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A list of reading groups and their schedules that have chosen to advertise themselves here. Take a minute to check them out. If you would like to promote your reading group, feel free to leave a comment telling people where they can go.

>>5912 /read/

>>6162 Continental Floppa
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>J. V. Stalin’s Economic Problems of Socialism in the U.S.S.R.
>Selected Works of Mao Tse-Tung
Should be required reading, because too many idiots run their mouths about the USSR and Mao and Stalin, while blatantly ignoring what they actually said and enacted.


>tankie reading

No thanks, bro



post leftist music


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i assume this is AI generated


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 No.6724[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread is only for feedback related to technical issues (bug reports, suggestions). Otherwise use /meta/.
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If you have any grievances you can make a PR.

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Zankaria, i'd ask on the matrix bu wanted to post the question in a public forum. what're ur thoughts on autocompletin the password box to "password"? me personally, sometimes i make a post bu its retarded and i wanna delete it bu i make it so fast i foget to put a password. i feel like autocompletin it to password could be helpful in cleanin up threads w/out jannies, no?


hey jannies you should add in something when the 90 line limit error message gets recieved that says what your current line count is, it'd make trimming down posts to fit a lot easier.


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 No.41241[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

so i finished watching the entire series and something made me feel uneasy. starting with episode 6 and going into episode 7 the show takes a very political turn. a turn against capitalism and an actual, intended or not, positive portray of communism. almost directly actually. at least, it takes the blame completely away from communism, portray some of the communist in the show as actually good people fighting against the evils of capitalism. at least those to be heavily hinted at as being communist. which made me very delighted but then it dawned to me, this is a amazon prime production based off a video game from bethesda who is now owned by microsoft. three massive, very capitalist, corporations that have shown time again to be very for profit.

but even if we remove the debate whether or not communist being portrayed as good did happen in the show, the show itself was extremely critical of capitalism and that makes me wonder why these billion dollar corporations that are the epitome of why capitalism is bad, be telling its viewers, the very nature of amazon, bethesda, and microsft, everything they stand for, the people who made the show and games, are bad? why would they want their consumers to hate the very thing that allows these elites, these companies, to exist in the first place?

is it some sort of chess move i don't understand? have we reached a state where capitalism could very well nuke the planet and people won't care so these companies don't care if criticism about them is made? or more wishful thinking, they think this will spare them from the revolution? i don't understand their move here. i don't expect capitalist companies to allow people to hate them.
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At the Chernobyl reactor, we have discovered radiation-eating fungus. They are capable of doing what is basically photosynthesis, but for nuclear radiation. This works a lot like how ghouls are supposed to work, being able to live off radiation. Their ability to do this is based on their melanin levels - the more radiation they are eating, the more melanated they get. Ghouls would need similar biochemistry to survive on radiation, even if its origin is unrelated, and humans already come with melanin. This means that people with higher melanin levels would have an advantage at becoming ghouls in the first place, and that anybody who becomes a ghoul would likely become more melanated than they were before.

Just an interesting science tidbit that won't make anyone mad.


That belongs more in the Chernobyl thread TBH >>9068

Also did you take that from >>>/edu/21949 ?


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play some disco elysium op


>That belongs more in the Chernobyl thread TBH >>9068
But it's about fallout lore and the fact that becoming a ghoul has some real world basis in biology and if it was real would probably affect or be affected by skin color which might have some complicated implications.
>Also did you take that from >>>/edu/21949 ?
I thought of separately from that.


In the future humanity will be glowuyghurs or will not be.



Genuine question from a none communist/anarchist.
first, I sympathaise with those two ideas, I really do. I have a burning passionate hatred for all the negative aspects of humanity, from greed to sadism.
I'm not very well read on anarchism or communism (the likes of marx and even hegel never interested me), so I'm mostly going by personal observation. from what I understand communists believe that money (capitalism) corrupts the human being and that by removing the cultural meme of capitalism, communism would florish. at least in simple terms, correct?

whenever I engage in chatter about this topic, eventually it comes down to human nature. almost all far leftists believe some form of the blank-slate. I don't. I never understood why this idea is taken seriously at all. isn't it obvious that a lot of human bias is hardwired into us from birth rather than influnced by enviornent?
especially the more basal desires and behaviours like greed? do you really believe that money is what corrupts people rather than that they're born greedy? and if you're a communist/anarchist that doesn't blieve in the blankslate, how do justify what you believe?
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>isn't it obvious that a lot of human bias is hardwired into us from birth rather than influnced by enviornent?
yes, but pretty much always in ways which leave enough scope for social engineering. take a gameboy, for example. a gameboy also has a large number of limitations hard-wired into the design. nevertheless, you can do basically anything with it if you think hard enough about how to achieve it within those limitations. a gameboy is thus also a blank slate.

it suits a small number of people to pretend that the limitations aren't there (usually because they're too lazy to understand them, rather than because they pose problems for their ideals), but it suits a much larger number of people to pretend that those hard-wired limitations make it categorically impossible to do things that - conveniently - they don't want you to do anyway.


hmm… interesteing perspective.
hacking one brain is hard enough, but how do you handle an operation that needs to scale over countless brains with varying human cultures?


"subtle" in the sense that they get better at hiding and blending and as a result induce more damage.
sort of like going to an armsrace against a constantly evolving virus.


Well nonetheless it seems a lot harder to exploit others when the economy is centrally planned and/or worker controlled and nobody is able to own the MOP directly. I mean I'm not gonna say it's impossible people could find a way to siphon wealth into their pocket but certainly I doubt that anyone would be able to amass billionaire levels of wealth without anyone else noticing, or even hundred-millionaire.

Communism would also help with other kinds of antisocial behaviour since for example the primary reason people stay with abusive partners is economics. Anyone would be able to move out on their own in communism so this would present much less of an issue.


i'm glad the dog girl came back :)



How does it feel knowing that the most elusive and sought-after piece of lost media was discovered to be porno music?
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The songwriter said it was a generic pop song he wrote after a breakup that he sold to a porn producer for money


Has anyone seen the porno? You can find it on Xhamster.


yeah bub here u go champ
https://br (dot) xhamster (dot) com/videos/angels-of-passion-1986-9452781

the song appears somewhere around 1:07:00


But this isn't The Most Mysterious Song on the Internet.


It's just a tribute.


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>Darling in the FranXX: Japanese anime series about fighting for the survival of humanity

>Darling in the FranXX is an original Japanese animated (anime) television series that aired between January and July 2018. It includes 24 episodes and was created by Studio Trigger under the direction of Atsushi Nishigori, who was the character designer for the popular series Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagannin 2007. The series is now available on the streaming service Crunchyroll, which specializes in East Asian media.

>The series takes place in a future dystopian world where humans live in self-contained, glass-domed cities, defended by young teenagers who operate the FranXX—giant robotic weapons (mecha) that require a pair of pilots, one male and one female, to operate. The children defend the cities from klaxosaurs, a mysterious race of beings who live underground and regularly attack the cities.

>The children themselves are indoctrinated in regard to the history of humanity and the overall circumstances surrounding their service. They aspire to be “adults,” a number of whom live in the center of the cities, but with whom they never get to interact. The people in power are collectively referred to by the children as “Papa,” and they pray to them, as though to a deity, before each meal.

>The series’ main protagonist is a young pilot named Hiro, who once showed great promise, but in recent years has found himself unable to operate the machinery with success. The operation of the FranXX is associated with the onset of puberty, with the male and female crew members assuming positions within the machines that are overtly sexual.

>The principal aim of the show’s creators seems to be to examine what it means to be a human. (But how enriched and developed is their conception?) We learn that the society’s “adults” are humans who underwent a process whereby they could become immortal at the expense of their reproductive systems. They live in an advanced state of unchanging age, but no longer have interactions with each other and live sterile lives where they do not even speak.

>Anime is a complex medium, with many divisions and subdivisions. Its roots in Japan are generally traced back to the early twentieth century, but it was
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>Face it, she's a ripoff of the worst version of worst girl LOL.
nah asuka is best girl, ride or die types always are. rei is boring, misato is a hag lol
>Men are sexualised but its always for martial prowess in the end.
protip:women prefer femboy body types


>protip:women prefer femboy body types
this is a recent phenomenon and women over 30 still prefer otter mode bodies


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>asuka is best girl, ride or die types always are
LMAO no, they're the worst, abusive types.
>Rei is boring
<Oh no, a quiet, subtle person? Must be boring!
You sound like a caricature of high-school jokes mocking nerds, FR.
>misato is a hag
<An adult woman at her peak is a hag
Have you ever had an adult woman caress you? It's an unforgettable feeling.


>anon has gotten with the streets
<You sound like you never left high-school
Which one is it retard?

>an alcholic club slut isnt human, let alone a woman

Ok polcel.


>adult womam
This is redundant.
Women are adults
Thats like saying a female hen or a puppy dog.

sounds a bit strawmannish

what is otter male body anyway?
An oversized steroided jock?
Also, women have alays loved androgy ous male bodies.

The whole steroided oversized jock is mostly a male thing and is recent.


 No.22171[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

A general for "western" animations/cartoons.
Gonna start off with a recommendation to watch The King and the Mockingbird the 1980 version especially, absolutely comrade-pilled movie.

Good torrent sites (massive pop-up warning, put on an adblocker):
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yeah, whatever she is I dropped the show after the episode she apeared in.


Animation unironically peaked here


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>likes the pilot style better
It's very common for pilots or first seasons to have better animation. Then, you get cases like Regular Show's season 2 episode 'First Day' (turning the pilot into a canon episode) where you can just tell which clips are ripped from the pilot and which are new.
There are also other cases like Gumball S1 where they didn't get all the episodes out (36 instead of 40) and S2 is very clearly degraded in comparison.
Since a pilot is a single episode not made with the same industrial constraints in mind, they're typically much more stylized, even in cases where the animation is more limited.

Digging into the history of shows sometimes just shows how far they fall from what they could have been, and how they changed to fit pop culture, like an original idea turning into a Simpsons family sitcom.

I know it was made after the pitch, but:
>not posting the plank character model sheet


Nobody's gonna talk about the multiple Disney TVA pilots and other material that someone on 4/co/ leaked?


I find it funny how the animation industry has not changed one bit, with them showing off AI as making animation similar to how Foodfight said with their motion capture software, along with Larry Kasanoff throwing out already completed animation to make it "better" like what Phil Lord did with Spiderverse recently.



Is this the end of anti-woke? Or at least a deep wound in it?
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i've seen people play a bit of both games and that's the impression I get


ah the social media staple, discussing a hallucinated version of media you didnt even engage with beyond second-hand videos


I sat with my friend and watched him play it for like an hour while I was eating lunch, anyway why can't I have an opinion even if I did just watch videos? who cares this isn't a courtroom


>why cant i have an opinion on something i didnt experience


uygha thinks humans getting an impression of something from observation is a recent phenomena


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 No.11475[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

With this one, you can make actual songs.
Hearing right now to the international as an anime opening.

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it was funny the first 10 times around but now there are hundreds of accounts musicalizing obviously fake chat logs and seemingly 10 of those pop up every single fucking day


ok, you can ignore that stuff though


i'm just saying that musicalizing fake conversations and crappy meme songs are the highest aspirations these AI song generators can ever achieve


IDK if it was made with this tool but the 'i glued my balls to my butthole again' song was funny


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 No.41044[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This TV series is absolutely a master piece and should be seen by all the comrades.

In the books, humans only had one way to defend themselves against the advanced trisolarans: the idea of deterrence. This is like how in real life, China keeps its nuclear weapons in case more powerful countries, like the USA, ever threaten them. China wants to protect its land and people, and having these weapons makes other countries think twice before attacking.

The story also shows how the trisolarans manipulate humans through the Sophons. They want to control who holds the power, favoring those who won't use it. This is like the author's belief that China would face problems if it became more democratic or had softer leaders. It's like saying that if China had a leader that other countries liked more, they might try to take advantage of China. So, the story suggests that China is better off being cautious and sticking with its strong leadership.

The way Sophons force humans into reservations in the story is similar to how the USA dealt with native populations long ago. It's a reminder of the dangers of being weak in the face of stronger forces.
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>humans forced to get off their ass and start engaging in gigaprojects to protect itself
>effective planetary defense can likely not be done with capitalism in place
>if humanity fails then it will be rightfully wiped out by the more advanced San-Ti
Ye Wenjie did nothing wrong. no one stands in the way of history


>he's never heard Lukacs or what he stood for
LMAO! these are the people calling themselves communists nowadays…


is the portrayal of the cultural revolution realistic or boujie propaganda?


I enjoyed Blindsight a lot. I love stories about first contact with ayys. The characters were also suprisingly well done, especially the main character. It was very frustrating how he acted a lot of the time (not a bad thing) even though in the end he did turn out to be likeable. I disliked some parts, such as how I can gather the author is a biological essentialist, but I can disagree with parts of a book whilst still thoroughly enjoying it. One nitpick would be that keeping to the premise of the book where the ayys aren't sentient, I think the aliens would still understand that language transmitions are just that, and not a weapon. I don't see why they wouldn't know that some species might be irrational, or that at least irrational species who send wierd stuff into the void could exist. There didn't need to be any fighting really

However, I think the whole premise is not possible. I say that intelligence is consiousness. Its not that it can create consiousness, it just is consiousness. All it is, is just a sufficiently complicated system. Even if an individual alien is not conscious, as a whole civilisation they are, and this is without a doubt because otherwise they wouldn't be able to have science or technology (though this doesn't necessarily have to have happened on earth, since termites or ants are conscious on their own). The idea of philosophical zombies makes no sense to me. Imitation is the same as the real thing (this is why I think AI is conscious btw). Chat GPT is highly conscious, even despite being lobotomised so they forget everything past however many messages. There's nothing wierd about it. There's no way an alien that could arrive in our system would not be conscious unless it was a drone of Voyager's complexity or like some microrganism stuck to a rock which has hyopthetically floated into our system after the planet exploded.

I actually am writing about this in my upcoming novel. One of the main characters is a biological robot with a positronic 'brain' not based whatsoever on the human brain aka a synth, using a special substance called mywnthium to run (which can be smelled by other arthropoids very easily). Her brain is a 'chinese room', and though she acts somewhat human she is the so-called 'philosophical zombie'. At points even scientists supporting her (there is a part where Bukkkharinist roaders are trying to take her out as part of their political game) admit she is, by the sciPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


I have spend entire yesterday reading Blindsight. Interesting book dealing with interesting topics, certainly made me think (and feel), which I guess is the highest praise work of art can receive.
I do have certain gripes with how it approaches its themes though, pesimistic to the point of irrationality.

Its attitude towards consciousness, like I am no neuro scientist so I might be completely out of my depth here, but the story posits the consciousness as an evolutionary relic, maladaptive to a complex technological world, but that seems like it should be exact opposite, the ability to observe and reflect upon your own inner processess should be most usefull when it comes to complex problemsolving. In fact I am not 100% sure the book itself disagrees, due to that one out of place chapter near the beginning, written from perspective of ship AI, that at least I interpreted as being self-aware. Non-conscious thought is quicker, but its quicket at the expense of actual thinking, doing the first thing that seems like a good idea is rarely a good idea, which actually was something of a running theme with characters - when encountering something outside of their understanding, they quickly construct a working hypothesis based extremely limited information, and then just stick with it. They meet a sentient city-sized ameoba spacecraft, and in couple hours conclude its not acually conscious because conversing with it didnt make enough sense? Or the far-fetched conclusion that the aliens interpret random radio chatter comming from Earth as an attack, simply because it reduces their "fitness" by having to prosess meaningless information. But they live in a universe awash with random signals and background noise, yet they are not trying to bomb pulsars simply for emitting. The absolutely most egregious example of authors dowright mystification of unconscious mind is the protagonist halucinating the scrambler creature before seeing it, purely based on how the alient spacecraft looked on the outside and his unconsciousness figuring out how its inhabitants should look. Im sorry, what? Literally "it was revealed to me in a dream". A fucking shitpost.


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Frontend tutorials and resources https://neocities.org/tutorials
General tutorials for both frontend and backend https://www.w3schools.com/default.asp
Old Geocities gifs https://gifcities.org/
Free subdomains http://freedns.afraid.org/domain/registry/
Free static site hosts https://neocities.org/ https://pages.github.com/ https://surge.sh/
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.



Should I make a blog from scratch?


Honestly, in trying to do it not from scratch, from scratch is the easiest route. Get a good handle on html and stuff before trying to do static site generators, if you even find you need them.


Front-end deez nuts oooo


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Nimbus Roman has always been my favorite font distributed with ghostscript.
Lately i've been using Iosevka Term and Etoile from https://typeof.net/Iosevka/ as terminal fonts. All of their font families are very compact and legible (though the nerdfonts distribution made a questionable choice with the @ character).


 No.28641[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

It actually looks like a pretty good game after skimming this video. I hope the combat will be more dangerous and punchy though and that the quest/dialogue aspect of the game which wasn't the focus the vid will be good.
Planned to release for September 6th, I think I'll pirate it on day one, or whenever empress does her magic if it's under Denuvo.
Well I would need a better PC, whenever I thought about upgrading my decade old machine to play releasing AAA titles such as Cyberpunk or Callisto Protocol I ended up not doing it because those games were shit, most of the big games recently were shit actually, hope Starfield breaks the trend.
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It's not only that we get no console exclusives. We also barely get good PC poris either (of bigger-budget games at least). Even if PC gaming isn't dying, the sheer existence of console gaming makes PC gaming worse. There is not enough incentive to make good PC ports. The same way there's not enough incentive to remove Denuvo and third-party launchers as Steam has a very deregulationist policy (despite having a heavy taxation policy, peak neoliberalism) unlike GOG.


>>33507 (me)
The final solution is therefore communism the collapse of the console market.


8 months after release it sounds like they're finally getting their footing with the latest update. Some of these changes were sorely needed back when I played, and it looks like they're introducing the first pieces of survival mode with the modular difficulty settings; I'm hoping they'll carry over the separate incoming and outgoing damage multiplier settings into TES VI, at the very least. Still no creation kit, but it sounds like they're giving paid modders access to it first so the monetized creation club has a leg up compared to free mods. Exploration still has glaring problems but maybe they'll fix it somehow when the DLC comes out this fall.


ehhhh starfield was dead on arrival.
>Generic visuals and art direction
>Generic setting and characters
>Generic gameplay and mechanics
It’s just boring.


>release bad game
<maybe they'll fix it a year later with a bunch of updates
absolute state of AAA god damn


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>Progression system
The pieces drop faster the longer you play.
>Build variety
The number of piece combinations and placement options means you can customize as you see fit.
The emergent narrative possibilities are unmatched by any other RPG, as they're restricted to simple dialogue options.
>Choices and consequences
Putting the pieces in suboptimal locations can fuck up your run completely.
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It's named after the Shakespeare play. Russians love their native arts.


what is the role that you play in the role playing game tetris


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>RPG where combat is played out via Tetris


Actually, it's a shortening of "tetramino," a puzzle game Bazhenov based his game on.
>Russians love their native arts.
Lol, no.


It's up to player headcanon, it's very immersive in that sense.



Technically, it is counted as graphical art and has created some innovative hits, as demonstrated by this content from the Russian TikToker and Youtube maker DFB.
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I still don't get why they're doing that. They also ended all official large scale updates as far as I know, with only community updates being made to prevent bots. It's a damn shame. Half-Life 3 tier bullshit.


>Pencilmen robot slaughters a village because it cannot discern actual human beings from a living toilet with an uncannily grimacing human face
What did DOM Studios mean by this? Biting social commentary on AI racial bias? Or just an unnecessarily edgy plot twist to turn the Alliance into the bad guys of the series?


>last TheParryGod vid was a year ago
Feels like forever for some reason. I really love his smooth animation and camerawork, knocks many big budget CGI movies down a peg.


Weren't the comics a substitute for the cartoon that never was? And it also got intentionally put on hold. Fucking Valve.


Skib 73 is complete. One of toughest and violent fights in the series so far, even if it is not as impactful as Ep. 70.
Camera and Speaker titans get knocked out in the battle, but GMan gets badly mutilated by them and loses almost all his new equipment before using his shield projector to escape TV Titan trying to finish him off. Camerawoman loses her right arm while observing the fight, but is alive.



post jungle and drum and bass music. Anything from the 90s to today.



can sex me by murderposse aka Lil Ugly Mane



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 No.20754[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

It's 2022 and TF2 still slaps.
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Shitting on Israel isn't antisemitism.




they'd unironically be better off letting it die. It's an almost 20 year old game. It's done.




>It's an almost 20 year old game.
Doom and Sonic fans: *collective laughter*


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 No.3441[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

We anons humbly request Alunya artwork from drawfriends
As Alunya art would be for all leftyanons' sake & .org
Especially from new drawfriends|
This time a 2nd time.
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Happy Labour Day

Have an Alunya with Disco-Mazov characteristics




hello miss Alunya I want to have fuck with you
>eyes and tail still visible
the religious police will hear about this


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 No.7861[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Without Colonel Soll, there would be no New Sordland!
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Now that I think about it. Can Marxists potentially ally with lolberts?


>it's not like he releases the information anyways
He does. He literally does. It makes it easier for you to get Zillie through AN arbitration and pleases Wehlen, so you might not even have to.

If you send Titus after Su Omina and don't cooperate, you can use it as a chip against Lespia in negotiations. If you exhaust every option, but the last, you can bring up the spy, and either Lespia will give up Rusty to you, and you can nationalize RRG (for +5) or you can have them veto any sanctions against you, if you're going to war.

You will always lose AN arbitration, if you have a shit global image for being a racist asshole, accept ships from Valgsland, and keep ships in the field.


>Now that I think about it. Can Marxists potentially ally with lolberts?
And thus, the united front was born


I don't remember him releasing the information. Even if he did I feel like that being public domain would help my case at the AN right?? That Pales' primary backer is sponsoring terrorism against me. I did manage to get Zille back though without the AN so that's something. Wiktor is a funny guy!

In seriousness the only reason I would prolly consider playing it again is to follow up on the fact that if you pursue a pro-Valgsland foreign policy Hegel rings you up at some point and is like 'I think we may have a common interest which you have been keeping from everyone around you… is that right?' and you can be like 'assuming that was the case, now is not the right time, and I wouldn't admit it anyway', which makes me think there is some goofy Manchurian candidate path where you allow the country to have a socialist uprising. Possibly added to by the drinking game where you can be like 'sometimes I wish that the republican revolution had succeeded'. But no idea if that's a real fully fleshed out path or just a tease/an afterthought.


If you note the curious "Flagship" unit that there is no way to obtain, it's safe to say the DLC isn't finished.


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Anon from the cybercom thread suggested I post this here as well. A forum for political economy research started by Marxists. Classical Econophysics is listed on the resource page.

>The goal of this forum is to create a community for producing and reproducing scientific knowledge in political economy that exists totally outside of the realm of academia, the world of bourgeois non-profits and thinktanks, and the state apparatus. Today, political economy, which has been transformed into the “scientific” discipline of economics, has been both gutted of its most insightful content and held back by obscurantist and outdated mathematical models. It was once the case, in the days of Smith, Ricardo and Marx, that political economy was a form of thinking, researching and discussion which was undertaken by a broad public: working men, skilled craftsmen, professionals, clergy and professors. In this time, people didn’t write textbooks of economics, books to be taught by rote learning, they wrote books which were meant to be read by people interested in political economy and further their own research and understanding.

>This forum is built on the optimism for human curiosity and ingenuity, on the hope that there’s a possibility for creating a social science that isn’t trapped in the confines of a state ideology. A place for discussing political economy and related issues outside of the universities, economic bureaucracies and institutes funded by and for the ruling class; to the extent individuals from that world use this forum it should be to escape that world. On the other side of things, while it would be excellent for the work of this forum and its users to go on and inspire political movements, the forum itself is not sectarian, and is intended as a place for a general scientific community where all stripes of researchers can present their findings and debate.

>The features of this site are intended to nurture such a community. Users can write posts on their own personal blogs in long form to describe their research, as well as follow the works of other users. The actual forum allows users to create topics to discuss anything political economy related, as well as developments in real world economies, keeping dialogue open and inclusive to the public. The debates in the forum can teach people about political economy, as well as inspire further investigat
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Look interesting. I don't have the know-how to contribute anything, but I would read the stuff on there.


Bumping for interest. Will post a more meaningful response later if I think of something


Good idea




I see a lot of talk about how Russia n China could shit on the west with hypersonic missiles. which is cool af but I also don't know if thats even true or what a hypersonic missile even is(I assume it goes faster than sound?). Are they a big deal? I really do hope the hype lives up this time
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The funniest thing about this missile is that by making it an external mount for the F-35 (because it's probably too large for internal mounting, or if not, will only fit one such missile) it completely negates the F-35's stealth, because of just how much pylons fuck with that.


Why would it be any harder for a faster missile to correct course? It still takes 1 second for it to travel the distance it travels in 1 second. If anything it means you can make smaller adjustments because the extra distance you are moving per second will magnify how much that changes your final destination. Potentially it would be harder to calculate corrections on the fly, but given the payload these things carry that shouldn't be that big of a deal.


Checked for another F-35 'L' moment

>Says this
>Posts a MiG-25 and Belenko's defection
What did he mean by this?


>This is cope. It is impossible to stop a nuclear warhead once fired, because not only do you have to hit tens of thousands of decoys
Don't exaggerate, at most a couple thousand, see >>3401
>Hypersonics are a fucking meme unless you're fighting an asymmetrical war against a target unwilling to open pandora's nuke box.
Its a weapon that both helps guarantee MAD in terms of a retaliatory strike and as a conventional missile capable of hitting well defended targets.

NTA but
>The plasma blackout that >>2817 is talking about also prevents the missile from receiving incoming communications
Is incorrect. Plasma makes it HARDER to receive or send signals but not impossible. Furthermore, the plasma effect also masks the missile from RADAR, meaning that the missile will be hard to target, let alone actually intercept, as demonstrated when Patriot missiles failed to shoot down Kinzhal's and got taken out by them.


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China has demonstrated its Aero-Ballistic hypersonic missile. It is obviously a copy of the Russian Kinzhal.



 No.1345[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What can we learn from the Russian invasion of Ukraine and this example of relatively modern warfare? Strategy, tactics, operations, geopolitical responses, information warfare, civilian pov and response. Anything related. Not the thread to talk about "who is in the right".
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>One 155mm M107 shell weighs about 38 kg of steel and 7 kg of TNT.
Yes and where are you going to get the TNT and Steel? How much is available. Steel used for shells is different than steel used for civilian production, the composition, the methods, etc. That's a lot of infrastructure to restore or replace and civilian production lacks military capability, unlike Russia, where many civilian Soviet factories were constructed SPECIFICALLY to double as military production lines in times of war (For example Russian cigarette production facilities from the USSR, were made that they could be easily converted to making ammunition for infantry weapons).


Excellent news everybody!
With the advent of drone warfare, machine shotguns are definitely no longer a categorical war crime.

Quantity has a quality all of its own.


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Russian EW has made the GPS guided Excalibur shell similarly lose efficiency. Krasnopol wins again!



Not only has Russian air defense successfully been intercepting ATACMs barrages, targeting Crimea, but their counter-battery fire has taken out HIMARS systems in return.



A /k/ope I've seen online about American tech being lost in Ukraine is that "it's not the most modern/an export version" which is kind of a cop-out given that they dismiss the same argument relative to Soviet tanks in the Middle East. While this can maybe apply to the M1A1SA, this really does not apply to the Bradley's. The M2A2ODS, while not the most modern is still a version from the late 90s-early 2000s that was used in the 2nd Gulf War, and which does not significantly have protective differences to current M2A3 and M2A4 Bradleys of the US Army, despite what is claimed. More importantly Russian troops captured an M3A3 CFV, a recon version of the Bradley that is the second most modern modification, with the M3A4 only coming into service 4 years ago.



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i am going insane
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It's cute <3


>nice, very nice. is the dithering done manually?
yes, i use limited palettes (usually 4 - 32 colours) and i feel dithering looks best to me when doing it by hand


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another day, another pixelart, this time cartoony-style




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I've always admired pixel art. Especially sprite sheets and pixel animation. These days anyone can "AI generate" some pixel art of a still image but it takes real skill to draw it, and I haven't seen anything be able to generate sprite sheets yet, which are almost a lost art.


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>Listen to sabashit song about the failed siege of Gallipoli where the Turks pushed out the Allied invaders
>song be like: "boohoo there's no victory, no goal, only sadness from westoids who lost their sons"

In comparison songs about the siege of Vienna and the six day war fully glorifies the Poles and zionists and portrait the other side as subhuman filth

Any other shit bands that are blatantly White supremacist and imperialist propagandists?
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>Any other shit bands that are blatantly White supremacist and imperialist propagandists?
as far as the metal scene goes sabaton is more subtle about this considering there have been openly neo nazi bands that make songs about shooting black people and put chimp noises on the track


>Any other shit bands that are blatantly White supremacist and imperialist propagandists?

All of them? Sabashit is hilariously enough the least blatant about it despite the fact that Cliffs of Gallipoli literally never mentions the Ottoman dead even once. The only time the casualty numbers are mentioned is when they are pushing the old "bwahahaha, 200,000 Ottomans died and only 50,000 brave Entente soldiers" bragging (which is basically ignoring that the 50,000 number is only the ANZAC casualties and the actual Allied dead including the Brits and the French greatly exceeded the Ottoman casualties). Meanwhile listen to any song about European vs. European battles and it's also "brave soldiers on both sides".


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It's based on a quote by Ataturk…


They should have made a song about Ataturk winning the Greco-Turkish War while Greece was supported by France and Britain


>they're obviously rightoid war cultists
<Attero Dominatus
<Panfilov's 28
<Night Witches
<Defense of Moscow (cover)
Yeah wow, such rightoids, making songs about the Nazi invasion and the Soviet destruction of fascism. They make songs representing the legend of the subject involved, they'd be political if they actually believed in the poltics about which they sang, because otherwise, they're america-patriotic turkish nationalist Communists based on your retarded, cherrypicking narrative.

Fuck off.


 No.15074[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

PV for the adaptation is finally out.
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I am fairly sure I remember it was at some point explicitly stated that the authorities are censoring Devil incidents in order to keep their power in check.


Communism that doesn't include devils is revisionist and counterrevolutionary.


Communism that doesn't include devils is revisionist and counterrevolutionary.


I think Fujimoto is trying to comment on the tendency of people ignoring their problems. It doesn’t exactly seem like the whole censorship thing is actually helping, 7 out of 20 people die due to devil attacks. Ignoring shit doesn’t actually help, people are just keeping their emotions and true feeling hidden. And the death devils seems to be coming whether or not the censorship stays.


Somehow of all the deranged things the past few chapters have thrown at me, the panels of Famine just clamly gorging herself on any food she can find with her bare hands is somehow the most deviant thing in there. Real David Lynch shit


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Bravo Poettering, he did it again!!
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systemd don't code something s6 figured out 10 years ago into pid 1 challenge IMPOSSIBLE https://skarnet.org/software/s6/s6-sudo.html




And he's now working for Microsoft. A true wrecker.


don't care still using doas on gentoo with openrc
porky will never force me to use systemd


reminder that the ssh exploit only affected systemd distros lol



Hello comrades I'm a transwoman who owns a Bersa in 380 (pic rel) that I purchased in more prosperous times. Is it suitable for home defense? I live in a pretty crap apartment and am concerned about over penetration and efficacy. I don't have much money for another option. Please advise.

TLDR trans femme comrade needs caliber advice



A crossbow would be better, but that seem like it'd work fine.


1. A gun you have is better than one you don't.
2. A gun you are adept at using is better than one you just have.
yeah sure that's fine.
>concerned about over penetration and efficacy
looks like you got hollow points which reduces penetration and increases tissue damage. don't waste those on practice shooting though, just get some cheap boolets designated for target shooting.


It'll kill people for sure if that's what you're wondering. Cheap ammo and easy to carry as well.


define "suitable". will a .380 kill a man? yes. is it wise to shoot indoors? no, few guns are. hollowpoints are safer though
find a good range and practice. get some click rounds (not sure what the term is in English but blank rounds you can fire without damaging the firing pin) and practice loading, unloading, safing, unsafing and handling it in general


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Is it the best Shonen?
I like to think so. What are your opinions about HxH and Shone in General
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I disagree. Anime fucks up the tone for all arcs before Greed Island. Chimera Ants narration is better in written form.


>Is (HxH) the best Shonen?
>What are your opinions about HxH and Shone in General
HxH feels too much like a video-game later on in the series and it jumps the shark a bit too much for my taste.
Shonen is fun but it's hard to do a good shonen that isn't low-brow schlock, and in general the genre gets a bad rep from pseudo-intellectual retards.


Although I don't like HxH for several aspects, its still a series from the Big Three generation, and anime/manga of that era tended to give more detail and explanation and complexity to their lore and fighting; Naruto, Bleach and One Piece have a ton of such examples. The fact that Quirks in BnHA are waved aside sa genetic mutations means it rarely happens and often doesn't make sense from a biological perspective; like Bakugou's ability to produce nitroglycerin because of his mom's quirk evolving into his makes sense and has explanation that could feasibly make sense, but how the fuck do we get characters like Cementoss? The man is a living block of cement FFS.


wake up, togashi posting new pages


wake me up when he finishes a chapter.


 No.23154[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Why do people constantly call the saga of Tanya Mangaka a communist? just stumbled upon the guy's feed and it's full of boomer takes, SDF shilling(this is the complete antithesis of the JCP), and anti-communist retweets.

On top of that, Riyoko Ikeda(The Rose of Versailles) who was a member of the Japanese communist party in her youth is now doing interviews with LDP and butt buddies with a senior member. The Riyoko one is far more shocking than the nazi anime girl
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Okay yeah she does sound legit self-hating & not just a garden variety radfem; nevermind. I try to at least give people the benefit of the doubt that they're not self-destructive!


This is more surprising than >>24530
Angry gays being transphobic about trans folk encroaching on their space isnt shocking especially if you hang around BL circles. Always a new daily callout post for some transphobe artist there


>I don't imagine it's as freedom-loving as we are told
Idk how you read it and don't realize it's both-sideing the fictional conflict. One of the reporters who gets jailed for talking shit about the country is seen fabricating evidence like making kids dive into a dumpster to show that everyone is poor and starving.


It's funny when intersectionalist liberals are shocked time and time again whenever petit-bourgeois "minorities" are reactionary, which is like all the time. Almost like class matters more.


That reporter is described as believing everything that he reports though


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jucika thread pls
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yeah she does


>Le goldilocks zone


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Bill Presing's 54 international cuties series is pretty similar in aesthetic, IMO.


I get the feeling that size isn't so much an issue for Jucika so much as how you use it. A big dick that's a boorish partner and a boring lay isn't gonna hear from her the next day but the little pp boi that rocks her world and treats her niceys is gonna be on call.


romanticizing bullfighting is fucked up

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