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New Cave Story-like has dropped.
So far I am enjoying it a lot. Sound design is really good. The animals are either really cute or really uncanny. There's a spooky atmosphere. I don't know whats going on but I think the animals are ghosts because they disappear in light sources. It's really open ended and you just sort of wander around until you get stuck. Upgrades are REALLY fun so far (not in that they change much about how you traverse the world or anything just that they are fun to use and funny). The game is like looking at an animal at night and they make a growling noise and you think its a wild boar when its just a goat.


neat, i love cave story


It's like Halo 2 meets Halo 3.


It's a metroidvania but where you don't have to do the levels in a specific order. You might have to come back later to get some hidden stuff. I think some of the secrets require items you don't get in that level. I got the bubble wand first and it trivialized a couple platforming puzzles in other areas.

IDK what to do about the frisbee cat so I just decided to come back later, which is nice to be able to do.


I beat the manticore, its a really fun game. I think its one of those games where there are a million secrets though and the boss is only the beginning of the real game. I was going blind but I think I'm going to have to pull up a guide.


It's good you get the tools to draw on the map, helps you remember where things are.


there's already a speedrun under 5 min lmfao


That uses an exploit where some flag doesn't get checked right if there's fuckery with collisions. Non-glitch WR is about 15 minutes currently.

vidrel is the current official WR with glitches (will probably be outdated by the time people see the post lol) - 3:36.033

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