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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 [Last 50 Posts]

Casi nuevo hilo, para un casi nuevo año. As always we allow everyone to speak english, we are not Ukrainian fascists.
Conmemorando a Alexis Castillo esta ocasión.

Para luego buscarlo en el catálogo:
Latinoamérica, Latin America, LATAM, /lat/, latinoamérica, latino américa, hispanoamerica, /ñ/


>all those foreign words
When your in MY country you speak AMERICAN


>When your in MY country you speak AMERICAN
When your in my


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Mr danger on da haus


Do you guys know of any free resource for learning haitian creole? do haitians speak good french? I wanna learn portuguese and haitian creole I feel like us south americans should communicate much more than we do.


I guess in Duolingo or in other internet aplication of microtransactions, or books in online libraries. I only found in english some basic ones + dictionaries (and the stuff they give to missionaries)



Run a search for "Haitian Creole" on libgen.li and you will find a few interesting options.


beautiful, i'm convinced, and in love.


Amigos ecuatorianos, que se siente vivir oficialmente en un estado canalla fuera del derecho internacional?


Tempos interessantes, hermanos.


No es un happening si no voy a trabajar mañana. Ah, pero mañana es sábado, leftypol no pensó en esta excepción esencial.


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why do hispanics get weird about younger kids not speaking spanish and when i bring up that it is another white language? my mexican gf also gets pissy and weird about it when i bring it up. many of them come off as uncle juans and i dont understand where get this sort of worship for a language.


cálalte a la verga.


Most people get stupidly touchy about their own culture, nothing new here.


You need to go back.


Instead of entertaining some retarded shit about spanish or whatever, there's a fucking habbening, you fucks. Ecuador has violated the vienna convention and broke into the mexican embassy to arrest the former VP of Ecuador, which is really funny if you're an accelerationist, but it's a big uh-oh moment if you were wondering if Israel's blatant disregard for international law would lead to any consequences beyond the middle east. The zionist entity has lifted the veil and a brand new world, where the paper thin semblance of international order has been shredded like confetti, This is probably the biggest regression yet. Definitely interesting times ahead, so exited to live in a pre-WW2 world, irt to international law.


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see all these anons are getting pissy just for having a question. i am not even attacking it
they just seem to carry extra shame about the younger people "losing their ways" and seem to conveniently forget their own very recent past.


because the working class is mostly conservative "by default". patriotic, supportive of traditional family values, distrustful of foreigners, etc.


me confunda cómo en EEUU los gringos insisten que hablar un idioma europeo hace alguien un POC


>"by default"

what does this even mean?


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half right. alot of the same hispanics seem to view their original country as inferior and are kind of shitty about it for some reason
>supportive of traditional family values
sorry anon that really seems like bullshit since machismo pretty huge and alot not a majority but alot really like to cheat on their spouse regularly.
>distrustful of foreigners
mostly applies to americans and their neighbors, which is like 90% of the world. doesnt apply of course if they have money
translated this anon:
>I was confused by how in the U.S. gringos insist that speaking a European language makes someone a POC
exactly my feelings btw
basically the peasants or poors which is the "default" if you are born there


>pissy just for having a question
it's a retarded and mostly irrelevant question, i cannot read your girlfriend's mind, nor i care enough to attempt to decipher whatever brand of idpol you and your gf are on. i give up on leftypol discussing anything of worth, do as you will.


its part of a "common sense" inculcated by the dominant class structures
you sound derogatory in you assessments and like someone who doesnt interact with people irl, driven only by prejudices


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>you sound derogatory in you assessments and like someone who doesnt interact with people irl, driven only by prejudices
actually live outside of leftypol and any average honest mexican immigrant with an ounce of perspective will tell you the same. touch grass
>it's a retarded and mostly irrelevant question
not really just dont get their colonizer fetish and they think they are all conquistador.
>i cannot read your girlfriend's mind
me neither but its too annoying


Why do people care about the culture and language they are brought up in?

Are you stupid? people care for their ethnic history and to pass down that identity, this is only human, are you inhuman?

Sure there are critiques to be made against any culture or language, but that does not warrant you getting pissy about it, ofcourse spanish speaking kids should speak spanish.

Im not Latin American, but I sure would want my kids if I ever had any to have some of my culture and my language not just english which is the lingua franca of the world including dominant media meaning culture so people will pick it up anyway.

to not want the erasure of ethnic identity is not a negative.


The xenophobia against gringos gentrifying Mexico city, and other places in Mexico is funny NGL, but it's also highly problematic and de-classed.

Rich (admittedly white) Mexicans moving to Condesa, Roma Norte etc are just as much part of the problem. Gentrification is an inevitable part of cities unless something is done about it. Rich people having more acquisition power is one of the defining features of capitalism. You're not going to fix gentrification by telling gringos to speak Spanish or go back to their country.

I hate to defend gringos, but the xenophobia is so revealing of the deeply liberal ideology of contemporary Mexican society. Worse is that it's mostly middle class morons complaining about it visibly. They're angry they can't be the only gentrifiers lmao.

As for the musicians in Mazatlan protesting against petit and booj property owners, yeah, my complete support. Fuck them lmao. Banda on the beach is the bread and butter of Mazatlan culture. If the booj mofos and the tourists don't want to visit a place where it's an essential part of social life, then just go to a more remote resort.


Because they want to reconquista the USA for real. They come here and call you gringo. It's cute tho. Their childen will be real burgers in the first generation born here.


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>ofcourse spanish speaking kids should speak spanish.
nah worshiping ded conquis isnt the way
>Im not Latin American, but I sure would want my kids if I ever had any to have some of my culture and my language not just english which is the lingua franca of the world including dominant media meaning culture so people will pick it up anyway.
dont have kids, you are spooked
>to not want the erasure of ethnic identity is not a negative.
more spooks
>Are you stupid?
i am normal and curious, that puts me ahead of u nerd.
>people care for their ethnic history and to pass down that identity, this is only human, are you inhuman?
the mayo has tipped
>to not want the erasure of ethnic identity is not a negative.
sometimes it is and well deserved, such shitty slavers cultures
>Sure there are critiques to be made against any culture or language, but that does not warrant you getting pissy about it,
im chill, shill. you should calm down
> Their childen will be real burgers in the first generation born here.
this is too true and they have the extra gravity to prove it


t. gringo


Any arguments would be better. And no, I'm pure bred Mexican. The simple fact remains that the mechanism of gentrification isn't "Americans moving into the neighborhood", but "richer people displacing the community that is there", mediated by landlords, corrupt, indifferent, and undemocratic government, and capitalism.


pure bread he says


>And no, I'm pure bred Mexican
<purebred mestizo


Was just thinking how funny ever white American claims to be 1/16th Cherokee despite being 0/16th but every Mexican is at least 25% Indio but they don't want to claim it.


Mexico suspends relations with Ecuador after arrest of ex-VP
Ecuadorian police forced themselves into the Mexican embassy. AMLO breaks diplomatic relations.

AMLO being based as per usual.

heh. A Mexican born and raised in mexico by ancestors that were Mexican up until my great grandparents, before which who the fuck knows. Hijo de la raza cósmica.


White rich mexicans are like this lol. A white petit booj guy I know told me once "I'm barely Mexican"… bruh.
The vast majority of Mexicans don't dispute their mestizaje. It's mostly the whiter and richer ones.


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I always think it is funny too all the mystique about North of the border indies. I see Indians everyday, they're called Mexicans kek. The average day laborer is probably more Indian than the average American with an Indian card lol.

Speaking of also. I read that a lot of north of the border tribes fled south of the border to escape the Anglo genocide.


they are the biggest whiners i have seen.
yanks are so incestous


>yanks are so incestous


Americans reifiy everything. It's impossible to escape the logic of the reification of identities. You can't even enjoy activities without them being reified and presented as an identity. Of course Americans aren't the only ones doing this shit.

As for Mexicans being Indian, indigeneity comes with the cultural component. Mexicans are largely mestizo, and rightfully don't claim indigeneity. Our customs are a mixture but largely departed from the people that do still live in indigenous terms. Most of us don't speak an indigenous language, or know much about indigenous Mexicans.

That would be like white people claiming they're Cherokee or whatever. It's not genuine. Even if you have some "blood" you've lost all ties to the culture.


Dina mita Balearte sigue en su laberinto de como consiguio los Rolex de 18 palos gringos. Paso de ser una antigua joya a ser un regalo de su "hermano" Oscorima.
Bien caros los regalos presidenciales. A Castillo le regalaban chocolates,latigos y reconocimientos de los pueblos

Insertar Stressed out como en video de tiktok
Cuando la intervencion Mexicana a Ecuador?


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>That would be like white people claiming they're Cherokee or whatever. It's not genuine. Even if you have some "blood" you've lost all ties to the culture.
i wanna fuck a cherokee white girl


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It's crazy to me how Mexicans did away with any concepts of race it seems. You'll be like majority Indio but you say just because your culture was erased, you are no longer indigenous.

Well going back to the USA people will be like a quarter Indian here and call themselves Indian.


>Well going back to the USA people will be like a quarter Indian here and call themselves Indian.
indians are from india, the meme never dies


>It's crazy to me how Mexicans did away with any concepts of race it seems.
I wouldn't go so far. Racism is important in Mexico, but it's not as black and white as it is in the US. One's class is very important and almost determined one's perceived "racial" background. A brown person might self-percieve as being more European than a poor white person, for example. But racism is very prevalent and normalized. That said, there is an added component on top of that, which is that indigeneity is more of a lifestyle and culture, although race is a big part of it too.


>It's crazy to me how Mexicans did away with any concepts of race it seems.
they hate blacks for some reason


Lies. Mexicans usually find them weird and interesting. Hate isn't really true.

Although there is a growing hate towards all economic refugees, including Haitians, but also other latinamericans of all colors.


That's funny too, why can't Mexicans get native American money?
>indians are from india, the meme never dies
Eschuse me, are you referring to Bharatis?


Bara tits


>Lies. Mexicans usually find them weird and interesting. Hate isn't really true.
thats your experience, my observations and social interactions say otherwise


Who gives a shit about a little racism
Just cut the balls
Zizek's a hack fraud btw


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< also this whole thread


OK well you're wrong lol.
Maybe they hate you because you're a gringo. Black Mexicans are teased and questioned, but they aren't hated. That's some load of bullshit.


>Maybe they hate you because you're a gringo.
not me they hate black people for some reason. im asian and know kung fu btw
>OK well you're wrong lol.
<baby wants a binky
lol mexicant


im a working class third worlder. i dont speak from my ass. treating proletariats as shit flinging backward apes because they distrust foreigners is what every rich liberal hipster does
>like to cheat on their spouse regularly.
machismo is part of traditional family values
>mostly applies to american and their neighbors
it happens in every country of the world. spaniards hate moroccans. somalians hate ethiopians and viceversa. argentines hate bolivians and paraguayans
>the peasants or poors which is the "default" if you are born here
i mean the working class. the proletariat. no need to be condescending towards them
oh youre just an edgelord. shouldve figured


Entrevista de Correo en la tv méxicana


serious question, why the stick in your ass?


Why the fuck did Ecuadorian Police break into the Mexican embassy and assault diplomats?


>argentines hate bolivians and paraguayans

Correction, Argentines hate everyone


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Mostly it seems like a gross miscalculation from Noboa, who's running a zero tolerance campaign against organized crime, probably attempted to one-up Bukele. Apparently, he's a huge retard prone to commiting gaffes, being the failson of some rich porky.

> Worse is that it's mostly middle class morons complaining about it visibly. They're angry they can't be the only gentrifiers lmao.
Well yeah they're the ones who stand to lose the most, being suddenly outpriced from neighborhoods that they were able to afford for decades. Admittedly gringos on condesa are, at best, a catalyst for a mechanism that was already well underway, they were going to be eventually outpriced. I doubt most apartments for rent in condesa are occupied, let alone occupied by gringos specifically. At the same time, I hold no sympathy for the gringos who are feeling the heat from anti-gringo sentiment. They've made themselves super visible by being utter pests. I see 0 complaints about migrants from other nationalitties (it's not very unusual to hear french, chinese or russian being spoken in condesa), so understand that gringos are particularly heinous.


>it seems like a gross miscalculation from Nobo
Holy shit you're not kidding
>Several Latin American countries have condemned the assault on the Mexican Emabassy. Brazil, Uruguay, Honduras, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela, Cuba, Paraguay and the Organization of American States have energetically condemned the military intrusion in the embassy, as well as former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa.


I doubt a lot more countries are going to break ties with Ecuador, but Mexico will be undoubtedly supported by every other nation at the International Court of Justice. We won't see the full extent of the damage until monday, when porkies decide if they should keep their capital on a lawless failed state, but it won't be pretty.


>machismo is part of traditional family values
so then polyamory is accepted then? sloppy seconds is still cringe
>it happens in every country of the world. spaniards hate moroccans. somalians hate ethiopians and viceversa. argentines hate bolivians and paraguayans
thanks for agreeing
>i mean the working class. the proletariat. no need to be condescending towards them
yes there is a need to condescending to them the more resemble whipped dogs than human being as time goes on. sorry mate
>oh youre just an edgelord. shouldve figured
<being honest = edgelord
anon i……..


>>1815111 (me)
Further consequences seem to be Noboa losing the majority in congress, as previous political allies in congress have decided to turn its back on Noboa. He was already holding a tenuous grasp on power, he has not delivered on his promises of controlling organized crime, an armed commando infamously took a whole ass TV station hostage just a few weeks ago. This desperate gambit is just going to accelerate his downfall. He was also one of the last cards being held by the US on latinamerica, Noboa is like Guaidog 2 in some regards, the US sourcing the biggest retards in the room because they're the only people that trust they won't be fucked over eventually.


>so then polyamory is accepted then? sloppy seconds is still cringe
whatever. leave those discussions to the petite-bourgeois, theres nothing revolutionary about who and how you fuck
>thanks for agreeing
agreeing to what?
>yes there is a need to condescending to them
aight man good luck, im sure acting like a californian democrat college student will get you very far
><being honest
about what?


Stop replying to that animal.


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playing stupid games nets you stupid prizes, as the redditors would say


im surprised how he didnt got the banhammer despite reeking of cryptofascism


>Stop replying to that animal.
reverse uno lol
>whatever. leave those discussions to the petite-bourgeois, theres nothing revolutionary about who and how you fuck
spoken like true liberal



Very good points. And regarding gringos, everyone around the world dislikes them lol. They're very entitled, protagonist and it pisses everyone off. Of course not all of them are like this.

It's like that gringo that got a shit ton of slack for complaining about the organilleros, or whatever the guys with the little crankable organs are called.


>Of course not all of them are like this.
but enough of them are. lets not kid ourselves here.


Mexican Presidential Debate Live in 30 minutes / Debate Presidencial Méxicano En Vivo Dentro 30 minutos



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the clown show has already begun btw


Does Mexico have a viable socialist politician on the menu or is it still only social democrats against conservatives?



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So this is why they are calling it Memexico?


I don't like this person, is she a rightoid?


She is the rightoid Karen that leads the electoral coalition of the former corrupt socdem party and the rump conservative/christian right party. They are down 20% in the polls compared to left-wing MORENA.


I only like the MORENA person, the other two look like clowns


Is the guy leading the PRI related to the cool Cardenas from the 40s?


No clue, i remember that lazaro cardenas was chad in HOI4 though, verry good political tree, you can even go full "socialism" with him and invade the US, if i remember it correctly


No, but the son of the cool Cardenas founded the more left-wing PRD as a splinter party and collaborated with AMLO before he himself left politics and with his son and all the other cool people defecting to MORENA. Now the PRD only exists as an opportunist rump party to support the legacy PRI-PAN formation.


Ok, Claudia got this. Total victory. This election is a wrap.


Mexican political spectacle has been pure comedy for a while now. Peak comedy was the previous presidential election with El Bronco advocating for the chopping off of hands of criminals. There was also Quadri allegedly getting to the debates in a hotboxed VW Beetle.

It seems this one is shaping up to be entertaining as well.
She's the opposition candidate. Basically an unholy alliance of all the big parties, left and right, except MORENA. Still losing lol.
Lazaro Cardenas was the last good president of Mexico. Then everything went to shit.

Post highlights plz, any language.


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Tal parece que el programa de evasion de sanciones de Venezuela aparentemente dejo tantos forados que cayó preso un ex VP.
Una limpieza de la casa nunca viene mal, aun si fueron de tu confianza


>Partido Revolucionario Institucional
como assim kkk


iba a preguntar algo sobre el paro general y las movilizaciones este mes pero está muy cogido este hilo y me da vergüenza ajena usarlo
a ver si se ponen las pilas con la moderación


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is ms13 the new lumpen revolutionary vanguard now?


It's funny when it triggers Spanish rightwingers


When your in MY country you speak AMERICAN


Another day another banger
¿Para cuando cae Milei? jajaja


Qué te gustaría ver en torno a moderación? Yo veo el hilo normal 😰
La represión es fuertísima. Creo que sólo se hará colonia americana y ya :/


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encontre a milei en un comic de un furry al que le gusta el vore


Para los gonzalistas y maoistas que ronden por aqui
For the gonzaloites, MLMPMs, Xijinpingists and maosits who are around here.
Soldado muere en enfrentamientos contra el MPCP.
A soldier died in skirmishes against the MCPC. Another one died in the transfer by falling. And according to peruvian national TV some booklets of literature where found, and SP camps where bombed with rockets.



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incredible things are happening in chile


>es comunista porque esta en el partido que se autodefine como comunista
buen analisis


what? oh i just thought she looked cute, where's your hot speaker of the house, huh?


>>1830786 (me)
no tengo ni idea de porqué respondí en inglés


shut up mexican







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looks like the average anon at a gay ass wedding lol.


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Salam, I love Venezuela. simple as


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Amo a todos mis camaradas latinoamericanos ahora que lo pienso.
t. MENAoid


Illuminati confirmed


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Por alguna razon siento algo de afinidad por los arabes, algo de ellos me atrae. Que Dios los guarde, habibi.


llo mas chistoso de vivir en mexico es ver a esos weyes morenos con tatuajes de la ss
chido tu cotorreo compa


Pequeñas traiciones
>Mientras tanto Castillo
<Cambia de abogado de nuevo


charla algo general sobre la situacion actual en latinoamerica por si a alguien le interesa


they are all right wing neolibs irl


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The president of the biggest union in Chile said during the May 1st event that the most pressing issue right now is "improving the living conditions of cops". This country is a fucking joke, holy shit.



¿Los comunistas de sus países también son inútiles?
Acá en memexico tenemos al zapatismo pero ha pasado de ser una insurrección armada e imponente con un fuerte enfoque marxista en la emancipación femenina e indígena a ser un grupúsculo de indígenas pacifistas larpeando de militares y estudiantes suburbanos de la capital que no les gusta el marxismo porque no es muh heckin decolonial con conocimiento ancestral maya (idealismo)



>con un fuerte enfoque marxista
el ezln nunca fue marxista
>estudiantes suburbanos de la capital que no les gusta el marxismo
la mayoria de partidos y organizaciones marxistas estan conformados por estudiantes urbanos la unica excepción son algunas orgs de masas de campesinos/gpos indigenas


Why doesn’t anyone call out on Brazil’s human rights violations? You can hear all day about China’s supposed human rights violations yet everyone ignores Brazil.


every faggot bourgeois liberal state ignores the human right violations that dont affect their own interests


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You guys have hope in socialism rising in your country?
I am from Costa Rica and I think it is almost impossible here.
Most people here not only misunderstand socialism, but despise it. They attack you when you talk about it, as if it were a personal matter. It deeply saddens me


No es acaso CR en la practica la cuspide de la socialdemocracia latinoamericana (con abolicion de las FFAA incluidas), me imagino que el cuasicolaboracionismo entre clases esta bien arraigado alla.
Aca en Peru, tuvimos a Castillo 🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️
Y como no me canso de decir, tener un gobierno en minoria es jodido y practicamente no tener posibilidad de avanzar al respecto.


for sure g


Curseado… En cdmx? Una vez conocí a un nazi moreno en Saltillo jajajaja



it's a retarded and mostly irrelevant question, i cannot read your girlfriend's mind, nor i care enough to attempt to decipher whatever brand of idpol you and your gf are on. i give up on leftypol discussing anything of worth, do as you will.


No lo es. CR vive en la ignorancia política. La razón por la que somos uno de los países más estables en latinoamerica es exactamente porque no tuvimos un movimiento socialista fuerte.
Para el 2050 ya nos mató a todos el calentamiento global. La revolución debe pasar en los próximos años.



¿Cual creen que sea el interes de los judios con Mexico? Nunca imagine ver una presidente judia en Mexico, ¿Sera por los recursos y ya? No creo que sea una coincidencia solamente


te interesaste en leerlo por lo menos?
argentina 2050 es el equivalente de la rusia sovietica lanzando gente al espacio. no queremos esperar para construirlo, pero cambiar las relaciones sociales por completo y desarrollar fuerzas productivas que sostengan un estado de bienestar socialista pleno toma mucho tiempo


el sueño irrealizable de la burguesia liberal argentina. esas cosas no suceden y nunca sucedieron por una razon, lo unico que espera la burguesia nacional es un salvataje interior (subsidios estatales) o exterior (la famosa "lluvia de inversiones") porque es tecnicamente incapaz de ser competitiva productivamente por si misma


>“Quiero concluir estas palabras invitando a todos aquí presentes, que son los héroes de la historia del progreso de la humanidad, a que si creen, como yo, en la superioridad del capitalismo, que si creen como yo, que Occidente se encamina a un lento pero seguro retroceso, que si creen como yo que el mérito, la ambición, la libertad, la innovación y el optimismo son valores esenciales de la especie humana que deben ser premiados, quiero invitarlos a que apuesten por la Argentina”, arengó el Presidente.
El liberal menos moralista.


>el ezln nunca fue marxista
Pues vaya, más inútiles aún entonces. Recién asistí a una charla en la universidad sobre el ezln y feminismos indígenas y toda su retórica está plagada de idealismo con tal de presumir de "decoloniales". Tienen intenciones nobles y notan lo obvio, como el engendramiento del capitalismo a través del patriarcado o la alianza entre Estado burgués, burguesía y vieja burguesía (narco) para expropiar plusvalor del proletariado mexicano, pero su idealismo les impide ver las determinaciones históricas que hicieron posibles dicha barbarie (y además se rehúsan a leer o rescatar algo de la antropología o filosofía marxista), así que asumen que todo se debe a una herencia colonial únicamente, y en lugar de retomar la lucha armada hacen rituales sin sentido dignos de liberaloides gringos como https://corrientealterna.unam.mx/derechos-humanos/la-invasion-zapatista-a-europa/


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Redpill me on Guantanamo Bay. Do Americans let Cuban vessels pass through their bay or is everyone stuck on the inner part? Lol how you can see the border from space.


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Looks like there is a gate with buoys. So maybe you have to ask the Americans to open it for you before you can enter.


Antauro Humala en su momento menos faltoso:
"Acaso no ves" a un periodista ciego.


we're the second most cucked fucks in all of latam as of right now


Subcomandante Marcos era Maoísta.


El EZLN y los zapatistas no son los universitarios presumiendo de ser "decoloniales". Siempre han sido anti-capitalistas y nunca han asumido que "todo se debe a una herencia colonial únicamente".


entro una vez al mes al coso este y siempre está peor que la vez anterior


El sub Marcos solo era un vocero, no obstante. Él siempre afirmó que la líder del movimiento era la comandanta Ramona.
Entonces necesitan un método de análisis que les permita identificar las determinaciones históricas que han hecho al país, y concretamente a las comunidades indígenas, miserables. Un movimiento político revolucionario implica atacar el orden burgués y las causas de la miseria, apegándose a la realidad material y no a sentimentalismo sinsentido en forma de activismo pacifista de corte liberal gringo (la antítesis de ser "decolonial")
La realidad es que el zapatismo está estancado y no sabe qué hacer, y los partidos comunistas que quedan en México están llenos de vejestorios rancios que tienen la cabeza metida en el ano.



funnily enough for the mexican far-right they are all left-wing socialist parties


They pretend they are different, but deep down they know they are the same bourgeoise criminal bootlickers using different colors. The PRI started as succdem (a split of the Laborist Party founded after the 1910 bourgeoise revolution), but then turned into neoliberal drones. The PAN started as an openly reactionary Francoist anti-semitic party, but then became an ally of the PRI succdems and turned into a neoliberal party too, and the rest are just cope parties who claim they want to restore the old social democratic regime that existed before the neoliberal reforms of the Reagan era, which basically destroyed Mexico and turned it into an industrylet, drug-trading capitalist shithole.


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>Subcomandante Marcos era Maoísta.
pero los indigenas lo pendejearon hasta que dejo de hablar de "expropiar plusvalor del proletariado mexicano" o "las determinaciones históricas"

aun asi el verdadero problema con los zapatistas es que no les interesa la revolución ellos quieren construir lo suyo y apoyar a quien puedan pero nunca han buscado construir y dirigir ningun movimiento que busque realmente derrocar el estado burgués (que ademas es colonial) osea para ellos esta bien estar abajo y a la izquierda osea en la marginalidad politica antes que tomar el poder y tener que hacer cosas "malas"

pic relatada es su antitesis basicamente


xDDDD le hicieron un Hugo Blanco 2.0


The world if Hugo Chavez won the constitutional referendum in 2007


>cars still exist


Y eso es justo lo que los hace inútiles como movimiento emancipatorio, y por ello me parece absurdo que en el ámbito académico se les siga considerando revolucionarios o que haya "comunistas" que los apoyan, aunque desde el vamos he mencionado que su pensamiento está sumergido en el más absoluto idealismo. Eso, como punto de partida, ya es un error, aunque aún tuvieran la intención de desmantelar al Estado nación mexicano actual sometido al orden capitalista internacional. No basta ser anticapitalista, para variar. Hay que entender la historia desde el diamat para comprender las contradicciones internas siempre existentes, y no entender al capitalismo de manera infantil como un ente meramente malo por esencia (pero más bien como una antigua síntesis que llegará a su fin debido a sus propias contradicciones).

Luego mencionas al EPR. Actualmente me cuestiono si realmente todo lo que basta para desmantelar el Capital como fenómeno internacional son guerrillas aisladas en la periferia o tercer mundo. No podemos ignorar que el núcleo imperial gringo es una fuerza mucho más peligrosa que cualquier grupo armado aleatorio. Por cada revolución exitosa hay mil embargos a la vuelta de la esquina y guerra económica y bélica sin fin que conduce a un Estado marxista que toma muy malas decisiones. Quizá además de la lucha de clases armada haya que desmantelar consistentemente la ontología capitalista (Fisher) y las estructuras fundamentales incrustadas en las sociedades occidentalizadas de las que el capitalismo se nutre, como la familia burguesa o el patriarcado (Engels y Federici)


Cayó preso el hermano de Dina Boluarte


nomas no venga si nadie lo llama compadre
the current state of venezuela is chavez's fault


What would you have done differently if you were in his position?


>if you were in his position?
chavez was not a socialist and his plan was not to establish socialism. he was a bonapartist
can you read spanish?


Recién me entero que el PCP-Patria Roja (para los amigos Patria Roja) había sufrido una fractura, expulsaron a Rolando Breña, un miembro fundador
Artículo de otro partido opositor donde saca los trapos sucios
Artículo del Partido


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argentinanons is this true


Will the people be brave enough to organize and behead their US sanctioned leader


¿Alguien conoce una historia del estado nuevo leon durante el Porfiriato hasta las sesentas? Leyo parte de un libro en ingles que
dio una historia de los caudillos y negocios que Cardenas luchó, pero quiero una historia mas entero.



This uygha fucking glows


>el unico momento en que el proletariado hace paros generales es para detener al fantasma del "fascismo" y "devolver la democracia"
se acabo


Bro come on, not saying all feminism is good but raging over women not just putting up with having no power and no protection from men is freak shit.


>I went to Cuba and ended up as a Hoxhaist
En fin la vida


You should kill yourself. Antifeminist reactionaries get the bullet. Your "traditional" lifestyle must die.


Historia de la vida real o historia no real.
Cormac Mcarthy, autor gringo, tiene un libro donde los personajes pasan por el norte de México. También está el crimen en la casa arramberri.

Sobre Nuevo León, creo que hay un libro que se llama Grupo Monterrey, sobre un grupo de burgueses llamado así.

I could investigate better books but perhaps you could be a bit more precise in what you're looking for.


Fuera de broma, suicidate lo más rápido que puedas.


>they have their hair cut short like men's and don't dress feminine.
This is my preference, for comrades and loverzz. Really like the Spanish mullet kind of thing too. Fuck off with your pol baitpost.


People should stop breeding. At least not so much.


I guess I want to focus on the status of miners and agricultural workers-whether tenants, people who own their own land and can sell a small surplus, people with a tiny subsistence plot and those closer to the "ideal" wage laborer within Nuevo León. Like I said, I would like a study that goes from the porfiriato to the 60s but even a smaller time span would be fine. I'll add Grupo Monterrey to my reading list though


Take your meds. The doctor prescribed you 200mg of potassium cyanide.


That's very niche. Unfortunately I lost contact with the only person I know who could possibly know a good book on the subject.

However, I will try to find something online.
And per my curiosity, why are you interested in this topic specifically? Like why Nuevo Leon? It's never been a state with a huge mine industry or agricultural for that matter. Compared to other states like Coahuila, San Luis, etc.

The biggest extraction companies in Nuevo Leon are limestone extraction for cement, among other ceramics, of which CEMEX is the most important one and has a large international reach.

Anyways, here's some stuff

Warning I received an ominous warning about this PDF despite being distributed by the state. It states that Nuevo Leon in the year 2020 contributed to 0.24% of Mexico's of mining production. http://www.sgm.gob.mx/pdfs/NUEVOLEON.pdf

This one is actually interesting and seems to fit all but one of your search criteria, it's from the state of Hidalgo, which is more in central Mexico. It has a very interesting observation:
Apparently in academic literature, miners of the 18th century in Mexico were considered labor aristocracy by academic literature.
This is from year 1766 to 1900.

This is from the north west, from 1850-1910, Baja California, Hermosillo, Sonora.

The origins of the industrialization of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon's Capital, from 1867 to the end of the revolution, 1920
This was published by the state.

Sorry for the terrible links, please consider opening them on a private tab with VPN to avoid ad trackers.


Keep crying gringo. I hope feminists radicalize so no woman gives birth to scum like you.


for the mining part, basically just because my grandmother was from a mining town lol she claims that there was a decent amount of metal extracted there


>the American dilemma of "I matched with a girl, but she is so obese that I would be embarrassed to be seen in public with her"

The struggle is real. Because of work my only real recourse for dating atm is apps and they're full of fat women, and all the good looking ones are fake profiles made from scraped Instagram profiles or they're someone's onlyfans bot.


Aww that's sweet.

Yes, there is some metallurgic extraction. It's just that there's a bunch more elsewhere, like neighboring Coahuila. There might have also been a shift in mining practices throughout the centuries.

Here's some stats on mining in the state. Apparently it made 1.23% of value produced nationwide in 2020.


stop spamming retard


Reading history and everything that has happened in the continent. I abhor and am disgusted by anything Spanish. I hate the fact that my last name is Spanish, my family speaks Spanish and food and other cultural things derive from them. I’m hoping to change my last name into something indigenous and become more closer to the heritage I truly belong. I know a lot of people are going to say “u can’t disregard ur half of your heritage!1!1” uh yes I can that side doesn’t mean shit to me. I hope more mestizos take note and throw that part of them away as well. Those people are racist and I want nothing to do with them.


Shut up idiot


I am Mexican so I can asnwer this question for you. Economically, Mexico looks upon the United States, but fashion and culture, we look upon Europe. When I used to live in the US, people often thought I was a gay man because of the way I dress (I dress like European men, especially Southern Europeans) which is fashionable unlike the average American man. My mum also stuck like a sore thumb as she dresses chic, sophisticated, slender, and looks young for her age (her features are average woman from Guadalajara which is olive skin, big dark eyes, and dark hair)

As for the stereotypes of Mexicans looking mostly indigenous, it depends on the region though a large part of the population does look like that. Though I am not a white Mexican (I do have some relatives who are white Mexicans of the Mediterranean type), I am a light mestizo like most of my relatives are (I am not sure if you heard the term light mestizo). Light mestizos are the majority in Bajio region and Guadalajara or in the middle class areas of Mexico City.

And not all whites in Mexico are upper class. The relatives I have who are pure white are mostly middle class people, though one relative lives in Condesa, and my maternal grandfather is upper class.

I also have seen a few white Mexicans who are lower class, especially public taxi drivers for some reason or the ocassional taco vendor. I also have met a few dark mestizo or indigenous looking Mexicans who are middle class or upper class though they are minority.


roberto vaquero fucking based


Vaquero is a patsuck reactionary incel


>I am Mexican so I can asnwer this question for you.
¿A quien le respondes?
>Economically, Mexico looks upon the United States, but fashion and culture, we look upon Europe.
Los gringos son dueños de más negocios en México que los europeos y por lo tanto pueden imponer su cultura con mayor fácilidad, claro que los valores sociales más antiguos tratan de imitar el modelo europeo pero se han estado remplazando con los gringos cada vez más.
>When I used to live in the US, people often thought I was a gay man because of the way I dress
Esto ocurre en todas partes, es pura homofobia sin más y estás perdiendo tu tiempo al tratar de darle otra justificación.

No es gratuito que la gente más blanca sea mayoritariamente más rica, tiene que ver con la forma en la que se ha heredado el capital.


Argentine cuck status?


More indigenous but rich white Mexicans are perceived as whiter than whiter lower-middle class or working class Mexicans.
Cierto pero también estamos más cerca de EUA. En países pobres en Europa, hay más influencia de los países colonialistas, aunque la cultura americana en las últimas décadas es hegemónica.


based puncher of 3 year olds


>Economically, Mexico looks upon the United States, but fashion and culture, we look upon Europe


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siempre que los extranjeros preguntan algo de mexico sale un wey de la basura a contarnos porque todo el pais es exactamente igual que su rancho y obviamente no hay niguna diferencia en las formas de ser y de pensar de todos los millones de personas que viven en el pais


Las proximas elecciones del Peru tendran 26 partidos y se buscan inscribir un trio mas de izquierda para que lleguen a la mas o menos media docena.
A ver que diran cada uno


I visited Colombia for a week and one thing that stood out to me is that there were no fat chicks there. None. All of them were slim, meaning that the American dilemma of "I matched with a girl, but she is so obese that I would be embarrassed to be seen in public with her" does not exist in Colombia.

That's Colombia, but what confuses me is that my impression of Mexicans is that they are fat (at least the Mexican women I see in the USA are fat), but I thought Latin America is more or less homogeneous and that Colombians would be similar to Mexicans, just like Americans are similar to Canadians. So what is the reality of Mexican women? Are they fat like American women, or are they slim like all Colombian women are?


Your writing style is very obvious. When will you stop spamming



se vienen bombardeos a chile y argentina?


Se les viene su freedom a los pingüinos


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I wonder why the natality rate in Latin America is so low.
My Country has been stuck in 3 Million people since the 80's.



The Mexicans and the Hispanics that are Americanized are complete trash and very violent. I would say the phenomena is very similar to African Americans and Blacks from Africa; Those two groups are completely different from each other, even though they are both Black in skin color. The Blacks coming from Africa tend to be calm, polite, and well cultured, while most African Americans embrace the thug hip-hop culture and crime. Why the difference? I'm not sure, but I'm willing to guess its due to the shitty environment of the U.S. that drives people crazy.


>due to the shitty environment of the U.S. that drives people crazy.
probably. its a profoundly antisocial culture


Don't worry. Milei is gonna save Argentina by selling it to the US bourgoisie. That will spice up its economy and make people feel save in getting children



Learning Chinese in Mexico: Children prepare for the future

As China swiftly expands its reach across Latin America, a pilot program in Aguascalientes aims to introduce students to the Mandarin language and make them more competitive in the job market.

By Tracy Wilkinson, Los Angeles Times
June 7, 2010

Reporting from Aguascalientes, Mexico

Wo jiao Alberto.

Wo jiao Maribel. Ni ji sui?

Alberto and Maribel, sixth-graders at the Pedro Garcia Rojas elementary school here in central Mexico, introduce themselves to each other in Mandarin Chinese.

Their class also recites numbers, clothing items and weather conditions in a language that, to them, is about as foreign as it gets.

Some, like Damaris De Luna Sanchez, 11, move their hands the way a conductor directs an orchestra, slicing through the air to help them reach the proper intonations, the staccato flats and singsong vowelish sounds.

Their enthusiastic teacher, Gerardo Saucedo, is not Chinese nor has he ever traveled to China, but he has long been fascinated by its language and use of stylized characters as an alphabet.

"Zai dong tian ni chuan shen me?" he asks his uniformed students, dancing down the aisle among girls in plaid skirts and knee socks, and boys in blue sweaters. "What do you wear in winter?"

The sight of youngsters speaking Chinese in the Mexican heartland is unusual, to say the least. Parents told that pupils as young as 9 would be taught Mandarin had been skeptical. Wouldn't French or Italian (Romance languages closer to Spanish) make more sense? some wondered.

Savvy Mexican politicians have other ideas. State authorities launched the pilot language program in Aguascalientes, a working-class city, in hopes of jumping on the Chinese bandwagon. As China swiftly expands its reach across Latin America, Mexico is experiencing a flurry of new Chinese investments in traditional targets like nickel mines and in newer areas like car-part factories and electronics.

For many years, Mexico had lagged behind other big Latin economies, like Brazil and Chile, which saw China displace the United States as their principal trading partner. China spent an estimated $100 billion in Latin America in 2008, but Mexico had only a small piece of it.

Attitudes of xenophobia dating to the early 20th century, when Chinese workers came to the country to build the railroads, continue to inform Mexico's restrictive immigration policies for Asians, said Sergio Martinez of the Mexican-Chinese Studies Institute at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. On top of that, Mexico's notorious bureaucracy and the reluctance of many Mexican companies to compete with cheap Chinese products have slowed the expansion of trade relations.

Mexico was the last of the major Latin countries to sign free-trade agreements with Beijing. Until now, the economic relationship between Mexico and China concentrated mostly on the sale of Chinese products in Mexican markets rather than serious investment.

"The absence of a bilateral economic, political, academic, cultural strategy allowed the relationship to become tense and rudderless," Enrique Dussel Peters, head of the institute, said by e-mail from Shanghai, where Latin American delegations are featured at the 2010 World Expo.

But, he added, "the potential and interest of both countries, especially in mining, agro-business, electronics, textiles and automobile production, is enormous."

The city fathers of Aguascalientes are among those who want to take advantage as a model for all of Mexico.

"It's like what happened with English," teacher Saucedo said. "Years ago we didn't study English, but eventually we realized we had to. Now it's Chinese."

Saucedo spoke outside the classroom as children scampered off to lunch. "Hola, lao shi," ("Hello, teacher") one boy called out as he ran by, then giggled, perhaps realizing he had mixed his languages.

Saucedo, 28, studied Chinese for four years in a university program. The first year, he recalled, the class started out with about a dozen students, but all except for him dropped out by the end of the term. "It is a very, very difficult language," he said.

Last year, the state government picked him and nine other teachers to take a six-month immersion course to prepare them to teach Mandarin.

Chinese was introduced this school year for fourth-, fifth- and sixth-graders, a total of 126 students, and will be continued every year.

Remarkably, this is not the endeavor of an elite academy, nor the work of a Chinese-government cultural institute. Pedro Garcia caters primarily to low-income families. Most students are the sons and daughters of factory workers or come from single-mom homes. Pedro Garcia is a public school, meaning there's no tuition; workbooks, with names like Mandarin Hip-Hop, are subsidized by the Mexican government.

"My parents say it's really good to learn more than one language because maybe then I will get a scholarship," said Damaris, the 11-year-old hand-waver. She is already practicing her new linguistic skills on a little girl, the daughter of a Mexican father and Chinese mother, in her church communion class.

Since 2001, students at Pedro Garcia have been immersed in English from first grade. In hopes of maintaining the English, the students are taught Mandarin in English. In other words, the translation goes from English to Chinese, not Spanish to Chinese.

They take five hours a week of Mandarin, four hours a week of English.

"It makes these students more competitive," Saucedo said. "Sooner or later, there will be more Chinese companies here, and that means more jobs. If the Chinese see we have Chinese speakers, it will be a big advantage for them, and for us."


>Subcomandante Marcos era Maoísta.
Xóchitl Gálvez era Maoísta


the irish used to be seen in the same manner


the irish are complete trash


I thought they were lively when I lived there.


the irish use White knight culture


and the problem is?


Honestamente, que piensan los argenanons de RyR/VS? Más allá de la editorial. A mi me parecen una agrupación un poco sectaria pero bastante sólida - en especial comparado con el resto de la izquierda


yo soy militante
pq sectaria? hasta donde yo se hizo lo posible para armar mesas de debates con gente de toda la izquierda y hasta incluso apoyo al fit hasta el 2015


expiration date


White knight


You could have a cute irish american gf right now but you prefer being an incel shitposter


How badly do you have to be immersed in your own shit that even the pigs side with the workers.

Holy shit.


That has happened only once or twice else in history


it happens fairly often tbh


Cops siding with protesters? I'm not aware of many examples


Anyone know whether Argentinian cops took any IDF training?



fuck yeah bois we getting our own asaltos soon


I-Is a socialist revolution back on the menu, bros?


Nunca pasa nada (zzz con los troskos, ese ajuste provincial esta intenso por lo que veo)
Pd: El gobierno de Boluarte alista la apertura de diversos proyectos extractivos minas encarpetados por ser controversiales tener calaveras adentro. En Ayacucho el paro de 3 dias se detuvo por una mesa de dialogo del gobierno
Los trabajadores del Seguro Social (y sus 6 sindicatos interiores) lograron acuerdos de aumentos de sueldos tras un paro general en todo el país.


Liberals dead, its a fucking shame that cocksucker Jorge only got away with an injury


Gonna start making offers to Ehecatl / Quetzalcoatl now after seeing this.


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Some clearer footage of the incident


>2nd vid
>Be Maynez
>Trying to be President of Mexico
>Told of severe weather and wind
>payaso smile and says "what can go wrong"
>stage collapsing
>you encouraged the rally to go
>time to show some leadership
>Instead you run and push a woman out your way while others try to support each other
>now everyone is saying you have blood on your hands
>You are now considered unworthy of the presidency because you are seen as a coward who would push others for survival
>campaign in tatters
The average lib ladies and gentlemen



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T-They're protesting the opposition not Milei's goverment, libsisters…



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Willy Wonka looks like ass these days


And they like Milei's government. That's it.


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Am I the only one who sees Mungo Jerry every time they see Millei?


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Milei no pago derechos de autor al robarle su estilo


Milei es un mito

Ardan, chairas


Malvado municipio comunista globalista sijinpista contra los humildes hacendados agroexportadores representados por un Von
Pequeñas cositas que uno encuentra por ahi


I superficially learned about the PRI's history in Mexico recently. Despite them being a party of reactionaries they did have a successful party model that leftists should learn from, I dont know why leftists are so allergic to the reality that they need to wield and more importantly USE power against your opponents.


>Why liberals


So to any Argentina comrade. How is life currently going for you under bog standard capitalism?


Does anyone have a good synopsis of AMLO, his presidency and the rise of Morena? The only things I've really heard about him are the Tren Maya and decent foreign policy here and there, reminds me of what little I've read about Echeverría


AMLO comes from a tradition of suckdems nostalgic for the old pre-neoliberal post-revolutionary PRI (originally named Mexican Laborist Party and PNR). Even though he claims to be a leftist in the liberal sense, most of his government's policies have been quite neoliberal for a suckdem. The Tren Maya project created a bunch of bullshit low-paying wageslave jobs and mostly benefits the international bourgeoisie and AMLO's best clients like Carlos Slim. The only 'good' things he tried to do is nationalizing lithium and restoring our railway network.
Also Echeverría was a reactionary CIA employee who murdered students and communists during the Operation Cóndor / Cold War.


important protests in the northeast
even the police joined in

also classist trade union representatives and a left wing congresswoman suffered a crackdown

and the government keeps shuffling its cabinet


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> when the most known leader of Mapuche resistance gets imprisoned for 23 years because he behaved like a typical Chilean viejo caliente in a chat history with a female reporter and incriminated himself


hay que dejar de robar con el verso del indigenismo



Looks like everything is going pretty well!


>"Mexico's campaign season came to a bloody end as a gunman shot dead an aspiring mayor at a rally on Wednesday, days before the country is expected to elect its first woman president.

>His murder brings the number of candidates who have been murdered to at least 23 during what has been a particularly violent electoral process in the Latin American nation, according to an official count."

>"Alfredo Cabrera, a mayoral candidate for an opposition coalition, was gunned down in the southern state of Guerrero, causing chaos and panic among people attending the rally." as seen here.. suppossedly the hitman was killed on scene, however, it seems that most of the murders go with complete impunity and never even see arrests


Why even have rallies if shit is like this. I would just stay inside.


How can you even regain governmental legitimacy when it's gotten this bad? Every disenfranchised young man with a penchance for violence will see the weakness of the state and just join whatever gang defacto runs their area. I think about this a lot as a burger.


Im afraid mexico has reached a point where rule by a dictator is a necessity.




They've got the right idea


local governance has been captured by organized crime for at least a decade, a friend's parent was murdered when running for a local mayorship of a relatively big town in broad daylight back in 2006-ish. there's little talk of the matter but it certainly makes the stakes of a presidential election matter very little fi you care about improving your day to day life.

retarded bukele fan


Now do this with all piggies and we might go somewhere


Organized crime is the "outside force" the state needs to hold it together. No state will ever eliminate it without establishing a similar institution to hold itself together. The professional-managerial class is starting to take over that role of yoking labor and capital together, however.


Mexico at least needs to create a secret service equivalent to tackle these kind of assassinations if it's this much of an epidemic.


Organized crime, the origin of the cartels, the political assassinations, it's all US destabilization, all the way down. Any reading of the history of US operations globally and in LatAm over the last 100 years can give only this conclusion. The US will do everything to prevent Mexico becoming a peer state.


Reminder that several of the founders of Los Zetas were trained at the School of the Americas.


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Mexican organized crime is a form of bourgeois reaction. Narcos operate like companies (except they kill you instead of firing you, and they force peasants to work for them too), they own labs, private enterprises and land. They do business with foreign and national companies. They manipulate politics, just like any other pig. My theory is that they originate from the old national bourgeoisie of landlords reacting against the American-backed neoliberal reforms imposed during the 90s by the PRI, which turned Mexico's economy into an open free trade economy, instead of a closed and heavily regulated one like it was during the mid 20th century. The neoliberal reforms were harmful for the old national bourgeoisie because now they had to compete against foreign enterprises for profits, so they chose to follow the path of illegality instead of competing, hiring army defectors and pigs (cops) to protect their illegal industry and profits. This is ofc extremely convenient for the USA because that way they can keep Mexico underdeveloped and easily organize coups using the narcos if they want.

As an example, los Zetas was founded by former Mexican soldiers the government hired to fight proletarian insurrection groups like the Zapatistas and other guerrillas (google Arturo Guzmán Decena). They were initially an armed wing of the Gulf Cartel, and trained by Israel. The Gulf Cartel was founded by some landlord pig (pic related, Juan Nepomuceno Guerra) who smuggled whisky into the US for profit.


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Like the anon said
>Los Zetas were trained at the School of the Americas.
They and the other cartels are tools of US state, directly or indirectly. People on this site seem to have a problem comprehending that a hegemon of overwhelming power can take advantage whatever it's tools may do. If the US wanted los Zetas vaporized at any point in their history it would have happened.


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If only there was a solution to this problem, libsisters…


I thought he was going to eliminate the peso anyway? What happened?


I can't believe that I thought Benito Juarez was basically a jacobin for so long


>comprehending that a hegemon of overwhelming power can take advantage whatever it's tools may do
Yes, but they are still constrained by conditions. If they can't get home to enjoy their wages earned in the ordeal, adventuring for Uncle Sam doesn't seem like such a credible way to accelerate one's accumulation of value and escape from certain kinds of subordination characteristic of market-states (or as teh East calls them, "civilization-states"). I believe this explains the West's particularly economic attacks on Xinjiang in terms of the full life-cycle of Western mercenaries.


>Nationalising lithium away from China to put it into reserve for future use by gringos

terrible policy


So rejecting a neoliberal policy is a terrible idea because Chinese extractivism is le good and American extractivism is le bad? Interesting take.


Are you people ready for the biggest Hispanazi meltdown the world has ever seen that's going to happen tomorrow?


How much lithium has LitioMX produced? Why is the appointed head of LitioMX just some dumb nepobaby without a background in mining, and instead a failson doing a PhD in bullshit at Harvard?

I would rather the lithium be sent to China to help develop socialism instead of being sent to the United States to be resold to China while Ameriporkies get a nice profit margin.


zochitl galves verdadera 5ta cabeza del comunismo


fuck china


If by "developing socialism" you mean manufacturing lots of cheap crap they're going to sell to the USA so chinaporkies get a nice profit margin, then yeah, long live Xi Jinping thought!


the smaller the profit margins that can be taxed for the benefit of Israel, the better


Los mineros de la sal de sus lágrimas van a conseguir una abundante plusvalía.


Dina Boluarte hará lo que nunca pudo Pedro Castillo. Reunirse con Xi Jinping


viva zhongguo


why is that subhuman talking about us? we aren't white nor even have a big white population like argentina or brazil


>develop socialism
Keep telling that to yourself, dengoid


Sheinbaum is Jewish but she ain't a Zionist.
Meanwhile the proud vvhite saviors of freedom and evropa:


Tradlibs are extremely cringe


Schizo nazis from Xitter are the lowest scum of Earth.


>Her grandfather was involved with a communist party
Is she a comrade?


She gave half of the city to airbnb as a mayor so no.


Nah they're just trying to do the "judeo-bolshevik" red scare meme.


Would have been too good to be true.


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Looks like she won.


Gálvez has claimed victory btw, lmao. Thex are this shameless.


Weird color-coding btw. Did they just copy last year? PES isn't part of the Morena coalition anymore which was an at least nominaly right-wing party.


The colors are indicated the groups in the exit poll.


Yes, now explain to me why the Morena-coalition has the color of the Center-right political grouping?


>Morena leading 30% in the presidential election
>currently having 70-80% of all MPs in parliament.
>Winning all but 3-4 states out of more than thirty.

Total and utted sweep.


Memeinez haciendo de las suyas jajaja. Ya no espero su proclama, defiendan sus votos Mexihermanos


Chilangohermanes, genuinamente me preocupa que gane la facción de acción nacional en la ciudad. No quiero que nos privaticen el metro, con todas las deficiencias que tiene es demasiado importante y un legado cultural que debe ser propiedad del proletariado, o en el capitalismo por lo menos que se mantenga bajo control estatal y no de algún gringo. No apoyo a morena, pero la opción inmediata para proteger nuestro transporte e infraestructura es que se mantengan por ahora en el poder.


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van perdiendo w


hmm where have I seen this before


Por ahora. Son demasiado pocas actas, y a saber si son de las zonas de clase trabajadora o de barrios pequeñoburgueses, que es donde vive la mayoría de vejestorios reaccionarios que piensan que fucking morena que vendió la ciudad a airbnb es comunista (ya quisiera yo, lol)


How are you going to get these dollars? Monopoly pesos?


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It's actually joever this time


Its happening… itll be the 90s all over again


So another Chavista coup attempt


>Its happening… itll be the 90s all over again
The burgers, having shown complete breakdown of control internationally puts the foot down at least in the attempt to hold dominance over 'its back yard'.
I suggest crossing the borders north and waging a war of terror against them from their own land literally just leaving salad on their doorsteps and ringing the bell.


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/ourguy/ might be in trouble


On the one hand it's a random iasg tier twitter screenshot. On the other hand it's a right-libertarian doing child sexual abuse.
Yep. I belieev it.


At this point, fuck it. Maduro is a dumbass. Maybe someone competent enought in the socialist side of Venezuela can get rif of his ass and stir the ship in a good direction.


No sé si es el espacio adecuado para comentarlo, ¿pero algún argie de acá conoce algo de Sartelli y Razón y Revolución? Me leí el libro con su propuesta y me pareció realmente el mejor y más practicable programa socialista que vi hasta ahora, lástima que son dos gatos locos como siempre pasa con la izquierda decente la puta madre


yo milito en el espacio, que queres saber compa?


What's going on with Argentinians? I've been reading online reactions to Milei's policies for a while and more recently the riots, and it's nuts? While the economy is in the toilet, and the entire country is being impoverished, people are cheering on police violence, demanding the army shoots every protestor, and enthusiasticly supporting any repressive reform. Replete with hoping for a "soft" dictatorship and shit like that. Reading the response is making me feel like I am insane.
Sorry for being gringo.


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Anarcho-Capitalism is finally saving Argentina now


nevermind them, social media is filled with trolls
milei has consensus in society but people are not as retarded as the ones you see down in comment sections
>cutting down inflation
>with a recession
people in cemeteries have no fever. there must be a great doctor round those parts


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>What we must create is the human being of the 21stcentury, although this is still a subjective aspiration, not yet systematized. This is precisely one of the fundamental objectives of our study and our work. To the extent that we achieve concrete success on a theoretical plane — or, vice versa, to the extent that we draw theoretical conclusions of a broad character on the basis of our concrete research — we will have made a valuable contribution to Marxism-Leninism, to the cause of humanity.

>By reacting against the human being of the 19th century we have relapsed into the decadence of the 20th century. It is not a very grave error, but we must overcome it lest we leave open the door for revisionism. The great multitudes continue to develop. The new ideas are gaining a good momentum within society. The material possibilities for the integrated development of absolutely all members of society make the task much more fruitful. The present is a time of struggle; the future is ours.

Che Guevara
"Socialism and man in Cuba"



Le ves futuro a la movida? Me pareció leer que van a sacar más volúmenes de Argentina 2050, más detallados, ¿sabés si se está laburando en eso?

Sartelli no sé si es muy potable como candidato pero realmente se puso al hombro el programa de izquierda más factible que vi en este país. Creo que muchos de los puntos que toca compaginan muy bien con el "sentido común" (un plan económico concreto, desarrollo, racionalizar el Estado, la crítica al sistema educativo) y por lo tanto le veo realmente mucho potencial electoral, por lo menos mucho más que a los troskos. Los partidos de izquierda en todo el mundo tienen que volver a tener un programa ECONÓMICO como tuvieron en el pasado, si no tenemos propuestas económicas socialistas concretas y realizables no vamos a llegar a ningún lado, y para mí la planificación económica estatal es un punto muy clave porque es de una efectividad comprobada y es un aporte bien socialista, que nunca te lo va a poder tomar discursivamente una derecha liberal.

Si me hace un poco de ruido tbh la propuesta de estatizar el desempleo así de una jajajja creo que tendría que ver un par de datos de ingresos/gastos para convencerme de la factibilidad, pero por lo demás el diagnóstico que hacen de la coyuntura me parece acertadísimo.


>Le ves futuro a la movida?
y por algo estoy adentro. como todo espacio chico (todavia mas en este clima ideologico) crece lento pero seguro. ya con no ser irracional y sectario ni estar pegado al fracaso del kirchnerismo como muchos otros espacios de izquierda que hay en la argentina les da mucho margen de crecimiento
>¿sabés si se está laburando en eso?
eso dice el viejo, habra que creerle
>la propuesta de estatizar el desempleo
para eso tenes al evita y al polo obrero. esa gente es una riqueza que nadie explota o a lo sumo los usan para pavadas pagandoles migajas, si los pones a trabajar productivamente no solamente vas a ver un aumento relativo en el resto de los salarios sino que ademas la economia va a despuntar como pedo de buzo
eso es el problema del partido en conjunto, que es chico y a mi juicio estuvo demasiado tiempo apelando a la mejora del morenismo en lugar de construir algo aparte como vienen haciendo desde 2015


Le tengo confianza. Le falta por ahora alcance y visibilidad pero cuando empiece a tenerla, yo estoy seguro de que la propuesta del partido le va a dar votos aun por fuera del electorado tradicional de izquierda. Y va en buen camino con todo lo que es la presencia en redes y eso.

Y a los no argentinos, les recomiendo que lean "Argentina 2050" y militen para que los partidos de izquierda de sus países adopten una perspectiva que vaya en esa línea. Argentina tiene una situación particular pero el atraso económico es común a todo Latam y el socialismo tiene que poder dar una discusión ahí; si no, le terminamos regalando a la derecha el asunto que al pueblo más le importa mientras nos enroscamos hablando de temas culturales y el medioambiente. Hay fuerzas "de izquierda" ganando elecciones en el mundo, por más socdem reformistas que terminen siendo ese fenómeno tiene que enseñarnos que existe un grupo de gente que podemos traer para nuestro lado; es crucial para eso poder tener una propuesta de transformación estructural concreta, no utópica y que vaya más allá del distribucionismo socialdemócrata.


joya, entonces te sugiero a que te sumes a darnos una mano, porque sobran tareas y faltan compañeros
de nuevo, el partido no es sectario y pretende ser un frente de corrientes de pensamiento distintas. el programa esta abierto a debate, mejoras y cambios

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