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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Linux, Wikipedia, Mozilla Firefox, Signal… I've always believed, that these were the "good guys" in the tech world. I have believed, that there is a countermovement against BigTech. I remember, ten years ago, I actually donated regularly to Wikipedia, because I believed in their mission of free knowledge and shit. But in the last months, I found out that all these "alternative" and "non-profit" projects and organizations are deeply intertwined with BigTech. It's over. There was a time, when people thought, that television would bring light to the world. It didn't, it actually brought darkness to the world. And I was one of those people, who believed, the internet would bring light to the world. Now I realize, it was a mistake, just like television.


can you stop spamming this FUD? tell your handler to assign you to a different website or something


bruh, the only one of those you can actually argue is the case is WIKIPEDIA which is built by a hayek believing rich libertarian douche who made his money in porn. Corporate Linux is shit but so is corporate anything else, just use FLOSS and nonprofit/community distros.


How is this FUD? They aren't even denying it! The Wikimedia foundation proudly lists their sponsors on their frontpage. Or who is Katherine Maher? The info is all out there! It isn't even a conspiracy theory at this point!


Read Marshall McLuhan. You can use a TV to watch communist propaganda, to watch pornography, or to watch children's cartoons. The most important thing of that interaction is that you are watching TV, that will have more influence on you and your behavior than what you watch on it.


I will check him out, thanks for the tip!


>Linux, Wikipedia, Mozilla Firefox, Signal… I've always believed, that these were the "good guys" in the tech world.
there's no ethical consumption under capitalism. leftism 101. evn if evry one of these guys behind these companies is 100% pure, good meanin ppl, they r still forced to make profits to survive in a capitalist economy.
>I remember, ten years ago, I actually donated regularly to Wikipedia, because I believed in their mission of free knowledge and shit.
yes wikipedia-censorship is extensive, an problematic. bu this don't necessarily take away from the fact its still an incredibly valuable tool for education across the world, billions use it on the daily. my personal advice: dont believe anythin on there that aint sourced, or that cites sum shitty sources, an always b skeptical.
>But in the last months, I found out that all these "alternative" and "non-profit" projects and organizations are deeply intertwined with BigTech.
>It's over.
its nvr begun to begin w/, do u think the internet began as a project of freedom and liberty? i hve bad news for u anon.
>There was a time, when people thought, that television would bring light to the world. It didn't, it actually brought darkness to the world.
real, deadass, television is absolute brainrot. my kids is gonna b watchin studio ghibli, teen titans, an myb sum select other media i decide aint too rottedova.
>And I was one of those people, who believed, the internet would bring light to the world. Now I realize, it was a mistake, just like television.
anon, hve u eva heard the concept of "grey-zone"? not everythin's black and white yk. sure, these tech IPs u've named r engaged in sum shady stuff, that dont mean there aint good to them. the issue is not w/ these IPs, its w/ capitalism.


wikipedia glows, and signal is not to be trusted. building a system supposedly for protecting activists and then requiring registration by phone number is extremely sus. Moxie has almost surely received a national security letter. operate under the assumption that the feds have all of signal's metadata


>and signal is not to be trusted.

The thing is, Edward Snowden himself recommended to use Signal! Whom can you trust at this point, when even someone like Snowden can give such bad advice??


>Edward Snowden himself recommended to use Signal
I talked to snowden. but that was 10+ years ago at this point. also Russian glowies exist


>free software was funded by capitalism
selling us the rope to hang them with, and so on…


use XMPP, over tor if you're paranoid


Wikipedia only allows information from "trustworthy sources" (mainly mainstream media). Caring about wikipedia's conflict of interest instead of those of its sources is rather pointless.


I think, Snowden should apologize for shilling this glowware so hard. I don't even think he did it on purpose, but he clearly made a mistake.


I think Signal works for a lot of people. I just don't trust it personally
the reason Snowden isn't dead likely has more to do with him being protected by the FSB since it's in Russia's geopolitical interests


>le epic unibomber
how did i know this was gonna be /g/ tier anti-FOSS FUD even before i read the text


>le epic unibomber
how did i know this was gonna be /g/ tier anti-FOSS FUD even before i read the text

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