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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Your opinions on Lunduke? I think, his articles seem well researched and convincing.

>Firefox Money: Investigating the bizarre finances of Mozilla


>6 Dirty Secrets of the Linux and Open Source Industry


>Microsoft's growing control of Linux



he's a retard, not worth your time


Please make a real blog, lunduke. I assure you working with html isn't that hard, and will open up creative possibilities for you. No one want to sign up for a newsletter when RSS exists.


He's one of the very few who isn't blind to capital taking over free software and open source. But he's drawn to short-term sensationalism and has poor knowledge of the wider history of this process. "Open source" itself was invented for this purpose, as a capitalist-friendly alternative to "Free software".

Another problem with Lunduke is that he has no theory, so he's a bit like a headless chicken when trying to understand it. He probably seems like a a schizo conspiracy theorist to most devs, but most devs are vassals and allergic to politics.

Anyway, what Lunduke detects isn't really anything new and has been going on since the beginning:
>Once the corporate world began expressing interest in free software, many nonpolitical geeks sensed a lucrative business opportunity. As technology entrepreneur Michael Tiemann put it in 1999, while Stallman’s manifesto “read like a socialist polemic . . . I saw something different. I saw a business plan in disguise.” Stallman’s rights-talk, however, risked alienating the corporate types.
>By early 1998 several business-minded members of the free software community were ready to split from Stallman, so they masterminded a coup, formed their own advocacy outlet—the Open Source Initiative—and brought in O’Reilly to help them rebrand.




I'm certainly not a big computer nerd like most people here, but I'm also not a total normie. About 8 years ago, I started to use Linux Mint as my OS and my main motivation was to contribute in the "fight" against Big Tech. Again, I'm not a nerd, I'm just a concious user and my decisions are mostly led by my intuition. So my intuition told me, the penguin is good, open source is good, freedom is good etc. You can compare it to the Fairtrade logo in the supermarket. Nobody knows what it actually means, but it feels better to choose a fairtrade product over a regular product.
Now I accidently discovered these articles by Lunduke and they changed my opionion about the "fairtrade of computing", which is Linux. His articles are straight to the point and can be easily understood by non-nerds like myself. Reading his articles about Linux and Mozilla felt like reading some investigative techno-thriller. This quote really struck me:
>Think you're being rebellious — and staying clear of Big Tech — by using Linux? Think again.

I've never read someting like this before in such clear words without any computer mumbo jumbo. Why am I so obsessed with Lunduke in particular? Because I tried to find more info about this "conspiracy", but I was unable to find anything! It's like, Lunduke is the only person in the world, who talks about this issue, in a language which can be understood by brainlet users! So I'm not a total enemy of Linux now, but I'm certainly deeply disappointed, that Linux is not, what I believed it is. In the past 2 years I have developed a deep distrust toward computer technology in general and it is growing with every day.


I mean Linux certainly isn't instant communism in a can, it's certainly still a product of capitalism, but one that is a much better negotiation leverage for you as a user than if you're using something less modular. So kinda like unions.
There's a lot of largely unrevokable concessions ingrained in it in the name of being functionally efficient and generalized. Making it so modular, forkable, etc… means there wasn't really much porky could do during it's development to make it profitable to them specifically other than just use it as an easy to work with backend for more profitable projects… and that's what they do. ¯\(ツ)/¯

Idk maybe I'm missing the point of this.


I just think, I had all the time a false image of what Linux actually is (or has become in the last years). Let me put it this way: When looking at the apple or microsoft logos, I see greedy corpos. I see Bill Gates, I see Steve Jobs, I see capitalism. But In the past, when I looked at the Linux penguin logo, I saw Richard Stallman, beardy nerds who were making software not for profit, but for the people. I saw underground techno-revolutionaries, who were fighting against BigTech.
Now I realize, that this romantic view is an illusion. Lunduke's articles have shown me, that Linux is deeply corrupted. I don't know who to trust, I don't know what shady things Linux Mint is actually doing in the background. Maybe it's part of a botnet, I don't know! The good thing about Windows and mac is, you actually know that you are part of a botnet.
My computing needs are very minimal and in the last months my Windowsphone has completely replaced my Linux Mint desktop PC. When I think about it, there is actually no reason for me to ever getting a real computer again, because it just works. Since Linux is corrupted by BigTech anyway, it doesn't really matter what kind of OS I use. I see no reason anymore, why I should continue to use Linux in the future.


Holy fuck, Lunduke is so based. All his articles are bangers!

>Leaked Microsoft documents reveal effort to "Gender Transition" young children



>I don't know what shady things Linux Mint is actually doing in the background.
Except you actually know? You can run any process monitor and it will show you what's going on and if anything seems strange you can lookup what propose it may have.
And you can bet that lm wouldn't start some random connection to sent analytics* for ads or other similar stuff. Like, seriously compare the number of not explicitly authorised connections on your typical windows 10|11 installation to something like a debian or even lm one and it'll be night and day.
All this «follow the money my dude!» handwaving is dumb if not result of such action if presented. Even openbsd receives money from corps, it's openbsd compromised?
*: An exception to this maybe something like firefox since it may have been compiled to sent some data to mozilla by default, but this depends on the distribution and it isn't a linux specific thing.


The recent xz backdoor scandal was for me the final nail in the coffin, it showed me that you can't trust computers and you can't trust nerds. You say the same shit, all these Linux nerds are saying all the time: "It's totally secure bro. Just check the code, just check the process monitor!" So you found a backdoor, great! How many backdoors are there, which you haven' found yet? How many processes are there, which can't be detected by "any process monitor" currently? I thought Linux was supposed to be le based, secure, revolutionary alternative to the M$ botnet crap. It turns out, this isn't the case and the issue was never about which OS you choose: Computers are the problem, computers which are connected to the internet to be exactly. Remember those irrational anti-tech boomers, who had this vague fear of computers? Well guess what, they were right, although they couldn't explain why. I've been observing the development of computing technology very closely, we had the NSA leaks, corrupted Linux Mint images on the official LM website, Captology is rising, Lunduke's articles on BigTech control of Linux and Mozilla, articles by Stallmann why everything on the internet today sucks: DON'T TRUST COMPUTERS! It doesn't matter, which software you use. Stay away from internet connected devices as much as possible.


>irrational anti-tech boomers
They are glued to the screens of their personal tracking devices now.


all substacks have rss feeds



Debian (1993-2024) compared to Windows 11 (2021-2024)? Not misleading at all.


Well, even in comparsion with most recent versions, the result isn't very good for Linux.


They say they got their numbers from https://www.cvedetails.com/ so let's take a look:
> Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
There's only a single entry for LTS, and it does say 426. 20.04 was released in April 2020, it's four years old.
> Windows 11 (22h2)
There are 79 entries, with various numbers between 0 and 572. I have no idea why. 22h2 was released in September 2022, it's not even two years old.

> most recent

The most recent Ubuntu is 23.10, with 2 vulnerabilities:
But the image does say "Recent Major Version", so let's look at the freshest LTS (long term support) version: Ubuntu 22.04, with 29 vulnerabilities:

Windows 11 also has a more recent version: 23h2, with 147 to 0 vulnerabilities. I have no idea if it is considered a "Major Version" or not. You can look at the rest but I think this is enough to see the point.

To be honest I am not sure how meaningful these numbers are anyway, but it should be pretty clear that this Lunduke person is not honest in their analysis.


This is the same guy, right? He seems very sane.


Can't open link on my device.



I used to watch this guy's hour long software developer/spokesperson interviews long before his forays into conservatoid cringe. He is knowledgeable on the Linux mainline software ecosystem, even though he doesn't appear to be much of a unix wizard.

While it is important to recognize the corporate involvement in Linux, OP shouldn't conclude a vulgar equivalence of all software licensing, but analyze the difference in the control of software ecosystems. Open-source software has been embraced by corporations not only because their indirect control proves sufficient for now. They cannot afford to assume direct control over the development of Linux. While providing the source may tap unpaid labor, the current licensing of microsoft products gauges their willingness to rescind control to this end. Their github repo indicates it doesn't extend to operating system components similar in scope to Linux.

Purely from a literate consumer standpoint a stable systemd-less linux distro + flatpak or chroots is the supreme desktop, so i see n issue with recommending it. Many quality-of-life benefits or even the existence of distributions hinge on current copyleft or permissively licensing of software and the resulting software ecosystem.

Copyleft is a solution until better methods to aid in developing and distributing software emerges.


He should talk less about his idiotic politics and more about tech.


Why are all prominent open source nerds right wing pieces of shit?


>right wing pieces of shit?
Damn, this board is infested with woke bidenites.


>woke bidenism is when you dont validate my freeze peach rants about west fallen because of diversity hiring, transhumanist thing and the jab


> His articles are straight to the point and can be easily understood by non-nerds like myself. Reading his articles about Linux and Mozilla felt like reading some investigative techno-thriller. This quote really struck me:
>>Think you're being rebellious — and staying clear of Big Tech — by using Linux? Think again.

Is this a joke?


CVEs can contain almost anything, going by the number is useless


Does anyone know, which OS Lunduke is using?



No one wants to turn on javascript for the nazi-bar newsletter website, even if it has RSS.


How is substack a "nazi website"?


There's a difference between a site being a nazi bar and being a full blown nazi site. Not much, but words mean things.
The margin for error is obviously smaller for a site that doesn't serve a real purpose aside from EEE tactics like substack tho.


It's true, substack is spreading malicious disinformation and fake news. Oh and Glenn Greenwald is a nazi.


It's true, substack is spreading malicious disinformation and fake news. Oh and Glenn Greenwald is a nazi.


iirc he started using pop!os when heavily shilling for system76, suse before that.


Lunduke is a libertarian petit bourgeois tool


>I used to watch this guy's hour long software developer/spokesperson interviews long before his forays into conservatoid cringe.
Any recs for tech/sec/linux podders or streamers on the left?


>tech/sec/linux podders or streamers on the left?

Why does it matter, which politcal views a tech journalist has? Lunduke is the best example, he is hated by /pol/tards, because he is a jew. At the same time, he is hated by leftypolers, because he is a zionist and anti-woke. But he is writing about stuff, nobody else is writing, why should anyone who is interested in tech, reject his work just because of his political views?? Take what you need and stop caring about the person.


Read the thread, Lunduke is making shit up constantly. Why would anyone read him?


The articles in the OP are all factually correct. I don't know what you mean.


>Any recs for tech/sec/linux podders or streamers on the left?
Most of tech youtube is a waste of time. Find good tech content at lwn, https://lobste.rs or https://dragonflydigest.com
If you want to turn your brain off, you can watch any generic video essay about old computer hardware.


good recs that I didn't know about. Thanks anon.


I used to like him but he turned into a massive rightoid>>24078
At least Luke Smith knows how to hide his power level


In a recent video it was revealed, that he is using a macbook!


He's eh. He's a typical Open Source advocate: doesn't care about software freedom all that much and dislikes Stallman. At least that's my impression of him.

DistroTube may be the Joe Rogan of alt-tech but at least he has a strong stance on software freedom unlike some people. Even Brodie Robertson is more supportive of software freedom than Lunduke is, think about it.

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