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With apologies to the anarchists.


Remember to read the Help/FAQ page, especially if you are not familiar with imageboards or have only used 4chan.



0) Intentionally evading a ban will result in an immediate, long-term ban.

1) Anyone posting child pornography, child modelling or who attempts to challenge this rule (e.g. 'this is technically legal') will be permanently banned. Their information will be forwarded to relevant legal authorities.

2) Spam and malicious flooding is banned. This includes flooding a thread in protest, posting off-topic content in unrelated threads, and soyjak spam (quoting with no meaningful addition). Bot spam will result in a permanent ban. If you wish to make a post to advertise another site such as an imageboard or Discord server, contact the moderators first for clearance.

3) Actively promoting extreme illegal activity ('fedposting') may be removed or banned at the discretion of the moderators. There are more suitable sites for doing that.

4) Pretending to be multiple users ('samefagging') in order to fake popularity or start drama will usually result in a ban. Imitating a staff member is banned.

5) Any 'shock images' (gore, extreme pornography, abuse, etc.), regardless of intention, may be removed and punished with a ban. If it's legitimately constructive to a conversation, it may stay up if hidden using the Spoiler Image button and clearly described in the post to avoid being confused for trolling.

6) Direct calls to maliciously raid other communities may be removed at the moderators' decision. This includes raiding other imageboards and calls to brigade live-streamers. Leftypol is not your personal army.

These rules are enforced less rigorously on /siberia/ than they are on more 'high-quality' boards such as /leftypol/ or /edu/.

7) Reactionism and liberalism, or any other kind of non-leftist positions are not banned in itself, as we will endeavour to allow and encourage people of other political philosophies to explore leftism through /leftypol/ so long as they follow the rules contained herein. However, non-leftist users are ultimately to be considered ‘guests’ and thus will be removed if they prove a nuisance or disrupt the normal functioning of the site. Low-effort raiders will be banned.Opening posts with liberalism or reactionary topics will be treated with far more scrutiny to prevent them filling the catalog.

8) Creating a new thread for a topic with an existing 'general' thread (e.g. creating threads about COVID-19 news, any e-celebrities, or USA mainstream politics) will be deleted or merged and will usually result in a short ban. Creating a redundant thread will be treated the same. Search the Catalog view search to find existing threads.

9) Due to derailing, COVID denialism outside the COVID-19 thread will be deleted.

10) All boards except for /siberia/ (and potentially /roulette/) are 'Safe For Work' boards. Pornography should not be posted on them without good reason, and any pornography on these boards should be hidden using the Spoiler Image option. New threads on /siberia/ with pornographic topics should have a Spoiler Image on the opening post.

11) Posts should, overall, be conductive to an informed and productive discussion. /leftypol/ is not an academic journal, but it also should not be a cesspit of back and forth bickering and pointless insults. Users should attempt to argue for the point they are presenting in an honest and open way and should be receptive to information or arguments that do, in fact, challenge their views.

12) Reactionary 'I am [ideology] AMA'-type threads are considered inherently bad faith and off-topic, and will be removed from /leftypol/.

13) /leftypol/ is committed to the ideal that the left should have an avenue for open discussion, so all ‘mainstream’ leftist ideologies will be permitted (so long as they do not violate the conditions set out in Article 1. /leftypol/ does not adhere to a specific leftist ideology. Sectarianism is banned. This includes idpol and '[left ideology] hate' threads.

14) To ensure a basic level of quality, topics or posts will not be tolerated when contributions are not conductive to well-intentioned discussion. Therefore, posts or topics are likely to be removed at the discretion of moderation staff if they;

These examples are low quality posts that are considered, at best, bait, but are better described as spam. Any poster that violates this rule may be subject to a ban, and any post that violates this is subject to deletion at the discretion of moderators, if they feel that the topic may be an avenue for productive discussion.


15) Volunteers may remove other posts according to their own discretion which they feel do not contribute to the stated mission of /leftypol/, but they should try to adhere to the standards of the community and of their fellow moderators, and to refrain from arbitrary decisions. Where there is disagreement among moderators, the matter will be decided by informal consensus of currently active moderators. If there is still disagreement, the matter should be escalated to a formal vote.

16) Users have the right to question and challenge any bans or post removals, or other moderator actions, which they feel are unfair or do not live up to the spirit of the rules. This may be done in the moderation feedback threads on the various boards, on the /meta/ board, through the ban appeal feature, or in the Leftypol Matrix Congress chat, but comments should be considered and constructive, and should not devolve into polemics against the volunteers. Ultimately, the judgement of the moderation team is final.