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Lads, I keep starting books and then skipping onto the next one. I can't complete anything, is this internet induced ADD?


You're born with ADD, it can't be induced, retard.


>can't be induced
Attention Deficit Disorder is a brain issue, not a genetically predisposed one, ergo you can fix it or induce it. Tiktok kinda revealed that.


It's called a disorder exactly because you're born with it.

>Tiktok kinda revealed that.

Lol. Thanks for the dumbass popsci article.


ADD isn't real. Psychiatry isn't real. Try exercising some will power.


think about why the article not once mentions add or adhd
hint: >>23625


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>It's called a disorder exactly because you're born with it
>muh popsci

>snide no-effort post
I never stated that the article mentions ADD or ADHD, I merely pointed to the fact that masively reduced concentration, attention spans and more are caused by stuff like Tiktok… This also fits the symptoms of ADD coincidentally. ADD is not a nervous tic or neurologically identifiable problem like tourettes is, it's a purely mental one. The human brain is vastly complex and people can and have induce things on the mind where there is none in people, examples of such include Mass Hysteria - people gettting sick at the same time, yet only a few actually carry the illness, the placebo effect, police interrogation experiments gaslighting people into believing they actually committed crimes even if they couldn't have and did not and even schizophrenia. Moreover adult ADHD/ADD can "develop" even if they did not have it as children, and there is no definite method of determining any genetic predisposition for people to develop it. On top of that it is an admitted fact that stress and other factors can massively increase ADD symptoms (even in children/teens not displaying them), therefore logically speaking ADD can be induced and given the lack of proper research on the subject, is likely more than just a "born-with" issue. This isn't like autism, that actually has concrete symptoms that go beyond, "slightly elevated abnormality/extremality of a behavioural subset"

TL;DR: Use your head, smartasses and stop taking bourg medicine at face value if you observe something that may contradict this.


both op and the replies (even yours!) are talking about add, its not my fault youre actually retarded lmao

>it's a purely mental one

yes thats what mental disorders and illnesses are

>Use your head



If it's induced by external factors then it isn't ADD/ADHD. Next question, please.


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>no argument
>no critical thinking
<U-ur a burger!
Nope, try again… better yet just go back to reddit and circlejerk yourselves there, samefags
>If it's induced by external factors then it isn't ADD/ADHD
<Just believe this dogma dude, don't think about it!
The medical evidence disagrees
I can keep going, since I actually try to read about things


What kind of books have you tried reading? I often skip bad books but finish the good books. Do you have any examples?

Also, have you tried reading at the place with no distractions? Such as a library reading room,etc.


ADD is dopamine down-regulation from over stimulation during early development, like being raised on TV from birth and then being unable to focus in school without flashing lights and bright colors. therapy and medication revolves around retraining and excising dopamine reward pathways in mundane environments through habit and discipline.


ADHD isn't a disease in the conventional sense otherwise there would be an objective test


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I suppose thoery is mainly what I'm talking about, say Lenin. It took me 4 years to finish What is to be Done because I kept jumping to different books about the Russian revolution (Trotsky, Stalin etc) , that I then wouldn't finish which would lead me onto more books I wouldn't finish.

Why did you take that so personally Uighur, I don't think I actually have internet ADD, however I don't think its good for your brain.


the real ADHD

for every book I read cover to cover there are tens that I drop


>Why did you take that so personally Uighur
I didn't, I'm just tired of snide attitudes by pseuds that don't have any more authority on the topic they speak on than anyone else here. It's just pointless and provocative, and not in a fun way.


I keep reading the same book until I've finished it, I don't even try to open another book before. The rest is just self-discipline.


ADD is an outdated term; it's just called ADHD now. The fact that 80% of adults with ADHD are unaware that they have it still rings true, and the symptoms themselves tend to get milder going into adulthood when compared to childhood (yet they're just as life disrupting). Some symptoms must be present in childhood because again, it tends to be something you're born with; yet even the most common symptom for kids with ADHD—the hyperactivity, might not be as prominent to begin with.


Hi Tom, I'm looking forward to top gun 2!


ok asshole, how do you explain people like me who have had autism and ADHD since childhood? You can take measures to cope with it but "fix" is the wrong word


have you tried just looking at the table of contents and picking a chapter that is interesting?

i downloaded a new book yesterday and just read the two chapters i wanted to and it was very interesting and engaging


>how do you explain
He can't.


Get an active hobby, like Jiu-Jitsu, Boxing, playing an instrument, etc.


The posts ITT are awful, so I'll ignore them.

The answer is yes. If you had a slower expectation of reward, you'd be more patient and finish more books. And the internet is indeed fucking you up with that, but it can be fixed. Mediation helps too.


Ah yes. Blame TikTok for everything wrong.
The Internet is an overused factor in ADHD.

Also, alot ADHD is actually due to clinical over diagnosis wanting to sell more psych meds to kids instead of letting them run around in the play.
Our pediatric system views children as defective pets meant to be put down.


>Our pediatric system views children as defective pets meant to be put down.
Based and 100% true.


Sad but true


>Also, alot ADHD is actually due to clinical over diagnosis wanting to sell more psych meds to kids instead of letting them run around in the play.
fucking this, hell even in terms of pets, your og is going to be jittery and uncontrollable if you don't give them plenty of play time and a method of burning energy. Kids are the same, if you don't let them expend energy they're not going to behave very much.

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