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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Canada’s favorite coffee chain was covertly data mining the shit out of people who just wanted cheap coffee, and they got outed by the government, then concluded tim hortons was basically being evil then was like “oh well can’t punish them".

>The Tim Hortons app used location data to infer where users lived, worked, and whether they were travelling. It generated an “event” every time users entered and left their homes, entered and exited their office, or travelled.

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It streamlines the process. If you already have the app it has your payment info and so on and you can order stuff before you get there or something. It's really unnecessary and a sign of how strapped for time and productivity-maxing society has become.


here's how to streamline the process: use cash


it's a good feature, you can pre-order your food and only go there to pick it up

more broadly, it's crazy how inefficient the food sector is under capitalism. food is the archetypal economy of scale, cooking at home shouldn't be cheaper than eating outside, there shouldn't be a kitchen in every house

everything I eat tastes like shit because I'm not going to waste my time learning to cook, and I'm not going to waste money eating outside


>more broadly, it's crazy how inefficient the food sector is under capitalism. food is the archetypal economy of scale, cooking at home shouldn't be cheaper than eating outside, there shouldn't be a kitchen in every house
It was the same in the USSR


>cooking at home shouldn't be cheaper than eating outside, there shouldn't be a kitchen in every house
Those are two separate issues. Why it's more expensive to eat outside is because the restaurant has to pay salaries to cooks and waiters, rent, taxes, licensing fees, equipment, etc.

No, there shouldn't be a kitchen in every house. People should have a communal kitchen in the building, and then people from that building have to be paid to work in the communal kitchen. It shouldn't be a free-for-all, the communal kitchen should be run like a restaurant. People can have a kitchenette at home to warm up things, make tea, etc.


Just found out about "invention clauses". In the US there are about 10 states which have 3 conditions: they own everything you name that was made on company time, using company equipment, or using trade secrets taught to you by the company.
Every other state does not include any conditions. They can claim everything you make, even if it's completely unrelated to your job. YouTube videos? Tutorials? Game streaming? A web comic? Literally anything. It's theirs.
They don't even have to make exemptions for collaborative work. They can take a portion of anything you contribute to if they want.
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*blood sucking noises*


These laws completely ignores computer history. Workers walking out of Fairchild Semiconductor is how we got Intel, AMD and Zilog. Same with workers walking out of Motorola giving us MOS Technology. Meaning if the laws existed in the 1970s the PC would never have been invented in the USA as the military industrial complex had no interest in it and they employed all the engineers thus it would have had the intellectual property to the tech behind the PC and did nothing with it as DARPA didn't ask them to make one. Then you had Commodore and Atari swap a chunk of their engineers when Jack Tramiel bought Atari and when Commodore bought Amiga (that was engineers the left Atari prior) which would have been a IP nightmare.


Ehh the USSR kind of did the Tetris guy dirty like that. Interesting story.



That was Gorbachev era, prior to that the CMEA didn't really care much about IP at that level where firms in the CMEA would reverse engineer from other firms in the CMEA with no worry along with from firms in the west.

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An article from 2016 on how the Bitcoin blockchain was reaching its limit and being controlled by a tighter and tighter pool of speculators. Even more relevant with the rise and crash of tethercoins lately.


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woah cool af article anon
Do you know any similar ones for other projects (Monero)?


also his blog is cool, there's a really neat post about bots and how the bot metrics are fake it wont stop me from saying social media is 80% bots tho


Kute pic


can't take this guys seriously. get a better source


why the fuck are you necrobumping? you're not even contributing, just spamming.

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What's a safe way to store lithium batteries in case they ever burst on fire?
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Neighbor installed a Powerwall, so I'm going to need to fireproof the fence.


also i read to keep them at 40% charge for the least wear on them, and keep them in a fridge lol (not freezer tho)


in it asshole


>lithium batteries
we don't even know how that shit works: https://wikenigma.org/content/chemistry/li_ion_batteries
<Although lithium ion batteries are considered as system of choice for variety of mobile and stationary applications, fundamental knowledge is alarmingly required to uncover the underlying principles controlling the basic processes that determine and dictate their function, operation, performance limitations as well as failure.


I just throw them into a random drawer and hope for the best.


>communist revolution happens in the 1990s (somehow)
>the tyranny of big tech is no more
>$$hillikkkon Valley execs are lined up and shot before they can ruin the world
>finally we can use the best tools for the job to increase our productive forces
>programmers form worker-owned soviets
>Commissar James Gosling seizes direct control of all workers' soviets
>places Party representatives in charge
<comrade, lisp is an individualist bourgeois language used by kulak elites like Paul Graham
<the people's language is Java because everyone already knows it and it is designed to force programmers to do things the Java Way
<the object system of Java models the dictatorship of the proletariat via a Vanguard as a hierarchy of classes and objects which dissolve in the dialectical process of compilation to bytecode
<macro systems are anarchism and probably counterrevolutionary as well

was he right comr8s
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I know Guy Steele definitely has some idea what he was talking about when he said this since he literally made scheme and was involved with Common Lisp standardization efforts but I really have no idea what he could have meant by this


Just some guesses from the top of my head:
>garbage collection
<unheard of at the time in general purpose languages outside of lisp and smalltalk
>dynamic typing
<casting between sub- and superclasses
<before generics many data structures casted specific types into generic objects and vice-versa
>strong typing
<exceptions on invalid casts
<native compilation as a form of caching
>kitchen sink standard library
<see greenspun's tenth law


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outing myself as someone who has never touched C++ because I value what remains of my sanity but I completely fucking forgot that it used to be the norm to not even have things like garbage collection and a big standard library


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no, after the revolution everything will be rewritten to either go, rust or c and you WILL enjoy it
every book, compiler and source code made for other programming languages WILL be outlawed and you WILL be hunted down as the counter-revolutionary scum you are if you try anything funny


Forth programs will hate you, they spent years thinking that everything is a stack and routine in reverse polish notation. It is still used because it is one step above assembly.

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i don't even know where to post this.

i have ADHD.

i have this thing where there is X-thing that i cannot let my hand touch. if it does than it is "contaminated" (in my head)there for i must wash it or make it clean in my head. other things (household items and door and etc) could be touched by X-thing or my hand when it was "contaminated". and when it does i have to wash that thing or make it clean in my head. because the same rule when i touched x-thing applied.

i have the thing where it makes you forgot what you are doing seconds ago.

i have also "the thing" like above but far worse and akin to having a evil voice in your head gaslighting and lying about you yourself to harm you.

now done with background.
now for the real problem.

i like to do web archive of thread on CBIB's (leftypol and things alike) and also just saving web things in general. no, not in a internet hisorian or lost media or youtuber kind of way, far from it (saving web things in leftypolnco people kind of way). in one of those thread it have a epub file. so i use Calibre to open it. i not only use the "open with calibre opener" option but i also use the "open with calibre" option which creates the problem. using the "open with calibre" option open the main program. not the epub opener, but the main program. because i panick that something will happend with the file threr for making the archive inperfect, i cancel the loading that pop up in the main calibre program. but i took too long for canceling the loading thing because i panicked and overthink and question myself wheter or not i shuld cencel it or not. there for i cancel the download when its in the midle (+10% or something i don't remember).when i open the epub file it is error and i can't open it. yes i already try using the calibre epub opener and program other then calibre, it fail to open to. detour this is how i keep (some) files in my hardrive(:C): have a main loby -> have a sub loby that in this context is for "important things" -> this is where i keep the folder -> for folder(s) -> that eventually lead to the folder that have said problematic archive. now that i already tell how the files organize, return to tour. i eventually had a bright idea to replace the broken epub with a working version. so i copy a working version said broken epub to the sub-loby. then i copy again that epub, this time to replace the broken epub. it worked, i can now open the ePost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Woufh, I see.

This kind of obsession that took a shape of utter dependence even surpassing and consuming other desires of physical body surely is interesting for me.

I had rarely became obsessive ( but not too intensely ) to a thing and that it's re-thinking & re-memorizing & re-generating ( scenarios etc. ) process for days mostly bring some kind of ache - bitterness 'that you desire it to end' in chest. But gladly those rare experiences of mine were ended in 2-3 days, back to my apathetic, empty state. Soo, I guess I can see how a consuming desire may look like. And I guess for you, it's a mere subjection of your material state and circumstances itself, even if you "discredit,negate" of being something being 'contamined' in your mind, or simply see it as an absurd, abstract attritubion- the material state still brings pain.

So~ I bestow my wishes on your tiring, consuming journey.

In an ancient book of an elder, respectful witch, a thing is written: "In the dimension of time and state, relations and non-relations absorb and ignite each other in a chaotic and unknown way."

Perhaps, different moments popped in your mind would absorb the current relations of your body-machine , and u'll magically no longer have the haunting attritubion of "contamined" !


op here. dont worry guys, i dont ignore your massage 👍




What you're describing is textbook OCD not ADHD…


Anon, you may have ADHD, but what you are describing is 1000% OCD, I have very similar compulsions and its very difficult to deal with.

I've written over my laptops harddrive with zeros multiple times a day despite having done nothing with it out of some anxiety about corruption or the possibility of restoring some cached files I didn't know were there.

I'm afraid I can't help with the tech issue in particular because its likely the exact same thing I would have an issue with in that context. However I would suggest looking into things like Cognitive Behaivoural Therapy, Exposure Therapy, or even drugs. not that it would necessarily help, I've run the gauntlet on things, and am currently on prescription drugs for OCD (Its the second one I've tried and I don't think its working) but if anything can help you it would be best to find it sooner than later, because this condition is really awful to deal with.


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Can someone summarize the hype around this guy and his research?


>It didn't have any bones in its toes, so it wouldn't be very useful for humans anyways
What about a cock?


If he could regenerate dicks it would be the greatest advancement in medicine since the vaccine


Very briefly - his big idea, bioelectricity, is that the body of an organism isn't much different from the brain - cells communicate with one another via electrical signals to form and achieve goals - what we call intelligence. He's using biochemistry to manipulate cells' electrical signals and thus their goals, and he's done this to great effect on lesser organisms - from making frogs regenerate their hind limbs to making flatworms grow multiple heads with different shapes. The ultimate goal of course is to apply this technology to mammals, especially humans, but he apparently hasn't had any success on that front.

Someone who knows more marxist philosophy than me could probably explain what this has to do with dialectics.


They've used electricty to regrow amputated rat limbs in the 70s. Good that people are researching it again tho.



Software developer thread
Thread for all the people who are working towards, have been, or are software developers.

Let me begin by saying that *magic* in ruby on rails, spring boot, and shit like that is all nice and dandy until you scale your project larger than a fucking hello world.

It blows my mind that enterprise is so balls deep on spring boot. Fucking cancer of a project. Don't get me wrong, abstractions are great. Abstractions aren't magic. Magic is when shit is not explicitly set anywhere and are done for you.

This might be shit like automatic wiring of routes based on function name. Or running a series of uninspectable SQL to map into objects. Or build HTML pages based on the regex of the model. Anything which is auto built without being explicitly set.

Don't even get me started on the fucking shit show that OOP is, with shit like spring boot, JPA, etc. Adding magic on top of that is like adding poisonous spiders to a cockroach pit that you live in.

Also, what the fuck is the fucking problem with people who write shit like
PersonIdNumberGenerator that takes a PersonIdNumberStrategy made by a PersonIdNumberStrategyFactory. Then the Generator makes a PersonIdNumberGenerator produces a PersonNumberId object which is just a fucking wrapper for an int. Of course everything is an interface but drilling down this fucking concrete strategy, you find that to motherfucking shit just produces sequential integers.

Software developers can be the fucking worst motherfuckers alive istg.
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all the "languages" and frameworks that make money fucking suck. theyre terrible and suck what little joy i find in programming. i fucking hate it and theyre driving me insane


Which one is your poison?
What do you expect it to do? Like whether it can fail or what? Or memory wise? Not sure what your expectations of int.Parse() can possibly be.


webshits discover for the hundredth time that they get paid so much because their tools are universally horrible


>What do you expect it to do? Like whether it can fail or what? Or memory wise? Not sure what your expectations of int.Parse() can possibly be.
For starters, I don't even understand how you could call a method on int, in my mind it just feels wrong to make int a class type


Java and C# overload classes as namespaces. In java Integer is the class containing an int value and also the namespace for the static function java.lang.Integer.parseInt().
The C# int/Int32 type is a value type/object but the same applies regarding int.parse() being the parse function in namespace System.Int32.

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 No.11160[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Every few months, people come up with an idea to create a new imageboard, since mostly everyone is dissatisfied with the state of vichan/lainchan, or thinks they can do it better. Having better software would greatly enhance the experience for both regular users and mods, and have more crossover appeal to “normies”. The problem is that no one can agree on the technical or more importantly non technical decisions on how one would go about making an actual, usable replacement for lainchan.

In fact, people don't even agree on whether the imageboard replacement should be an imageboard at all. This thread is a merged, consolidated, megathread of all the various attempts at answering this question that people have made.

Previously, there was a thread on outreach to lainchan, including a strawpoll:

The poll determined it should be built in Java, but a significant minority wanted to use a functional programming language, esp. Haskell, or Clojure/Lisp.

The only way a new imageboard will be built is if multiple people, technical jannies and lurker-programmers, from here and lainchan and even elsewhere, actually collaborate on a single project and concentrate their efforts on this.

There are important technical and non technical questions to be answered.

Namely, do we even want an imageboard?

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I agree. They should allow for bridging though, so bunkers can conveniently backup or act as a cdn for the main board.


It was a jab at java, not PHP.
Look at the hundreds of different ways to do something very simple: write shit to a file.

Half of these solutions will give you magic runtime errors if you try to run them.


an imageboard is such a goddamn simple type of software, I have no idea why there have been so many failed attempts to make a replacement for vichan. I can only assume it's because the people who aren't complete /g/-tier midwit larpers who have the skills to do this have other things they'd rather be doing, or maybe it's because the people who fall into a range of having the skills to do it and the interest to get bogged down in autistic design decisions instead of making something that Just Werks

source: I have a working, albeit very rough, imageboard engine written in Common Lisp that is currently like maybe 300 LOC and I could probably get it polished into a better state, add some fancy stuff like multithreading or liveboard features or whatever, but it's hard to get excited about something that isn't all that interesting


>I have a working, albeit very rough, imageboard engine written in Common Lisp
Why not just add image posting to a proven textboard written in scheme?


personal preference of CL over scheme and also because as I said before, an imageboard is such a trivially simple piece of software that it's not like it would be unreasonably difficult to make another one, as much as it also is kind of boring and pointless

I've seen this textboard engine though and think it's neat for what it is

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Has anybody else thought about how personal computers might just actually suck? What is the personal computer, really? Is it not just "the car" of all the vast potentials computer science offered us? I'm not saying that personal computers aren't impressive and highly practical. What I'm saying is that as soon as our first computer engineers thought of something that could be mass produced and sold to the individual consumer, they said "bingo!" and stopped dreaming.
Do you know what I mean? I'm kind of trying to start a research proect investigating this question. I know a little about early visions of cyberspace compared to what the internet became, and the early vision of hypertext. If anyone has any reading material on what computer scientists were dreaming of versus what actually ended up happening, please send them my way. I might try to write a book about this.
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there are apps for that
deaf people already use computers
yes, there are PCs which track vision
>build my own PC
you can, it's possible
>in a way nobody would think of but me because I'm a special snowflake
c'mon bro, really?

If you don't want to pay for something, pirate it.

If you don't want ads, get an adblocker
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I see it more that capitalists lack the structure and motive to make anything better. The Unix wars showed capitalists can't work together unless under the direction of a cartel (Wintel) or by simply capturing the standards of what people do freely (enterprise Linux distros). If the PC industry was still run by the electronic engineers of the late 70s that simply wanted a computer at home they could play with PCs would be far more open and useful but that was a unstable state for a market under capitalism, once it was clear there was real money to be made the industry got taken over by capitalists proper.


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There have been roughly 5 waves of form factors of computers:

1. mainframes
the operating systems written for mainframes tended to be extremely expansive and general, and thoroughly engineered from first principles. they also provided tons of facilities for deduplicating effort between programs. this is exemplified by multics, where there is no distinction between memory pages and disk files, and where since all memory regions (called segments) were secured with a sophisticated ACL-based permission system, they could be shared between programs and users. the multics people basically tried as hard as possible to save on programmer labor. they defined standard interfaces between all programming languages on the system, and also, made all languages linkable to the shell, thus making all libraries on the system callable commands. due to the memory access being protected by the hardware, it was possible to write the kernel in the same way as the rest of the operating system, thus there was not a distinction between kernel mode and user mode like in modern operating systems. the kernel was just another library that implemented the kernel's functionality. this makes it similar to the modern notion of an exokernel, but preceding it by several decades. multics was so resilient to hardware failure that it was possible to split the mainframe into two computers while it was still running, like a biological cell dividing, by removing hardware pieces and reassembling them elsewhere. it even had a graphics system, though one which is quite alien to the normal understanding of it. basically the graphics system more resembled a CAD program than anything else, but this was combined with a standardized ontology or inventory which was shared between programs. thus for example if you were to define a model such as a teapot, then there would be one "teapot" object on the system shared between all programs, instead of being created and recreated over and over again by different programs. here again you can see the great attention paid to labor saving for programmers. multics had a vision of computing becoming a public utility, charged at a flat rate of computing time. it is very obvious to see the socialist implications of this line of thinking.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


The computer mouse is a dumb idea for text processing. Lots of pointless switching between keyboard and mouse. Check out the keyboard of the Canon Cat by Jef (yes one f) Raskin. Raskin also came up with the concept of a zoomable text interface, but he died before doing much with that.


>Lots of pointless switching between keyboard and mouse.
There are solutions to that… https://keymouse.com/

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