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post artwork for a nice socialist futureavoid, dread-mongering, collapse-porn and techno-phobia.
257 posts and 388 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


If you were to build the building in the third picture, the giant shells made of out of transparent material will focus sunlight into a death ray that might incinerate people beneath it, you know like what children do to ants when playing around with a magnifying glass.


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pic related


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Well, Constant Nieuwenhuys was rather idealist and left the Situationist International not long after drafting it. Here are other images of what he thought "New Babylon" might have looked like.


that looks more like a dreadnought then a building


I was gonna mention it kind of looks like Outer Heaven/Mother Base but on land.


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this threat makes me both sad and happy
i'm sad because if only the soviets didn't fall,if only they didnt have the cold war forcing them into spending billions into useless weaponry we would be living in orbit around earth,or even moon now


>>8603 (me)
like soviet thinkers scientists etc imagined so much they dreamt of a world where socialism was achieved globally a world where poverty and shit was of no concern and humanity was finally getting its shit together and conquering space

instead we have borderline fascist worldwide capitalism


i actually had tears in my eyes reading this
it's about school kids imagining the future of the soviet union and in 2017 they unearthed these time capsules meant for the centennial of the soviet union
feels bad man


this really brings a tear to eyes but also reminds us (or atleast me) of importance of work we are doing
we are struggling,fighting,organizing,reading,writing studying,striking so that all this becomes a reality.

keep up the good work comrades.


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thanks for posting this link


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Palace of Soviets in 2061 after socialist reconstruction in the 2050s


I'm crossposting my request from >>>/tech/3501; would love to see more constructivist literature disseminated online.




Architecture should be moved to >>>/tech/ or >>>/hobby/, is it possible to move the entire thread there and attempt to colonize those boards with active threads such as these combined with a permanent link in a stickied thread here?



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good thread, good pictures, great work everybody


>muh spinny space tube
>muh shitty ugly brutality concrete coffin apartments
>muh shitty materialist utopianism
Fuck off, technophiles. There's more to life than VR porn.


You're being a nîgger out of this


File: 1608526342276.jpg (291.04 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg)

Here's your fucking future


>Y-you're being a heckin níggerino1!1!!1!1
Yes faggot I am. Problem you fucking party kraut?


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has anyone here heard of Fan Wennan? infrared was talking about him today on this channel.
didn't know if it deserves its own thread or whether there already is one. I just learned about him today


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Yeah they interviewed him not too long ago; I quite like his work.


Here is your solarpunk future, "comrades"—courtesy of Amazon.


His art is Kino


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bro that third pic is blue origin concept art. why would you post that; is this a joke?


posting renders from Kevin Rogan's "in socialism" series










amazing thread, revitalized my optimism. good work everyone


Jesus fuck in the name of everything that is good start with Deep Space 9, it's unironically based and basically written by commies. Second best is probably The Next Generation but nothing comes even close DS9.


Deep Space 9. Awesome writing in addition to being actually based as fuck.


looks neat as hell very much appreciated


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they're both shit


cry more

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