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"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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So Jamie Peck recently joked that aliens are watching us and they were going to give us space communism, but then they decided we weren't ready. Because we can't even overcome racism within our own species.

Do you think aliens are among us?


There are no aliens. All UFO sightings are bullshit. Even if aliens existed it would take eons for us to visit Earth.


so the aliens are intersectional?


The aliens that are all peace and love and are like "We come in peace plz stop fighting yourselves so you can join the intergalactic federation :)" Or whatever are almost always described as being Nordics and / or Pleiadeans.
Grey's are the ones that want to shove probes up your ass and Reptiles are just assholes that literally feed off of your bad vibes and vices


honestly the reptilians seem the kindest ones


The Greys shove probes up your genitals. Get your facts straight, human.

Don't abductees universally say they're brutal rapists?


>Don't abductees universally say they're brutal rapists?
I don't trust the abductees


File: 1608526380072.jpg (60.87 KB, 323x640, moe alien.jpg)



I wish anime girls were aliens then at least we would know that they exist


>The aliens that are all peace and love and are like "We come in peace plz stop fighting yourselves so you can join the intergalactic federation :)" Or whatever are almost always described as being Nordics and / or Pleiadeans.

Yes, because these memes come from a literal, Falungong/White brotherhood-esque racist cult, and further on from the also racist theosophic society.

>Grey's are the ones that want to shove probes up your ass and Reptiles are just assholes that literally feed off of your bad vibes and vices

What the FUCK would an interstellar civilization possibly need from Earth monkeys, aside, perhaps, doing a footage for the space discovery channel?


Space porn


>among us



supposedly they want our gold or our water IIRC


Come on, we know what they really're here for

||Morb memes||


File: 1654649303546.png (27.31 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

>aliens decided we weren't ready for communism because we couldn't overcome racism
idk that sounds pretty racist tbh


In reality, we are all alien to each other….
Really makes you think

Go hug a random person today


capitalist society is truly alien nation


we were the ayy lmaos all along…

we have to defeat capitalism and spread communism across the universe


Nothing human is alien to me.

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