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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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I just have come across some money and I want to build a new gaming PC, my old pc is starting to show its age. Where do I start? I have a 3000 dollar budget. Looking for a high end gpu, The best cpu and and can carry a blueray player.


3000 is an insane amount lol. I recently upgraded and the most difficult thing to choose was the mobo actually. Huge differences in price and hard to discern for what reason.

Why don't you consult reddit?

I guess first choice to make would be if you are gonna go with Amd or intel and amd or nvidia. Thrn when you figure that out just get whatever the newest flagship is. Then pick mobo that works for the chipset. Whatever the best ssd is for your main drive. Ram highest clock speed. Probably want to go ddr5 but I hear there isn't much of an advantage currently. That's about it. Case doesn't matter just get one you think looks kewl.


>look it up
>top of the line geforce costs 1800 now
Damn. Well splurge on the graphics card more than the proccessor for gaming. Gaming doesn't need a super cpu. Also splurge on the ssd if you want better loading times.


if you want an internal blu ray drive, then you need a compatible SATA connector on the motherboard and a properly sized optical drive bay (5.25", half height) on the case, i think

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