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Hey comrades,

This article came up https://www.vice.com/en/article/v7e9y3/activists-are-designing-mesh-networks-to-deploy-during-civil-unrest about an open source mesh network (including the hardware made from easily accessible parts) to be used when governments shut down the internet. It seems the original project is dead, but I did manage to find this repo

I have (as of this moment) limited expertise in hardware and protocol programming but I have time and resources to delve into it and perhaps start it back up.

There's several things they mention in the description of the program, such as a lack of encryption, lack of peer to peer, how all messages are saved in nodes, etc. These strike me as someone with not too much knowhow, as bad design aspects.

I would like to dedicate this thread to trying to dig up more info on this project, and for people with more know how to chime in on what ought to be different, if you would restart as the sole dev(s) anyway, or pointers on where to start.
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anonet has been around longer than you've been alive


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lol no.


Phones near police reported not recording:
-Microwave weapons that stop electronics would not be it as that is not permanent.
-Backdoors are not responsive

Phones near police don't upload:
Simple Jamming a mobile antenna running on battery with a giant antenna running on generator.

Stopping Internet in local areas:
1. If they stop it, they will also ban HAM radio for civilian use.
2. If they ban HAM radio (send, not receive), than no sense creating a mesh due to arrest risk.

Wide area Internet shutdown:
-They are loyal to money. They have to find a way to make money flow. Wide area shutdowns are only loyal outside of 9 to 5 M-F.


A meshnet would only make sense during a time of war, when laws would be suspended or disregarded anyway.


>If they ban HAM radio (send, not receive), than no sense creating a mesh due to arrest risk.
They don't have the means to enforce a ban on ad-hoc wifi and bluetooth even if they wanted. Imagine how many extremely tech-literate cops they would need running around with PDAs sniffing for packets to triangulate
>A meshnet would only make sense during a time of war
Meshnets are used commonly to share free internet or to connect remote areas without landline infrastructure, some of them are even sponsored by local government

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what in the heavens do they mean with this formulation?


It means only retards trust Elon's suckware.


If you install it as an APK instead of through a "store" like F-Droid, you don't get automatic updates.


If you install Signal from the APK on their website, it'll download updates automatically and send you a notification when it's ready to install. Then you just tap on it and hit install on Android's usual app install dialog.


Why not XMPP + OMEMO?


Is this the only safe communications technology out there? To elaborate further, WWII-era encryption methods, such as the German Enigma machine, would not be easily cracked by a modern consumer computer. The Enigma machine was used by the Germans during World War II to encrypt their communications, and it was considered highly secure at the time.

Cracking the Enigma code was a significant challenge and required the efforts of a large team of mathematicians, engineers, and codebreakers at Bletchley Park, including notable figures like Alan Turing. The codebreakers employed various techniques, including developing early computers called "bombes" to assist in the decryption process. It took years of dedicated work to decipher Enigma-encrypted messages.

Modern consumer computers are significantly more powerful than the computing technology available during World War II, but cracking the Enigma code still required advanced mathematical and cryptanalytic techniques. It's important to note that the Enigma encryption was not fundamentally flawed; rather, it was vulnerabilities in the implementation and operator errors that led to its eventual decryption.

However, it's worth mentioning that modern consumer computers, combined with advanced algorithms and techniques, can crack certain encryption methods used during that era if they were weak or based on known vulnerabilities. But the more robust and well-implemented encryption methods, such as the Enigma, would still pose a significant challenge even to modern computing power.


Where am I going to get a KL-7 from?


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>the Enigma encryption was not fundamentally flawed
OP the fact that the Enigma never encrypted a letter to itself was a huge flaw. in fact it was what allowed the bombes to work in the first place, thanks to easily guessable cribs (a known-plaintext attack)
I'm not even sure what point you're making. you can implement AES in a microcontroller for offline encryption if you like. it is largely immune to known-plaintext attacks


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Do you have advice for a software engineer?
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nice meme but thats all it is, a meme, unrepresentative of real life


Where Programming Socks and cat ears.



Basically this is correct.

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Name a single time you used a search engine to find anything worthwhile. They are even on a conceptual level just a bad way to navigate the web, and on top of that many algorithms are centred around marketing and spam and noise muddles up every result. They remove the interactive aspect of the web which makes it such a unique medium and help commercialize its very content. Stop using search engines.
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Two issues:
a) You're limited to just what the SEARCH ENGINE reddit offers which is limited by it's bias.
If I were interested in getting a torrent of a video game, and reddit is legally or culturally pressured to take down content about that, (just like r/shoplifting and r/incel respectfully), unless I can find a link to a separate resource from another comment, (which also can be censored if reddit is against such resource), I'm fucked.
b) Using reddit limits you to what reddit directly offers. If the solution is something outside of reddit, you'd have to hope that this resources is accessible (either through subreddit link or a comment link)

Like seriously: I recently had an issue with trying to figure out why my cpu jumps in usage when watching a video, and while I found the solution of a clone of a stackoverflow, I would've never found it since I'd neither knew that it was on that alternative stack overflow, but I'd never find a resource that would've granted a SEARCH ENGINE that would give me the stack overflow alternative or even an answer from that overflow.

And it's funny that you go: "normies use it" – normies type "X reddit" on a search engine since even though reddit is helpful, it doesn't always help and having alternatives lined up is needed.

Again: search engines are fine, they're just one of many tools in your tool box to work with.
Saging so the thread can wind down from the dumb take.


Soft of related note, do you guys have any search engiones you recommend?

I switch to duckduckgo in the past, and I'm noticing that they recommend not based off
of what actually will satisfy you query.
Like these two screenshots just happened to me recently – and I haven't has bad of a result than when I was using youtube, and I got only 3 results I kind've wanted, and 9 results that were literally disconected from anything I asking.
On that youtube example. Here's one off the top of my head: trying to look up lets play content to the parrot moment from ace attorney, and after 4 results it game me results from ace attorney role play videos.


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I don't know anything about the internal design of search engines. Still i suspect duckduckgo tends to match keywords and literal text while google has more of a dwim approach. Most of the results you are getting are SEO optimized to death. I do several things to minimize the presence of these in the search results:
>minimize pronouns, prepositions and articles as much as possible
<the more individual word matches, the more likely optimized sites will win
>quote the word with the least likely results or an idiom
<may get no results at all, especially with long quoted text
>if a search fails, try again with synonyms
The reformulation you did for the first search isn't different enough. Either be more creative or get a thesaurus.
The most important thing is to anticipate what sites may match. Some search patterns will always give you crap results, even with google or whatever dwim search.

Flood detected; Post discarded.


with searx you can curate what websites are pulled from in search results, you could set it up to e.g. search all alt stack overflows you compiled (not a response to you so much as a comment on a practical way to cut down the google bullshit while still finding collective knowledge thats been posted online b4)


>The reformulation you did for the first search isn't different enough. Either be more creative or get a thesaurus.
Not a bad tip, but it's odd just how many rings you have to jump through to make the engion work with you.

Like sure, these two aren't that different:
>Study in one sitting or throughout the day
>Should you study multiple times a day or once a day.
But I find it odd that a word like "study" was almost entirely descarded, and instead I was given results for tips for studying and working out.

>The most important thing is to anticipate what sites may match. Some search patterns will always give you crap results, even with google or whatever dwim search

You can use the "site:" argument in the search, so I guess I should use more tags.

That's interesting, can you make it give highlighted results?
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Amtrak electrifies the profitable bits like the northeast Corridor but most of the existing network is owned by freight companies and lo and behold, they don't want to invest the money. The government would have to force them and pay for it to boot


I wonder if the no windows is supposed to be a diss to Bill Gates?


Then you'd be left with the retarded capitalist dependents.


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its happening


The apple car development team has to be so demoralised right now. EVs are losing steam thanks to Elon and the increasing conciousness about battery technology, its limitations and the imperial origins of lithium. Even more, the dream of self driving is as far away as it was 10 years ago, for they didn't take in account the crumbling infrastructure of the US (and the whole western world for that matter). And now Tim Cook is betting the future of Apple on "spatial computing", which itself it's an ofshoot of self driving development.

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Linux Distro users are good, because it is open source. I won't lie and say linux is good, but if you like linux, what distros do you use?

I'll start
I use Fedora and Manjaro on my two devices, but the one with Manjaro is mostly because i installed it there 2 years ago, and it hasn't broken down yet. If you're considering using Manjaro just don't, I think arch would be better since it's more stable than manjaro probably
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>The kernel is by definition seperate from userspace and usually consists of multiple differently privileged parts internally.
Then I expressed myself incorrectly (or I was incorrect, take your pic). What I should have said is: Windows runs a lot of things in kernel space that Linux runs in user space, e.g. window manager. I assume wm in Windows is explorer.exe.


>Windows runs a lot of things in kernel space that Linux runs in user space, e.g. window manager. I assume wm in Windows is explorer.exe.
No, explorer.exe can in fact be killed and restarted through ctrl+alt+del, which is also started by the user on keypress. Windows has graphic components in its kernel, but i don't know to what extent. X-Windows used to come with drivers that accessed the raw video devices. Now, at least on linux, the lower half of any video driver resides in kernelspace.
The windows base system is as locked-down as it is, because there is a system layer, where software runs in userspace with more privileges than a regular user (see the evocative diagrams in my previous post). In principle it's as if init, getty, dbus, powerd, and X were the only programs running as root.


On your own graph here >>20723 window manager is part of the kernel subsystem.


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You are right.
The diagram is a bit misleading, as the component most closely resembling a window manager (DWM) operates in userspace while communicating over a kernel ipc mechanism. The "composition engine" (gdi/win32k) in kernelspace ostensibly does drawing to the screen. Documentation hints at some of it being in userspace before NT 4.


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>"composition engine" (gdi/win32k) in kernelspace
This time i got it wrong. The composition engine is entirely in userspace. Only the legacy dgi and low-level DXddi apis are actually in kernel.

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Snowden pushed Tor (among other products) under the guise that they helped dodge NSA surveillance which ended up being entirely untrue. This guy is a fraud and he likely always was. Everything he pushes is a honeypot presented as haxxor liberation. Snowden is an Islamaphobic Ayn Rand libertarian who helped spread a mass surveillance tool on behalf of the National Security state and this was branded as a valiant effort for liberation by a network of left liberals cultivated by Omidyar, Thiel, & other Big Tech fascists.

TOR, the epic anti-establishment crypto whatever that Snowden & Assange shilled as hard as they possibly could as the answer to government surveillance (but not corporate data collection, which is fine & anti-statist) was developed in part as one digital tool against China

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I for one welcome some lib shit burger going over my records and having their brain broken


there is certainly a discussion to be had around the DNS rootzone and its libness. the same goes for the CA system for TLS certs, where a web of trust model may be better. another option is to use SSH keys. or I2P. or petnames.


>One can as easily point to any number of anarchist projects and expose the ways in which they reproduce the very alienation they aim to overcome. Cooperative business, radical commodities, independent media, social spaces, Food Not Bombs: when positive anarchist projects aren’t doing social work to stave off collapse or upheaval, they are developing the innovations (self-management, decentralized production, crowd-sourcing, social networking) that will help to extend capital’s reign into the next century.


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lol really? you think the future of capitalism will be decentralised and crowdsourced? uygha you goofy


read marx

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Thoughts on Starlink? I'm in the third world and I keep seeing people buying into the hype.
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>I'm in the third world
lol wtf? I didn't think we had a second one.


hell yeah dude
let's build 3rd world infrastructure on the basis of a single private company run by a capricious manchild


We have a LatAm and SEA general.


You don't have to like Henry Ford or his company to recognize he was at the vanguard of mass car production and an innovative industrial model. It's the same for SpaceX, they're simply the first to do it.


people that live in cities getting hyped about starlink are just uninformed

there aren't many "thoughts" to be had. if you are in a remote area without proper internet infrastructure (like a ship in the ocean, for example), your only option is satellite internet. there are technical differences between starlink and other satellite internet providers, but the economics of it boil down to starlink (spacex) being more competitive because of vertical integration and government subsidies. it's the monopolization of yet another market, but in this case it doesn't really affect urban populations

fiber is always going to be cheaper and overall better in densely populated areas. with enough data on the costs and some effort, you could even approximate the densities and extensions at which satellite becomes cheaper than fiber

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These are the only cell phones that are acceptable to use without having to rely on Soygle. As of 2019, all commercial cell phones came with a proprietary baseband chip which is basically backdoored spyware. As for GrapheneOS? Don't even think about. There is so much blobbed sources plus the ARM Trustzone backdoor that they claim they fixed (which is horseshit). Oh, and you have to always consoom the newest Goooooooooogle products like an iToddler because of device support issues and the small number of people who work for the project. There is no real guarantee of safety on an Android unless you were running it on a VM.

Pinephones/Librems are horseshit too. Same goes with dumb phones. Your carrier can always log your shit. And 2G/3G getting discontinued in favor of VoLTE spyware. You can probably substitute this with software that helps you change voices, spoof nunbers and so on for the calls. I'd installl Tails OS on it.
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I've never seen someone shittalking grapheneos who actually knew what he was talking about.

That's like saying windows telemetry is still spying on you after you installed linux, retard.

>you have to always consoom the newest Goooooooooogle products

But you can still use old pixels and install grapheneos on them? It's the same as being unable to upgrade android on older phones.


OK what's the actual fucking deal with grapheneOS tho? Most open source and secure when paired with pixel? Honeypot?
Lmao wat? Is it actually fully amnesiac on a phone? How would it disconnect the ram from long term memory and shit? Otherwise way are you doing? Idk IG rn I am leaning towards no full security and privacy unless you have like a burner phone that you only connect to public WiFi far from your house and data over prepaid bought with cash and no idea in a random location with no facial recognition or whatever the fuck. Then jailbreak and strip everything down and install some relatively secure OS and only ever use it for whatever shit you need security for. And disable the camera and mic or keep it powered off airgapped from you and your devices. Then like have a main phone/daily driver with less sus setup that you minimize data leaking on and never the two shall meet.


If they'd have user removable batteries and an SD card, they'd be worth it, since you could use them for 10 years + with custom ROMs. Or put Linux on them, and use them as a regular PC


Finally, a detailed security audit of a security ROM linked on the ROM creators page
There should be a lot of talk about this for compatible phones, it seems like the best ROM for non graphene capable


Graphene as a project eventually wants to make their own hardware, which they'll give longterm support to. (Current Pixel devices only have 3 year support.)

Recently it was revealed that the EU wants readily removable batteries, so future phones sold in that market may have that functionality.

The SD card is a big pain point and seeing how little storage is included nowadays it'd be really great to have it back.

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