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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Has anyone heard about this new dating app called Duolicious? It's supposedly designed to help you meet like-minded individuals based on your personality. Sounds like a neat concept, but I can't help feeling a bit skeptical about it.

First off, how accurate can these personality assessments really be? I mean, are we reducing the complexity of human relationships to a mere algorithm? And what about privacy concerns? With all the data breaches happening these days, I'm wary of handing over intimate details of my personality to some tech company.

Plus, there's the whole capitalist angle. Is this just another way to monetize loneliness and exploit our desire for connection? It feels like these apps are more about making profits than genuinely helping people find meaningful relationships.

I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this. Do you think Duolicious is a step forward in online dating, or just another tech gimmick preying on our emotions?


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>proprietary dating apps


It's FOSS licensed under the AGPLv3



then why isn't it in f-droid, hmm?
looking at the website is amusing
>based and true love pilled
>geared to matching you with other glowiesimageboard neets
>uses r9k's mechanism
>has a personality test containing 2005 questions


>Do you think Duolicious is a step forward in online dating, or just another tech gimmick preying on our emotions?
Neither. It's a step backward. This is what dating sites were before Tinder. In particular, OKCupid. Making a site like this is trivial. Your questions don't even need to be good, just good enough to differentiate people. But there's little value here without a large social network of real people. Being AGPL doesn't help you if they decide to be bad actors because you can't fork the social network.


>implying swipe mechanics etc aren't steps back
used to be you could find people similar to you and chat with them immediately. not so now. some might be of the opinion that being able to do so is bad because it encourages men to spam every woman, to which I say: make it so women are the ones who have to make the first move. the r9k mechanic then gets rid of the tendency of some women to just type "." which is apparently a thing on apps like Bumble


That's brilliant, but why do you need an app for an online dating service?


>Being AGPL doesn't help you if they decide to be bad actors because you can't fork the social network
That's why P2P is better.


Cool opinion. But how do you build that? What does it look like? Do you have to broadcast a lot of personal information to everyone in the network? Information that would otherwise be hidden?


>are we reducing the complexity of human relationships to a mere algorithm?
No? The algorithm just introduces you to people. The rest is up to you.


is it good for gay people or nah

also is this some sort of hidden marketing thing? OP, please disclose your financial conflicts of interest.


wait it uses MBTI ahahahaha lol lol lmao what a bunch of losers LOL LOL can't even use real science for thier shitty 4chan app


>But how do you build that?


Still baffled that dating sites are an actual thing and not like, satire about the loss of thrid places. The only people I've seen hook up online successfully did so through games or general purpose social media.

I'd rather just date within the pool of people I already know, so I don't lose an organ, get raped, see the consequences of bad infosec, etc…


>loss of thrid places
That's an uniquely Usonian excuse while dating sites are popular worldwide.


Cool. Don't be afraid to finish a thought for once in your life. How do you answer a few quizzes and generate a match ranked list of singles in your area using Scuttlebutt? There is an obvious answer but it sucks on a number of levels and centralization is the lesser of two evils.


We can use the tagging system.


hardly like erasure of the commons is unique to usa


Third places are not the commons.


try leaving your house and talking to people


stop shilling your chvd dating app on the tech board
at least have the courtesy to dump it in /siberia/


When a third place is known for having single women, all the creepy guys will flood it and then either it shuts down or guys get banned.


Do you have any examples where this actually happened?


Sounds like a plot of one of those bitcoin wojak omegaverse cartoons on youtube


Looks like all the user data has been scraped and published:



>not a single afab
Material explanation?


name five women in your direct, irl, social network that would actually be interested in that instead of using using tinder on her iphone and swiping left on every man below 6 feet in height


Those profiles are what are expected from leftypol users



What's the symbol on the flag?
I think the pattern is "arabesk"


It's the flag of Iran.


>most are just camera hiding face or random memes
I dont even use dating apps and I know this isn't how you should use them.


startup idea: dating app where you get matched to people based on political compass ideology questions


these profiles are all so fucking embarrassing holy shit lol


I would just abuse such a service by making a blog about trains or whatever and never date anyone from there.

Checking profiles:
>Terrorwave Professional enabler
>play monhun w me or i'll kms
>I like sticking my dick in crazy
>Don’t talk to me if you believe 9/11 happened.
>education: Gamergate university
Not worse than twitter tbh.


So is this an app for channers or what?


kill yourself.


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sorry theres a very dedicated autist who gets mad when people say "channer"

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