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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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File: 1709079243858.webm (4.75 MB, 640x360, nordic-socialism.webm)



File: 1709079481966.webm (Spoiler Image, 6.11 MB, 360x360, immolate.webm)


File: 1709080541285.webm (18.32 MB, 540x540, alunya_rises.webm)


File: 1709081523838.mp4 (1.87 MB, 720x1280, Zionist True Colors.mp4)


holy fuck dude. This is the first time ive watched this. what strikes me most is the fucking cop who's first NPC response is "get on the ground, get on the ground" as if he's an armed dude ready to shoot and not a man on fire. only after ineffectively shouting at a dude literally on fire some bigbrain decides to look for an extinguisher




I haven't seen it in years but anyone have that webm where Agent Kochinski says the left has never beaten a fascist regime from within and it cuts to some albanian song? it was pretty catchy


File: 1711151170880.mp4 (13.9 MB, 1080x1920, heroiccommunist.mp4)


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>sweden is the enemy


does anyone have that webm of matt christman talking about august willich?


No, I've also been searching for a vid of him making fun of the idea of "debate" or debatebros. It's something about jangling keys and Voosh possibly but I remember very little.


Isn't that first video not made in the DPRK?


File: 1711380147673.mp4 (38.32 MB, 400x266, willich.mp4)


I dunno I just repost


File: 1711380677635.mp4 (10.51 MB, 1920x1080, return to tradition.mp4)

also on the same theme



For me it's how long he manages to continue shouting and remain standing. It's a shame he couldn't find a better way to fight than this, but I'm grateful for what he bought with his sacrifice.

Wishing Matt a full recovery.


File: 1711549420693.mp4 (16.89 MB, 1174x576, Joker Haz.mp4)

real patsoc hours
this guy is getting invited on RT now btw


Based send dsa members to gulags in the countryside
They deserve worse


>3rd video
It always tickles me that Roo was name dropped in that lmao, has he said anything about hegel and hegelian dialectics outside of his fallout analysis?


File: 1711934999208.webm (3.72 MB, 406x720, pol3.webm)


File: 1711935779638.webm (12.29 MB, 1920x1080, propane.webm)

another haz classic


It's funny because Haz grew up in Ann Arbor Michigan which is essentially a college town to a family of lawyers. You couldn't find someone more sheltered.


File: 1712576284611.mp4 (6.35 MB, 886x500, Intifada until win.mp4)


File: 1712576962905.mp4 (8.18 MB, 540x960, 1698923418166.mp4)

hahahaha hadn't seen that one.


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File: 1712629399545.webm (25.52 MB, 854x1066, Nazis-and-Cops.webm)

An example of cops in the US working with neonazis


File: 1715134688759.webm (5.88 MB, 480x852, 1713738574139805.webm)

Why do libs say things like "Black And Brown Bodies"? It feels weirdly patronizing


influence from glow think tanks


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I wonder how much my brain has been fucked by seeing stuff like that tbh.


Go back to your Islamist reddit group assp


File: 1715180095174.mp4 (7 MB, 1280x720, NATOpowerFTW.mp4)

I bow to whoever created this (it is someone here). I am spreading it since day one. And I keep watching it. It makes me optimistic, it makes me laugh. It makes my day. I wish there were more but I dont want to get greedy. This is a masterpiece.

I named it this way to lure retards btw.


>Europe is the enemy
It's pretty clear that Haz hates White people. How come so few say it outloud?


he's just the typical non-white white supremacist


No, I don't think so. To me it appears that he has some sort of a complex about being short and half-Arabic, which manifests itself as hatred of Whites. You'll notice he has a pathological need to shit talk the French.


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he looks pretty white tbh



Because nobody worth taking seriously takes him seriously. Who cares if he hates white or black people lol. He's a dumbass.


>shitting on the legacy of Gorky
Video for retard culture warriors.



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All of you are laughing, but I wouldnt if I were you


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File: 1715865034230.png (482.42 KB, 900x300, glow party.png)

>Focusing so much on one second of a 2 min video
>Not getting the joke that CIA raising rainbow flags is just marketing bullshit
>Forgetting how lgbtq is used to justify occupation and murder

This post glows


>lgbtq is used to justify occupation and murder
It literally isn't. Putting rainbow flags on bombs isn't justifying occupation. It's just laundering the organization as inclusive. Nobody would care to support occupation to support le gays. They do use women's rights to justify occupation all the time though, so I'm waiting for you to put notes of rank misogyny in your next imperialist cringe compilation.



File: 1716016283413.mp4 (3.09 MB, 640x356, 1000% KARA BOĞA.mp4)

if someone can find me a longer version I'll be grateful


They use lgbtq just as they use womans rights. And they use it to support bombing and colonizing people. And not just with flags on bombs.


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>one second of a two minute video
it's the last 15 seconds of a 1 min 45 second video. It is about 15% of the video. It scrolls out slowly from the """"""""pro gay""""""" (but not really) NATO flag and maxim gorky (homosexuality = fascism quote reference) slowly pops up on screen. You know exactly what you're doing. And even if it were just a single frame of homophobic propaganda slipped in subliminally rather than 15 whole seconds, it would still be homophobic propaganda. You're just engaging in wrecker behavior by taking an otherwise legitimate political sentiments (anti-imperialism, anti colonialism, anti capitalism) and poisoning them with homophobia. it's glowie behavior. Like slipping some nazi shit into a pro-palestine video. You know exactly what the fuck you're doing and you're the one who glows for it.


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yeah, they USE it the same way the nazis USED the word "socialist" to describe themselves. doesn't mean they actually believe in those things.


yeah ok so are you going to make a video compilation that equates women with fascism too or is this really about how you don't like the gays?


>Go back to your Islamist reddit group assp
Go back to Ohio or Brooklyn New York and Poland, Nazionist soy.




they use a different excuse now for the exact same actions they've undertaken for the last 100 years, therefore the excuse is the problem?


I don't know why people care what a pb anchor baby aristocrat from Michigan thinks anyway


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>2nd video
>Ghost of Khamas



Something happened to him after the AS spat with Heidecker and the accusations that he was a Nazi.

If you look at his content pre-World Peace absolutely none of it revolved around this Neo-Masculinity garbage; when the usual suspects couldn't stand that his comedy had been given air-time they worked to saddle and plague the studio with accusations of racism and hate speech in order to cancel him.

Whatever they did worked, but instead of just sitting on the commentary and continuing as usual he hitched his wagon to this new audience these critics had opened up to him and he has been milking them ever since.

His vertical videos are still some of the best content on the internet, and some of the sketches from World Peace stand out as well.


The only content contrary to this were his engagements with the milliondollarextreme subreddit, in which everyone was aware that his entire media presence revolved around keeping in character, tongue in cheek, so they would bait out of him cryptic assertions and phrases that crossed the questionable content moderation policies on reddit to make fun of them.

The entire point of this drew down to the fact that alt-righters believed they were in good company because they couldn't tell they were implicitly being made fun of. The whole thing was one big charade until outside commentators as thick as the alt-righters began writing articles about this new figure of hate speech.

The nuance which defined the entire basis of his comedy from that period reflected a stability of a post-political consensus. You can directly see that World Peace is the end of this period because one month after its airing Trump takes office. The middle ground disappears and swiftly after Hyde begins monetizing his content using Gumroad in which he begins to produce videos which if anything anticipate Andrew Tate.


If you need any proof of this, just watch one of the most widely circulated sketches from World Peace embedded here.

Another video in a similar vein: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXMailKc7B4
Another video on the Flint Michigan water crisis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvIky3B661s
Another video on pick-up culture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zq_LakJTsIE
Another video on self-victimization culture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-Dn__J03yo

The heart of his content, when not directed at specific issues, literally revolves around just provoking a reaction from the establishment.


>The heart of his content, when not directed at specific issues, literally revolves around just provoking a reaction from the establishment.

Aka reactionism.


He's always been my favorite comedian regardless of his audience. A lot of it and his life advice I found helpful when going through some shit in life.
Anyway lets not derail the thread too much.


Yes, just look at this deep display of reactionary behaviour.



lmao I made this a couple years ago, appreciate the kudos, as for the retards in this thread trying to find insidious plots in the last 10 seconds, I think it's funny to call NATO gay fascists (and it is!)


reactionary idpol is still idpol


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>there's no insidious plot, I just think being gay and being fascist is the same thing
i'm going to slit your fascist throat from ear, you will never be a communist. you are banderite hitlerite scum, and probably an ally of NATO.


Wait until you hear about his kami shelf stocked with bourgeois economist funko pops


>If you look at his content pre-World Peace absolutely none of it revolved around this Neo-Masculinity garbage
haha good bit: soy nazi who loves to consume reactionary comedy until it makes him realize he will never be a real man. Then suddenly when its shitty, mediocre failures like OP who are the butt of jokes, not racial minorities etc, that's REAL FASCISM lmao.
>he hitched his wagon to this new audience these critics had opened up to him
"I wasn't a fascist until they forced me to become one for my career ambitions" Yeah that's literally why 99% of people become class traitors.
>His vertical videos are still some of the best content on the internet
the most subhuman slop
>The nuance which defined the entire basis of his comedy from that period reflected a stability of a post-political consensus
Red Scare podcast neoliberals require surgery to remove their head from their ass, these worthless art critic gamerchair socialists really love to consume those fart fumes


File: 1716182503383.png (1.29 MB, 1600x1157, ClipboardImage.png)

>Red Scare podcast neoliberals require surgery to remove their head from their ass
Unfortunately, chronic cerebral ischemia from their over-tight sphincters has likely caused permanent damage, and the overall prognosis is poor. I'm sorry.


Very nice… now let's see the IDF deaths from the Hezbollah-Iranian front


>glitchcore mix
/gd/ 4CC??


cry /leftypol/ a river.


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>shit opinion

Nazi fascists persecuted gay people and fascists like you come online and try to do reactionary idpol to link the two because you think homophobia is funny and you like to pretend to be communist, shitting on Gorky and Stalin's otherwise great legacies by invoking cringe quotes. Vid related is you.

You play this little bait game where you get to say homophobic shit and it's Totally Not Idpol guys it's just a joke ahhahahaha the people who got killed by nazis are the same as the people doing the killing hahaha so funny what fucking degenerates hahaha i bet they all are homosexuals hahahahaha

Fuck you.




>shitting on Gorky and Stalin's otherwise great legacies
posting this while calling someone else homophobic lol


go back to pol


When the revolution comes, bigots will be shot in the knees.


Special snowflake disorder strikes again. Unable to accept the reality and place it in a historical context, the confused anonymous poster projects their emotional revenge fantasies by eliciting a description that has no factual basis!

Many such cases!


When they aren't spending time online ranting about how certain sections of comedy are instead 'inherently fascist', the anonymous user begins his fiftieth or sixtieth reading of his collected works of Mao, angrily refreshing 'neoliberal' subreddits, decrying other socialists through whatever fantastical appellative comes to mind.

Of course this user accomplishes nothing, not even in their understanding of the world. Because they are stuck at a stage of psychological development in which they cannot succesfully sublate difference, they will spend the rest of their days shackled to chains they never see which are as clear as day to anyone they talk to.


that's a lot of psychobabble to defend an obvious fascist whose fans are 90% fascist


But, we must have empathy for this poor creature.

In their mind, like the antisemitic Nazi, or the pure-blooded of liberals, they are the saviour of their own broken system of thought, to which no one else can compare.


>I will deliberately not read the argument made and retort with a conclusion to which it already answers


I have zero respect for freaks who have to try psychoanalyse others to defend their argument


I have zero respect for people who can't understand obvious satire.


But then retards like you can't even understand basic comedy.


Can somebody turn this into an mp4?



Thank you, I love this song.

If I'm lucky enough to die on my own terms in this world, I will go listening to this.


File: 1717122378345.mp4 (9.45 MB, 640x360, American Pie.mp4)


>explaining wealth inequality with food
post this in the burgerpunk thread


anything but metric


It's pretty shocking to me that this is a surprise to average people.


The average burger has no fucking clue about their own country.
I mean it when i say the average burger is basically brainwashed.



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