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A thread for the Hiking, Hillwalking, Mountaineering, Camping, Randonneuring and other comfy /out/door pursuits involving time in the wilderness

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>Ask for advice on getting started
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>Bitch about your poor navigational abilities
>Post Non-Identifying photos (i.e. Don't post your face you idiot)

I've been doing a fair bit of mountaineering the past few weeks and I'm really getting back into the swing of things, might join a club again soon
54 posts and 22 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Trash bag inside pack.
Water resistant pack is good if you live somewhere high and dry, where it isn't going to rain continuously for more than a hour. But trash bag inside pack is lighter and works in all climates. You can also use a poncho and cover it that way. Many long distance hikers in the United States use a backpacking specific umbrella.


Spring is here comrades. What /out/ plans do y'all have this year?


Barefoot hiking in Oregon


got addicted to watching Rick Steves last year, he's such a joy
any recommendations for food to pack when /out/? especially since I live in a hot climate


These look like how atmospheric black metal sounds.


Dried fruit, trail mix, burritos
not peanut butter that shit will melt


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hiked table rock mountain in south carolina. my legs are killing me


Looks sick anon. How much elevation?


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If we are in the same country, why not? I would unironically be interested in a reading and a discussion around a campfire. It's probably the closest we'll ever get to reading again.


Mods, you have just invisibilized my thread. You did invisibly fix a link in one of my posts tho, so we're even. There are free campgrounds with facilities, in the center of busy villages, close to the water and hiking and on public transport routes in my country. Is a /leftypol/ camping trip viable?


I highly doubt that leftypol wishes to meet up IRL


If there are people in the same region of the same country, why not? opsec reasons or something?


I've met with several leftypol people IRL.


To be precise, I've met 4 other leftypolers IRL. I think that's pretty numerous. They were all normal and cool people.


based entirely normal behavior. Lets open exploratory talks about the possibility of preliminary negotiations on the subject of a camping trip anons. I don't talk like this IRL


Why not going to a bar of something first? Seems like a big commitment to go camping.


come on anon. Something like two hours travel to a serviced campsite for a night or two is barely camping, it's nowhere near commitment. There are bars near every campsite here.


Thread inspired me and now I'm about to pick up a used canoe off kijiji. Jealous of the folks with mountains itt but at least we have lakes.


Lakes are cool too, enjoy the fishing.


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hoe lee fuk do I ever regret not taking this guy up on his offer to deliver. Took me two hours to carry it the 4km to my place but we made it
Main plan with this is to go camping in places only accessible by boat but ya its about time I learned how to fish as well


Lol you just carried a canoe 2 miles? Like on your head?


Hmm. Well I'm usually very busy. Between work and social events it is very hard for me to find time to camp… I can make time for an evening to go to a bar easily. I imagine I'm not the only one.


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3.4 km to be exact and ya its called portaging. It's not as hard as it sounds but im out of shape so it pretty much destroyed me lol


Well at least you'll be a bit more trained for next time.


Packing my stuff and getting on a bus to a campsite 2.5 hours west of the Kapitol, anons. When it's too hot, too cold or too wet we're just gonna stop hiking and barbequeing and go to the bar. It's a complicated plan, and untested, but it might work.


What country? two hours west of the capital sounds like Algonquin Park which is great spot


It was vacation country. There was a fast flowing river, a windy foamy lake, places to hike and swim safely, bars, places to get food, bike rental. It's such a cheap way to get out of your daily life for a couple of days. I brought food and there was a spot to camp for free so the only cost for me was a bus ticket and bar drinks. Everything got wet, it was great.


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Sounds fun! How much gear do you bring for a weekend outing like that? Im stuck daytripping for now since I only have a sleeping bag and some tools
speaking of gear, found a cool site https://lighterpack.com/


>How much gear do you bring for a weekend outing like that?
A large rucksack on the back and a slightly smaller one worn on the front has been great for me for carrying heavy loads short distances. All the stuff is cheap and heavy - 2 person tent, vinyl inflatable airbed, an actual pillow, sleeping bag and liner, a lot of socks and all kinds of shorts and thermals and light layers, boots + shoes + flip flops. Some of the other campers had some really interesting stuff, like a handmade extremely sharp tiny axe with a handmade leather belt holster.


IRL camping trip this weekend.
No electronic devices allowed, full face and gait obfuscation at all times required.
Voice modulation optional.
Register interest here and we will contact via the second protocol.


Any tips on pacing? I'm going on a multi-day hike and I am afraid I will overdo myself on the first day and that will make the rest of the days torturous.


Post fitness levels and hiking conditioning levels.
How many loaded miles per week are you currently hiking?
>t. someone fit who cycled a few minutes a day, jumped into a 7 day cycle tour, and had a bad time.


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Go camping anons
>Find a campsite a few hours away where people camp
>bring your cheap heavy gear there on a bus
>enjoy a little hiking, swimming and other larpy shit
>enjoy sitting around a campfire in the evening
>enjoy the bar
It costs almost nothing and It will reset and re-enerigize you, anons


Went backpacking around Mt Hood, OR.
Highly recommend it anons.


beautiful shots




Looks steep and slippery as hell. Did you see any bears?


No bears. The only really technical/loose parts were scrambling down to stream beds to cross. This is probably the most popular backpacking route in Oregon and there have not been many reports of bears, so I slept with my food. I think the black bears prefer somewhat lower lands more since there is more to eat and more trees.


I live right next to there, don’t know why I’ve never gone.


Olympic national park, hurricane ridge. An easier hike (~900 elevation gain, ~4 hours casual pace, dirt trail) but nonetheless beautiful and very fun.


very nice.


Can I go there instead of going to the office for work?


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Angels rest, Oregon, 1500ft elevation gain, ~4 hours including sizable rest at peak. Trail was mostly loose rocks, but it was manageable. Really good hike, especially for the fact that you start from the literal base of the mountain, and end at the highest peak.


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more gorgeous pics. What camera do you use? I got a one recently, havent messed around with it much but I get the impression I need a bigger lens to get landscape shots. current lens is 18-55mm


Fuck I really need to take that trip to Canada I was planning, you're making me jealous of all


Thanks, and it’s just an iPhone, nothing special. I’m sure I could get much better shots with a dedicated camera, but I prefer hiking without anything bulky.


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Tolmie Peak, WA

Very enchanted-fairy-esque.


Very cool, especially the mist. I think it’s still too hot where I’m at for misty trails sadly.


Just went to a Texas state park, of course the leaves were down on most of the trees but it was still beautiful. I wish this state weren't so giant, some of the most fantastical looking of the state parks are so far away…

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