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Any anons practice this? How's it going? I was really into LDing when I was younger but drifted away due to the usual suspects of work, school, and alcoholism.

Been thinking about buying a dream journal and getting back into it. I still remember most of the basic ideas like reality checks and DILD/WILD, but it's gonna take some work to start putting them back into daily practice.


It sounds cool, do you have any basic introductory content about it? What is it exactly? These past weeks I had more and more vivid dreams, sometimes it felt incredibly real. Could it be because of the lack of original IRL events in my life?


How do you even start lucid dreaming at all? I hardly have memorable dreams and the few that are are always weird as hell with multiple layers of dream like Inception.


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I have started doing this in the quarantine but only with very interesting dreams and dreams where girls show interest in me.

I write them down immediately after I wake up but with spelling errors.

I love it. So much wacky shit. It's too personal to share but you should do it. Very fun.


Second pic is kinda freaking me out. How do you avoid panicking? Is it possible to easily trigger awakening?


Yeah I did try second pic and got sleep paralysis. It was horrific especially here where that concept is still under a lot of superstition (most people here thinks that sleep paralysis is you getting possessed by spirits and shit).


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I tried it but got sleep paralysis and saw the nun staring at me from my closet. Honestly too scared to try it again, felt too real.


Does anyone here exercise their image schema capacities to increase their chances of lucid dreaming?


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I've tried realizing I was dreaming using "reality checks" but apparently I'm so good at dreaming that none of them work. The few times I became lucid I tested out the standard reality checks, but all of them worked just like IRL.
>Can't push my finger through my palm
>Can't breathe if I pinch my nostrils shut
>Light switches work normally
>Mirrors work normally
And usually when I become lucid I can't stay dreaming for very long and start to wake up.


I've been dream logging for almost a year now. Nothing yet, though I've only really tried a couple times.


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Not a lucid dream, but an insane one from the morning:
>Wake up at 6:00
>Shit, that's a bit early… Can I be bothered to get up?
>Nah I'll just go back to sleep, too tired
>Dream starts I guess, hard to tell
>Apparently I'm some sort of D-Tier capeshit
>Stop some unimportant criminal or something, details escape me
>Press conference about it at my home
>See one reporter digging under my bed
>That's where the used tissues are at IRL
>Well they are in the dream as well, and the reporter is digging them up in front of everyone
>Try to stop them, only digs up more
>Grab all the tissues and run to the toilet
>It's definitely not my toilet, looks like something you'd see in a fancy supermarket
>Getting rid of the tissues in a cabin, hear a scuffle outside
>Remember earlier in the dream there was something about a photo being taken of me and my sidekick after another successful crime stop
>I literally have no clue who the sidekick is, but in the background, apparently, the same reporter from before was caught in a kiss with their lover
>Walk out of the toilet to see whats happening
>In front of me I see the cucked journalist shooting the reporter, while also accidentally gunning down my sidekick who I don't even know
>All other press conference members walk in
>Some sort of argument I don't know, think I get roasted for the tissues while trying to argue that the journalist did bad
>Wake up
>My face when
Anyway /hobby/, got any of your insane dreams you want to share?


Literally heard my parents fighting while I was semi-awake, the thing is they live 1000s of miles away from me. Felt like I was there, when I realized it was just a dream, they still kept going at each other for a long time. I know I was sorta awake when it all happened, the whole delirium kinda got me spooked.


I bloody love this insanity. I might share some stuff later, but literally this is a "LOL WTF" moment.


Checked. Yeah I think that's less a dream thing and more of a connection (astral or something) with your closest people. I can feel when my mum's having a night terror she can't wake up from usually, even in my sleep.


Sleeping on your back or stomach helps pressure blood flow from the heart to the brain and causes a mild asphyxiatory effect that allows for very detailed dreams.

An old /x/ theory is that really realistic dreams are ways for demons to steal your soul energy or something.
Personally I think that some more realistic dream events are alternate universe versions of you world and ourselves that we get to visit while in an unclear state of mind.


>causes a mild asphyxiatory effect
bruh wtf. i aint never sleeping on my back again. you can DIE?


Only if you have a really weak heart/lungs. If you're healthy you have nothing to worry about.


Put a foam cover over your mattress and sleep on your back without a pillow. Say hello to wild deams.


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Another guide


Do you live in Romania or something?


That sounds like a Venture Bros episode.


Wrong spelling. It is:


>be me sleeping
>dreaming im in the middle of my small town
>but my breathing is weird and it looks like i don't even move my body
>im going to my house
>I realize that my hand are too skinny and i have really long fingers
>in that moment i figured out that i was looking from someone else's eyes
>and that thing can read my mind becouse it laughs and starts running to my house
>for her laugh im guessing it is a woman but a really weird one
>im trying desperately to wake up but i can't, even in my dream im saying "this is a dream wake the fuck up"
>she enters my house
>walk to my bedroom
>and for too fucking long she just stands by my side forcing me to watch me sleep and make me hear her fucked up breathing


>realistic dreams are ways for demons to steal your soul energy
No wonder I wake tired in the morning.


I never dream, much less lucid dream. I had a wonderful and really interesting lucid dream today. I really need to get into having more.

It's so weird talking to people knowing they are your imagined creations, but you can't really predict, control what they'll say, or "read their mind". It's as if they are their own entity. Really cool.


Congratulations, and yeah it really is interesting.


>TFW there is a Dream thread on /hobby/
>TFW this entire board exists
<retards just post /hobby/ shit on /siberia/
<they get mad that their threads don't get posted in and die after porn threads and /pol/ spam bumps them off the catalog.


I've been dream journaling and started to realize most of my dreams are an elaborated allegory of death


Well this board is too slow.


It wouldn't BE too slow if people didn't make pointless duplicate threads in /siberia/ and used the boards literally made for them.


that’s cool. I wanna try lucid dreaming


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>be me
>read about anons dreaming about ancient people
>god i wish that were me
>go to bed
>wake up
>remember a whole dream of a roman guy talking to me
>he was just yelling at me in latin because i didnt understand his stupid language


I have a dream journal
No lucid dreaming tho, but I can control not nutting in my dream

How do I gain full access? Any simple step


Do you think those are just dreams or do you think they're transitions into past-life remembrance?


Possibly. Or sometimes the future, had that happen to me a couple times. or sometimes I think our dreams in stranger realities are us from alternative universes that function under different historical, material and physical conditions.


>>5705 (me)
Huh, this thread is still here. Time for another schizo dream that I had recently.
>Same situation of waking up at 6:30 and going back to sleep
>I'm in a Uni auditory
>Its some sort of Literature course
>Doesn't make sense because I am a CS student
>I notice that the auditory seats are fucked. The long tables are squished, at least on my row, leaving a tiny gap for me to sit
>I am squized in bad
>The lecture starts. Lecturer is some sort of feminine man, I'd say in his 30's, rather nerdy philosopher guy voice, nice suit
>Starts talking about how this course will be serious shit (apparently its the first lecture)
>Can't remember what he said, but it made me think "oh shit how will I ever survive this course?"
>All the while I'm kond of struggling in my seat. If I sit in it normally, the whole table in front of me starts turning over a bit because my body pushes it forward. Afraif of causing a mess I pull back and kind of squat on the seat so the table would come back
>I try going back and forth, thus wiggling the table on one of its sides
>The lecturer call out me by name and basically I am fucked because I am shitting up his lecture
>I try to explain, but he cuts me off
>Doctates some insane assignment which is something akin to "compare these Platonian texts with the works of John Locke chapters 1 through something on the topic of some gobbledygook that has nothing to do with either"
>I have to do this after the lecture in front of him
>Maybe some time passes
>The tables are starting to slide like in some wave back and forth, this is organized by the lecturer to fix the small gap problem
>This shortly ends, and now suddenly lights are dimed and its not really an auditory any more but a theater
>Lecturer is now on stage
>He is wearing Victorian lady's clothes and apperently we will now be receiving a live performance / reading of one of the must-read books for the course
>He acts one of the characters through his costume
>Then another lady walks on stage, and its also the lecturer, maybe a doppleganger, in a dress
>It all ends or maybe I fall asleep in what now is a theater seat
>I awake, and a girl I used to love but now drifted appart from is next to me
>Maybe she is asleep, because he didn't say anything, but she did fell on me from her seat and layed down sideways, putting her head on my chest
>Some sort of timeskip happens, maybe I fall asleep in that seat
>I experiance, or maybe hear, or maybe see, hard to tell, the Wrath of the Lichking ending cinematic, but its all very fragmented and this is sort of out of nowhere
>Now its pitch black night, light up by old, orange street lamps, and I am standing one appartment block away from my appartment building, completely the opposite direction of where I'd walk to Uni
>Its raining like hell, and I have no shoes or socks
>I know I HAVE to get back to Uni for my shoes and to do that stupid literature assignment or the lecturer will kill me
>I also need to come home, but if I come home I'll have to walk the dog and I don't have time and I start panicking while getting drenched by rain and….
>Alarm clock, I wake up, its 7:00, I've been only asleep for 30 fuckin' minutes


>>25069 (me)
Which schizo dream you want me to do next:
>Emperor of Bulgaria (high-quality memory)
>The Prophetic split up (mostly good quality)
>Earth Evac and Death Star Zoo Raid (above average quality)
>Soviet Sanatorium Skyscraper Escape (mediocre quality)
>Personally Purged by Stalin (bad quality)
>Mystery Game Gathering (bad quality)
>Headless Party Espionage (very bad quality)


Good to see you're still around. It's very entertaining. I say do the entire list one by one, but pace yourself say posting one dream every 2 or 3 days, or even one post per week to give them breathing room and let people respond.


>How do I gain full access? Any simple step
See >>5343


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Had a fucked up dream last night. Of course, it was a dream so it wasn't exactly like this but kind of like this:

On a long straight beach (scottish type beach, cold, windswept, sky/water is grey and dark) with a load of other people, all of us are in small card boats (boat made of card) , in small groups with one or 2 people, I don't really know why, but it had the vibe of activity time in school like we had all been split off into these small groups to do the activity of being in a card boat

the water is very shallow but I still became very fearful when our card boat capsizes and fills with water. There is somebody else in my boat at this point but it is very indistinct. Because the water is shallow I just start walking in it and I go back to the shore and look around in the dunes and find two old surf boards. I continue searching for things to tie them together to make into a raft, there are other people in the dunes also looking for junk to make into card boats.

At this point the dream changes, and I'm sort of listening to a podcast, or at least, there is a conversation happening which reminds me of a podcast style, one person answering questions and the other person answering.

The questioner is asking about a person who swam to a beach, he is asks the other person "so what did you find weird about this beach in particular" and the person replies "well, when I was swimming I dived down, and there was a pentagram on a rock under the water" Then the questioner answers "that is pretty weird, particularly with all those goons on the beach."

Then the dream changes again and I'm in a house that is filled with people, specifically there is a girl with a pentagram for a face, she is freaking me out, and I can tell she thinks I'm pathetic for being freaked out by her pentagram face.

I woke up feeling extremely calm after this. First I shit myself because I thought I was being murdered by occultists, but when I realised it was just a dream I felt very well rested and relaxed.


Smaller for today:
>Headless party
>I am at some sort of fancy ballroom party
>I know I am a spy and must talk to someone, or tell them something or get something, I dunno
>They aren't there
>I walk out into the balcony
>Apparently I am at the top floor, and its a fancy high-fantasy medieval city
>The buildings are very large, but keep that high-medieval aesthetic, imagine picrel, but if everything was New York sized (though maybe not that tall)
>Its a dark and clear night, the moon is large and shines on the town, its really quite pretty
>I realize that there is one more floor above the balcony roof that I am under
>I use my spy skills to wrangle over there
>To my surprise, I enter into another ballroom similar to the one before, but this time, everyone is headless
>Maybe not headless, not too sure. There were no decapitation signs or anything, perhaps they were all invisible people, as I only remember clothes moving, being filled in by sillouettes of people, but not any limbs or faces that I can remember
>I come up to a large and very far man, or rather, a fancy outfit that looks like it was being worn by a headless fatman
>The outfit looks reneisance like, think it was a vest of sorts
>I know this is my contact and that I have something important to discuss
>I can't recal anything that happened next


A dance of the ghosts perhaps?

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