBM 5150 was on par with Apple /// in terms of processing power and by 1985 the Amiga 1000 could do stuff even Unix workstation could not do in 1984 all for far less then the IBM XT and things gets insane when RISC processors hit the scene where PPC machines emulate 68k code in software due to massive uplift in performance.

IBM lost the PC market because in the XT and AT era computers keep getting cheaper and faster at an exponential rate and if it held that trend to today that would mean AM4 computers would be completely obsolete now due to AM5 being more then twice as fast for half as much but we don't see that.


>Actually nothing has changed because le compooters have had images in the 90s, that's definitely the same as a smartphone, a device that can functionally do almost any day to day task
Please kill yourself
People like you justify anti-elderly eugenics


>NVIDIA literally crunching the numbers faster than Moore's Law predicted with their new AI chips
<Le 1970s dogshit computers ain't got nothing on literal humanoid robots that can take essentially any order and follow it to the letter while engaging in natural generalized speech with any human at the exact same time
Contrarianism is the Highest Stage of Fucking Faggotry


You missed my point. In 1985 a consumer computer war more powerful then the top end workstation of 1984. That would be like today being able to buy a gaming rig that completely trounced the top end IBM Power10.


>>NVIDIA literally crunching the numbers faster than Moore's Law predicted with their new AI chips
What does this even mean

The number of transistors on the chips is very slightly off the predicted 2 year mark in the negative direction, and this has been the case for the last decade.
If you mean it literally, then you're forgetting that the arithmetic of AI accelerators is probabilistic and imprecise. This is good for neutral networks, but it's a completely different thing from and not comparable to chips not specialised for ML.


What is this?

A never-ending conversation between Bavarian director Werner Herzog and Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek. When you open this website, you are taken to a random point in the dialogue. Every day a new segment of the conversation is added. New segments can be generated at a faster speed than what it takes to listen to them. In theory, this conversation could continue until the end of time.



Guys they finally found a use for AI! It's genocide: https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/


At this point why not just drop bombs at random? Oh I know why, it's because it gives the IDF butchers some kind of rationalisation that they can tell themselves that they're taking out the bad guys.

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