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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Why no international sanctions were imposed on Russia after 1993 coup d'etat happened and congress was dissolved? Where there any debates around the matter?


Because the West supported the overthrow.


Are you really asking why Burgerland and its bootlicker capitalist nations didn't do anything against the undemocratic capitalist coup d'etat


Why impose sanctions over internal matters?


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This is the cutest, most innocent post on the website. Stay safe out there and keep being nice even if the world doesn't want you to.


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>>1850870 (me)
OP could be the first sentient enough AI out there because I don't think you could have such delightful innocence unless you were actually born yesterday.




why would Bill KKKlinton sanction himself?



That ending of the video is one of the most dire things I've ever watched.


Why do it on 2020's Belarus then?


>Why didnt the west saction their own coup

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