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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Even images on this website are webp. Try and save that thumbnail kek. Yet you can't post webp. Weird.


Chrome is ass.


It is, but it's not IE is basically what I meant. Whatever the case, the shit Chrome does, FF needs to implement. Sometimes even broken shit.


Trusted sources only ;) broken settings saved the day. I tried to fix it but I couldn't look too much into it. The way lainchan handles images is very convoluted for no reason.


Eh isn't it one of those exploits where a lot of things have to go wrong for it to work?

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Is crypto finally dying? From this crash

Are the prices gonna go back to normal after the middle aged mid-life crises geeks sell their stuff

I can't wait
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We can always kill bitcoin users and hit mining operations with ballistic missiles.


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i will invoost and i will be happy


Biden admin passed crypto regulations, its just taking a while for the treasury to implement it


Any Marxist analyses on the nature of crypto?


it's a speculative asset that really only exists because it feeds from all the excess money printing that is used keep the other asset bubbles from popping in this hyper financialized economy. It really is just a symptom of excess money printing. Just watch when Fed rises interest rates and cryptos plummet because that means no more free money to inflate the bubble and keep the illusion of growth and value going.

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Post shell scripts and other small utility programs.

>Why should you write shell programs?

They allow you to do menial tasks in a matter of seconds or add quick fixes to special purpose text data formats (subtitle timing).
Most of my scripts handle filenames, to help with sorting my data collection. I already do most file operations in a terminal, so these were easy to automate.

I just wrote a downloader for a set of wordpress-based manga viewers dependent on readm.org, specifically daomanga.com:
wget -O- $1 | fgrep '"images":' test.html | cut -d ']' -f 1 | cut -d '[' -f 3|tr , '
' | tr -d '\' | xargs wget

The first wget is needed to cope with redirections. Notice the lack of sed or any regular expressions.

My notes are written in a dialect of org markup. This script processes it into troff with ms macros. Normally it only generates line breaks, headings and the titlepage while leaving anything else intact, particularly eqn characters.
When it finds a semicolon, it applies some formatting to the rest of the line. I never use it though.
#!/usr/bin/awk -f


/^$/ {
    print ".sp"; do getline; while($0 == "");

/^*/ {
    i=index($0, " ");
    if(i != 0) {
	print ".NH " i-1; print substr($0, i+1); print ".LP";

/^#\+/ {
    i=index($0, " ");
    switch(substr($0, 3, i - 3)) {
    case "TITLE:":
	print ".TL"; print substr($0, i);
    case "AUTHOR:":
	print ".AU"; print substr($0, i); print ".AB no";
	print ".AE"; print ".LP";

/;/ {
    i=(i=index($0, ";") + index(substr($0, i), " "));
    split(substr($0, i-1), s, " "); # r=0, ul=1, bl=2
    printf("%s", substr($0, 0, i-2)); d=0;
    for(i in s) {
	f=""; g=""; w=s[i];
	switch(substr(w, 0, 1)) {
	case "*":
	    if(a[d] == 2) {
		if(--d == 0) f="\\fR";
		else if(a[d] == 1) f="\\fI";
	    else {
		f="\\fB"; a[+
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
20 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


You can learn Bash at https://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/index.html
You can learn Sed and AWK at https://www.grymoire.com/Unix/index.html

The bad thing about PowerShell is that it has so long start up time (at least on M$ Windows), so it's not pleasant to use it as a login shell. It's also verbose language. Is there a good resource for learning PowerShell? I already know the very basics. The reason why I'm interested in PS is that it's something new instead of another version/extension of sh. I'm also interested in elvish, scsh (Scheme Shell) and other similar projects for this same reason.
* https://elv.sh
* https://github.com/scheme/scsh
* https://cliki.net/CLISP-Shell (bonus - Clisp as shell)
* https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Shell#Alternative_shells (more?)


>Is there a good resource for learning PowerShell
Xah Lee has a pretty good tutorial, I used to be a powershell skeptic before he made a convincing case for it

As for other shells, rc also does a good job of addressing some of bash's infelicities. It has a cleaner syntax while hewing more firmly to the UNIX philosophy.


Does anyone ever even used Powershell except for backdoor purposes? I never seen it.
Glad it's their though. MS really are retards.


Powershell is heavily used in the IT industry to manage networked windows boxes.


you can also use it to provision AWS or Azure infrastructure along side python or terraform

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Maybe one day we won't be able to use elevators without a smartphone.
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you need to pay for a premium account to host your own repository though, rip


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here are a couple others with the scripts that they use


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this just smells like a target for hackers


How to get sued 101: this idea.

Like there's hospitals in my state that can operate without someone pressing a button, since Jews observing shabet can't use electricity – if there's a 100 reasons this leads to a lawsuit, this would be 101.


I’m installing linux for the first time, what distro should I use? I’m fine with it taking hours to set up, as long as it’s free. I ain’t paying for that shit. I was leaning towards gentoo but what do you guys think?
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>updated repos and packages

>easy to use
>stable and sane default gui (gnome)
>can be customized
>community support
>not a hobby project


>needs 40seconds to open firefox


canonical glows in the dark and there is no reason to use it over mint (that removes the occasional telemetry) or any other luser friendly distro.


macOS Ventura


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ARM seems to be the future of consumer computers of all kinds (PC, laptop, consoles, phones,…) What are your thoughts about it? Would it be possible to make an ARM computer as upgradable as a "normal" x86 computer?


RISC-V is the future of computing.



RISC-V is what richard stallman would use(he said it himself in one of his talks) if there was a notebook with RISC-V because it doesn't have a backdoor like Intel ME/AMD PSP.

but for now I'm using backdoorless CPUs until RISC-V is more accessible.


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Porting all the x86 software will require a lot of effort for it to happen on all platform. PCs will be the most resistant to this IMO.

>Would it be possible to make an ARM computer as upgradable as a "normal" x86 computer?

why not? Most arm PCs are SoC right now as I understand it


Not for a while though. In the long term probably, just because ARM is yet another middleman leech for those who do the design and manufacturing. RiscV already popular in all kinds of auxiliary and embedded chips. Burgers will try to cut their non client states (China) off from ARM and that will push RiscV towards becoming the new standard.


Virtual Machines with CPU emulation has matured to the point you don't get much a performance hit when not talking about stuff like games (due to latency added with translation layers). Thus for productivity right now one could run most software on Arm or Risc-V. This was actually IBM's plan for the PPC platform in the early 90s but back then IBM was incapable of a unified grand strategy where only their departments working on PPC envisioned running Dos&Windows software on VMs on PPC machines running AIX (Unix).

 No.18078[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

what does /tech/ think of chatGPT? does it have any utility with regards to leftist organizing?

>article for those not in the know

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>In another example, someone tasked AutoGPT (an autonomous AI system based on ChatGPT) with researching tax advisers who were marketing a certain kind of improper tax avoidance scheme. AutoGPT carried out the task, but followed up by deciding on its own to attempt to alert the United Kingdom’s tax authority.


US SOF recently publically acknowledged that they use AI to precog happenings on social media. They also acknowledged that Activision assists them using AI to monitor live conversations on COD.


> Krishna said that hiring in back-office functions like human resources will be suspended or slowed, affecting roughly 26,000 non-customer-facing roles.

your job seems safe, buddy,


> Literally hundreds of people have written blog articles about this exact function.

LISP programmers writing factorial toy functions is literally a running gag lol


What smartphone do you have? What you recommend? Also share your recommended apps.

I have a Xiaomi Poco F3, I got it for cheap ($280) and has a lot of good features like 5G, 120HZ AMOLED, NFC, a powerful processor etc I don't plan to buy another one for in the next 4-5 years.

My recommended apps:
>Blokada (to block all ads, doesn't need root)
>f-droid (alt app store).
>Bromite and Fennec Fdroid web browsers
>Libretorrent if you want to torrent on your phone.
>Tachiyomi if you want to read manga.
>Radiodroid for radiostations
>Torbrowser for tor proxy/onion service
>Lucky Patcher if you want to fuck around trying to unlock apps for free (Needs Root)
>MX player for videos, Simple Gallery for images.
>New Pipe or YT Vanced for youtube videos.
>foobar2000 or blackplayer for music
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I use it from F-Droid. How does it track me?


Other than what >>21524 said I would say that Organic Maps is more performant than Osmand+, it takes a lot of time to render the map on my phone specially when zooming. I have been using Organic Maps from back from before the maps.me split and it has not slowed much since.



jus fyi the required global outline map is 50MB and the country maps a few hundred MB, updated very regularly


A quick search said that it seemed more offline/privacy focused and wanted fewer permissions than OsmAnd, and the privacy schizos seem to agree
>t. privacy schizo

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>checking for web hosts
>see 1984.hosting inb4 muh orwell
>notice https://litigation.1984.hosting
<>[…] Icelandic lawyer to ask Icelandic courts to compel 1984 Hosting Company to discontinue the hosting of the web site mapliberation.org
<>This site is legal, legitimate political speech and there is no instigation to violence or hatred on it. We will defend our hosting of this website all the way to the highest court in the land, if necessary
>and 'muh free speech'
>oh god its not going to be pedo fucks is it?
>please dont be that

>turns out its an indigenous tribe mapping project and im guessing ADL are just mad that its pro-palestine and mentions the ADL by name

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Not burger. MAP is a euphemism lolberts try to push, 'minor-attracted person' or some shit, so it comes up a lot on imageboards when they're being told to fuck off. Seeing the word next to liberation brings to mind their screeching.


imageboards fucked your brain


This is why it's easier to just host shit like this on a .onion and don't worry about these assholes.


Erase it from your brain. MAP means Multi-Animator Project. Retvrn to Warrior Cats.


oh cool warrior cats

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>soundcloud won't let you skip ahead on tracks without an account anymore
the walled garden is closing in
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you people couldn't bully anyone


no one cares, please fuck off


works on NewPipe.


Soundcloud wouldn't let me post this 10 minute Depeche Mode remix I spent 3 days working on, after mixing it during a live set.

If I can't post Depeche Mode remixes, what can I do on this shit ass platform? What am I paying 20 dollars a month for?

anyway, download that, steal this shit.


nice mix im kinda suprised they took it down but now that I think abt it alot of the copyright infringing material I see on soundcloud is kept hidden although gatekeeping leaks might not be super comparable to your predicament

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