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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Looking for resources on squatting, i.e. websites or pamphlets or books, in the United States. I've been navigating through the squat.net website, but didn't find much resources there except for a couple pop-up shops in Seattle. Curious if anyone online had a reason for this. Are these squatting efforts in the states just not-existent, or are they more localized to private chats and local groups? Thanks.


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Hi, you decided voting doesn't do anything, so I decided I would pass a law allowing you to be evicted immediately and abolishing squatters' rights.

I hope that answers your questions.


Was gonna say squat.net and the handbooks.
Just talk to squatter crews and groups and ask them failing that if thry dont have much, write it if you can't find good resources in your country.
Also burhoid containment please.


I tend to agree with this guy, >>1827961, squatting is shit. Ever asked yourself why homeless people never squat? It's because it's always kids from petty bourgeois backgrounds alienated from their "fascist" parents who do this. It would be okay if they would actually improve the property and show an alternative to capitalist real estate, but they never do, all these "alternative" spaces look like or at best function as a tourist trap like Christiana in Kopenhagen.


look like shit*


>Ever asked yourself why homeless people never squat?
They… do. Just because the ones you notice not-squatting don't, doesn't mean no homeless people do.


>Ever asked yourself why homeless people never squat?
??? Nobody ever asked themselves this because you just made it up.
> it's always kids from petty bourgeois backgrounds alienated from their "fascist" parents who do this.
<trust me bro, i FEEEL it to be true!
Idiot. Sage. Go back to /pol/.


>hurr durr /pol/
Idiot, do you know what socialist countries did with squatters? They called them decadent hippies and hit them with a fee for lollygagging.

There are alternatives to squatting, like cooperative housing and real estate projects. But living in illegality is a shit praxis as long as communism isn't illegal in your country.


>do you know what socialist countries did with squatters?
I assume gave them houses or at least made housing affordable.


if someone pretends this is le praxis then theyre a moron indeed, but you are also stupid for not realizing most people do it out of necessity, not to be da epic anarchist


>as long as communism isn't illegal in your country
also what the fuck does this even mean?


>Idiot, do you know what socialist countries did with squatters?
Don't care, didn't ask.
Again, go back to /pol/ you've failed at your little gayOPs scheme, there is no need to stay.


Huh? When communist organizations are outlawed, like in most of the Baltics or Ukraine, illegality isn't a choice. But as long as it is, you should try not to get your organization or party outlawed.


>socialist countries
Hihihihi hooooooohoo


>I tend to agree with this guy, >>1827961, squatting is shit.
I agree, squatting is shit. In an ideal world, we would have no need for squatting, no one should go unhoused except on their own terms. But this isn't the case, and in a capitalist world where humans pay other humans to contract further disconnected humans to build the house at whatever wages they so please, where a number of houses go months, years even without occupation from its owner, squatting is beneficial to a cold death on the streets.
>Ever asked yourself why homeless people never squat? It's because it's always kids from petty bourgeois backgrounds alienated from their "fascist" parents who do this.
Sure, this is a real thing, but how exactly does this prevent homeless people from squatting again? Is there an actual figure you have in mind, or do you just believe only bougey kids squat?


>Leftypol is first and foremost a communist website, that is to say we read theory
>we read theory


>Ever asked yourself why homeless people never squat?

Because the cops will violently assault them.


I wasn't sure what to call that mindset but ironically enough I think that's "idealist" assuming everyone does everything for ideological reasons, thus a homeless person must be some anarkiddie flexing his lifestylism.


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squatters rights duuuuuuuude *hits bong*


You typically don't end up as an >on the street< homeless person until every support structure in your life falls away


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> Ever asked yourself why homeless people never squat?
This is like saying why don't starving people not eat?
Squatting is a method of obtaining housing. Less than ideal, but if you can squat somewhere you aren't going to be "unhoused" in the most basic sense. And people like you aren't going to see those people because they are in their squat not on the street.


Dirty Percy


>anarkiddie characteristics
<squat in filthy conditions drinking moonshine and using drugs

>marxist-leninist characteristics

<establish totalitarian dyatopias that are complete antithesis to communism

Its hard to pick who is worse.


>they would actually improve the property
This is what "rule of law" really means: sacrificing all of your surplus to some dead mentally ill retard's "dreams".


>Ever asked yourself why homeless people never squat?
They literally do. You can find videos of rightoids who don't even own the place trying to evict them because they're 'dirty homeless' even when occupying a house.

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