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Where are my threaduyghurs at?


We're on the fashion thread.


huh I never considered that. interesting
lately I've been fixing holes in my jeans, including the pockets. I'm thinking of replacing the dumb thin pocket fabric with denim sewed to the jeans themselves. that'll leave a visible line of stitches but I feel that would be a e s t h e t i c



how did you learn to do it? is there a guide


my mom was a seamstress. but actually it's just learning by doing


I've always wanted to learn. How hard is it to make clothes for men?

I somehow feel the only easy thing to do is (sun) dresses.


A new jacket with tech fabrics and active ventilation (zips that can open to allow moisture to escape) are over $200. shit works though. need that functionality.

A cheap ninjastyle cycling jacket that fits real well and looks fine is $30, available almost anywhere. It's not at all breathable tho, like wearing a sauna suit after a few minutes activity.

So I brought it to a home-business, an alteration service that added armpit zips and two additional mountaineer style vertical ventilation zips on the front, features that usually only appear together on jackets over $300.

Cost of alterations were 35 dollars, attention to detail was good.

Shit works really well.

That was detailed work though, doing minor stuff yourself is a great idea.


>How hard is it to make clothes for men?
find a pattern online, print it and cut it out, cut fabric and sew according to instructions. having a sewing machine helps
I have in mind to turn an old pair of jeans into a jilt (jeans kilt). that will likely take a bit of guesswork

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