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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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โ€ข Al-Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/5/7/israels-war-on-gaza-live-israel-blasts-rafah-fate-of-ceasefire-uncertain

โ€ข Middle East Eye: https://www.middleeasteye.net/israel-palestine-hamas-war-gaza-live-invasion

โ€ข The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

โ€ข Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/topic/liveblog/ (trigger warning)


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โ€ข https://electronicintifada.net
From the UK, single issue long time Palestinian investigative and general reporting, critical source

โ€ข https://mondoweiss.net/
From the USA

โ€ข https://new.thecradle.co/
Regional news from an anti-imperialist perspective

โ€ข https://www.btselem.org/Isrsaeli
Premier Human Rights org

โ€ข https://www.972mag.com/
Left news and opinion webzine from Tel-Aviv

โ€ข https://decolonizepalestine.com/
A collection of resources for organizers and anyone who wants to learn more about Palestine

โ€ข https://www.normanfinkelstein.com/blogs/
Known anti-zionist academic Norman Finkelstein's blog



al-Qassam Brigades







โ€ข https://www.answercoalition.org/join_a_protest_near_you_free_palestine
โ€ข https://www.palestineaction.org/


(This includes blatantly obvious concern failtrolling/fedposting, painfully unfunny/nuclear misanthropic autism [ie. /pol/] and derailing/hyper sectarian schizophrenia)

Always remember to double-check your sources, as well as provide access to it.

ุงู„ู„ู‡ ุฃูƒุจุฑ
.ุงู„ู‰ ุฌู…ูŠุน ุงู„ูƒุงุฏุญูŠู† ููŠ ุงู„ุดุฑู‚ุŒ ุงู† ู…ุตูŠุฑูƒู… ููŠ ุงูŠุฏูŠูƒู…
!ูŠุง ุนู…ุงู„ ุงู„ุนุงู„ู… ูˆูŠุง ุดุนูˆุจู‡ ุงู„ู…ุถุทู‡ุฏุฉุŒ ุงุชุญุฏูˆุง


Official in charge of the refugees and the right of return in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Comrade Abu Jaber Lubani, to Al-Manar:
Salutations to the Axis of Resistance that writes with blood for Palestine and Al-Quds, and to the martyrs and their families of the Axis, whether in Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, or Palestine.It has become clear that a semi-resistance axis including China, Russia, and Iran has begun to take its role on this stage, and achievements are starting to show as we are in the seventh month since October 7th, and victory is still an ally of the resistance.
Netanyahu is still being asked what he has achieved after 7 months of war, as he has achieved nothing; thus it has become necessary to start the Rafah battle to achieve a victory on which to start an agreement.

There is a clause within the framework of the agreement that the resistance insists on, which is the discussion of a permanent ceasefire, and the leadership of the occupation has not yet agreed to this matter.

There is no Palestinian disagreement on what Hamas and the resistance forces have done; on the contrary, there is complete agreement on this matter, and consultations are ongoing in the Palestinian house on every point.

We will not surrender and will not give up any of the four items that include a complete and permanent ceasefire, a full withdrawal from Gaza, a prisoner exchange, and reconstruction.

The era of surrender and raising the white flag has completely disappeared from the Palestinian dictionary, and what preserves the Palestinian existence is coherence with the Axis of Resistance and achieving more victories and breaking this enemy.

This Axis is integrated and the roles are distributed, and each is playing its role, which concerns the United States, the West, and the zionist entity.

We as Palestinians understand that there can never be a day when the American administration is with Palestine, as it is always with its interests and those who serve its interests only.

So far, it is clear that if Netanyahu agrees to this agreement, it means his end, and therefore we are facing new elections and the formation of a new government, a significant victory that Netanyahu will not easily give to the resistance.

I call on our people and our masses and the universities to take to the streets to convey our stance, especially in front of the Western embassies that support the zionist entity in its aggression.

The steadfastness of the resistance and its escalation on all fronts, the American elections and their influence, and the deepening of demonstrations inside Western countries are all points that contribute to stopping the battle or keeping it within this framework.

This resistance will remain until liberation, and we will not raise our hands to surrender, but rather raise our rifles to fight.


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Families urge protests to secure captivesโ€™ release, bring govโ€™t down
The families of the captives have just held the emergency news conference in Tel Aviv in which they called Israelis to take to the streets to โ€œsave Israel from Netanyahuโ€ and secure the release of the people held in Gaza.

Here are some lines from their statement:

>Hamas is regaining its hold in areas previously captured by Israel.

<There is no strategy; the northern parts of the country are on fire, and the southern parts are now an active shooting range.
>The evacuees are completely neglected. The disaster is growing. If we continue down this path, we will lose not only the hostages but the country itself.
<Netanyahu is not only the obstacle preventing us from getting our hostages back. Heโ€™s also the obstacle preventing the state of Israel from succeeding. In order to save the hostages from Hamas, we must save Israel from Netanyahu.
>To Gantz, Eisenkot, Gallant, members of the Likud party, of the coalition who still have a conscience: In order to rescue the hostages who are rotting in Hamas terror tunnels, in order to reach a hostage release deal quickly, in order to end the sabotage and to stop the criminal abandonment of the hostages, we call upon you โ€“ bring this government down.
<The government does not care about the hostages, it is leading the entire country towards destruction. Stop cooperating with them, rescue the hostages and save the state of Israel. Come out and tell the public that in order to rescue the hostages we can and must end this war.
>We, the families of the hostages, and the members of the public, must not give up. We will not stop until they are all brought back home.
<Join us and take to the streets.
>Thereโ€™s no victory and there can be no victory without the return of the hostages. When we all take to the streets together, we will save the hostages and the country.
Click here to share on social media

Giant Tehran mural likens Benjamin Netanyahu with Adolf Hitler
The municipality in Iranโ€™s capital has erected a new gigantic mural at the Palestine Square in central Tehran that likens Israeli Benjamin Netanyahu with Adolf Hitler.

The image of Netanyahu, which features a moustache in the infamous style of Hitler in the image, portrays him in a sea of blood, with the mural calling him in Persian and in Hebrew โ€œthe murderer of over 35,000 people in Gazaโ€.


It is kind of amazing how Hamas told Israel how they will lose already months ago, yet Israel still made every mistake laid before them.


>save Israel from Netanyahu
Massive coping on their part


>ุงู„ู„ู‡ ุฃูƒุจุฑ
>ูŠุง ุนู…ุงู„ ุงู„ุนุงู„ู… ูˆูŠุง ุดุนูˆุจู‡ ุงู„ู…ุถุทู‡ุฏุฉุŒ ุงุชุญุฏูˆุง!
Why didn't you copy this bit from last thread after I grammatically corrected it, orientalist pig?


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>Heโ€™s also the obstacle preventing the state of Israel from succeeding. In order to save the hostages from Hamas, we must save Israel from Netanyahu.
Not the heckin' otherwise well meaning Israel who never did anything wrong ever before mean old Netanyahu (Jewish Drumpf) came into power!


Yea it's really awesome to see Israel just barge head first in to the resistance and subject itself to so much it could have avoided. They really do not know what they're doing, a society deeply in decay who's facade slips in rage.
I 110% couldn't care less. seethe.
Useful idiots which serve to sharpen tensions. don't complain.


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kek remember when it was
>"400 seconds to reach Tel Aviv"
They changed to
>"uhhh… inshallah you burn in hell we pray for Gaza :)"


Imagine taking Iran and her proxies seriously after this conflict. No wonder Israel is continuing the genocide with impunity.


Eh, the internal situation of Iran is not that great due to a lot of discontent with the religious hardliners. I think they are cautious and only do what their society surely can take.


Why is it down to Iran to save Palestine, they can barely protect themselves.


Bro, it is not on them to fight the wars for others especially when their country is already in the shitters. International pressure against the zionist colonial project from all sides should be put up.


They don't care about Palestinians. They're not wrong when they say that Netanyahu is especially terrible to the hostages, they want someone in charge who will do the same as Netanyahu in regards to Palestinian life but who will also accept hostages beforehand. Basically, "you can turn Gaza into a pancake, but please do it after the humans (Israelis) are safe."


I agree. So tell MLoid patsocs to stop dickriding that theocracy. Their only excuse is muh counterbalance, when there is no balance.


We should critically support Iran against western aggression.




Islamic Resistance in Iraq:
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
"Permission [to fight] has been granted to those who are being fought, because they were wronged. And indeed, Allah is competent to give them victory."
In continuation of our path to resisting the occupation, in support of our people in Gaza, and in response to the massacres committed by the usurping entity against Palestinian civilians, including children, women, and the elderly, the fighters of the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, on Saturday morning, targeted the "Ramon" Air Base in our occupied lands, using an Arqab advanced cruise missile.
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq confirms its continuation in striking the enemy's strongholds.
"And victory is only from Allah. Indeed, Allah is Mighty and Wise."
Islamic Resistance in Iraq
Saturday - 2 Dhu Al-Qi'dah 1445 AH

See also my news posts from today in the previous thread


How? You think Iranians deserve to be bombed just because they live in an Islamic republic?


<Ohh, new thread, time to derail it by endelss samefag arguments about Iran
Fuck off. Faggots.


That phrase means nothing. If a revolution started in Iran, of course the US would be there like vultures trying to stir it into liberalism or violent anti-communism. But that's the risk. The Soviet Union was invaded by almost every empire on Earth, trying to kill out the bolsheviks. The risk of revolution is that ir can be co-opted and destroyed. Doesn't mean it isn't neccesary.


I'm not the one taking a western shill position.

I never said we shouldn't support revolution in Iran but we should definitely oppose US/Zionist military action.


>I'm not the one taking a western shill position.
Don't care - Shut the fuck up.


they havent used hypersonic missiles


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>but whatabout le hypthetical revolution!!??


What hypotheticals? All the countries in the middle east have had a secular revolution. All of them were killed by outside forces directly of indirectly. But ziggers here still think the brown people have Islam in their DNA or something.


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"Israel" is in trouble: Hezbollah has created a new balance of terror that it cannot live with
The increase in frequency and intensity of Hezbollah attacks in recent days has led to a corresponding rise in the level of anxiety and fear in โ€œIsrael,โ€ which was expressed in analyzes and readings put forward by Israeli experts and commentators, in which they warned of the development of Hezbollahโ€™s capabilities, especially with regard to the capabilities of the Radwan Force. Which was not damaged despite the passage of 7 months into the war. It is still capable of carrying out an invasion of areas in โ€œIsraelโ€, in addition to โ€œprecision missilesโ€, which are no longer limited to long-range missiles, but also include short-range missiles. Explosive marches are also another source of concern for Israel, after Hezbollah has recently been able to achieve great successes through them, both intelligence and operationally. They are also used within the context of psychological warfare to enhance feelings of fear and insecurity on the border with Lebanon, while commentators pointed out Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah succeeded in imposing new equations on the Israeli โ€œarmyโ€.

>Al-Ridwan's force can still storm Galilee

The Israeli "Makor Rishon" website revealed that during a secret discussion that took place this week in the Foreign Affairs and Security Committee in the Knesset, Knesset members received an intelligence reconnaissance about what is happening on the northern border, and a discussion took place about that in which the representative of the Military Intelligence Division in the Israeli "Army" spoke, "Aman ", who said that the agreement with Lebanon may affect the overt military presence of Hezbollah forces operating in the region, but it will not completely remove the "civilian presence" of the fighters of the Radwan Force, and added that "Hezbollah established its military force on a portion of the village population, in order to They are always close to the border with Israel.โ€

The newspaper "Israel Hayom" prepared a report on the readiness of Hezbollah's Radwan Force, in which it pointed out that after 7 months of fighting, the operational capacity of this force was not significantly damaged, such that it is still capable of carrying out an invasion in "Israel."

In this context, the head of the research department at the Alma Center specializing in the northern square, Tal Perry, told the โ€œIsrael Hayomโ€ newspaper that the reason for this is that Hezbollah has an army in every sense of the word, and based on that, Hezbollah can deal with… Many of his fighters were killed.

>Hezbollah introduced precision to short-range missiles

The Alma Center, which specializes in the northern arena, held a conference last Thursday, in which the researcher who follows Hezbollah affairs, Tal Perry, spoke during his participation in a panel discussion entitled โ€œHezbollah - Between Its Intentions and Its Capabilities,โ€ and said, โ€œThe main problem is Hezbollahโ€™s precision project.โ€ This does not stop at missiles with a range of 350 kilometers and a strike radius of up to 10 metres, such that such a missile could hit a car in Tel Aviv if it was launched from the Bekaa region in Lebanon, as the capabilities of accuracy quickly turned into short-range missiles, so โ€œWhat is worrying is the issue of introducing precision into the short-range arsenal - which constitutes 65,000 missiles and rockets.โ€

Perry pointed out that โ€œin our new estimate: Instead of hundreds of missiles, precision rockets, and precision munitions, Hezbollah has thousands, we estimate that it has several thousand precision ammunition, out of 250,000 munitions,โ€ adding: โ€œWe estimate that Lebanon has underground tunnels to launch missiles.โ€ long term".

Also speaking at the panel discussion was the head of the Alma Center, Lieutenant Colonel Sarit Zahavi, who said that the civilian and military wings of Hezbollah do not live separately, as Hezbollah has created a โ€œresistance societyโ€, such that Hezbollahโ€™s civilian apparatus poses an important threat to โ€œ โ€œIsrael,โ€ because the moment it creates a civilian infrastructure that comes into direct contact with the population and supports it, it allows Hezbollah to instill the values โ€‹โ€‹of the Islamic Revolution and subordination, such that the population cannot imagine anything else, and โ€œin this way, Hezbollah also creates a human shield.โ€ .

>There is no solution in "Israel" for Hezbollah's marches

The newspaper "Israel Hayom" indicated that estimates in "Israel" say that Hezbollah is ready for war, and is "interested in it in any scenario." The newspaper added that Sayyed Nasrallah may increase launching operations towards the north, the rates of which have increased in recent months. (Especially via marches).

The Channel 12 website quoted sources in the Israeli Air Force as saying that the droneโ€™s flight plan and the short response time of the forces in the field make the interception process complicated, but that โ€œthroughout the months of the war there were successes.โ€ However, a high-ranking source in the command said In the northern region of the Channel 12 website, he said, โ€œThere is, and will not be, 100% protection,โ€ pointing out that in the end there are many variables that affect success, such as the weather condition on the one hand, and the complexities of activating many systems on the other hand.

In this context, Channel 12 correspondent in the north, Guy Veron, saw that there have been recent successes by Hezbollah in introducing marches into โ€œIsraelโ€, of the type that films and collects information, and โ€œit is a topic to which there is no security response so far.โ€ "It is appropriate," Biron revealed that they in "Israel" know that "there are many unmanned aircraft that penetrate Israeli airspace and photograph and collect information without hindrance from the security establishment."

Biron added that Hezbollah has been increasing its use of unmanned aircraft recently, as it carried out deadly attacks that led to the killing of Israeli army soldiers, noting that the direct hit indicates (good) intelligence information that Hezbollah collects about the Israeli forces despite All caution in the area.

The military correspondent for the newspaper "Maariv", Avi Ashkenazi, described Hezbollah's suicide marches as a weapon that breaks the balance. Ashkenazi pointed out that Hezbollah in the past (before the year 2000) worked systematically and fired missiles against armor towards Israeli "army" positions in The security belt, with the aim of instilling fear among soldiers and fighters, to create a feeling of insecurity within the sites, and a feeling that they are exposed throughout the region.

Today, according to Ashkenazi, Hezbollah is returning to using the same psychological warfare, as it aims in recent weeks to strengthen the feeling in the northern settlements and military sites that everyone who moves in the region is exposed, but this time, Hezbollah is using explosive drones, with success in recent weeks. In activating it effectively against the Israeli army forces, it is part of Sayyed Nasrallahโ€™s perception that Israel is caught in a trap and in a state of weakness, and that it is not interested in expanding the battlefield in the north.

Regarding the effectiveness of the marches, Kan channel correspondent in the north, Robbie Hammerschlag, pointed out that โ€œthese drones are one of the biggest nightmares for the Northern Command, and in fact the gathering areas where Israeli army soldiers are present are the weak points here in the Command.โ€ The northern area".

Channel 14's military correspondent, Hillel Biton Rosen, added that Hezbollah studies, monitors, monitors, and sees the locations of soldiers' concentrations, and directs its fire at them. Rosen added that Hezbollah possesses a capability similar to that of the Israeli "army," with A smaller number of advanced technologies, but so far he has succeeded in monitoring Israeli soldiers and targeting them very precisely where he wants, and he has succeeded in doing this several times in a row.

Rosen warned that Israel does not currently have a good enough capability to deal with this threat, whether in terms of detection and warning, or in terms of intercepting these unmanned aerial vehicles.

>Nasrallah and the new combat equations

The military correspondent for the newspaper "Maariv", Avi Ashkenazi, warned that since last October 7, Sayyed Nasrallah has succeeded in reviving the dream of establishing a new combat equation: bombing Nabatieh and the Bekaa in Lebanon will lead to the bombing of Meron; Bombing a house in Nabatieh will lead to the launching of 20 to 30 missiles at Kiryat Shmona, or the launch of a march on Arab Aramshe; The bombing of Baalbek led to the launch of a deadly explosive drone on Metulla.

Ashkenazi added that "Israel" is in trouble. In addition to the endless war on the northern border, a new balance of terror has emerged that "Israel" cannot coexist with, even for a single hour. Any solution in the north now requires decision-makers in "Israel" to work to dismantle… This threat.

The former Shin Bet official, Victor Ben Ami, touched on the increase in Hezbollah's offensive effectiveness, in an interview with Channel 14, and said that there is an increase in level on the part of Hezbollah, and a decline in level on the Israeli side.

As for the former official in Unit 504, reserve Lieutenant Colonel Marco Moreno, he also said in an interview with โ€œChannel 14โ€: โ€œI began to feel that Hezbollah, with the tactical change (which it is implementing), can achieve a strategic change. In recent days, it has intensified the attacks, and we have Almost every day there are wounded among the soldiers.โ€ Moreno warned that โ€œIsrael has begun to lose sight of the event in the north,โ€ in the absence of a decision regarding the Israeli strategy in the north, with the implementation of a state of absorption and defense, and with the presence of 20,000 people living in a security belt inside โ€œIsrael.โ€ "And about 70,000 others were evacuated, and it is not known whether they will return or not.


>if a revolution started in Iran
retarded hypothetical wrecker

islamists in Iran have done more for palestine than you will ever do


>>There is no solution in "Israel" for Hezbollah's marches
is marches a type of dron or is this a translation error


can someone give me an update? I was off the res for two days, but I came back yesterday and have been busy since


Rafah massacre is underway.
Lot of other things happened, but that is the big one.


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>islamists in Iran have done more for palestine than you will ever do
True. I didn't sell oil to Israel and received weapons in return for two decades straight. Nor did I used the sacrifice of Palestinian fighters for marketing.


>The increase in frequency and intensity of Hezbollah attacks in recent days has led to a corresponding rise in the level of anxiety and fear in โ€œIsrael,โ€ which was expressed in analyzes and readings put forward by Israeli experts and commentators, in which they warned of the development of Hezbollahโ€™s capabilities, especially with regard to the capabilities of the Radwan Force.
Just curious, what's the source on this? But it checks out from what I've been seeing. I was watching an Israeli propaganda channel the other day and the host was interviewing a former Israeli colonel (who seems to be pretty high up in the security bureaucracy) who was like, "I'm not saying a war with Hezbollah is inevitable but it's inevitable." Of course the host was playing dumb with his questions but this is a constructed propaganda "product." I wonder of this is the Israelis laying the groundwork and psychologically preparing their people to expand the war with Hezbollah.

>The newspaper "Israel Hayom" prepared a report

A hardliner Likudnik paper as well. Honestly think you get a better sense of mainstream Israeli opinion there than Haaretz, or what the columnists say Israel should do in Israel Hayom is more likely to end up being what they actually do.


For the last 15 minutes, IOF warplanes have been carrying out a very intense series of airstrikes across the eastern areas of the northern Gaza Strip. Local sources reported tanks infiltrating the area earlier today, particularly north of Beit Lahia, where the IOF previously withdrew.
Belts of fire are being successively launched in eastern Jabalia, Tal Al-Zaatar, eastern Beit Hanoun, and northern Beit Lahia, coinciding with helicopter fire in the west and north of Jabalia. The Al-Sabra neighborhood was also attacked. The bombing has not stopped.

The IOF admits to the death of a fifth soldier who was killed in the ambush by Saraya Al-Quds in Al-Zaytoun in the northern Gaza Strip yesterday.

After the failure of the "israeli" Iron Dome and F15 aircraft to intercept the drones that targeted the settlement of "Kfar Giladi" two days ago, another failure was recorded today for an F16 aircraft in intercepting an explosive drone sent by Hezbollah across the border, which exploded at the "israeli" "Beit Hillel" base. The attack drones used by Hezbollah to attack the "israeli" enemy "Beit Hillel" base managed to evade F16 fighter jet missiles thanks to the maneuvers they executed several times in the air as they crossed towards the occupied lands.

Al-Jazeera correspondent Anas Al-Sharif, whose home was completely destroyed by IOF warplanes moments ago, speaks about the situation in the northern Gaza Strip now.
Over 70 airstrikes have targeted the northern Strip in the last two hours, and they have not stopped, particularly in eastern and western Jabalia and Beit Lahia. Airstrikes are also targeting the vicinity of shelters, especially in Jabalia camp, coinciding with heavy artillery shelling on homes, shelters, streets, and roads.
"We are talking about continuous airstrikes and heavy bombing that we haven't seen throughout this war in the northern areas. For a long time we haven't seen these raids in the northern areas."

Confrontations have broken out in "Tel Aviv" between zionist police and settlers demanding an exchange deal with the resistance, following the publication by Al-Qassam of a video announcing the death of another zionist prisoner.
Zionist police are using water cannons to suppress the protest and have arrested the wife of one of the prisoners held by the resistance in Gaza.


The Vanguards of Liberation - Martyr Mohammed Salah Group published a new video with details of their operation that killed zionist spy Ziv Kipper in Alexandria, Egypt.
The video was titled "Shalom from the Children of Gaza," and begins with scenes of the destruction and pain suffered by the children of Gaza as a result of the war of the last 8 months.
At 0:40, a voice over of Abu Obeida is heard, where he states in his October 19th 2023 speech: "In every place, in Iraq, in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Yemen, and the Arabian Gulf."
At 0:58, a voice over of Mohammed Deif is heard, where he stated in his October 7th, 2023 speech: "O our people in Jordan and Lebanon, in Egypt and Algeria…Start marching today, now and not tomorrow, towards Palestine. Do not let borders, regimes, or restrictions deprive you of the honor of jihad and participating."
1:16 reads: "Monitoring of the target" with photos and videos of Ziv Kipper.
"Name: Ziv Kipper.
Nationality: Ukrainian-Canadian who holds 'israeli' citizenship.
Upbringing: He grew up in Toronto, Canada, then moved to live in 'israel' in 2015.
He obtained a Master's degree from 'Tel Aviv University,' Department of Business Administration, working as the CEO of OK Group LLC in Egypt.
He began his work in Egypt since 2012, where the company was named 'Ok Fruits.'
The company then developed to become a group named 'Ok Group' headquartered in Alexandria, Egypt, and 'Ok Fruits' headquarters became 'israel.'
He visited many countries suspiciously from May 2014 until January 2022:
Egypt - 'israel' - Jordan - Bulgaria - Ukraine - Istanbul - Pakistan - Saudi Arabia - Germany.
He was interested in following the news of the 'israeli' army, its training, promoting its strength, and mourning those killed in the field.
His ex-wife, Isse Kipper, who died on March 8, 2022, appears in one of the photos with 'israeli' soldiers. She resided in 'israel.' She studied at the same academy as Ziv in Canada and resident entirely in the 'Ramat Hasharon' area in 'israel'."
2:10 - Despite the fact that his company is engaged in the export of frozen vegetables, citrus, and fruits through the main office in Alexandria, with offices in Ukraine and "israel," we have monitored and discovered that the factory address is fictitious and the company's actual activity is nominal, serving as a cover for his real presence in Egypt.
2:25 - And through hacking his phone, it was confirmed to us that he worked for the "israeli" entity and recruited Egyptian youth to employ them in work that serves the entity.
2:39 - The target has been identified.
2:42 - Preparation.
3:01 - Execution.
3:03 - "In the name of Allah.. O Lord, guide our aim."
3:10 - "Egypt still has men, and Egypt is still alive. And there are very many who are on the path of the martyr Mohammed Salah. O Lord, guide our aim."
3:25 onwards shows the execution of the operation, where Ziv is greeting with "Shalom" before he is hit with 5 bullets. The executor says "Shalom from the children of Gaza" before withdrawing.
4:00 quotes that statement of adoption of the operation: "We, the Vanguards of Liberation - the martyr hero Mohammed Salah group, declare our responsibility for targeting the criminal "israeli" agent Ziv Kipper, who uses some business activities as a cover to carry out his activities in collecting information and recruiting the weak-souled for the Mossad. This is based on precise intelligence assessment of the target's activity."
4:20 - "We send the following messages to our proud Egyptian people and to our heroic people in Gaza and Palestine and to the free people of the world:
The Egyptian people are the substance of nobility and chivalry. We have not and will never betray Palestine. Our people will not allow any Mossad activities and its elements on our beloved Egyptโ€™s soil. The betrayal and collaboration of the ruling regime with israel will not prevent Egyptians from reaching the agents and holding the traitors accountable."

Very intense armed clashes erupted between the Palestinian resistance and IOF in eastern Jabalia in the northern Gaza Strip for the first time in 4 months, as the IOF continues its heavy bombardment across the Gaza Strip in among the most violent nights of bombing in months.
The eruption of clashes comes after the IOF began a new operation in Jabalia tonight, after failing to eliminate the resistance there and withdrawing humiliated in December 2023 and again for a few days in January 2024 due to the strikes of the resistance and the steadfastness of the people.

Civil Defense in Gaza:
In light of the intensification of the "israeli" occupation forces targeting the populated homes of citizens in the areas of the northern Gaza Strip, it has become very difficult for our crews to deal with rescuing the wounded and recovering the martyrs.


you're correct with your historical statements but you're not going to drown out the organized political anger directed at the current genocide. (not the anon)


This is why you keep a tight lid on political opponent shitters saying that they totally would do it better in times of war.


>>Hamas is regaining its hold in areas previously captured by Israel.
have been offline for a while, is that true?


Tenuous. Definitely push and pull.
The big take away is that the IOF doesn't have as much control as they like to project.


Hamas never stopped being active anywhere in the Gaza Strip. More or less as soon as the IOF withdrew from the north a few months ago they were regaining control. Reportedly they've even been paying salaries, administering things, etc in "cleared" areas. That isn't to say they have complete control though, there's still regular clashes from IOF raids and larger incursions like the current one in Al-Zaytoun.


Tom Morello from Rage Against The Machine playing killing in the name of at 21:21


Hezbollah operations 05/11/2024:
01:15: a building in which enemy soldiers were stationed in the "Metulla" settlement was targeted with appropriate weapons and it was hit directly, as a response to the "israeli" enemyโ€™s attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe houses, and targeting civilians, especially in Tayr Harfa.
7:10: bunkers, fortifications, and garrisons at the โ€œRamiaโ€ site were targeted with direct and guided rocket weapons and artillery shells, and they were directly hit.
08:20: the spy equipment deployed at the Jal Al-Alam site was targeted with appropriate weapons and it was hit directly.
10:00: "Ramia" site was targeted with artillery shells
15:15: the Al-Samaqa site in the occupied Lebanese hills of Kfar Shuba was targeted with appropriate weapons, and it was directly hit.
15:40: the Ruwaisat Al-Qarn site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms was targeted with rocket weapons and was directly hit.
19:00: the "Beit Hillel" military base and the newly established Iron Dome platforms were targeted by an air attack with assault drones. They were directly hit and some of them were completely disabled.
19:20: after the air attack that targeted the Iron Dome platforms at the "Beit Hillel" base, the fighters of the Islamic Resistance again launched an assault drone to target the location of the expected gathering of the "israeli" enemyโ€™s officers and soldiers following the attack in the center of the base. And despite the enemyโ€™s attempt to intercept it with an F16 aircraft, it failed to do so, and the drone reached its target and hit it accurately.
23:40: the Al-Marj site was targeted with artillery shells and was directly hit.

The resistance trapped zionist forces in a tight ambush east of Jabalia camp in the northern Gaza Strip, according to press sources. Local sources reported that a home that soldiers barricaded inside of was blown up. The IOF is attempting to evacuate dead and wounded soldiers at this time.
This ambush comes just hours after clashes erupted in the area for the first time in months and despite nearly 100 IOF airstrikes that targeted the northern Strip tonight.


good intention but cringe


Israel doesn't have the will to occupy Gaza indefinitely or the ability to actually eliminate Hamas. It will be interesting, to say the least, where this conflict goes once they withdraw completely.


They literally intend to push all Gazans out into Sinai.


>semi-resistance axis including China, Russia, and Iran
lol. take that, multipolarity weirdos


>The Vanguards of Liberation - Martyr Mohammed Salah Group published a new video with details of their operation that killed zionist spy Ziv Kipper in Alexandria, Egypt.
Thanks anon.
It's interesting the way they lay out their steps, reminds me of anarchist communiques in which one of the goals is to inspire, show heavy specialization is not needed and to make the attack reproducible.
>have been offline for a while, is that true?
Yes, Israel pulled out many troops a month or two ago, leaving only troops to split the strip. This allowed Hamas to re-take control and attempt to re-start civilian life and such.
>good intention but cringe
It's real life stuff anon… Nobody IRL cares about your 'based-cringe dialectics' autism, i PROMISE you.


Very limited and already happening. :^)


we can also talk about the october suprise. there is obviously factions within the american deep state that has connections with the islamic republic


Hamas' fighting methods are a form of "protracted war" designed to take advantage of Israel's reluctance to fight a drawn-out war. If Israel re-occupies the strip from the long haul, Israeli forces can be bled and worn down. If Israel withdraws, Hamas can reconstitute their forces.

Israel's strategy this time seems to be to avoid holding territory (other than a stretch that cuts the strip in half, which may have been depopulated, and possibly now the Rafah crossing) while creating a situation where they can raid in and out at will. They raid (this is more of a technical term, it causes enormous damage to an area), then suddenly withdraw, and as Hamas reconstitutes in an area they raid back in. It's like maintaining a constant momentum of conflict inside Gaza that phases up and down.

It's not a counter-insurgency strategy. The idea behind counter-insurgency is to occupy an area and that creates stability. It's also change from their strategy from before the war where they didn't occupy Gaza directly but sealed it off behind a wall. That was supposed to be stable, too. But there was no Israeli "system" to operate inside the territory, and while (in theory) it kept Hamas inside, that also kept the Israeli army out, so Hamas was free to build up its forces and organization. This is something Israeli think tanks talk about (there's some interesting descriptions of Hamas strategies, like forming brigades that operate in a particular area comprised of local residents of that area and capable of fighting independently, without orders from the top, which sounds rather Maoist):

>The anxiety of the Israeli leadership in recent decades regarding the deployment of ground forces into enemy territory represents a crisis in the Israeli security perception. It reflects a fear of the uncertainties associated with entering a war, which inherently involves a step into the unknown. At the crossroads where the decision to launch an offensive operation by ground forces is made, the political echelon has been hesitant about making such a potentially complicated move as it could mean a loss of control leading to a failure to achieve the desired end.

>This problematic dynamic was evident in Operation Cast Lead at the end of 2008. A dispute arose between Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, who was pushing for a decisive move against Hamas, and Defense Minister Ehud Barak, who sought to conclude the operation before matters escalated into the unknown. In this conflict, the Defense Minister and the Chief of Staff prevailed.

>The desire to avoid extensive and prolonged ground warfare is rooted deeply in Israeli culture. Despite the many technological innovations in ground warfare equipment, ground warfare continues to embody warโ€™s fundamental nature as it was rooted in the industrial era. It is a mass activity involving physical friction with terrain and enemy forces, primarily in a mechanized form. It involves clashes in dust, mud, and trenches. A society immersed in the hi-tech and information age does not find it easy to invest in the physical friction of ground warfare. When Ben-Gurion formulated the Israeli security perception, he acknowledged the fundamental weakness of the State of Israel in terms of its ability to withstand a prolonged war. Accordingly, he expected the IDF to decisively win wars fast, and developed an offensive striking force with the directive to transfer any conflict to the enemyโ€™s territory as quickly as possible.


>The Israeli need to end wars quickly was clearly understood and effectively integrated into the perception of warfare developed by Hezbollah and Hamas, with the backing of Iran. They formulated a concept of warfare that is aimed at swiftly negating Israelโ€™s decisive capabilities. Their concept relies on two systemic components. The first is a widespread rocket system covering the entire depth of the area, enabling continued effective firing into Israeli territory for an extended period, even after penetration by the IDF of extensive parts of the enemyโ€™s territory. The second is based on dense defensive lines containing obstacles and explosives, both above and below ground, in the heart of built-up areas in cities and villages. Under these conditions, a rapid advance into enemy territory becomes a very complex task … The enemy made major changes to its command and control methods. The organization for warfare in Hezbollah and Hamas tends to be decentralized, which allows each local combat core to fight independently even without orders. In past wars, IDF targeting of command and control centers had a direct impact on weakening the enemy, but that is no longer the case … in the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip, the enemyโ€™s military force is organized into battalions and brigades made up of local residents. The Shejaiya Battalion, for instance, is made up of fighters and commanders from the Shejaiya region, while the Khan Yunis Brigade consists of residents of Khan Yunis. This pattern is repeated across the entire Gaza Strip. Even within the command hierarchy, local ties are significant. When IDF forces penetrate deep into the territory, Hamas fighters, who are locals, can relinquish their positions and easily blend into the population, ready to reemerge when opportunity strikes. This is why operations to clear the Gaza Strip or to combat Hezbollah in southern Lebanon require extensive force deployment and prolonged durations.


>Victory will require a long and protracted war that will be full of difficulties and complexities. Senior security officials who support the two-state solution argue that the Palestinian state that will emerge in the West Bank will be fragile. But in view of the changes that have unfolded in the phenomenon of warfare in war zones around the world and especially in the Gaza Strip, as demonstrated by Hamasโ€™s resilience, this promise is hollow.



>muh authoritarian theocracy
Why the fuck do you think the country is that way you fucking babybrain? Learn about the history of western interventions that force countries to become authoritarian to retain sovereignty, and how the west then criticizes and sanctions them for being authoritarian.



I'm sure glowies learn their own history when they shit up geopol threads around here over and over.


Interesting, appreciate the link


Beautiful to see.
I can't help but think they stuck the special needs guy with the flag tho.


>badmouthing "geopol"


>Israel's strategy this time seems to be to avoid holding territory (other than a stretch that cuts the strip in half, which may have been depopulated, and possibly now the Rafah crossing) while creating a situation where they can raid in and out at will. They raid (this is more of a technical term, it causes enormous damage to an area), then suddenly withdraw, and as Hamas reconstitutes in an area they raid back in. It's like maintaining a constant momentum of conflict inside Gaza that phases up and down.
You're legitimately delusional to see strategy here.
They pulled our from occupying space because their soldiers where doing warcrimes in the public eye and getting killed daily for no real reason.
Israel has no real strategy here. Accept it.


Fuck off literally anywhere else to have your faggoty repetitive argument.


Did they just forget that occupying and holding territory is how you conquer stuff?


they don't actually want the land. The zionist project's main purpose was always to kill more brown people


I mean they want the land but they know they can't take it out in the open so they just hope to drive out as many Palestinians as possible so they can try to not be outnumbered by them.


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>We gotta slaughter the untermenschen fr fr no cap on god


They want to use the land for the explicit purpose of creating a military base to kill more Muslims. Genocide takes priority over conquest.


>You're legitimately delusional to see strategy here.
>Did they just forget that occupying and holding territory is how you conquer stuff?
I think it's pretty simple. Hamas launched a major assault across the barrier into Israel, which was a catastrophe for Israel. Israel doesn't want that to happen again, but occupying Gaza is bound to fail because Hamas can fight a protracted guerrilla war. So, therefore, it's stupid for Israel to stay in Gaza and get bled by hit-and-run teams. The strategy then, such as it is, was to invade Gaza to cause as much destruction as they could get away with, then they withdrew most of their forces, but when opportunities present themselves they'll raid back in, and the idea behind that is to prevent Hamas from reorganizing at the scale they had before. At least that's why I think they're doing.

One way to conceptualize war is like an on/off switch. There's peace and then there's war. But a guerrilla organization doesn't think like that, the intensity phases up and down, which gives them a lot more flexibility around big, lumbering, conventional armies. Guerrillas introduce chaos into those conventional armies, and can phase the chaos up and down. The Israeli approach to Hamas in the past has been like an on/off switch. But I think they're adopting more of a phase strategy now that dials up and down.


It's like that Kushner quote in that it might be comically absurd if it wasn't tragic.
That's what I got from the article you posted, you even posted the relevant section.


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Zionists are fascists.


So is northern Isntreal gonna actually break away or not?


this makes no sense they will continue to take steady loses doing that and rockets will keep hitting the big cities from time to time


theres also the economic and political costs of all this wich will see israel stagnate and became even more isolated


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Has this been posted yet?


Not worth discussing, just a retarded publicity stunt



Don't love Amerikkka? go live in the places we're bombing, sanctioning and couping! checkmate, leftoids


>Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan brings his own comically small shredder to the podium just to shred the UN charter, because the overwhelming majority of states recognize Palestinian statehood.
Isn't the charter a pretty sizable document? Did he do it one page at a time or what?


yeah american college students aren't stopping the genocide either, but we don't talk shit about them. maybe the real problem is that the powerful are crushing the weak and the weak have no means to fight back? It's like asking "why haven't burger college students hung genocide joe yet?" because they're getting their faces stomped in by cops and pro israel chvds.


in the video he shrinks what is obviously a small book that is simply labeled to be the charter


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kinda crazy that burgers just now woke up about a genocide that's been going on for decades


The point of the student protests is to cut funding, since some schools have investments, which may be in israeli buisnesses.


>they will continue to take steady loses doing that and rockets will keep hitting the big cities from time to time
True but the math might work out better for them than doing it the other way. Like the West Bank as an analogy, they take losses there but they raid in and out of Palestinian cities. They have the freedom of action to go on in and prevent anything from growing there, if some guys are stockpiling RPGs in Ramallah, if the Israelis get wind of something like that, they'll send in troops and kill those guys. They couldn't do that in Gaza without starting a full-blown conflagration and costing them hundreds of Israeli troops killed. But what happened? Hamas built up a well-structured military force with battalions, brigades, and a command-and-control system which was large and sophisticated enough to invade Israel and kill 1,000+ Israelis.

Last year, that Israeli strategy just went kablooey.

That's the paradox of what Israel was doing with Gaza before this war. When Hamas was behind a fence it created a worse problem for the Israelis, because it's a closed system โ€“ it restricted the Israelis. If Israel entered, Hamas would know exactly where they were coming. Israelis could think, well, let's just use drones and our air force โ€“ but then Hamas moves as much as possible underground, so that doesn't work either.

Even worse for the Israelis, every mechanical part of a system has points that can be bypassed, and an enemy that studies and understands such a system can easily get around it. So, I think the Israelis are listening to people like Gershon Hacohen (who writes in these these think tanks, and Israel Hayom) and others, who have been advocating a more open, flexible system (as opposed to rigid, static, mechanical) based on creativity and surprise to try and make it difficult for Hamas to predict what Israel is going to do, but mainly it encourages the IDF to take the initiative rather than sitting around with their fingers up their buttholes.

I think it's possible they might stay in the Rafah corridor in a similar manner to the Jordan valley. If you look at this map of the West Bank, there's a swath of territory in the Jordan valley under direct Israeli occupation, because that isolates the Palestinian cities from the Jordanian border. But the downside for the Israelis is that the Rafah corridor is very narrow in comparison so it's harder to provide protection for troops occupying it compared to the Jordan valley.

>theres also the economic and political costs of all this wich will see israel stagnate and became even more isolated
Yeah they really fucked that up and I don't know what they're going to do about it.


>Nah bro yo don't get it! It is the westoid's fault that Iran hangs striking workers and beats up teenage girls to death for not wearing a hijab in public!


Then it's mighty good that those students don't claim to be liberators giving it all for Palestine nor claim legitimacy from being "resistance" while pursing their own self interest which includes crushing worker movements :)(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


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>the liberal tourist doesn't know
lmao 4cuck truely is just reddit now.


>backing Palestinian statehood shreds the UN Charter
Ah yes, of course, the famous Article 112 that states
>Kill Palestinians. Behead Palestinians. Roundhouse kick Palestinians


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Leave the resistance to the workers, opportunistfags.


it literally is
do you even know what wahhabism is, retard?


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Pepe Escobar saying informal discussions are indicating that the zionist plan B is fleeing to Argentina. (It would be a good place to ride out a northern hemisphere nuclear war, after all)


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It's unironically the west's fault that Iran is an theocratic shithole. That's why we should support the Iranian proletarian unconditionally against their bourgeoisie, either that or material contradictions will lead Iran to become a neoliberal colony within the upcoming years.


maybe if the burger reich hadn't couped mossadegh and put the shah back in power culminating in the 1979 revolution where the clericals took power afterwards and hung the actual workers who helped make the revolution happen, you wouldn't be able to complain. the current state of iran is the bastard child of decades of imperialist policy towards iran. of course it's reactionary, because it's a reactionary product. Russia and Ukraine wouldn't be at war with each other if it wasn't for the US-backed privatizations that happened after the collapse of the USSR, not to mention the repeated expansions of NATO. The root cause of Iran, Israel, Russia, Ukraine, etc. all US imperialism.


why are you posting this really bad boomer photoshop




>I 110% couldn't care less. seethe
Copy text from older threads or never post it again, orientalist pig.


damn nice anon, if it weren't for your epic debooonk of that osama bin laden meme other posters might have fallen for misinformation


>other posters might have fallen for misinformation
Yes they could, you really overestimate the level of critical thinking people have these days. And now /leftypol/ isn't a bastion of perspicacity far from it.


What do we think about the celebrity block list?




Based honestly, depriving attention whores of their drug is always fun.


Lifestylism, but it's not like they have a lot of other avenues for activism. Maybe a general strike?




Hoi4 brainrot


listen here you fucking imbecile just so you understand something
you cant attack a guerrila force that isnt active and attacking you meaning this whole "idf will be more active" bullshit is just as moronic as sitting around with your thumb up your ass
the idf goes in murders a bunch of people says it was KHAMAS and then what? we have already seen international backlash that has made israel an unnatractive target for foreign capital
all hamas has to do is just sit in its tunnels while israel digs itself deeper and deeper into the grave

War of the flea should be fucking mandatory reading before posting about wars


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sorry you hateful Hamas crowd, I have won a European music contest which proves I am indigenous and valid.

*Casually bombs Rafah on the way out*


they didn't even win though?…


>Look it up
>Israel took 5th place
holy kek what's the point of lying about a first place finish in a music contest
this is just sad tbh


It's an ethical expectation, not a historical claim. Doubly sad


Isn't this gut some sex pest who grifted his way into an analyst position by virtue of being on an economic rapist mission to Ukraine at the start of the war?


People who simulate the emotions of imaginary friends need psychiatric treatment


I just half-remember him from ukraine threads.
I thought he was like a hobbit version of 'Bald and Bankrupt', idk..


So much passive voice lol


The yuppies are at it again


Armed clashes have erupted between the resistance and Security Forces of the treacherous Palestinian Authority after PA officiers pursued a resistance fighter of the Balata Brigade in the vicinity of the Old City of Nablus.
This occurred following the funeral procession of Samer Ramana, who ascended earlier today during the IOFโ€™s invasion of Balata camp.

Zionist sources report that the occupation deputy inspector of the security and military establishment has been injured during the battles against the resistance in Gaza. A Brigadier General, he is the highest ranked IOF member to have been wounded in the ground invasion.

National Resistance Brigades (Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces) spokesman Abu Khaled:
Our forces continue to confront the "israeli" enemy, bombarding their positions and engaging in fierce battles in the north and south of the Strip.
Commander Abu Khaled, spokesperson for the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces (the military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine), issued a military statement announcing that the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces continue to confront the "israeli" enemy in the north and south of the Strip, bombarding their positions with shells and missiles, and engaging in fierce battles with their soldiers. Here are the details:
First: The artillery unit of the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces targeted the "israeli" invasion forces in the vicinity of the Rafah Crossing with 107 mm short-range rockets, causing casualties in their ranks.
Second: The artillery unit of the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces targeted a gathering of the "israeli" enemy forces inside the "Kerem Shalom" military site east of Rafah city, with a barrage of rockets, hitting its targets.
Third: The Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces confronted the "israeli" enemy forces around the Mosque of Ali Ibn Abi Talib west of Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City, using machine guns, shells, and rockets, achieving direct hits.
Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces โ€“ The military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Military Media

Fierce clashes are ongoing between the Palestinian resistance and the IOF in eastern Jabalia refugee camp, in northern Gaza.
The IOF continues to launch heavy airstrikes in the area.

Palestine Telecommunications Company (PalTel):
Our dear people in our beloved homeland,
We regret to announce that fixed internet services have been cut off in the southern regions of the Gaza Strip due to the ongoing aggression. Our teams are working hard to restore services as quickly as possible.
May Allah protect you and our country.

Spokesperson for the Civil Defense in Gaza, Mahmoud Basal:
There are no medical services or humanitarian aid provided to the displaced in the north of the Gaza Strip.
The zionist artillery is firing shells 2.5 kilometers deep into the city of Rafah.
What we are witnessing in terms of killing and destruction reminds us of the first days of the aggression.
The zionist occupation uses all possible means to kill the Palestinian citizen.
The occupation continues to target our teams and does not respect international laws.
No one responds to the appeals we make to international institutions.
We have lost 80% of our capabilities.

Journalist Sohaib Al-Masalmeh:
What is happening in Jabalia and Jabalia Camp represents a new level of Palestinian resistance. The "israeli" tanks are standing in their place, and they are being targeted one after the other. The battles are very large.
Rockets were fired towards Asqalan and "Sderot" from the ground next to the tanks.

The IOF admits that 50 of its soldiers and officers were wounded Gaza in the last 24 hours, as battles with the resistance intensify in the northern Gaza Strip.

Some of the most notable operations so far today:

In a complex operation, Al-Qassam Brigades detonated a Ra'adiya explosive device targeting a special zionist force and targeted a troop carrier with a tandem shell east of Jabalia city, causing the force to fall between dead and wounded.

Al-Qassam Brigades executed a complex operation near the Al-Mabhouh site east of Jabalia Camp, where they targeted a Merkava tank with an Al-Yassin 105 shell. After the enemy soldiers present at the location fled to a booby-tralped house, it was detonated, resulting in the force being killed and wounded.


>Not On My Alkali Desert
NOMADS vs. YOMADS: who will win?


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pour one out for the brave 19 year old sergeants of the IDF



Total zionist death


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>โ€œBased on the circumstances around the way the listing was submitted, we believe that this is likely not an actual art piece coming to Black Rock City, but that the listing was instead intended to stir an emotional response within the Burning Man community,โ€ a statement shared with the San Francisco Gate said
Oh, so NOW yuppies are willing to dictate what is or isn't art


It's still insane ot me anonyone non israeli sincerely ever brought the 'Most Moral Army' thing.
The only thing that tends to keep Armies from doing horrific shit to prisoners and civilians alike is very strong order and discipline that goes all the way down and a heavy level of survalience.
These things of course do not stop abuses but even if you believed Israel was just another normal country there is no way to believe it can effectively enforce military order and discipline with 19 year old conscript Sergeants and 0 strategic oversight.


why dont we ever hear news of what PIJ is doing?


>ut that the listing was instead intended to stir an emotional response within the Burning Man community,โ€
Is that not the point of art?
…Americans fry my brain i need to turn the internet off for a bit…


We do.
Video anon even uploaded a few of their videos i think catched a drone and bomb production just last few days.


I think what they're saying is nobody was actually going to bring a giant watermelon to burning man. Someone just uploaded it to dab on the zionists.


Israelis protest Netanyahu's government, call for a deal with Hamas

Thousands of Israeli settlers protested alongside the families of Israeli captives against Netanyahu's government, calling for its fall, in front of the Security Ministry entryway in Tel Aviv.

Protesters heavily criticized Netanyahu and his government, accusing them of abandoning the captives, while emphasizing that protests will continue until the occupation government is overthrown.

The families of captives reportedly said that Netanyahu's remaining in government would obstruct the release of captives, adding that saving them would come after the government is saved from the prime minister.

Ynet reported a relative of one of the captives as saying "We are gathered here today to declare that Israel abandoned captives and left them for dead with Hamas."

It added that only a new Israeli occupation government would be able to retrieve captives, stressing that Netanyahu does not want a prisoner exchange deal and is trying his best to obstruct negotiations. The settler further stated, "The Rafah invasion and expanding military operations in south Gaza only diminishes the possibility of reaching an exchange deal and puts our family members at risk."

In turn, the mother of one of the captives called on Benny Gantz, Yoav Gallant, Gadi Eisenkot, and everyone in the Likud party and Israeli coalition to dissolve the government and cut all ties with it. She added that Netanyahu's government has abandoned settlers and was driving "Israel" to chaos.

Protests also emerged in Haifa, Rehovot, and Nes Ziona, calling for a prisoner exchange deal and early elections.

Egypt refuses 'Israel' coordination on entry of aid into Gaza

Egypt's state-affiliated Alqahera News satellite TV reported on Saturday, quoting a senior official, that Egypt has refused to coordinate with "Israel" for the entry of aid into Gaza through the Rafah crossing, citing "Israel's" "unacceptable escalation."

The official further mentioned Egypt's stance regarding the war on Gaza, holding "Israel" accountable for the deteriorating situation in the Gaza Strip.

Israeli forces had seized control of the main border crossing at Rafah on May 7, effectively closing off a crucial route for aid into the besieged Strip.

According to reports from the United Nations and other international aid agencies, the closure of the Rafah crossing has severely restricted the flow of aid into southern Gaza, leaving the Strip isolated from external assistance, with very few supplies accessible within its confines.

Sources from the Red Crescent in Egypt revealed that aid shipments to Gaza have come to a complete standstill.

Israeli media: 10 Israeli soldiers committed suicide since Oct. 7

10 members of the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) have committed suicide since October 7, some during confrontations in the Gaza envelope settlements, the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, revealed.

Experts cited by the newspaper stated that while most suicides among the IOF involve young soldiers, the events of October 7 have had an unusual psychological impact on IOF personnel in general.

The newspaper also reported that the IOF has had to unexpectedly address suicidal tendencies among soldiers and officers, both in permanent military service and in the reserves, particularly those in their thirties and forties.

Haaretz highlighted the case of one officer in permanent service who was found dead in his car, having shot himself, two weeks following the launch of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood.

According to the IOF, "No common denominator between these suicides and what happened on October 7 was found, but family members and fellow soldiers reported that some of the dead soldiers 'suffered from psychological distress after this date.'"

Moreover, it was reported that Israeli occupation data indicate that ten soldiers and officers committed suicide from the beginning of the war until May 11, yet the IOF refuse to disclose any names or details about those who committed suicide.

According to the same data, 620 IOF troops have been declared dead since the war on Gaza began. However, Haaretz has noted that the actual number in the occupation army's records is 637. This includes 17 settler soldiers who died in road accidents and others who committed suicide but were not officially declared dead.

The newspaper also highlighted that the Israeli army has historically concealed data concerning IOF personnel suicides. Over the past years, the IOF have consistently refused to release data on the number of soldiers who committed suicide, thereby continuing to obscure this issue.

615 Israeli occupation soldiers have died since the start of the war, with 267 of them dying during ground maneuvers in the Gaza Strip, Israeli media reported today.

Regarding injured soldiers, it has been claimed that 3,361 Israeli occupation soldiers have been wounded since the start of the war, including 520 with critical injuries. Currently, 26 soldiers are in critical condition in various Israeli hospitals, 157 others have moderate injuries, and 60 have minor injuries.

In a related context, Israeli media reported the death of three occupation soldiers on the front with Lebanon, while 40 soldiers and a settler were injured with various injuries during this week.

Earlier today, the Israeli occupation forces admitted the death of a soldier during "operational activity" in the North.

The occupation's acknowledgment of its casualties and injuries from Hezbollah's fire comes amid strict military censorship and control, where footage documenting the Resistance's targeting being published by its military media shows that Israeli losses, in terms of lives and equipment, are much greater than announced.

Regarding Gaza, the high number of IOF casualties in battles with the Palestinian Resistance is equivalent to the size of an IOF brigade, according to Israeli media.

Israeli acknowledgments of the scale of losses come as the Palestinian Resistance continues to engage in fierce confrontations with invading occupation forces in the sector, not to mention what the Lebanese front, supported by Hezbollah, inflicts on the occupation, as well as the fronts in Iraq, Yemen, and Syria.


incredibly based


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>we have already seen international backlash that has made israel an unnatractive target for foreign capital
Israel might lose and fail as a state in the long run but I don't think "becoming unattractive to foreign capital" is really enough to make it happen. Assad faced international backlash for what he was doing but still won, but there was more at stake than some numbers going up and down.


Assad's is a real government, and Israel is a colonial entity


i don't understand how people memorize trivia like this. people post videos because of what is said in them, not who is saying it.


I regularly post their activities anon, if you aren't seeing them you might want to read closer or check filenames. I don't post the vast majority of operations due to the sheer number, with the exceptions of Hezbollah, and the National Resistance Brigades, which I post because they fairly frequently list their actions in one spot and because they're particularly relevant to us for ideological reasons. That said, Saraya Al-Quds has engaged in dozens of operations in the last few days, and RNN indicates that they were responsible for a recent ambush in Al-Zeytoun neighborhood in Gaza City which left 5 IOF soldiers dead.


In material terms they aren't that different, both are states that dominate a given territory.


No, they are different. Assad's country has actual productive industry, and Israel is just a leech on everyone around them and USA and EU


also different because syrians are from syria and israelis are from brooklyn


Israel has a big tech sector, a financial sector, is a weapons exporter, and exports fruits and food as well as stealing Palestinian produce and reselling it. They are a leech but they aren't entirely unproductive. Syria has your basic 3rd world comprador economy that's excessively dependent on one or two natural resources. Israeli leaders are, in principal, accountable to Jewish citizens and represent their interests (Bibi isn't some bad apple as our liberals insist) whereas Assad is accountable to pretty much no one aside from a select number of wealthy people and international backers who prop up his regime.


>israelis are from brooklyn
This guy's parents are from Iran and Tunisia and the mentality here strikes me as similar to pro-Assad "curb your terrorism" memes. I think a lot of people are struggling with making narratives cohere at the moment. Zionist propagandists have taken to trying to flip anti-colonial discourse around on the left, but they don't usually mention that the rising up of these people in Israeli society has occurred in tandem with the collapse of the Israeli left as a meaningful political force.


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>"The phrase โ€˜From the River to the Seaโ€™ is more than just words; it is a battle cry that legitimizes violence against Jewish people and promotes a vision that denies the Jewish stateโ€™s right to exist,โ€ the petitioners argued.

what if a jewish person says it though?


they ae called self hating, not 'real' jew


The difference is that most Israelis have a second citizenship or are first-generation immigrants. Many went there in part because it had good living standards. If those living standards start falling, they have the option to just head back home.


>The phrase โ€˜From the River to the Seaโ€™ is more than just words; it is a battle cry that legitimizes violence against Jewish people and promotes a vision that denies the Jewish stateโ€™s right to exist
They literally even banned the phrase in Germany. Saying Heil Hitler and From the River to the Sea are seen as the same thing here by piggies


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>i don't understand how people memorize trivia like this. people post videos because of what is said in them, not who is saying it.
I never listened to him anon. Don't much really care what sex pest has to say.


>repeating yourself
Wrecker located


I have lost a family member due to a car accident recently. It's like our whole world was shook. I couldn't stop thinking about how many Palestinians lost multiple relatives, homes and everything by the fascist occupation in the last six months. It's truly an unimaginable suffering.


This guy really made a whole extended rape fantasy on TV and everyone just let him.
Fucking weird.
I'm def done with looking at zionists for a bit:


I feel you. I had panic attacks for 1 month and couldn't sleep because of this. I was studying for an important exam here so I could get into public office, but I just halted everything. I just couldn't focus.
Empathy will fucking kill me


Those numbers don't really make sense. 600 deaths including the ones on oct. 7? No fucking way.


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based portrait desecrators


Alastair Crooke - Why Israel is now regarded as an eschatological apocalyptic late-entry settler colonial project by the nations of the world and western youth
Pretty jaw dropping wide analysis by the UK diplomat that negotiated for the release of Gilad Shalit. He calls the settlers psycho cultists.


>Alastair Crooke
Not just a diplot, a complete spook; MI6 iirc.
Also involved in 2002 ceasefire, the Israeli's outed him as a spook to get him out of the picture basically (IIRC).


>this is how Zios justify Israel mass-murdering Palestinians


B-but I thought these agitators were just making the Palestinian cause look bad?



>doesn't answer question


maybe anon had no idea who he is and posted the video because of what was said in it, not who was saying it. maybe you repeating that he's cancelled or whatever doesn't change that.


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I already live in America though.


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>Oct. 7th was literally Operation Barbarossa


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Hezbollah operations 05/12/2024:
14:10: targeting a military vehicle carrying surveillance equipment, in addition to targeting other technical equipment at the Hounin barracks, known as "Ramim," with guided missiles, resulting in a direct hit and the destruction of the vehicle and other equipment.
16:25: targeting the deployment of "israeli" enemy soldiers in the vicinity of the Zebdine site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms with new heavy rockets (Jihad Mughniyeh), hitting them directly.
19:35: targeting espionage equipment at the "Malikiyah" site with guided missiles, hitting it directly.

Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine:
Comrade Talal Abu Zarifa, a member of the Political Bureau of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, was martyred as a result of an air strike by the "israeli" enemy aircraft on the Al-Sabra neighborhood, south of Gaza City.

For the anon asking what PIJ is doing:
The statements of Saraya Al-Quds in the past three hours:

>We bombed with a barrage of 107mm rockets the enemy soldiers and vehicles infiltrating around the airport, east of the city of Rafah.

<Our fighters engaged in fierce clashes with enemy soldiers and armored vehicles infiltrating east of Jabalia, using machine guns and anti-tank missiles.
>Our fighters bombed a gathering of enemy soldiers and vehicles east of Jabalia with mortar shells.
<Our fighters bombed with a barrage of mortar shells enemy soldiers and vehicles positioned in the "Mazaya" area east of Jabalia camp.
>Our fighters bombed with mortar shells the zionist enemy forces stationed around the Civil Administration east of Jabalia camp.
<We bombed the positions of enemy soldiers and artillery positions in the vicinity of the โ€œReโ€™imโ€ site, which the enemy uses as the headquarters of the Gaza Divisionโ€™s command.
>Our fighters were able to target both Marj Ibn Amer checkpoint and the occupationโ€™s Salem camp with heavy barrages of bullets.
<Our fighters bombed with a barrage of mortar shells enemy soldiers and vehicles infiltrating south of Al-Zaytoun neighborhood.
>Our fighters targeted with mortar shells and guided rockets of the 107-type, enemy zionist soldiers and vehicles around the Hassan Al-Banna Mosque and the vicinity of Gaza University south of Al-Zaytoun neighborhood.


Israel is closer to Nazi Germany in this exact scenario.

Just dissolve the country and give all the labs back to the Palestinians and there will be peace forever.


A list of the 21 Al-Qassam Brigades operations since this morning up until now:
Al-Qassam fighters engage in fierce clashes with enemy forces in the axis of advancement, east of Jabalia Camp, in the northern Gaza Strip.
Al-Qassam Brigades target gatherings of enemy forces on "Route" 8 south of Al-Zaytoun neighborhood with heavy-caliber mortar shells.
Al-Qassam Brigades, in cooperation with Saraya Al-Quds, targeted gatherings of enemy forces on "Route 10" south of Al-Zaytoun neighborhood with heavy-caliber mortar shells.
Al-Qassam fighters dropped an anti-tank shell via a drone on a Merkava tank east of Jabalia camp in the northern Gaza Strip.
Al-Qassam Brigades targeted a zionist Merkava tank with an Al-Yassin 105 shell east of Jabalia camp, resulting in it catching fire and the death and injury of those inside.
Al-Qassam Brigades bombard enemy gatherings east of Jabalia in the northern Gaza Strip with mortar shells.
Al-Qassam Brigades targeted two zionist tanks using two Yassin 105 shells behind the Riyad Al-Salehin Mosque, east of the Jabalia refugee camp, in the northern Gaza Strip.
Al-Qassam Brigades bombard the enemy forces penetrating near the Al-Mabhouh site, east of the Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip, with mortar shells.
Al-Qassam Brigades targeted a zionist tank with an Al-Yassin 105 shell, causing it to catch fire on fire near the Al-Mabhouh site east of Jabalia camp in the northern Gaza Strip.
From the area of the zionist incursion east of Jabalia, the Al-Qassam Brigades bomb the occupied city of Asqalan with a barrage of rockets in response to the massacres against civilians.
Al-Qassam Brigades target a "Merkava" tank with an Al-Yassin 105 shell penetrating east of the city of Jabalia, north of the Gaza Strip.
In a complex operation, Al-Qassam Brigades detonated a Ra'adiya explosive device targeting a special zionist force and targeted a troop carrier with a tandem shell east of Jabalia city, causing the force to fall between dead and wounded.
Al-Qassam Brigades bombard the settlement of โ€œSderotโ€ with a barrage of rockets in response to the massacres against civilians.
Al-Qassam Brigades target a zionist Merkava tank with an Al-Yassin 105 shell east of the Jabalia camp in the northern Gaza Strip.
Al-Qassam Brigades target a Merkava 4 tank with an Al-Yassin 105 shell near the Mazaya Hall, east of the city of Jabalia, north of the Gaza Strip.
Once again… Al-Qassam Brigades bombard the settlement of "Sderot" with a rocket barrage in response to the massacres against civilians.
Al-Qassam Brigades executed a complex operation near the Al-Mabhouh site east of Jabalia Camp, where they targeted a Merkava tank with an Al-Yassin 105 shell. After the enemy soldiers present at the location fled to a booby-trapped house, it was detonated, resulting in the force being killed and wounded.
The fighters of Al-Qassam targeted a special zionist force barricaded in a home near Al-Mazaya Hall, east of Jabalia Camp, with two TBG shells, which led to the forceโ€™s members being killed and wounded.
Al-Qassam Brigades bomb a gathering of enemy soldiers and vehicles inside the Al-Mabhouh site, east of Jabalia Camp, with heavy caliber mortar shells.
Al-Qassam Brigades target enemy soldiers and vehicles infiltrating into the Rafah land crossing in the southern Gaza Strip with mortar shells in two separate batches.
Al-Qassam Brigades bomb enemy gatherings and vehicles east of the Rafah land crossing in the southern Gaza Strip with heavy-caliber mortar shells.


For real? Sauce it. If that's the case he's gone off the reservation on a galactic scale. The criticism of the Israel project in this interview is extreme.


Pepe dropping bombs these days. Not saying I believe all his reporting but credible journalists do.
>Isn't this
Hasabra scared. This thread needs heavier moderation.


kek desperate damning with oblique associations. Say he gives you the ick next. I'm definitely listening to that interview now.


>Wrecker located
They're shining a spotlight on themselves. Glow used to be better trained.


I met a lot of good Palestinian comrades (and comrades more generally) over my time at the encampment. They all acknowledged the Mustafa Brigades headband too. A Palestinian-owned shop around there started comping my coffee, and a comrade whom I drove to the hospital and spent hours with gave me an English translation of the Qaran with a heartfelt note written in it. It was cool to be able to connect with them and have mutual recognition and bond through shared cultural knowledge. When they would tell me where their families were from, they would be pretty shocked for me to know where they were talking about, including the actual local names. I had a girl thank me and cry and tell me that they are all grateful that I was staying and sleeping at the camp because so many of them have concerns wrt immigration status, and I cried too. Same for the Arab and Muslim students more broadly. I got to learn more about Islam, which was cool. Particularly interesting was hearing the womens' take on it.

The emotional weight of involving myself this deeply in opposition to an ongoing genocide has been almost indescribable. It has been beautiful, don't get me wrong, but our encampment just wrapped up and I am drained.

I am truly optimistic right now with all of the news and momentum. I was even offered to visit some of their families in the West Bank once things settle or at least deescalate.

Cheers comrades o7


All based people with a whole lot of based relatives and ancestors as well, ya feel


good for you, anon. Sounds like a really life-affirming experience overall.


>the USSR was not occupying Germany when the invasion was launched
>Soviet leaders never denied the existence of the German nation, openly stated their intention to eradicate it, or actively made plans to do so
>the USSR never produced a song sung by children about annihilating Germany
>the USSR was not an apartheid ethnostate founded on the disposession and murder of Germans
>the USSR did not have a policy of denying German civilians access to safety in occupied territory
>the USSR had no policy of denying basic necessities of life to German civilians
>the USSR did not regularly and deliberately attack humanitarian targets like aid workers, hospitals, and refugee camps


>19yo sergeants
What a fucking retarded army.


Piers must have got chewed out over that interview where he actually asked proper follow up questions of that Mossad agent.


No doubt. I think that we are nearing an end, but the damage has been done. The mass outpouring of human suffering is almost over, inshallah. We will triumph.


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something something duality


damn, they're still active like day 1


almost like Israel's operations aren't actually about stopping da terrorizum


was he based?


no. listen blowback season 1


>protesting the world's wrongs has been a rite of passage for generations of American youth
Goddamn, I can feel the waves of patronizing concern trolling that liberals are so famous for. It actually gets way, way worse as it goes.


Yes as far as national bourgeoisie go. Mogs Assad and Iran to death (literally)
wiki-plebbit podcast


>yes as far as no


The person who asked to implicitly implied that he is fine with them, retard. As if this board and this thread specifically aren't filled with Dengists lmao


>The person who asked to implicitly implied that he is fine with them, retard.
Please justify this claim with citations from reputable books.
>As if this board and this thread specifically aren't filled with Dengists lmao
Please justify this claim with citations from multiple reputable podcasts.


ur mom lmao




>"interfaith rally against terror" at Stanford
what a pathetic attempt to frame the narrative


>>the USSR had no policy of denying basic necessities of life to German civilians
Weren't Germans of the USSR deported to Special Settlements prior to Barbarossa? Populations deported to Special Settlements were not legally allowed to leave the specific settlement until ~a decade or so after the war.


By law, Soviets' repressed categories of people had their voting rights taken away. Kulaks, cossacks, you know them. Neither germans or chechens or crimean tartars had their voting rights taken away. Neither were they confined to their "specific settlements", you can check biographies of "repressed" people's spokesmen, like that chechen asshole who invented 2 millions of chechens dying during transit, and see quite easily how their "repressed" family moved to a city, and furthermore were elected as some party bureaucrat

It was evacuation. And in regards to USSR, we have retarded historians and academics pulling out of their asses such idiocies as "kolkhoz workers had no passports and were actually serfs or slaves to the state" despite the common knowledge fact of mass migration to cities during that period. Use your brain for once


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Person who advocated killing Palestinian journalists is on the Pulitzer board ๏ผ ~๏ผ 


Yes, they all seek to reproduce the bourgeois order, but that cock holster gets around.


Obviously. All those "international" awards are just a circlejerk


Anne Applebaum is a literal fascist.


>Those numbers don't really make sense. 600 deaths including the ones on oct. 7? No fucking way.
That's a lot for Israel really. They had a lot of deaths on Oct. 7 because they were disorganized and caught by surprise so units were overrun and wiped out so there was a sudden surge in fatalities all at once. But the units they sent into Gaza are large, organized, and the mismatch in firepower is so huge that Hamas can't overrun Israeli units, so they bleed them with hit-and-run tactics small teams, IEDs and ambushes, like using RPGs on vehicles. I think one of the worst single losses for Israel in the war was seven (?) soldiers riding in an armored battle taxi that was blown up. It's suicide for them to face the Israeli army in a stand-up fight once they've gotten organized because they'll destroy the entire area.

Some of the most dangerous situations for armies in war is during a retreat when organization collapses. Not that many people die during the "battle" part, it's when one side has broken and is in flight that the fatalities rise sharply. That was basically the situation on Oct. 7 before the Israelis got organized.


a UN non-Palestinian staff member has been shot and killed in Gaza with another injured.
We don't know the name of the staff member yet but if they're white this is not going to end well.


National Resistance Brigades (Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces) spokesman Abu Khaled:
Our forces continue to chase the enemy soldiers with rockets and mortars.
Commander Abu Khaled, the spokesperson for Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces (the military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine), issued a military report announcing the continuation of Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces in chasing the "israeli" enemy forces with mortars and rockets, with the following details:
Firstly: The artillery unit of Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces targeted "israeli" enemy positions in the "Netzarim" axis with heavy mortar shells, inflicting confirmed losses on the enemy.
Secondly: The artillery unit of Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces targeted enemy gatherings and their vehicles in the vicinity of the airport and Zlata area in Al-Shouka, east of Rafah city, with 107 mm short-range rockets, causing severe losses among them.
Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces โ€“ The Military Wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Military Media

National Resistance Brigades (Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces):
The Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces - the military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine bids farewell to one of its leaders, the martyr comrade Mahmoud Hammami.
The Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces" (the military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine) issued a statement announcing the martyrdom of one of its prominent leaders, Comrade Mahmoud Hammami, when he was targeted by "israeli" enemy aircraft in a cowardly airstrike that assassinated him alongside leader Talal Abu Zarifa, a member of the political bureau of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, at dawn today in Al-Sabra neighborhood, south of Gaza City.
The Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces stated: "Commander Mahmoud Hammami held a leading position in organizing, training, qualifying, and leading the fighters of the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces, excelling in the field across Gaza City, at the forefront of his comrades in the Martyr Omar Al-Qassam Forces, and organizing dozens of combat operations that inflicted severe losses on the 'israeli' enemy in personnel and equipment."
The Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces concluded its statement: "Today, as we bid farewell to Comrade Commander Mahmoud Hammami, and Comrade Commander Talal Abu Zarifa, we are further determined and resilient to escalate the confrontation against the barbaric army, to continue teaching it a harsh lesson, until we force it, subdued, to carry its stick and leave the Strip in disgrace, carrying its dead, wounded, and disabled, and biting the fingers of remorse, where remorse is futile.
The Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces โ€“ the military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Military Media

Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine:
The Democratic Front bids farewell to its martyr Talal Abu Zarifa, the national leader and member of its Political Bureau in the Gaza Strip.
The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine announced the martyrdom of comrade Talal Abu Zarifa, a member of its Political Bureau, and a prominent national leader, a member of the National Body for Resistance Factions in the Gaza Strip, who was targeted by enemy aircraft in a cowardly assassination operation while he was performing his revolutionary duties, stationed in Gaza City, at the helm of the Democratic Front's organizations and its military wing, the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces.
The "israeli" Broadcasting Authority announced from Tel Aviv in a news report that the occupation forces admitted responsibility for the assassination crime of leader Talal Abu Zarifa, describing him as one of the organizers of the Return Marches and Breaking the Siege in the Gaza Strip.
He joined the Democratic Front while he was a student, and held his leadership roles in the Palestinian Democratic Youth Union (PDYU) in the Gaza Strip, and at the College of Science in Algeria, where he continued his education. He returned to Gaza, and took up his leadership role in the organizations of the Democratic Front, assuming many revolutionary responsibilities.
He was elected for several terms as a member of the Political Bureau of the Democratic Front, the last of which was at the Eighth National General Congress, which concluded its activities in April last year.
He was assassinated by the "israeli" enemy in a cowardly airstrike targeting his headquarters in the Al-Sabra neighborhood in southern Gaza, at dawn on Monday, May 13, 2024, where he was martyred instantly, and alongside him martyred was comrade Mahmoud Hammami, one of the leaders of the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces (the military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine).
The martyr was born in the city of Abasan Al-Kabira in the Gaza Strip in 1960, stationed in Gaza City from the first moment of the Al-Aqsa Flood war at the helm of the organizations of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Eternity for the martyrs.
And glory to the homeland.
Central Media

Yesterday afternoon, the northern front was hit with a new surprise. Hezbollah unveiled a new heavy missile in its arsenal: The Jihad Mughniyeh missile, which was used to bomb the IOF's Zebdine site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms.
The Jihad Mughniyeh missile is about 4 meters long with several propellant charges and an explosive head. The warhead's weight can be between 120 to 400 kilograms. Its range in kilometers is more precise than that of the Burkan missile (which has a payload of 500kg and range of 10km). The Jihad Mughniyeh missile is a tactical missile manufactured by Hezbollah.
The missile is named after Jihad Mughniyeh, the son of Hezbollah leader martyr Imad Mughniyeh. Jihad was martyred in a January 2015 assassination in Quneitra, Syria, which Hezbollah responded to 10 days later with an ambush on an IOF convoy in the occupied Shebaa Farms, killing and wounding 15 IOF soldiers.

Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades spokesman, Abu Obeida:
As a result of the barbaric zionist bombing over the past ten days, we have lost contact with a group of our fighters who were guarding four zionist prisoners, including the prisoner Hersh Goldberg-Polin.

The IOF continues to bomb the northern Gaza Strip at these moments, in addition to continuous artillery shelling on areas north of Nusseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip.
The Director of the Ambulance Services in North Gaza stated moments ago: "It is not possible to reach a large number of martyrs in Jabalia camp due to the occupationโ€™s bombing."
A fire has also broken out at the headquarters of the Palestinian Red Crescent in Khirbet Al-Adas, north of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, due to IOF bombing.


Remember when Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize?


Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, during his speech today, May 13th, 2024:
I send greetings to the steadfast and brave fighters on all fronts, who are writing the finest scenes of heroism, courage, strength, determination, enthusiasm, and conviction.
Greetings to the wounded fighters in all arenas, and I pray to Allah for their healing.
We are united by the memory of the great jihadist leader and dear brother, the martyr Sayyed Zulfiqar. On this occasion, we extend once again our condolences to his family for their loss and congratulate them for his attainment of the medal of martyrdom.
The resistance is the cumulative result of the sacrifices of those who have passed, from martyrs and leaders, to the resistance fighters who are still on the covenant.
Despite the blockade and difficult conditions, Syria still maintains its firm and steadfast position on the Palestinian cause.
The resistance fighting today on the front is the cumulative result of the past, present, and future.
Among the goals of the resistance in Gaza is to revive the Palestinian cause and remind of the rights of the Palestinian people.
The scene of demonstrations in American and European universities bearing the name of Palestine was created by October 7th and what followed.
The most significant scene that embodies the image of victory for the resistance is when the "israeli" representative [?] at the United Nations a photo of the leader Yahya Sinwar.
The Arab rulers were about to sign the death papers of the Palestinian cause with the normalization step with the zionist enemy that was coming within months.
Some Arab regimes and satellite channels are now promoting the enemy entity as the only democratic state in our region.
The steadfastness of the Palestinians has forced the world to talk about a Palestinian state and has forced the hypocritical United States to speak about a Palestinian state.
"Israel's" image in the world is that of a killer of children and women, arrogant towards international laws and human and moral values.
In the eighth month of the war on Gaza, there is a consensus in "israel" on the failure to achieve the war's objectives.
One of the most significant results is that this entity admits it has not achieved victory, and 70% of "israeli" are demanding the resignation of the Chief of Staff.
Opinion polls on confidence in the "israeli" state as a state, and in the "israeli" military, show that at least 30 percent say that this "state" cannot be lived in. 80% of those who left "israel" say they will not return to it.
"Israel" is incapable of protecting its entity and requires mobilization by the United States, Britain, and Arabs, yet it still fails to protect itself.
After eight months, where has the deteriorating image of 'israeli' deterrence ended up?
The real achievement is that "israel" is incapable of protecting its ships from missiles coming from thousands of kilometers away.
The real achievement today is that "israel" is incapable of restoring the image of deterrence against the Palestinians, Yemenis, Lebanese, and Syrians.
The war on Gaza today is the biggest battle the Palestinian people are fighting against the enemy state, which will emerge from the war in crisis.
Blinken clearly expressed yesterday that "israel" is in trouble. Senior "israeli" generals also say that Netanyahu, by insisting on the war, is "dragging us into the abyss."
"Israelis" today are talking about daily attrition in Gaza, on the support fronts, and in the economy.
The "israeli" fears withdrawing from Gaza because it would mean its defeat, which would be a disaster for it.
Imagine that the leadership of a "state" that has no vision for the next day.
The Palestinian presence on the ground and internationally has enabled it to impose its terms, while Netanyahu is at a dead end and continues to fight because he is looking for a picture of victory, hence his insistence on invading Rafah.
In order to get out of the image of defeat, Netanyahu wants to enter Rafah. Even if the zionist enemy enters Rafah, it does not mean that the resistance has ended and that the Palestinian people have abandoned the resistance.
Instead of turning the tragedy in Gaza into a means to expose the enemy and hold "israel" accountable for everything happening, some Arab zionists use it as a means to frustrate and blame the resistance."
American theatrics and some tactical disagreements between America and "israel" should deceive no one, all these are methods of deception and hypocrisy practiced by the United States, as America stands with "israel."
What happened at the United Nations and the International Court of Justice confirms American support for "israel" and that its position has not changed.
The mediator's proposal surprised Netanyahu after Hamas agreed to it, because it means his defeat and victory for Hamas.
Hamas' acceptance of the Egyptian proposal and Netanyahu's rejection of it, in contrast, is an admission of his fall and defeat.
Al-Aqsa Flood exposed the lies and deception of the west.
We estimate that the enemy has two options: returning to the mediators' proposal, which means its defeat, or to remain in a state of continual attrition, imposing a war that will also prolong for them. In both cases, the resistance will be victorious.
No matter the sacrifices today, this battle is historic and creates a true and historic achievement.
The Lebanese support front continues quantitatively and qualitatively, imposing equations, and the linkage of this front with the Gaza front is a decisive matter that the Americans and French must realize.
Ask the residents of the north to understand what is happening on this front.
The goal of the Lebanese front is to pressure to stop the war in Gaza.
We say to the settlers in the north, if you want a solution, go to your government and tell them to stop the war on Gaza.
When we are masters of ourselves and not slaves, and when we possess elements of strength, we can impose our terms on the enemy.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine International Relations Officer, Dr. Maher Al-Taher, to Al-Mayadeen:
The meeting of the leaders of the Palestinian factions in Damascus came to affirm the unity of the Palestinian resistance position both militarily and politically, indicating the intensification of the confrontation with the zionist occupation in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and Al-Quds.
The zionist enemy acknowledged that 50 of its soldiers and settlers were injured in the last 24 hours, and the resistance's rockets continue to strike zionist sites in all areas of the Gaza Strip.
The meeting of Palestinian faction leaders at the National Council headquarters in Damascus affirmed a set of key points:
First: The unity of the Palestinian resistance position in facing challenges and the genocide war waged by the gangs of murder and crime of the occupation entity, and that storming the Rafah crossing and taking control of it will not lead to victory for the enemy but rather will meet failure as it has in all locations in the Gaza Strip.
Second: The resistance forces will continue to fight; indeed, the confrontation will be escalated, causing more losses among the occupation forces.
Third: The resistance factions hold firmly to their principles regarding reaching a ceasefire agreement based on a comprehensive cessation of fire and stopping the aggression and withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, and the exchange of prisoners, and that the resistance will not back down from these principles.
Fourth: Appreciating the role of the Axis of Resistance in supporting the Palestinian people, which escalates its operations against the enemy whether in Yemen, southern Lebanon, or Iraq in confirmation of the cohesion of the Axis forces in confronting the genocide war practiced by the zionist enemy.
The American stance that shares roles with the "israeli" occupation, which has greenlighted the storming of the Rafah crossing with the aim of handing its administration over to a private American security company, coinciding with the suspicious American plan to establish a pier and stream on the coasts of Gaza, and also its delivery to a private American security company to monitor the situation in Gaza.


I'm not very educated on this so apologies for the dumb question, but in terms of ideological positions, is there much difference between the PFLP and the DFLP?
Am I right in thinking that the PFLP is the larger and more supported of the groups?


The IOF admits that 4 IOF soldiers have been injured in the settlement of "Yiftah" after they were targeted with anti-tank missiles fired from Lebanon.

The IOF admits that 14 IOF soldiers were wounded in battles in the northern and southern Gaza Strip.
8 were wounded, 2 seriously, as a result of resistance mortars in Rafah today.
2 "israeli" workers and a soldier were wounded in a separate battle, a soldier was seriously wounded in a firefight in the northern Gaza Strip, and 2 soldiers were wounded in "Nir Am" in the Gaza envelope.


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A salute to those.
>Talal Abu Zarifa
Politburo member of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) Talal Abu Zarifa was killed in an Israeli airstrike on a house in Sabra neighborhood in Gaza City on Sunday evening.

Local sources said that the DFLP leader was killed along with at least two other citizens in the Israeli airstrike that targeted a house for Hamami family.

Abu Zarifa is a prominent Palestinian national leader that supported armed resistance against the Israeli occupation and enjoyed wide-scale relations with all Palestinian factions.

Local journalists had quoted Abu Zarifa as saying that he would not leave Gaza Strip. โ€œWe call on the people in Gaza to persevere and be patient and we will remain among them,โ€ he said.

The International Commission for Supporting the Rights of the Palestinian People (Hashd) strongly condemned the Israeli assassination of Abu Zarifa.

It added in a statement on Monday that the assassination of the DFLP leader is a war crime and is part of the war of extermination launched by the Israeli occupation army against the Palestinian civilians.

Hashd called on the international community to shoulder its responsibility vis-ร -vis the Israeli genocide in Gaza that has been ongoing for 220 days and force Israel to halt its crimes in Gaza and other Palestinian territories, provide international protection for the Palestinian people and bring Israeli leaders to account as war criminals.


The PFLP was formed in the 60s as an ideologically ML party, and only a few years later several groups split off of it due to its' ideological rigidity. The only really significant one was the PDFLP, which soon became the DFLP. The DFLP was initially a bit of an ideological hodgepodge, which had Maoists, Trotskyists, MLs, and more in its early years. It wasn't as big as the PFLP, which was for a time the second largest organization, but it was still very significant. By the 80s and 90s they both began to lose their support to Islamists and others, especially as the Soviet Union collapsed. By the 90s they were both moderating in their programs, as well as the Palestinian Communist Party, now the Palestinian People's Party, which functionally renounced communism and as a result split, with the remaining communists continuing under the previous name. Today, both are functionally left-wing nationalist parties with allusions to communism, but neither is especially popular. The PFLP is, to my understanding, the more significant politically, but this should be taken with the consideration that, for instance, in the last elections in 2006 they only won some 4% of the vote (with the DFLP, the PPP, and some other smaller groups winning about 3%). They still have some influence, for instance the PFLP regularly takes a significant (although not central) position in conferences between factions, but they are far from the influence of Hamas or Fatah. Militarily, I can't say much with regards to either. The armed wings of the PFLP and DFLP are the Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades and the National Resistance Brigades/Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces, respectively. In terms of how many operations I see claimed, the DFLP probably takes the edge, but that's a poor standard to judge by, leaving out quality of operations and operations not reported. All I can really say is that both of them are fairly minor in armed strength, probably somewhere between third and fifth among the factions in Gaza in armed strength. The PFLP doesn't release as many statements as the DFLP, but the DFLP in february released the following list of their operations during the war:
>400 total operations
>100 direct clashes
>25 vehicles targeted
>110 barrages of rockets fired
>160 positions targeted with mortar fire
As well as
<At least 37 fighters dead, with others missing.
I'm not a definitive expert in regards to this, but this is about how I understand things to be. If someone sees a mistake I made please mention it.


The Israeli Army spokesman acknowledged that 8 soldiers and those dealing with the Army were injured in Gaza during the past 24 hours, and all of them are in serious condition. Among the injured were a soldier from the Givati โ€‹โ€‹Brigade, north of Gaza, and two from the Golani Brigade in the Gaza border area, in addition to two soldiers from the โ€œYahlomโ€ unit, who were wounded in battles south of the Gaza Strip.

The spokeswoman for Beilinson Hospital admitted that 4 injured people were transported during the day, including hopeless and serious cases, to Beilinson by helicopter from the combat area

PFLP is traditionally bigger and more established afaik yes, DFLP has done a lot of attacks from 7oct so i think they're currently showing themselves as far more of a player than anyone seriously thought 12 months ago.
Really, i'd say it's all in flux anon. Only time will tell where the peaces land.
All the groups work together also from a unified command room and the 'Hamas negotions' are on negotiating points all factions have agreed too.
Not a stupid question at all btw.





Hezbollah operations 05/13/2024:
06:20: targeting the settling encampment and sleeping quarters of "israeli" enemy officers and soldiers at the newly established site of Reserve Artillery Battalion 403 of the 91st Division south of "Beit Hillel", through an aerial attack with a swarm of attack drones, resulting in deaths and injuries among enemy officers and soldiers.
10:35: after precise monitoring of "israeli" enemy movements at the "Yiftah" barracks, as a Merkava tank emerged from its hiding place and started moving, the fighters of the Islamic Resistance attacked it with a guided rocket, hitting it directly, destroying it, and killing and wounding its crew.
12:00: after precise monitoring of "israeli" enemy movements inside the "Birkat Risha" site, and when a number of soldiers moved, they were targeted by the fighters of the Islamic Resistance with artillery shells, resulting in direct hits.
13:00: the fighters of the Islamic Resistance set up a fiery ambush for a force of "israeli" enemy soldiers, and upon their arrival at the ambush point west of the "Branit" barracks, they were targeted by rocket weapons and artillery shells, inflicting confirmed injuries.
13:20: when a number of "israeli" enemy soldiers from the military assembly crew entered a room equipped with surveillance equipment next to the "Jardah" site, they were targeted by the fighters of the Islamic Resistance with guided weapons, destroying it and those inside were left dead and wounded.
17:05: targeting Al-Samaqa site in the occupied Lebanese Kafr Shuba Hills with rocket weapons, causing a direct hit.
22:50: targeting two buildings used by "israeli" enemy soldiers in the "Metulla" settlement with appropriate weapons, hitting them directly, in response to the enemy's attacks on the steadfast southern villages and civilian homes, most recently in the town of Al-Odaisseh.


>Ahmad's Sling


Bro why do you even have an instagram account



Look at those poor Israeli children.
Traumatized by 7/10.



Isn't this illegal in burgerstan? Noise complaints and what have you?


you need to differentiate between good noise (noice) and bad noise (terronoise)


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nothing is illegal in america when it comes to pushing zionism
it's perfectly legal in all 50 states to call for every single palestinian to be killed
it's illegal in 37 of those to boycott israel


It's okay when the Burger bourgeoisie does it!


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I know it gets said a lot here, but Israel really is just the Federation from Starship Troopers.




IOF used Palestinian children as human shields in West Bank: DCI

Israeli soldiers reportedly used three Palestinian children as human shields during violent raids in Tulkarm, West Bank, earlier this month, according to a Defense for Children International (DCI) report.

The children were forced to walk in front of occupation forces as they raided the alleyways of the Nur Shams refugee camp and the homes of Palestinians in its vicinity.

According to a report, Israeli soldiers allegedly used two Palestinian children as human shields by placing rifles on their shoulders and firing shots in two incidents.

A 13-year-old boy named Karim described how approximately 30 Israeli occupation soldiers raided his family's apartment on May 6, detaining them in one room and then forcing him to lead them through other rooms of the house.

"They took him to the stairs of the building, and they were accompanied by a huge police dog. While they were walking, one of the soldiers put his rifle on the child's right shoulder and fired two bullets at one of the building's apartments," DCI stated.

According to the report, Karim said he was "crying and shaking from fear" during the ordeal, adding, "Whenever I begged the soldiers, they would scream at me and ask me to be silent."

Karim also revealed that he was physically beaten and verbally abused during the ordeal.

"They beat me on my lower extremities and my back for about five minutes, and they were telling me that I was a terrorist," he said.

Another child, 12-year-old Mohammad, recounted how Israeli occupation forces separated him from his family during a raid on their apartment.

Subsequently, he was coerced to knock on neighbors' doors, urging them to leave.

The 12-year-old boy described feelings of fear, terror, and pain, and despite pleading with the occupation forces to release him, he was unsuccessful.

Mohammad also described how a soldier placed a rifle on his shoulder and fired multiple shots into the roof from the building's staircase.

Fourteen-year-old Ibrahim described a similar ordeal where his family home was raided on Monday morning. He was taken to a room where he faced threats of assault from Israeli occupation soldiers shouting at him in Arabic, according to the rights organization.

Ibrahim was subsequently handcuffed and forced to walk ahead of the soldiers in Tulkarm's al-Sawalma neighborhood. He expressed being "trembling from fear" throughout the incident, terrified that he would be arrested.

On its part, DCI stressed that "detaining children as human shields is considered a war crime committed by the Israeli army."

Moreover, the report underscored that since 2000, Israeli occupation forces have reportedly used 34 children as human shields in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.


It's antisemitic to say Palestinians aren't human animals.



since egypt is not a sovereign state, it does make you wonder if this is the us telling isn'treal to cool it with the genocide


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>funtes v hinkle
>pick your player


Interview with the head Thai negotiator from last year.
Haven't seen yet but already he has been very good in his interviews and he smacked down the BBC very well.


saddam fans only remember the last part where he was against america, not the first part where he was installed by america to prevent someone leftwing from getting taken over.


i heard an anne applebaum interview in 2021 on the radio, she is was one the most
goulish people imaginable.


But saddam was a communist


>Pan-Arab Ba'ath is communist
don't get me wrong, saddam is certainly preferable to iraq's current situation, but…


banger btw


>We wholeheartedly support Palestine and Hamas
Lol I love that guy. He's so based on this.
Was a long time high up Shinawatra party politician, ('Red Shirts', Rak Thai, Peoples Party, Pheu Thai, Matubhum, etc) but they all split from Pheu Thai Party to make Prachachart Party pretty recently.


nah hinkle is right hamas is a resistance force irregardless of the tactics they choose their armed struggle is justified by the existance of the occupation

they are also widely popular if elections happened today they would probably still win both in gaza and the west bank


Even if Egypt isn't sovereign, their politicians had to react or otherwise face bad polls.


Hink, obv


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Fuck off with these /isg/ characters.
Jackson Hinkle? Shitty off-brand Jason Hickel.


I remember the heinous amount Palestinians have to pay to cross the border and not get murdered by zionists. What the hell do egypts think of this war anyway? They're muslims for the most part, right?. How could they sell what they consider their own people off to zionists


Muslims don't lump all Muslims together the way western Islamophobes do lol. There's plenty of conflict between Muslim peoples. In the present day there's more national loyalty than "racial" or religious loyalty.


So other muslims would rather team up with genocidal jews than with their own? Lib mentality.


what you're looking for is something called pan-arabism, which was killed in the cradle by imperialists.


Yes, Muslims aren't a single hivemind with common goals like Orientalists want you to believe

Zionists won many wars thanks to Moroccan intel, Azerbaijan is the biggest ally of zionists in the region, Turkey was the first nation to recognize """israel"""


>either intervene to save Palestine or team up with Isreal
>these are the two possibilities
my man…


some salafi muslims are also sceptical or agnostic on the palatine issue
it would be interesting to know why. my guess is they're Saudi shills, or they think rebelling against governments is haram and bidah.


Nice strawman you got there. Did you come up with it on your own


egypt is a dictatorship where you can get killed if you protest, of course people want the gvt to do more but sisi wont allow it thats why you end up with random soldiers doing lonewolf attacks against idf or clandestine groups like the vanguards doing assasination on israeli glowies


>Jackson Hinkle? Shitty off-brand Jason Hickel.
WTF i never clocked this before.
American remakes of everything really do suck so fucking bad, jfc.


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Hezbollah shoots down an Israeli spy balloon…and the occupation conceals a โ€œdifficult incidentโ€ and acknowledges a death
On Tuesday, in one operation against the occupation, the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon targeted 3 targets linked to an Israeli spy balloon, in succession.

According to the resistance statement, in which it announced the implementation of this operation, the targets were: the balloon launch base, which was destroyed, the balloon control mechanism, which was completely destroyed, and the balloon management crew, which was directly hit, and its members were killed or injured.

The resistance confirmed that the targeting came after continuous tracking of the movement of the spy balloon, which the Israeli occupation raises over the โ€œAdmitโ€ settlement, with the aim of monitoring and spying on Lebanon, and after determining the location of its management and control.

She stressed that the operation comes in support of the steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, and in support of their resistance.

Hezbollah targeted the "801st" Brigade's headquarters in the Israeli "Maale Golan" barracks, with missile weapons, and the "Samaqa" site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills, with artillery shells, causing direct hits in them.

In response to the Israeli attacks on resistant southern villages and civilian homes, Hezbollah targeted buildings used by occupation soldiers in the Avivim and Al-Malikiyah settlements, with appropriate weapons.

>A blackout over a difficult incident in the north…and an acknowledgment of losses

In the occupation entity, Israeli media spoke of a โ€œdifficult incident subject to a complete blackout in the north,โ€ noting that censorship โ€œwill allow details to be published later.โ€

The Israeli Army spokesman acknowledged that the spy and surveillance balloon had been hit and crashed in Lebanon, while the occupation media indicated that direct hits had occurred in two homes in Metulla and another in Arab al-Aramsha, as a result of being targeted by anti-armor missiles.

Israeli media confirmed that an Israeli was killed and a soldier was seriously injured in Admit, while a fire broke out in the supply warehouse at the Tel Hashomer military base in Gush Dan.

The Israeli media pointed out that Hezbollah forced the occupation to evacuate sites, while it caused the destruction of observation posts, damage to the โ€œMeronโ€ air control base, and downed marches, explaining that all these losses are under supervision.

Meanwhile, settlers in Kiryat Shmona were asked to enter shelters and fortified rooms, for fear of launching missiles at them.

In the northern occupied Syrian Golan, sounds of explosions were heard, while sirens sounded, according to Israeli media.

The occupation media monitored the launching of several missiles towards โ€œMatulaโ€, โ€œAvivimโ€ and โ€œAl-Malikiyahโ€ in the Upper Galilee, within minutes.

>Hezbollah's statements and documentation of its operations strengthen its credibility

While Hezbollah continues its operations against the Israeli occupation in support of Gaza, documenting them in scenes published by its war media, Israeli media confirmed that โ€œthe army has turned into an army of cowards.โ€

She confirmed that Hezbollah has credibility that is reinforced by its statements, while the Israeli โ€œarmyโ€ spokesman practices a lot of propaganda and appears to be a liar.

>Continuing Israeli attacks on the south

For his part, Al-Mayadeen's correspondent in southern Lebanon reported that the camera of the Israeli spy balloon that fell in the vicinity of the town of Rmeish was now in the custody of the Lebanese army.

In parallel, Israeli attacks on southern Lebanese villages continue, with Israeli artillery shelling targeting the outskirts of the town of Hamoul, while occupation raids targeted the towns of Yaroun and Halta, according to what our correspondent reported.

Meanwhile, the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon mourned a martyr who rose on the road to Jerusalem, Hussein Abbas Issa, โ€œa stranger,โ€ from the southern town of Mays al-Jabal.


When did /int/ memes spill over into real life?


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anons this is fucking unreal
you couldn't script this
palestinians are the most fearless people I have ever seen


Imagine making your tanks slow and big and not supporting them with infantry to drive off saboteurs


Lmao. I read about that, glad it got a video.


Couldn't even win with every reactionary across yuroop (and Trump for some reason) agitating to vote for them.
Didn't even get the most televotes.
And Israel was audibly booed at every corner by the live crowd.
Zios are cooked.


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no way the average idf childkiller wouldnt be inside a cozy armored vehicle if they had the choice


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Wow he really sneaked by that Israeli Guard to lay his mine.
I really hope we get an interview with Gazan Solid Snake one day.
The genius move would have been to knock on the door of the APC but not everything can be perfect. :')


Bro. Inshallah many zionists died there


7months of war and idf still hasnt developed basic spatial awareness


longer vid I just got from reddit


Heres the vid without the text and watermarks. Can't upload it right now but the regular anon probably will later:


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Now this is the kind of Twitter post I can get behind


why doesn't she do it herself then.


Sorry about that Mr. FOIA Agent, didn't mean to make you almost work


Honestly I don't blame them, that'd be suicide in this urban environment.


Yeah, sorry I've been late today, had to do some other stuff, but I'll upload the video in a larger size in an hour or so.


>Yeah, sorry I've been late today, had to do some other stuff, but I'll upload the video in a larger size in an hour or so.
No probs anon, appreciated as always.


Zionist sources reported that a fire broke out at the "Tel Hashomer" IOF base near "Tel Aviv."

Palestinians living in the land occupied since 1948 held the 27th annual March of Return today, demanding the right of return for all Palestinian refugees to the land they were driven out of during the Nakba. The march was held in Housha and Al-Kasair, northern occupied Palestine.
Marchers chanted for martyred prisoner and icon of the Palestinian movement in the 1948-occupied lands Walid Daqqah: โ€œO Walid, you are the bullet and the voice! You are the one who challenged death!โ€

Forwarded from Palestine Action US:
We attacked the UC Office of the President in solidarity with the Palestinian Resistance. Using a fire extinguisher filled with red paint we covered the facade and smashed seven windows. Then, with access to the building, we released 500 cockroaches inside and emptied a second fire extinguisher onto the interior.

IOF helicopters are landing east of Rafah under the cover of smoke bombs and bombing to transport dead and wounded soldiers following fierce battles with the resistance, according to press sources.

Students at Liverpool John Moores University in England have occupied Leila Khaled's Hall (formerly "Tom Riley's Building") in solidarity with the Palestinian people, asking their community to join them.
In response to zionist crimes and in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle, in the face of the University's refusal to meet the demands of the Liverpool encampment, the students have launched an indefinite occupation of the building.


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Leila Khaled Hall.
kek. based


Ok the site is being extremely slow right now, so it might be a few more hours before the rest is uploaded.


I don't think they are "unsupported". They look like they're actually just parked, and that was just a guard.


The IOF army admits that 22 of its soldiers have been wounded in the past 24 hours including 15 in the Gaza Strip.

The IOF admits that 4 of its soldiers were seriously wounded today during battles with the resistance in the northern and southern Gaza Strip.
In the last few days, the IOF has admitted to 95 wounded soldiers as a result of battles in the Gaza Strip.

The IOF admits that 28 of its soldiers were wounded in recent hours during battles with the resistance in the Gaza Strip.

A settler was killed and five IOF soldiers were wounded as a result of Hezbollah's operation targeting "Adamit" this afternoon, according to the admission by IOF and zionist media.

Zionist media announces the critical injury to an IOF soldier in the โ€œAdamitโ€ barracks.


They frequently are unsupported based on all the other footage, including many recorded instances of fighters walking up and attaching charges



Pro-Palestinian activists in Athens, Greece announced the occupation of Nomikh Law School in the center of the city last night.
Today, protests denouncing the zionist genocide in Gaza also broke out outside the Egyptian embassy in Athens, coinciding with a sit-in at the University of Athens.

Activists in Brussels, Belgium have besieged and barricaded the zionist embassy. Belgian police are violently attempting to take down the barricades.

American-British warplanes bomb Hodeidah International Airport in western Yemen with 4 airstrikes.

Some of the most significant of the numerous operations carried out today:

In a complex operation, Al-Qassam fighters targeted a Merkava tank with a Al-Yassin 105 shell, killing and wounding its crew. Following this, our fighters eliminated 7 zionist soldiers who were behind the targeted vehicle at point-blank range, east of Jabalia camp in the northern Gaza Strip.

In a complex operation at the end of the School Street in Jabalia camp, northern Gaza Strip, Al-Qassam fighters targeted a special zionist force that had barricaded itself inside one of the houses with an anti-personnel shell. Immediately after the soldiers evacuated to the lower part of the house, they were targeted with an anti-personnel Ra'adiya explosive device, resulting them being killed and wounded.
Shortly after, a number of our fighters advanced towards the house and detonated an anti-personnel explosive at the entrance of the house, causing additional deaths and injuries among the soldiers. As an armored zionist force advanced to rescue the wounded and retrieve the dead, our fighters targeted a Merkava tank with an Al-Yassin 105 shell and blew up another Merkava tank with a Shuath explosive.


Hezbollah operations 05/14/2024:
13:10: after continuous monitoring of the movement of the spy balloon raised by the "israeli" enemy above the "Adamit" settlement for surveillance and espionage on Lebanon, and after identifying its management and control location, the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted three of its affiliated targets consecutively with rocket weapons its launch base, which was destroyed and from which the balloon escaped; its control vehicle, which was completely destroyed; and its management crew, who were directly hit, resulting in deaths and injuries.
14:35: buildings used by "israeli" enemy soldiers in the "Malakiyah" settlement were targeted with appropriate weapons in response to the enemyโ€™s attacks on the steadfast southern villages and civilian homes.
15:15: buildings used by "israeli" enemy soldiers in the "Avivim" settlement were targeted with appropriate weapons in response to the "israeli" enemyโ€™s attacks on the steadfast southern villages and civilian homes, the latest of which was in the town of Yaroun.
16:00: the headquarters of the 801st Brigade at the "Maale Golani" barracks was targeted with rocket weapons.
16:50: the Al-Samaqa site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills was targeted with artillery shells and hit directly.


The IOF admits to the death of one of its soldiers during battles in the southern Gaza Strip.

Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:
Day 221: Al-Qassam targets 18 vehicles and inflicts casualties on the enemy forces.
Al-Qassam Brigades continue for the 221st day in a row to confront the zionist forces invading several axes, resulting so far in the death of 620 officers and soldiers and the injury of more than 3,464 others, according to enemy army admissions. According to zionist hospital reports, which include occupation army data, more than 7,151 are wounded, in addition to destroying hundreds of vehicles completely or or partially. Additionally, they continued to shell enemy sites and settlements in the Gaza envelope and strike military gatherings on various axes of the incursion.
Since the first day on October 7th, the Al-Qassam Brigades have killed hundreds of soldiers and captured around 250 zionists. Al-Qassam rockets struck Ben Gurion Airport, Asqalan, Asdod, and military gatherings with large rocket barrages as part of the operations of the battle of Al-Aqsa Flood, launched by the order of Al-Qassam commander-in-chief, in defense of Al-Aqsa and sanctities, responding to the call of the women of Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa.
On Tuesday, 06 Dhul-Qi'dah 1445 AH, corresponding to May 14, 2024, the Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades' military media issued several military reports about our fighters confronting the enemy forces in several combat axes and continuing fierce clashes with enemy soldiers and vehicles using explosive devices and anti-armor and anti-personnel shells, in addition to continuing to bombard enemy military gatherings with rockets and mortars in various areas.
The military media published two videos showing scenes of Al-Qassam fighters engaging enemy soldiers and vehicles east of Jabalia camp in the northern Gaza Strip. The videos showed the targeting of several enemy vehicles with Al-Yassin 105 anti-tank shells, as well as targeting buildings where zionist forces had taken cover with anti-fortification TBG shells. The scenes also showed targeting of a zionist sniper who was barricaded in one of the houses with an anti-fortification shell, followed by armed clashes between our fighters and the zionist forces fortified inside the house.
The military media also broadcast a video of our fighters clashing with enemy soldiers and vehicles on combat axes east of Rafah city in the southern Gaza Strip. The scenes showed Al-Qassam fighters executing a complex operation targeting three zionist vehicles: detonating a Merkava tank and an armored personnel carrier with Shuath explosives at point-blank range, and targeting the third tank with an Al-Yassin 105 shell. Other scenes showed several zionist vehicles on fire and the explosion of a tunnel entrance on a zionist engineering unit attempting to enter it. The lens of Al-Qassam documented an enemy helicopter evacuating dead and wounded zionists.
This evening, the military media released a new clip titled "Mountains of Gaza" produced by the Al-Qassam Brigades' military choir, starting with words from the Al-Qassam military spokesman Abu Obeida, who said: "Our resistance in Gaza is as steadfast as the mountains of Palestine, where there are no mountains in Gaza except its heroic men, great people, and brave, faithful fighters."
[I do not post songs]
The lyrics of the anthem carry messages of steadfastness and challenge to the defeated Nazi enemy and its army, and messages of loyalty and devotion to our patient, enduring Palestinian people. The new clip also included accompanying scenes showing the courage and valor of Al-Qassam fighters during their clashes with zionist forces, targeting their vehicles and tanks with Al-Yassin shells and explosive devices, and hunting their soldiers and officers in qualitative sniping operations during the resistance against the aggression on various axes of combat and incursion.
The battle of Al-Aqsa Flood began at dawn on Saturday, October 7, 2023, with a series of operations by fighters storming settlements and military sites of the Gaza envelope by land, sea, and air, killing and capturing hundreds of zionist soldiers and settlers.



Another kino melee.
Interestingly you can see an RPG hit from a non-frontal angle here and notice that it was a direct hit that wasn't intercepted by the trophy system.
With shots filmed from the launcher's POV, there's some degrees of unfalsifiablity and plausibility when it comes to whether if it was intercepted or not, which Israeli dickriders like to cope with. Not with this one though.
Isn't two people firing close to one another unoptimal and potentially dangerous? The two guys in the last clip did it best.


Cardiff University students have occupied the space in front of the main university building in to demand divestment. The University has made a cowardly display, barring everyone from entering the building in order to deprive us of toilets and water. They deny that the protest is anything but a supposed mob. A jet powered helicopter flew around last night making many circles for about an hour, waking many people up. I can only guess it was a police action to disrupt the protest as there is no other reason a helicopter would be flying really low around for such a long time, and spending so much time hovering over the campsite. This low tactic has not worked as spirits are extremely high despite sleep deprevation. Everyone works for the good of the camp, it is highly organised and there is cooking for demonstrators in the evening. The police make their rounds around the area constantly but their presence only makes us more excited. Last night there were many calls to spread the intifada from Gaza to Wales.


Godspeed, fight the good fight!


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Stop learning history from neolib youtube and MAGAcommies, retard.
Do you have any idea who was in charge before Hasan Bakr and Saddam took over in a bloodless coup? It was hardline nationalists headed by the Arif brothers, who overthrew the first republic and processed to cleanse leftists from the country. First thing Ba'athists did after coming to power was compromise with communists and Kurds with Soviet mediation because they wanted to focus on industrialization instead of the military. This pissed off Kissinger who armed Iran with the most advanced toys and funded Kurds with Israel to destabilize Iraq.
Iraqi Ba'athists weren't communists, they were anti-communist in fact but they still mog the fuck out of the national bourgeoisie that leftists dickride all day. Iraq's crime was being more radical than Iran and Syria that's why we take every propaganda against it as fact, don't want to piss off those who we "critically support".
I know a friend who knew where she lives but was too nervous to talk to her so he ended up throwing a rock at her window to take a glimpse at her and run away.


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>>Jackson Hinkle? Shitty off-brand Jason Hickel.

>Jason Hickel is a 4 eyed cunt pushing degrowth

>No wonder leftypol loves him


Degrowth is such a ideological cancer, nothing has damaged the environmental politics in the west more.



Jason Hickel is fantastic, his empirical work showing the data on imperialism, specifically unequal exchange and the drain of wealth, also his work discrediting steven pinker and bill gates on poverty


>unequal exchange
That is a liberal concept made up to attack socialist countries with. Trade is not imperialism.


>unequal exchange
>liberal concept
Retard. Equal trade goes directly against free trade, which liberals so love. It's is through these heavily one-side trade agreements that the imperial core exploits and drains the host countries of resources and labor.


Shut up chinless basement cunt

>That is a liberal concept made up to attack socialist countries with. Trade is not imperialism.
Statements have no inherent truth value, and asserting neoliberal values does not make Maggie Thatcher notice you.




How many dead zionists today?


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>Pro-Palestinian activists in Athens, Greece announced the occupation of Nomikh Law School in the center of the city last night.
Embarassingly slow TBH.
I was expecting Athens/Thessaloniki occupations in solidarity just out of a reflex action on the part of the students tbh.


This is a Jason Hickel thread.
You have to go back, infracel.


>he still believes trophy is real
lmao. leftypol being next level retarded still


You underestimate Subcon faggots in general. I'm saying this as an Indian.


idk who this is but "degrowth" in the first world is the only way to actually deal with climate change and general environmental spiralling. its not some luddite shit about halting any development or technological progress, its ultimately just a demand to rationally allocate resources in accordance with reality. i dont know why /leftypol/ recoils so much at the idea. even minimal measures like just streamlining energy production in the first world & forcing strict regulations on the scale of livestock operations would go a long way. "degrowth" is a bullshit term anyway because it takes for granted the very teleological linear progress its fundamentally disputing, but yes "growth" in the sense of perpetual uncoordinated expansion of industry as it exists now, without very purposeful measures taken strongly to reduce ecological impact, is absolutely necessary


Because leftypol has no idea what socialism is beyond " based authoritarian state doing things that I LIKE "
People overwhelmingly, not even leftists, actually give a single fuck about environmentalism or climate. It polls well but only because people just want the problems to be technologically magicked away, and that's basically why you get this dismissiveness of degrowth. Because they're ignorant urban/suburban shutins who dont actually know a fucking thing about the world.


stop engaging with infracels trying to derail the thread over some unrelated disagreement with a critic of imperialism


Anon that guy 100% didn't read that book or i doubt even the synopsis, he seen title had 'bad word' and came here to denounce.
It's literally just 'twitter posting but on leftypol', idk maybe he got banned there or something. Really not worthy of anything but derision at best.
Polite sage for off-topic, let us move on.


Interesting it was an Indian UN worker, speculated it was India at the time as whichever country it was at the time had leaked the story informally or made any admonishment of the IDF.
>UN informed Israel of vehicle fatally hit in Gaza
The United Nations says it informed Israeli authorities of the movements of a vehicle carrying UN staff that was hit in southern Gaza, killing an Indian army colonel.

One UN security services member, Colonel Waibhav Kale, was killed and another wounded in the attack on Monday, marking the first death of a UN international employee in the Palestinian territory since the war began more than seven months ago.

โ€œWe are deeply saddened by the loss of Colonel Waibhav Kale, working for the UN Department of Safety and Security [DSS] in Gaza,โ€ UN spokesperson Rolando Gomez told a media briefing.

โ€œThe UN informs Israeli authorities of the movement of all of our convoys. That has been the case in any theatre of operation. This is a standard operating procedure. This was the case yesterday morning so we have informed them. And it was a clearly marked UN vehicle.โ€

When asked about the attack, the Israeli military said it had โ€œnot been made aware of the route of the vehicleโ€.

โ€œThe incident is under review,โ€ it added.


trophy is real but it has a minimum range (like at least 100m). Its made to counter ATGM not a guy with a rpg in an urban environment



Unfortunately libs have astroturfed degrowth to push their psychotic malthusianism. So many parasitic bourgeois pleasure industries like casinos, resorts, private travel, now space tourism, require hordes of servants who obviously need to live and eat nearby. So now millions of people are living in butt fuck nowhere and need all their food and shit driven in. It's like Versailles, but scaled 1000x, it's a cancer on the planet.

Libs in their delusional commitment to capital, suggest culling the servants to make way for "eco friendly robots" that won't need food or housing. Obviously very unbased.


two retards fighting
hink is broken clock syndrome tho


Our encampment was successful and the faculty accepted our terms of dissolving it. It got some new faces in our movement now and a lot of political credibility to our socialist student organization. So much so, that now an ideological struggle with the anarchist is brewing. They're mad we didn't escalate when we reached our (for our capacities) reasonable goal. Calling us Blanquists and traitors (lol). We're planning to actually organize and give ideological training to new recruits before we go head first against the state.


But I want to have so many cars in the road I can't walk and so many tourists flying around I can't see the sky and using so much water in plastic bottles till all the earth is sawn in plastic.

Fuck mass transportation, fuck anything sustainable. More growth baby! Less leizure more work! Those profits MUST be sustained!


Sounds like the anarchists have a point tbh. Maybe you should at least ensure that the agreement is honored before you dissolve the encampment.


Oh btw, since I am european and there is no oil and gas here anymore, I want Russia to collapse so I can take it


We did. There are mechanisms we've put in place.


The IOF admits that one of its officers was seriously wounded, and two other soldiers moderately wounded, during battles with the resistance in the northern Gaza.

The IOF admits that 23 soldiers were wounded during battles with the resistance in the Gaza Strip in the last 24 hours.

"Beilinson" Hospital in "Tel Aviv" announced the death of a contractor working with the IOF as a result of resistance fire at "Kerem Shalom" base near the Gaza.

Zionist media reports on a difficult security incident that afflicted the 98th Paratroopers Division of the IOF in the northern Gaza Strip following RPG fire, asking for prayers from settlers.
A preliminary casualty estimate from zionist media is 15 wounded soldiers, including 6 in critical condition. 6 ambulances are awaiting the wounded at "Shaare Zedek" hospital in Al Quds. The event is under military censorship by the IOF.

At least 5 IOF soldiers were killed in the ambush by the resistance that took place in the northern Gaza Strip moments ago, according to zionist media. Over 15 soldiers were wounded, with at least 9 in critical condition.

IOF helicopters are continuing to transport wounded IOF soldiers following the major resistance ambush in Jabalia in the northern Gaza Strip earlier today, where 20 IOF soldiers were killed and wounded, with at least 5 killed and 9 in critical condition.
A building planted with explosives was reportedly blown up on an entire IOF force.

Al-Manar reports that dozens of rockets have been fired towards "Meron" and that the "Branit" IOF barracks have been targeted by Burkan missiles.
Zionist sources report multiples sounds of explosions in "Meron."
Over 30 rockets have been fired and at least 15 have made direct impact in the settlement.

[There was a large amount of footage released today, and the onion site is being frustratingly slow, which means it will probably take some time to upload it all. Apologies for the wait.]


What mechanisms?


>Zionist media reports on a difficult security incident that afflicted the 98th Paratroopers Division of the IOF in the northern Gaza Strip following RPG fire, asking for prayers from settlers.
Ha ha ha. Prayers ain't gonna save them.


How about thoughts?


>some salafi muslims are also sceptical or agnostic on the palatine issue … it would be interesting to know why. my guess is they're Saudi shills, or they think rebelling against governments is haram and bidah.
It's possible. I don't know enough about the religious justifications but hostility to Iran is a real thing emanating from Saudi elite circles who monopolize communication and information in Saudi Arabia. The Axis of Resistance is characterized in Saudi media as an extension of Iranian imperialism that threatens the destruction of the Arab world and seize Arab territory, and then that gets mixed with religious arguments, which makes Iran "evil," and so therefore, soon my friend the great ghazwa will begin and the sword of Saad bin Abi Waqqas will deliver the final blow to the Safavid/sassanid/rafidi/Khomeini hydra. Just like the good old days at the battle of Nihawand!


>How about thoughts?
The last coherent thought they had was about 8 months ago something about Gaza being 'contained' and Hamas being 'sufficiently deterred'.
It's very much over anon.


How about thoughts and prayers at the same time? I haven't tried it since the Obama Administration but I bet I could manage it!


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>How about thoughts and prayers at the same time?
That's the next gambit, they have a ritual prepared to make sure the thoughts are sufficiently prayed, they've just got to get the red heifers ready.


Ba'athist Iraq wasn't anticommunist



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>Hague puts up job postings for hebrew translators
diplomatic terrorism alert


What's stopping Israel from just leaving the UN and withdrawing from all international agreements and treaties like the genocide convention? They've repeatedly demonstrated they don't value or care for them so why bother keeping kayfabe? They don't care about the pressure they're putting the US and Europe under either because both are willing to follow Israel no matter what it does save for Spain and Ireland


Those international agreements include such valuable services as special "heckin doggo" status and symbolic protection, free trade (to the extent that bilateral agreements have not double-struck WTO rules), and police coordination. I guess none of that really works in their favor rn


Not enough


>What's stopping Israel from just leaving the UN and withdrawing from all international agreements and treaties like the genocide convention?
They'd lose the right to complain about "atrocities" being done by KKKhamas since they'd no longer be protected by any of that stuff. Which is interesting because the comments made by the White House about the ICJ were that they don't have "jurisdiction" over Israel. Which basically implies that sort of withdrawal (not that idiotic statements by the WH press sec about this mean fucking anything lol)


The average intensity of labour changes from country to country; here it is greater, there less. These national averages form a scale, whose unit of measure is the average unit of universal labour. The more intense national labour, therefore, as compared with the less intense, produces in the same time more value, which expresses itself in more money.

But the law of value in its international application is yet more modified by the fact that on the world-market the more productive national labour reckons also as the more intense, so long as the more productive nation is not compelled by competition to lower the selling price of its commodities to the level of their value.

In proportion as capitalist production is developed in a country, in the same proportion do the national intensity and productivity of labour there rise above the international level.
(Sage for off-topic.)


Hezbollah operations 05/15/2024:
11:35: the headquarters of the 91st Division in the "Branit" barracks was targeted with heavy Burkan rockets, resulting in direct hits and the partial destruction of the barracks. This was in response to the assassination carried out by the "israeli" enemy in southern Lebanon.
12:00: the newly established technical systems and surveillance equipment at the radar site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms were targeted with appropriate weapons, resulting in direct hits and their destruction.
12:00: the headquarters of the Air Surveillance Unit in the Meron base was targeted with dozens of Katyusha rockets, heavy rockets, and artillery shells, hitting both old and new equipment and disabling parts of them completely. This was also in response to the assassination carried out by the "israeli" enemy in southern Lebanon.
16:58: the Al-Samaqa site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills was targeted with rocket weapons, resulting in direct hits.
17:00: the Ras Al-Naqoura naval site was targeted with artillery shells, resulting in direct hits.
19:50: an aerial attack was launched using several attack drones on the "Ilaniya" base west of Tabariyya, targeting part of the comprehensive surveillance and detection system of the Air Force. The specified targets were hit accurately, achieving the intended objectives of this limited operation.

An explosive drone struck, damaged, and started a fire at a site near the "Golani Junction" east of occupied Tabariyya in northern occupied Palestine, travelling over 50km from the Lebanese-Palestinian border without detection, according to zionist media. Another drone is suspected in the area.


One of the most significant operations among the dozens carried out today:

In a complex operation in Block 4 in Jabalia camp, north of Gaza Strip, Al-Qassam fighters targeted a D9 military bulldozer with an Al-Yassin 105 shell and attacked a zionist force that had fortified itself inside one of the houses with two anti-personnel shells, engaging in combat with it.
As soon as the rescue force advanced to the location, a Shuath explosive device was detonated on a Merkava tank. After attempts to retrieve the equipment of the targeted force scattered on the ground, the zionist air force savagely bombed the site, and our fighters confirmed the killing of at least 12 soldiers in the operation.

The IOF is carrying out a massive series of incursions in the West Bank at this moment. Invasions have been reported in:
<The city of Tulkarem, where armed clashes between the resistance and IOF have broken out and the IOF is storming money exchange shops.
>The city of Tubas, where armed clashes between the resistance and IOF have broken out.
<Asira, north of Nablus.
<Kafr Saba in Qalqilya, where one Palestinian has been wounded by IOF bullets.
>Janata, east of Bethlehem and Husan, west of Bethlehem, where the IOF have raided a money exchange shop.
<Ramallah and Al-Bireh.
>Kafr Rai', southwest of Jenin.


Islamic Resistance in Iraq:
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
"Permission [to fight] has been granted to those who are being fought, because they were wronged. And indeed, Allah is competent to give them victory."
In continuation of our path to resisting the occupation, in support of our people in Gaza, and in response to the massacres committed by the usurping entity against Palestinian civilians, including children, women, and the elderly, the fighters of the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, at dawn today Wednesdays, 15/5/2024, targeted vital targets in our occupied lands in the areas of Wadi Areeha and the "Nevatim" Airbase in Bir Al-Sabi', using Arqab advanced cruise missiles.
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq confirms its continuation in striking the enemy's strongholds.
"And victory is only from Allah. Indeed, Allah is Mighty and Wise."
Islamic Resistance in Iraq
Wednesday - 6 Dhu Al-Qi'dah 1445 AH


National Resistance Brigades (Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces) spokesman Abu Khaled:
Our heroic fighters continue to confront the enemy forces, delivering painful blows and destroying their tanks and vehicles.
Commander Abu Khaled, spokesperson for the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces (the military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine), issued a military statement announcing that the heroic fighters of the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces continue their resistance against the "israeli" enemy forces, delivering painful blows, destroying their vehicles and tanks, and inflicting severe casualties among the enemy army and its officers, both dead and wounded.
Commander Abu Khaled dedicated these heroic operations, on behalf of the leadership of the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces, to the memory of the national leader, a member of the Political Bureau of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine [Talal Abu Zarifa] and to the memory of the member of the leadership of the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces, the military commander Mahmoud Hamami. Here are the details:
1. The fighters of the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces fought fierce battles against the "israeli" enemy forces on the eastern axes of Rafah City, using machine guns and anti-personnel shell, causing deaths and injuries among their ranks.
2. The fighters of the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces ambushed one of the enemy's patrols on the eastern axes of Rafah, detonating a Nazzal explosive among them, causing deaths and injuries among the patrol members.
3. Our heroic fighters succeeded in detonating an explosive device on the axis of advance in the Brazilian neighborhood of Rafah, in one of the "israeli" enemy's troop carriers, causing severe damage and inflicting deaths and injuries among those inside.
4. Our fighters engaged in fierce battles with an enemy foot patrol on George Street in the Al-Jenina neighborhood, east of the city of Rafah, inflicting deaths and injuries among them.
5. The artillery unit of the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces targeted gatherings of enemy forces near the airport east of the city of Rafah with heavy mortars, hitting their targets and causing losses among the enemy.
6. The Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces confronted the "israeli" enemy forces in a fierce battle near Hassan Al-Banna Mosque in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, east of Gaza City, using machine guns, shells, and short-range 107 mm rockets, causing casualties among the enemy.
7. The Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces succeeded in destroying a Merkava tank in Jabalia Camp, east of Gaza City, causing severe damage and inflicting casualties among those inside.
Commander Abu Khaled announced that the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces dedicate their heroic and successful operations to the memory of the national leader, member of the Political Bureau of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Talal Abu Zarifa, and to the memory of the member of the leadership of the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces, the martyred military commander Mahmoud Hammami.
Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces โ€“ The Military Wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Military Media



The Israeli website Yedioth Ahronoth reported that fighters from the 82nd Battalion spotted a weapon barrel coming out of a building, and fired two shells at it, without knowing that it was the field headquarters of the deputy commander of the 202nd Paratroopers Battalion.

>The website indicated that the initial investigation revealed that the Israeli armored force mistakenly thought they were Palestinian fighters.

Ahhhahahaha hahaha


The IOF is reportedly withdrawing from Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, northern Gaza, after a military operation which lasted 6 days.
The forces destroyed the only clinic in Al-Zaytoun neighborhood and 3 schools before their withdrawal, according to Al-Mayadeen. The forces targeted the UNRWA clinic in Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, and 7 displaced people ascended to martyrdom.
Fierce clashes are ongoing between the resistance and the occupation in Jabalia Al-Balad and the camp in the northern Gaza Strip.

The IOF army admits that 5 of its soldiers were killed and 16 others were injured in a building explosion in Jabalia, northern Gaza, yesterday.

At least 3 IOF soldiers have been injured after they were run over by a vehicle in Haifa, northern occupied Palestine.


Yemeni Armed Forces:
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
The Almighty said: "O you who have believed, if you support Allah, He will support you and plant firmly your feet."
This is the truth of Allah Almighty.
In support of the oppressed Palestinian people and in response to the American-British aggression on our country:
The Naval Forces of the Yemeni Armed Forces carried out a military operation targeting the American destroyer "Mason" in the Red Sea with a number of appropriate naval missiles, and the hit was accurate, thanks be to Allah.
Meanwhile, the Naval Forces, the Missile Force, and the drone force of the Armed forces carried out a joint operation targeting the ship "Destiny" in the Red Sea, and the hit was accurate, thanks to Allah.
The targeting of the ship came after it violated the decision to ban the passage of ships heading to the ports of occupied Palestine by heading to the port of Umm Al-Rashrash ("Eilat") on April 20th last month using deception and camouflage, claiming it was heading to another port. However, it was under surveillance and follow-up by our Armed Forces, and warnings were directed to it not to enter the ports of occupied Palestine. It insisted on violating the ban decision, thus it became on the list of targeted and prohibited ships from sailing in the operational area of the Yemeni Armed Forces.
The Yemeni Armed Forces, with the help of Allah and then with the support and endorsement of our great Yemeni people and all the free people of the nation, are continuing to carry out their military operations in support of the oppressed Palestinian people and in defense of dear Yemen. These operations will not cease until the siege is lifted and the aggression against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is stopped.
And God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs, the best protector, and the best helper.
Long live Yemen, free, honorable, and independent.
Victory to Yemen and all the free people of the nation.
Sanaa, 7th Dhu al-Qi'dah 1445 AH
Corresponding to May 15, 2024
Issued by the Yemeni Armed Forces


> 19:50: an aerial attack was launched using several attack drones on the "Ilaniya" base west of Tabariyya, targeting part of the comprehensive surveillance and detection system of the Air Force. The specified targets were hit accurately, achieving the intended objectives of this limited operation.

> An explosive drone struck, damaged, and started a fire at a site near the "Golani Junction" east of occupied Tabariyya in northern occupied Palestine, travelling over 50km from the Lebanese-Palestinian border without detection, according to zionist media. Another drone is suspected in the area.

Damn, has Hezbollah attacked so deep into Israeli territory before? Their targets have always been close to the border, as far as I know.


>Damn, has Hezbollah attacked so deep into Israeli territory before? Their targets have always been close to the border, as far as I know.
One of, if not the deepest.
Most are 15KM max but their have been deeper to with some regularity to hit bases and so on.
Attacks are certainly becoming larger, more comon and deeper with time.


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Quint Ambassadors say 'Lebanon can't afford to wait another month'
After more than 18 months of presidential void in Lebanon, the ambassadors of Egypt, France, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United States reemphasized Thursday in a joint statement the dire situation facing the Lebanese people and the irreversible implications of delaying the crucial reforms on Lebanonโ€™s economy and social stability. "Lebanon cannot afford to wait another month," they said.

"The country needs and deserves a president who unites the nation, prioritizes the well-being of its citizens, and forms a broad and inclusive coalition to restore political stability and implement necessary economic reforms. The election of a president is also needed to ensure that Lebanon has a seat at the table in regional discussions and to conclude a future diplomatic deal on Lebanonโ€™s southern border," the statement said.

Last month, the Quint Ambassadors concluded their meetings with the major Lebanese political blocs to discuss the ongoing presidential void. The Quint Ambassadorsโ€™ discussions with the political blocs showed that the blocs agree on the urgent need to elect a president and are ready to participate in a renewed effort to achieve this outcome, some as early as the end of May 2024, the ambassadors said.

Consequently, the Quint Ambassadors said they believe that consultations, that are limited in scope and duration, between the political blocs are needed to end the current political stalemate.

"These consultations should aim only to identify a widely agreed-upon candidate or a short list of candidates for the presidency."

"Immediately following conclusion of these consultations, Members of Parliament would go to an open electoral session in Parliament with multiple rounds until the election of a new president," the ambassadors said, as they called upon the Lebanese Parliamentarians to proceed with consultations and to fulfill their constitutional responsibility to elect a president.

Egypt, France, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United States reiterated their united position to support the Government and people of Lebanon, as expressed in the Doha statement issued last July.

They reaffirmed their commitment to respect Lebanonโ€™s sovereignty and constitution and maintains their honest and neutral efforts to help Lebanon to emerge from its current crises and restore its political and economic soundness.

The Quint Ambassadors said they stand ready to witness and facilitate the suggested political consultations in tandem with ongoing Lebanese efforts and initiatives from all the Lebanese parties and stakeholders, including the Moderation Bloc.


>The country needs and deserves a president who unites the nation, prioritizes the well-being of its citizens, and forms a broad and inclusive coalition to restore political stability and implement necessary economic reforms
Neoliberalism sticking its mutilated dick in, every single time


Look at this! Look! It's a fucking mess anon.
Neoliberalism is what Lebanon has in spades so your reason not to want reforms is obscenely silly.
There is a push in organized Lebanese civil society for debt forgiveness both domestically and internationally which will probably be an inevitability because of the literal inability to ever be able to pay.


What is the Lebanese CP doing? I like their anthem.


How long until they start attacking the port of Haifa?


Fucking disgusting. Filthy vultures feeding off a helpless body. I wish MENA had a socialist bloc that could've helped uplift Lebanon through revolution. Meanwhile there isn't a single socialist country in the world let alone the region.


Neoliberalism is just misunderstood anyway. Its why leftists never win. The neolibs are calculating as fuck compared to you people. They deserve the W.


Thanks. Nobody asked.


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>was crushing your economy every decade part of your plan?


News anon here, I'm well behind on posting because the onion site is being extremely slow. There's about 15 videos from today and yesterday I plan to post but it is going frustratingly slowly. If I can't make any more progress in uploading them I'll just give up and upload them to fileditch.com and link them in the posts or something similar.


>your reason not to want reforms
I want reforms. Communist reforms. Now kill yourself for loving capitalism.




Internal rift grows as Gallant challenges Netanyahu on post-war plans

Israeli Security Minister Yoav Gallant on Wednesday sparked controversy by publicly voicing his opposition to Prime Minister Netanyahu's post-war strategy of establishing an Israeli military presence in the Gaza Strip.

The comments came shortly after Netanyahu posted a video online in which he declared that any discussion of post-war Gaza is meaningless unless the Palestinian Resistance is defeated. "Until it becomes clear that Hamas doesn't rule Gaza militarily, no actor will be ready to accept upon himself the civil rule of Gaza out of fear for his own safety," Netanyahu said.

During a press conference, Gallant told reporters that when the war on Gaza broke out, he attempted to promote a blueprint for an alternative Gaza administration "solely made up of Palestinians". But these efforts "got no response," he said, adding that such plans for a permanent Israeli presence are a "negative and dangerous option for Israel, from a strategic, military and security point of view."

"I will not accept the establishment of an Israeli military presence in Gaza," he said. "Israel must not exercise civilian control in Gaza."

"I call on the prime minister to announce that Israel will not rule over Gaza militarily," Gallant added. "An alternative to Hamas governance should be established … Indecision will erode the military gains (of the war)."

Several key extremist figures within Netanyahu's regime expressed outrage over the matter, with some likening his stance to being supportive of Palestinian statehood.

"Gallant declared his support today for the establishment of a terrorist Palestinian state," remarked Minister of Intelligence Bezalel Smotrich. "It is up to the government to decide, and it is up to Gallant to decide whether he will work or return the keys," Smotrich said.

Israeli Police Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, on his part, called on removing Gallant from his position.

"According to Gallant, there is no difference whether the IDF soldiers will rule in Gaza or whether Hamas murderers will rule there. This is the essence of the security minister's concept, which failed on October 7 and continues to fail now. Such a security minister must be replaced in order to achieve the goals of the war," Ben-Gvir wrote in a tweet.

Knowing that the Palestinian Resistance cannot be defeated, "Israel's" army has been under extreme pressure on part of the executive.

Yet, despite the heavy losses suffered by the Israeli forces, Netanyahu and his extremist cabinet seem to be downplaying the significance of these defeats.

Israeli War Cabinet Benny Gants, on the other hand, said that security minister Gallant spoke the truth' about Gaza post-war Planning.

After "Israel" began its invasion of Rafah earlier this month, the US decided to suspend deliveries of weapons, citing the lack of a clear plan to evacuate civilians.

This has added further strain on the military which is currently battling a multi-front war.

Biden to send $1 billion more in weapons, ammo to 'Israel'

The Biden administration informed key lawmakers that will provide "Israel" with more than $1 billion in additional arms and ammunition, according to what three congressional aides told the Associated Press on May 14. However, it is still unclear when these weapons will be delivered.

The $1 billion package will include about $700 million for tank ammunition, $500 million in tactical vehicles, and $60 million in mortar rounds, the congressional aides told AP on the condition of anonymity.

According to AP, it was not indicated when these arms will be delivered and it is unclear if this shipment was the latest part from an existing arms sale or if it is new. However, the two congressional aides said that it is not part of the long-delayed foreign aid package that Congress passed and US President Joe Biden signed in April.

The plans for the $1 billion weapons package to "Israel" were initially reported by The Wall Street Journal.

Since Biden's administration put an arms transfer consisting of 3,500 bombs of up to 2,000 pounds each on hold this month, this is the first arms shipment to "Israel" to be revealed.


>News anon here, I'm well behind on posting because the onion site is being extremely slow.
Based news anon. Why is the onion so slow? Have mods said anything?


Pretty quiet here but it's really outstanding how badly it's going for the IDF in Raffah.
Exactly what i said would happen happened, the resistance had the whole area trapped with all the areas that could be used for stationing being zero'd in for mortars and rockets whilst Hezbollahs attacks become more numerous and deadly. Israeli society and media is VERY tense at the moment.
How does this end? What happens to Israeli society? How does it take the wound of this loss?
Was going to upload a few myself but gave up after the reason you said plus the videos being so long and numerous over the last couple of days.


What are the odds the IDF goes full retard and levels the whole place?


That's what they've been doing since October 8th


Don't worry no one is going to read your text walls, half of which being IRGC fanfic.


I mean like, without the pussyfooting, just scorched earth blowing it all up shit guaranteed to get everyone to invade them.


tor is slow in general because of how it works. videos can be a lot of data to upload.


Urban warfare takes a while no matter how cruel and stupid you are


Just carpet bomb it lmao?


>Just carpet bomb it lmao?
You sound dumb or under-age.
Please go and shit up somewhere else instead.


I do read them, but then Im not an illiterate glowing retard which consider them "text walls"


Just nuke it lmao???


ain denies port call for ship carrying arms to Israel
Spain has refused permission for an Israel-bound ship carrying arms to call at the southeastern port of Cartagena, Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares says.

Albares confirmed reports the Marianne Danica vessel is carrying a cargo of arms to Israel and requested permission to dock at Cartagena on May 21. He said refusing permission was consistent with Spainโ€™s policy to ban the exports of all arms to Israel since the outbreak of the war in Gaza in October.

โ€œWe have detected this ship, we have refused to allow it to dock, and I can tell you that this will be a consistent policy with any ship carrying Israeli arms and arms cargo that wants to dock in Spanish ports,โ€ Albares told reporters in Brussels.

Marianne Danica is carrying nearly 27 tonnes of explosive material from Madras, India, the El Pais newspaper reported.

Israel to abolish free trade deal with Turkey in retaliatory move
Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich says Israel will abolish its free trade agreement with Turkey and also impose a 100 percent tariff on other imports in retaliation for Turkish President Tayyip Erdoganโ€™s decision to halt exports to Israel.

The plan, he said, would be submitted to the cabinet for approval.

Earlier this month, Turkey said it was stopping exports to Israel during the duration of Israelโ€™s war on Gaza citing a โ€œworsening humanitarian tragedyโ€ in the Palestinian territory.

โ€œHis [Erdoganโ€™s] announcement of the stoppage of imports to Israel constitutes a declaration of an economic boycott and a serious violation of international trade agreements to which Turkey has committed,โ€ Smotrich said in a statement.

He noted Israelโ€™s actions would only last as long as Erdogan remained in power. โ€œIf, at the end of Erdoganโ€™s term, the citizens of Turkey elect a leader who is sane and not a hater of Israel, it would be possible to return the trade route with Turkey.โ€

Israel shooting itself in the foot again wrt Turkey, it would have been happy to turn the taps back on after the end of the Gaza situation and the party of Erdogan got it's votes.




>โ€œIf, at the end of Erdoganโ€™s term, the citizens of Turkey elect a leader who is sane and not a hater of Israel, it would be possible to return the trade route with Turkey.โ€

Why can't Israelis ever understand that the whole region fucking despises them? They look at the grovelling autocrats and consistently assume that the populace feels the same way. There's no universe where Erdogan's successor finds popular support to re-establish trade. Israel can only, and will only ever be able to, 'normalize' with tyrants

>'normalized' relations with Egypt

>Egyptian populace is frothing at the mouth and shoot Israeli businessmen in broad daylight


>tor is slow in general
I'll rephrase for retards.
>No other tor addresses are slow
>The /leftypol/ tor address has been extremely slow for the last 4 days
>It was not slow before that
Have the mods said anything about it?


>There's no universe where Erdogan's successor finds popular support to re-establish trade.
Erdo's main rivals are CHP Kemalists who love Israel and hate Islam. His other opponents are Kurdish separatists who on the one hand try to distance themselves from Israel publicly but at the same time want Israel to back them against Erdo, Syria, Iran etc. and back the idea of creating a Kurdish state modeled on Israel. Even the AKP is lukewarm when it comes to Israel. They break off relations and scream whenever Israel does something dramatic, then normalize and start trading again when things cool down.


Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine mourns its fighter comrade, Samer Abdul Rahman Mohammed Al-Karnab, a member of its Central Committee in the Gaza Strip, who was martyred in a cowardly zionist assassination on the morning of Thursday, 16/5/2024, at Al-Awda Roundabout in the city of Rafah.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:
The Popular Front mourns its Central Committee member in Gaza, comrade Samer Al-Karnab, who was martyred in a cowardly "israeli" zionist assassination crime.
With great pride and honor, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine mourns to the masses of our people, on behalf of its Secretary-General, his deputy, and all its members at home and abroad, its Central Committee member in Gaza, comrade fighter Samer Abdul Rahman Mohammed Al-Karnab, 42 years old. He was martyred this morning in a cowardly "israeli" zionist assassination crime at the Al-Awda roundabout in Rafah city.
Front extends its deepest condolences to his family, comrades, and loved ones, affirming that it has lost a dedicated comrade who never left the field during the aggression, volunteering to serve his people and the displaced, and taking initiative at all organizational and community levels.
Our comrade joined the ranks of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in 1996, progressing through its party and militant ranks, reaching the Central Committee membership in Gaza for two consecutive terms, fighting in the ranks of the Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, and then in the Popular Protection Committees, defending our people and confronting the continuous "israeli" zionist aggression on Rafah city.
He also held various party tasks in Rafah governorate, including the Secretary of the Rafah Governorate Committee and previously the head of its media committee.
As the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine mourns its fighter comrade, it affirms that the "israeli" zionist assassination crime will not and cannot break its will to fight and resist. It pledges to the martyr and all martyrs to continue the resistance until achieving our people's goals of liberation and return, and establishing a democratic state of Palestine on the entire national soil with Al-Quds as its capital.
Glory to the soul of the martyr Samer, and we will certainly be victorious.
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Department


Yea, this. leftypol's .onion is never amazing but it's been quite bad recently
.>There's no universe where Erdogan's successor finds popular support to re-establish trade. I
Anon I doubt Erdogan had popular support to do the massive amounts of trade they were doing, to be a key artery for Israel. It doesn't matter, most people probably didn't even know or care.
>and back the idea of creating a Kurdish state modeled on Israel
Lol. Who is advocating this? Curious.


Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades reveal "Military Unit 65," the cyber unit that operated secretly during the battle of Al-Aqsa Flood.
The most prominent operations of "Military Unit 65" in cyber warfare during the Al-Aqsa Flood battle:
- Shutting down and attacking early warning sites associated with the Iron Dome system.
- Disabling some government and service sector websites, as well as news channels, causing a breakdown in the occupation's system.
- Disrupting control devices at occupation army sites along the separation line with the Gaza Strip.
- Hacking surveillance cameras in some Gaza envelope settlements and revealing enemy positions and deployments there.

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
"Permission [to fight] has been given to those who are being fought, because they were wronged, and indeed, Allah is competent to grant them victory."
This is the truth of Allah, the Most High, the Almighty.
In support of our steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in support their brave and honorable resistance, the Islamic Resistance attacked the "Metulla" site, its guards, and its vehicles at 1:38 PM on Thursday, 16-05-2024, with an armed drone equipped with two "S5" missiles.
Upon reaching its designated point, it launched its missiles at one of the vehicles and the personnel gathered around it, killing and wounded them. Subsequently, it completed its strike on the specified target, hiting it accurately.
"And victory is only from Allah, the Mighty, the Wise."
Thursday, 16-05-2024
7 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1445 AH
This is the first time in history in which the Lebanese resistance launches missiles via aircraft at targets in the zionist entity.
The S5 missiles used in Hezbollah's drone strike against IOF targets in "Metulla" in northeastern occupied Palestine today are Soviet missiles typically used by fighter jets and helicopters that weigh 5kg each and are 1.4m long.
Previously, the S5 rocket has been used by the resistance in Gaza, who have creatively launched it from the ground instead of from the air.
In Hezbollah's qualitative operation today, the drone was modified to launch the two S5 missiles before transforming into a suicide drone that precisely hit its target.
S5 air-to-ground rocket weapon.
- It is a 55mm unguided rocket.
- It is used by fighter bombers and helicopters.
- It operates on solid fuel and has a highly explosive warhead.
- It is equipped with a mechanical impact fuse.
Length: 1.4 meters.
Weight: 5 kilograms.
Range: 4 kilometers.


This morning, the IOF abducted 61 Palestinian workers from the West Bank while they were in a building in occupied Yaffa.

Following a 10-day-long encampment in solidarity with Palestine at Ghent University in Belgium, the university administration has decided to cut ties with three "israeli" research centers that produce equipment for the IOF or are tied to the zionist government (Holon Institute of Technology, MIGAL Galilee Research Institute, and the Volcani Centre).
The students, applauded the decision but recognized that much still needs to be done. They stated: "This is a first step towards an academic boycott and shows that our occupation and actions are working. However, this is not the victory, but a victory. The snowball is clearly rolling. We will continue to occupy until Ghent University severs all ties with 'israeli' institutions."
Students also condemned the university rector for communicating in manipulative ways, after he based his decision on "new information" that had been known for months.


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Hezbollah operations 05/16/2024:
08:35,: targeted the newly installed surveillance equipment at the Adather site with appropriate weapons, achieving a direct hit.
10:00: targeted the leadership of the 210th Golan Division in Nafah, the air defense barracks in โ€œKeila,โ€and the artillery barracks to support the northern region in โ€œYoavโ€ with a rocket attack with more than 60 Katyusha rockets, in response to the โ€œisraeliโ€ enemyโ€™s attacks last night on the Bekaa region.
11:00,: targeted the โ€œZarโ€™itโ€ barracks, the equipment crane, and the newly installed surveillance equipment in the barracks with guided weapons and artillery shells.
11:10,: targeted the newly installed spy equipment at the Jal Al-Alam site with appropriate weapons, achieving a direct hit.
11:10,: targeted the spy equipment at the Ramia site with appropriate weapons, achieving a direct hit.
13:38: targeted the โ€œMetullaโ€ site, its guards, and its vehicles with an attack drone armed with two "S5โ€ missiles. When it reached the designated point, it launched its missiles at one of its vehicles and the personnel gathered around it, leaving them dead and wounded, and then it continued its assault on its target and hit it accurately.
17:07: targeted the Al-Marj site with artillery shells, achieving a direct hit.
17:15,: targeted the spy equipment at the Jal Al-Deir site with appropriate weapons, achieving a direct hit leading to its destruction.
17:30,: targeted a deployment of โ€œisraeliโ€ enemy soldiers in the vicinity of the Jal Al-Alam site with Burkan missiles and artillery shells.
17:30: targeted the Al-Samaqa site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills with rocket weapons, achieving a direct hit.
18:15: targeted surveillance equipment mounted on a crane in Al-Tayhat Hill with appropriate weapons, achieving a direct hit leading to its destruction.
18:50: targeted industrial facilities belonging to the โ€œisraeliโ€ enemyโ€™s Ministry of War (Elbit Military Industries Company) - the David Cohen factory in โ€œTel Haiโ€ (north of โ€œKiryat Shmonaโ€), which specializes in producing electronic systems for the โ€œisraeliโ€ army, with an aerial attack with attack drones, in response to the โ€œisraeliโ€ enemy attacks on industrial facilities in the Bekaa region.
22:50: targeted an โ€œisraeliโ€ enemy technical team while it was maintaining the surveillance equipment that was previously targeted in the โ€œRamimโ€ barracks with artillery shells.


Zionist sources report that a settler has been injured in a stabbing resistance operation in Huwara, Nablus.
The executor withdrew safely.

The IOF army admits that the settler injured in the resistance stabbing operation in Huwara, Nablus, is an IOF soldier who sustained moderate wounds.

Zionist sources report that over 50 rockets have been fired by the resistance in Lebanon towards the occupied Syrian Golan in the latest barrage.

Zionist sources report that over 120 rockets have been fired towards settlements in northern occupied Palestine since this morning.

Zionist media report three settlers were critically wounded due to a direct rocket attack on the settlement of โ€œMetullaโ€ in northern occupied Palestine.

The IOF admits to the death of an officer killed by the resistance in the Gaza envelope.


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I wish that were true, but, I don't know. Egypt has long been licking Israeli boots, though they recently announced they will support SA's case in the ICJ, so maybe things are changing, but I'm not sure.


Ansarallah Commander Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr El-Din Al-Houthi during his speech today, May 16th, 2024:
One massacre in Gaza should have been enough to move the human conscience and issue strong stances to seek to prevent genocide.
The Americans play a primary role in the war of starvation and genocide with their deadly and destructive bombs.
In the war of starvation, Americans arranged the plan to target the Rafah crossing and provided all forms of support to the "israeli" enemy.
The "israeli" enemy seeks to inflict the most severe suffering on Palestinians, reflecting the enemyโ€™s criminal tendency.
Many Palestinian families have been displaced more than five times during the aggression, under the watchful eyes of the international community and its organizations.
The tragedy in Gaza coincided this week with the 76th anniversary of the Nakba when Britain enabled Jews to occupy Palestine.
Despite the false titles of Western countries during the occupation of Palestine, they did not stand against the brutal crimes but provided support to the zionists.
Britain and America played a fundamental role in the genocide and displacement during the occupation of Palestine, the largest ethnic cleansing operation in the twentieth century.
Over the past 76 years since the Nakba, crimes against the Palestinian people have continued amid Arab negligence and American support for the Jews.
What is happening today in Gaza is a repetition of the criminal scene during the Nakba with the superiority of the capabilities the enemy has today, along with American support.
The Palestinian steadfastness and the perseverance of the fighters in this phase are greater than at any other time in Palestinian history.
We hope for the continuation of student protests in America and the West during the summer holidays as long as the aggression on Gaza continues.
The steadfastness of the Palestinian resistance factions frustrates the "israeli" enemy and has significant and impactful results at this critical stage.
The Americans designed the plan and method for the "israeli" ground aggression towards Rafah.
The return of fighting to Jabalia and Al-Zaytoun neighborhoods at this crucial stage proves the failure of the "israeli" enemy.
In some camps, the fighting returned for the fifth time, and each time the "israeli" enemy announced it had concluded the battle there.
The active presence, bravery, and infliction of heavy losses on the "israeli" enemy by the fighters disproves the claims of eliminating or dismantling them.
The fighters in Gaza continue to inflict painful losses on the enemy, targeting 70 vehicles within a week.
The fighters in Gaza are gaining more experience than ever before, with highly effective and well-planned tactics.
The longer the aggression lasts, the greater the failure for the enemy, and their inevitable defeat awaits them in the end.
Any escalation steps towards Rafah mean escalating support fronts in Lebanon, Iraq, and Yemen.
The Lebanese front carried out many effective and punitive operations against the enemy this week.
The Lebanese front is of great importance as it is a direct front, and its impact extended from northern Palestine to the reality of the enemy in general.
The Iraqi front has returned to escalation, and we commend this direction, hoping for more effectiveness.
On the Yemeni front, in the Battle of the Promised Conquest and the Sacred Jihad, 40 operations were carried out against the zionist enemy with 211 missiles.
Seven operations were carried out this week with 13 ballistic, winged, and drone missiles in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and the Indian Ocean.
This week, operations began towards the Mediterranean Sea with two operations.
Attacks on American ships in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden amounted to more than 100 attacks with missiles and drones.
The Americans, "israelis," and British seek to change their routes in the Indian Ocean by moving eastward, adding higher costs for them.
The further the Americans, "israelis," and British move away, the more they contribute to the development of missile and drone range.
The fourth phase of escalation is significant as it targets ships of all companies transporting goods to the "israeli" enemy towards any port.
Companies transporting goods to the Israeli enemy will have their ships targeted wherever Yemeni army capabilities can reach.
Countries and companies with a positive stance, understanding the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden phase, stopped transporting for the "israeli" enemy through this route. Those countries and companies clearly understand that Yemenโ€™s humanitarian and legitimate stance is linked to what is happening in Gaza.
It is in the interest of all companies to stop transporting for the "israeli" enemy towards the Mediterranean Sea or in any direction.
We will seek to strengthen the fourth phase of escalation in terms of momentum and strike power.
The enemies are trying to form multiple protective belts for themselves and their ships in the Mediterranean Sea and the long-range area.
Just as they failed previously to possess interception capabilities in the previous operation theater, they will fail in the fourth phase, God willing.
Work continues to surpass their technologies and overcome the multiple, intensive belts; all their efforts will fail, and we will be able to overcome them, God willing.
The continuation of "israeli" aggression, siege, and incursion into Rafah necessitates further escalation in all support fronts.
We hope, God willing, that our Iraqi brothers will join us in the fourth phase.
We will spare no effort from the Yemeni front to strengthen the fourth phase and prepare for the fifth phase and beyond.
Popular activities and military mobilization are very active, with more than 300,000 trainees involved. There is an increase in military mobilization by 13,959 trainees, aiming to reach half a million trainees, God willing. The military maneuvers associated with the mobilization reached 735 exercises.
The weekly commitment of our people to the million-person marches with awareness and a sense of responsibility to support the Palestinian people uniquely compared to any other people is very significant and great.


maybe she isn't a college student?


An MQ-9 drone belonging to the US Army was shot down over Marib, Yemen, about two weeks after an MQ-9 was shot down by the Yemeni Armed Forces.
This is the fifth MQ-9 drone shot down since October 7th (four over Yemen and one over Iraq). Each drone costs $32 million.


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history repeating


Spain denied port call for a ship transporting arms to 'Israel'

Spain has denied permission for an Israeli-linked ship transporting arms to call at the southeastern port of Cartagena, Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares said today.

The Marianne Danica, the vessel, was transporting a cargo of arms to "Israel" and had asked for permission to call at Cartagena on May 21, Albares said.

He said that denying this ship permission to dock in Spanish ports aligns with Spain's policy to ban the export of all arms to "Israel" since the start of its war on Gaza in October.

"We have detected this ship, we have refused to allow it to dock, and I can tell you that this will be a consistent policy with any ship carrying Israeli arms and arms cargo that wants to dock in Spanish ports," Albares told reporters in Brussels.

According to El Pais, the ship was carrying 27 tons of explosive material from India's Madras.

Egypt rejects Israeli proposal for joint coordination to reopen Rafah

Egypt has rejected an Israeli proposal for joint coordination to reopen the Rafah crossing between Egypt's Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip, along with managing its future operation, Reuters reported, citing Egyptian security sources.

Israeli officials from the Shin Bet security service introduced the plan during a visit to Cairo on Wednesday amid heightened tensions between the two sides following the recent Israeli aggression on the city of Rafah in southern Gaza and the occupation of the main Rafah crossing with Egypt.

The crossing has historically served as a vital conduit for humanitarian aid entering Gaza and as an exit point for medical evacuees. Egypt insists that the crossing should be managed solely by Palestinian authorities.

Throughout the week, Cairo and Tel Aviv have exchanged accusations regarding the closure of the border crossing and the consequent hindrance of humanitarian aid to the besieged Gaza Strip.

Egypt stressed that the closure of Rafah is solely due to the Israeli military operation, repeatedly cautioning that the Israeli offensive seeks to empty Gaza and forcibly displace Palestinians into the North African country.

The spokesperson for the Israeli occupation government, David Mencer, claimed on Wednesday that Egypt had turned down an Israeli request to open the Rafah crossing to Palestinian civilians seeking to exit the besieged Gaza.

A high-ranking Egyptian official confirmed during the weekend that Cairo has lodged protests with "Israel", the United States, and some European governments over the Israeli aggression on Rafah, warning that the Israeli violation puts at high risk Egypt's normalization treaty with "Israel" (Camp David Accords), AP reported.

Egypt's state-owned Al Qahera News television channel also reported that Cairo has declined to cooperate with Tel Aviv regarding aid delivery through the Rafah crossing due to what it deems as the "unacceptable Israeli escalation."

The channel cited a senior Egyptian official as saying that Cairo holds "Israel" accountable for the deteriorating situation in the Gaza Strip.


>Samer Abdul Rahman Mohammed Al-Karnab
>Our comrade joined the ranks of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in 1996, progressing through its party and militant ranks, reaching the Central Committee membership in Gaza for two consecutive terms, fighting in the ranks of the Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, and then in the Popular Protection Committees, defending our people and confronting the continuous "israeli" zionist aggression on Rafah city.
pouring one out for a real one, rest in peace comrade


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>In Hezbollah's qualitative operation today, the drone was modified to launch the two S5 missiles before transforming into a suicide drone that precisely hit its target.

>Each drone costs $32 million.


IOF warplanes are attempting to intercept drones in Nahariyya in northwestern occupied Palestine. A number of explosions were reported in the city, according to zionist media.


I remembered picrel and kinda broke down. Feels like more time has passed than really has. It had the intended effect of getting me to get involved in a meaningful way. He was my age. Earlier it kind of occurred to me that maybe he died so that I could start fresh. We might as well be the same person in a broader historical sense. There is a very real possibility that I went to school with him and just forgot his name.


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forgot file



Praise the hero
Press f in chat



There's nothing heroic about killing yourself.


t. ziorat diaperboy



Christianity and its martyr worship were a mistake.



I just took a look at the new Dutch "government agreement" or whatever you call it in English.
>will try to move the Dutch embassy to Jerusalem
>Will try to push stronger hate speech laws (this is coming from a gov who's biggest party is Islamophobic and fanatically pro-Zionist)


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Is this… the vibe shifting?

<The Unpunished: How Extremists Took Over Israel

<After 50 years of failure to stop violence and terrorism against Palestinians by Jewish ultranationalists, lawlessness has become the law.


>>Our comrade joined the ranks of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in 1996, progressing through its party and militant ranks, reaching the Central Committee membership in Gaza for two consecutive terms, fighting in the ranks of the Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, and then in the Popular Protection Committees, defending our people and confronting the continuous "israeli" zionist aggression on Rafah city.
Damn, another one. :(
It's the Israeli famous neogitation tactic of proposing a deal and then blowing the people up who are to consider it.


>new york times posting blatant anti-semitism and blood libel


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>Christianity and its martyr worship were a mistake.
Yes this. Whilst I'm glad he got a lot of attention to what he wanted it's still a sad state of affairs and anyone sane can only wish he got organized and lived a full life instead.


>MQ-9 drone
didn't one of these also get downed over the Black Sea by a Russian figther jet dumping fuel on it mid-flight?


>muh christianity
this was clearly inspired by buddhist monks
giving your life for a cause is universally considered heroic except by 14-y/o stirnerites


>this was clearly inspired by buddhist monks
And yet he lived and grew in America, famous for it's christianity and he grew up in a cult compound named 'Community of Jesus'.
What a disingenuous fuck. JFC.


How was Israel taken over when they were always like this?


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iron dome is hopeless to stop sisi hypno


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>you're an anti-semite!
<i'm a semite, you're from poland!


That depends on who you take with you


Greek philosophy in general was a mistake. It never generated anything but class systems.


>thoughts generate societies
absolute state of this shithole


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Coming to think of it, why do we even call hatred towards Jews antisemitism when Jews are not the only Semitic people? It should be called antijudaism.


Nice orientalist slop.
Palestinians don't dress like this, and gulfies (who do) are just as native to Palestine as European Jews


Gulfies are of the same haplogroup and ethnolinguistical group

It's like Aztecs, they're certanly more entitled to California than Spanish and British KKKra>>1857080


No, libshits are now trying to blame it all on Bibi and his nazi party instead of the existance of the zionist regime itself


if you couldn't tell that's an AI generated image you might be retar-
>*checks flag*
yeah nevermind


>men don't make history, cannot even work within circumstances
>men must only interpret the world and hold it sacred; change is forbidden
>pray for the Rapture


>men make history by thinking really hard
at last i truly see


>thinking really hard can never inform one's values, dispositions, or actions
Calvinist predestination? Really now?


Goddamnit I love the Palestinian people so much, how can they be so much based?

Global South bros, our time is now. THIS IS THE TURNING POINT


You are genuinely retarded and have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. Class society is not the result of greek philosophy, which you would know if you had read a single work of marx in your entire life.


19th century people were bad at coming up with terms for stuff. Not all white people are "caucasian" either but that's what burgers call white people to this very day.


unless you do it with a bomb vest


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All these US alligned nations had to do was to stay the fuck out of business with Israel to show a little bit of the credibility they might have had in the eyes of normalfags but even that is too hard for them. They would rather double down on spending tax money on child murder than do nothing.


>You are genuinely retarded and have no idea what the fuck you are talking about
That's nice.
>Class society is not the result of greek philosophy
Well, if we take that Greek philosophy is the foundation of the "civilization" and the ideological equipment required to produce class, we can trace the propagation of Greek thought through Islam and other world religions, and then we read Engels in Origin of the Family:
>The first class opposition that appears in history coincides with the development of the antagonism between man and woman in monogamous marriage, and the first class oppression coincides with that of the female sex by the male. Monogamous marriage was a great historical step forward; nevertheless, together with slavery and private wealth, it opens the period that has lasted until today in which every step forward is also relatively a step backward, in which prosperity and development for some is won through the misery and frustration of others. It is the cellular form of civilized society, in which the nature of the oppositions and contradictions fully active in that society can be already studied.
Then it's not that much of a stretch to claim that Greek philosophy generates class systems because it has provided the ideological equipment for their easy manufacture and reproduction.


>if we take that Greek philosophy is the foundation of the "civilization"
not true
>Greek philosophy generates class systems
actual retard


Given that Arabs are a Semitic people too, Israelis are by far the biggest antisemites today. We should seriously start calling anti-Jewish sentiment antijudaism.


Blah. Blah. Blah.

He should've set the embassy on fire, instead.


Kavkazi people are mostly descendants of Turkic migrants, not European "whites". It's just one European racist found the most beautiful and perfect skull there, and decided that it could only belong to a white person. And that's why "whites" are called Caucasian today.


Literal retard.
Go and touch some books. It wont help but it will be a start.


Class society is older than the habitation of the Peloponnese. Even from a cursory anthropological reading.
Think before posting, man.


>giving your life for a cause
He literally took his own life. The opposite of giving.

It's good he had some moral clarity and decided to do something but the press attention he accomplished wasn't worth his entire life. People need to do cost/benefit analysis when they do things for a cause.


Glowtard jackass



Yes, DOD says the Russian "crashed" into the drone, but that's not clear from the footage.


literally nothing will happen lmao
>t. egypsy


Ok, I'm a jackass. But I stand by what I said. It was a tragic action that was more influenced by religion and idealism than material analysis. You can feel sympathy for him and still tell people not to kill themselves for the cause as it doesn't actually achieve goals.


Dissolution of Israeli cabinet seems closer than ever: Israeli media

The Israeli Kan 11 channel revealed today that great tensions have taken over the cabinet as it has failed to achieve its declared goals about eight months after the start of the Israeli war on Gaza.

The channel's sources from within the cabinet confirmed that relations between its members have been significantly deteriorating in the recent period, especially amid their inability to make decisions on strategic issues like the "day after."

The sources also indicated that disagreements arose due to the lack of progress in the negotiations regarding the return of Israeli captives held by the Palestinian resistance and a ceasefire.

They stressed that in light of these internal clashes, dissolution of the cabinet seems closer than ever adding that "Israel" is moving towards an undetermined place, not strategic decisions and it will have to return to the position it was referencing the comeback of clashes with the Palestinian resistance in areas of the Gaza Strip where the IOF have claimed that they were carrying out "missions."

Israeli Kan 11 channel explained that the tensions are not only limited to the internal political level but rather mix between political and the military levels on the one hand and between the negotiating team and the decision-making political level on the other.

The Israeli news website Walla! said that an argument broke out between Israeli Ministers Itamar Ben-Gvir and Gadi Eisenkot during the cabinet meeting on May 16.

According to the Israeli website, the argument broke out after Israeli war cabinet member Gadi Eisenkot told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that his government has ignored taking any strategic decisions in its war against Gaza for months now.

Israeli Police Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir interrupted saying "Weโ€™ve heard enough from you generals," adding that Eisenkot's policies are the reason behind October 7.

Eiseknot slammed him back by saying "Stop interrupting me," then added, "Remove your sandals," referencing a verse from the book of Exodus which ends with "…for the place where you are standing is holy ground."

Israeli officials' jaws drop over Hezbollah's complex operations

Multiple Israeli media outlets are reporting on Hezbollah's military capabilities, following a series of top-tier attacks that targeted highly-prized Israeli surveillance and radar systems, while introducing new methods of engagement.

The Ynet news website said that Israeli officers serving on the northern front have issued a warning regarding the fact that Hezbollah can launch an attack on Israeli soldiers near the Palestinian-Lebanese border 30 seconds after locating them. The capability has been showcased in several videos published by the group's Military Media unit, where Hezbollah utilized either suicide drones, anti-tank guided missiles, or artillery weapons of various types to target Israeli groupings and individual soldiers.

Moreover, the military correspondent for the Israeli Army Radio said that Hezbollah has carried out a number of "high-quality attacks on more distant targets, using more advanced military weapons."

On Thursday, Hezbollah launched an airstrike via an Ababil-T drone armed with two Soviet-era S-5 rockets on a grouping of Israeli soldiers in Metulla. The attack marked the first-ever aerial strike launched on Israeli positions by a Lebanese entity and the first Arab strike on Israeli positions since 1973.

The Israeli Army Radio's correspondent said that Hezbollah has made it "a normal" occurrence to launch dozens of rockets and missiles toward the Meron Air Traffic Control military base, one of the occupation's strategic military sites, used to both coordinate offensive operations and track and discover aerial threats.

As for today's attacks, the correspondent pointed to an attack conducted via several suicide drones that targeted Israeli officers and soldiers' accommodation camps in Ga'aton. On this particular incident, the Israeli broadcaster Channel 14's correspondent said that the drone attack placed hundreds of thousands of Israelis in shelters and bunkers after sirens went off in Ben Ami, Gesher HaZiv, Evron, Nahariya, Sa'ar, Shlomi, Metzuba, Betzet, Achziv Miluot Industrial Zone, Liman, Rosh HaNikra, Avdon, Neveh Ziv, Manot, Ga'aton, Yechiam, Cabri, and Ein Yacov over 14 minutes.

Channel 14 also reported that Israeli officials have always "estimated that Hezbollah had amazing capabilities that would surprise everyone."

The broadcaster also said that Hezbollah's attack on the "highly sensitive" Tel Shamayim facility "dropped the jaws" of Israeli security officers, the military's Northern Command, and the Israeli political leadership. The site, located 35 km away from the border, was attacked by two suicide drones, escaping a complex and layered anti-air defense system before impacting its target.

It is worth noting that the Sky Dew High Availability Aerostat System (HAAS) in question hosts high-tech surveillance equipment, early detection systems, and an AESA radar. Hezbollah has slowly dismantled Israeli surveillance and radar systems across occupied territories, by targeting spyware installed on frontline sites, attacking the Meron Air Traffic Control Base, surgically striking radars, downing a surveillance balloon, and taking down the Sky Dew HAAS.

The UK-based The Independent noted Hezbollah has adapted its attacks in recent weeks, managing to reduce the number of fighters lost in confrontations.

At the same time, Hezbollah has introduced new methods to its attacks, maintaining a high output of operations, including complex and composite attacks.

The Israeli news website, Intelli Times, said that "Hezbollah succeeds in utilizing suicide drones and precision television-guided weapons," while Israeli forces do not have "the ability to intercept them."

According to the website, this occurrence is "astonishing" and raises questions about Hezbollah's electronic warfare capabilities and its possible use of the Russian satellite navigation system. The outlet called the aforementioned operations "worrying", stressing that Hezbollah "will do anything to disable as many [Israeli] systems as possible," in preparation for an Israeli invasion of Lebanon.

"[Israel] fired 5 Iron Dome missiles at 3 drones [and perhaps more] and shot down only one. What do we do when a swarm of 100 or 200 arrives?"

Intelli Times claims that Hezbollah is not launching its drones to attack "Israel" but to survey and scan the preparedness of Israeli anti-air systems and search for blind spots.

"This is what the public needs to know. This may be a scary outlook but it will become true," the website added.

On his part, the head of the Merom HaGalil settlement council, Amit Sofer, said in an interview for Channel 12, "We stand here in front of residents and people who do not know to what extent they can remain strong and steadfast," adding that such feelings are "being crushed day after day."

Sofer noted that every Israeli assassination of a Hezbollah officer has led to large-scale attacks on Meron.

"After every response, we experience unending tension, and we must completely and definitely stop," he added.

Sofer called on Israeli authorities to strive for a resolution to the confrontations, saying that ongoing engagement is an economic threat "which is increasing month after month." Fed up with the current state of affairs, Sofer called on the Israeli military to "show [Hezbollah] for once that the owner of the house has gone crazy."

"The situation here, in the end, is unbearable. People here are collapsing day after day," Sofer emphasized.


As a result of an ongoing, sustained campaign of action targeting investors of Elbit Systems, investors have slashed their holdings in the zionist entity's largest weapon's company.
Scotiabank has cut its investment in Elbit from $402 million to $237 million, which previously represented 4.2% of Elbit's outstanding shares. Meanwhile, JP Morgan Chase has cut its investment in Elbit Systems by 70%, from $54 million to $16 million.
Since January, Elbit's stock has fallen by about 6%, while activists in Canada, Britain, and the US relentlessly targeted Scotiabank and JP Morgan Chase due to their investment in Elbit, affirming that their action will not stop until they shut Elbit down.

IOF warplanes bombed a site in Al-Damj neighborhood, Jenin, in the West Bank. One martyr and 5 shrapnel injuries (their condition is stable) arrived at Jenin Governmental Hospital, and 3 injuries (in stable condition) arrived at Ibn Sina Hospital, as a result of the occupationโ€™s strike on Jenin.


Yemeni Armed Forces:
By the grace of Allah, Yemeni air defenses successfully shot down an American MQ9 drone on Thursday evening while it was conducting hostile activities in the skies over Marib governorate. This is the fourth drone shot down during the Battle of Promised Conquest battle and Sacred Jihad in support of Gaza.
The drone was targeted with a locally manufactured surface-to-air missile, and footage of the downing will be published later, God willing.
The Armed Forces affirm their full readiness on all levels: land, sea, and air, and that all enemy attempts will fail, with the Armed Forces standing vigilant, Allah willing.

National Resistance Brigades (Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces) spokesman Abu Khaled:
Our forces destroyed a tank, sniped down a soldier, and continue targeting enemy gatherings with artillery.
Commander Abu Khaled, spokesperson for the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces, the military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, issued a military statement announcing that the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces managed to destroy an "israeli" enemy tank, snipe one of its soldiers, and target its gatherings with artillery and rockets. Here are the details:
First: The artillery unit of the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces targeted enemy gatherings around the Rafah crossing and southeast of Al-Shouka with a salvo of short-range rockets, caliber 107mm, hitting their targets and causing losses among the enemy.
Second: The Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces successfully ambushed and destroyed one of the enemyโ€™s tanks in the middle of the Jabalia camp, resulting in its destruction and causing deaths and injuries among its crew.
Third: Fighters of the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces sniped an "israeli" soldier near the Adnan Abu Taha intersection in the Al-Jeneina neighborhood, east of Rafah, killing him.
Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces โ€“ Military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Military Media

Following the sounding of sirens, zionist sources reported that at least two settlers were wounded in "Kerem Ben Zimra" after rockets fired from Lebanon made direct impact in the settlement.

The IOF admits that a soldier was seriously wounded during battles with the resistance in the northern Gaza Strip.

The IOF admits to the death of a soldier killed by the resistance during battles in the northern Gaza Strip.


>Glowtard jackass
Anon you literally don't have any argument to stand on, it's YOU who glows holding up suicide as some kind of heroic action we are all supposed to uncritically supportive of.
Fuck off.




>in the spirit of peace

After Quebec judges shot down the campus evacuation order, LMAO


>There is no future without Israelis
Lol. Lmao


Whatever you say Langley


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Demoralization attempts are not welcome here.


Hamas Political Bureau member Izzat Al-Rishq:
We affirm our lack of trust in the occupation's narrative and always say that the final word belongs to what the resistance says.
The occupation's claimโ€”if trueโ€”about reaching the bodies of some of its captives held by the resistance in the Gaza Strip, after eight months of aggression and genocide against our people, is not an achievement for its Nazi government, but rather a testament to the poor performance of their frightened army. It also confirms the truth of the resistance's promise that the enemy will not retrieve its captives except as lifeless bodies or through an honorable exchange deal for our people and our resistance.
The bodies that the occupation claims to have reached may be those that the occupation previously bombed and remained under the rubble.
While we doubt the occupation's narrative, we affirm that this claim is nothing but an attempt to cover up its losses and its utter failure in the face of the bravery of the resistance and the courage of the Al-Qassam Brigades and Saraya Al-Quds in Jabalia, Al-Zaytoun, and east of Rafah.

Islam Khamaysa is the martyr who ascended tonight as a result of the treacherous IOF airstrike targeting Jenin.
Islam was a Jenin Brigade leader in Saraya Al-Quds who has carried out numerous resistance operations.

Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:
With great pride and honor, the Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades exalt to our Palestinian people and our Arab and Islamic nations the martyrdom of the commander and fighter, Sharhabeel Ali Al-Sayyid "Abu Amr," who achieved martyrdom in the Al-Aqsa Flood battle after being targeted by "israeli" occupation aircraft in the western Bekaa Valley of Lebanon.
It is a jihad of victory or martyrdom.
Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades.


Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades spokesman, Abu Obeida, in his speech today, May 17th, 2024:
32 weeks have passed since the glorious October 7th. The great and blessed people of Gaza, its fighters, and its mighty resistance are engaged in an asymmetrical war and legendary defense against zionist barbarism in its ugliest forms. They have not weakened in their path for the sake of Allah, nor have they faltered or surrendered, and Allah loves the patient.
For long days, nights, and weeks, the enemy and its Nazi government have practiced the most heinous forms of genocide against our people before the eyes and ears of the world. They have not left any form of war crimes or crimes against humanity as described by divine laws and human conventions that they have not committed with utter savagery.
The enemy's army boasts of its crimes as military achievements. The terror, criminality, and systematic destruction are the fixed strategies of the enemy in Gaza, aiming to break the will of our people and deter its resistance from defending and confronting, but they are far from achieving this.
As we have always promised the enemy, wherever they aspire to achieve a victory or accomplishment, they will find us before them. This is what has happened and continues to happen every day.
Here is the enemy's army, in a continuous series of confusion and failure, deciding about 10 days ago to start a new ground assault on Rafah, the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood south of Gaza City, and Jabalia in the north of the Strip, thinking they had become easy targets. They deluded themselves that after more than seven months of burning everything green and dry, they would face no resistance, only to enter hell again and face resistance equal to or even stronger than what they encountered on the first day of the ground aggression.
Our fighters dealt severe blows to the enemy forces east of Rafah before they entered, at the borders, and after they infiltrated. In the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, fighters decapitated enemy officers and soldiers, bringing down the highest-ranking officer announced since the start of the ground war.
In Jabalia Camp and Jabalia City, the enemy tasted the might of our fighters, continuing to announce the killing and wounding of its soldiers en masse, along with the destruction of their vehicles.
Over the last 10 days, the fighters managed to target 100 various zionist military vehicles, including tanks, transporters, and bulldozers, across all fronts of combat.
The enemy counts its dead and wounded by the dozens in all areas of its incursion, barely stopping to retrieve its soldiers before announcing part of its losses, though what we record is much greater.
Our fighters confront the enemy with the strength of Allah, using a variety of anti-armor and anti-personnel weapons, as well as booby-trapped buildings, tunnel openings, and minefields against enemy soldiers. They conduct precise sniping operations, complex ambushes, point-blank range combat, dropping bombs from drones on enemy gatherings, and launching mortar and short-range rocket attacks on their positions, all of which we have documented and announced over the past days.
Despite the campaign of starvation, destruction, killing, and criminality that would collapse even a great nation within months, our fighters, supported by our steadfast people, continue to emerge and deliver lethal strikes to the enemy. Each strike and blow exemplifies the saying of Allah, the Almighty: "So you did not kill them, but it was Allah who killed them. And you did not throw when you threw, but it was Allah who threw."
Our fighters, with their modest tools and capabilities, but with great faith and morale that reaches the sky, confront a trembling, confused, criminal, and broken force that finds only disappointment and reaps more dead, wounded, and physically and psychologically disabled soldiers among its ranks, despite the overwhelming disparity in power and the continuous supply of weapons from the US administration, which sponsors terrorism and destruction in the world.
What is happening in terms of heroic resistance from our mujahideen and fighters of our people, and the renewed and continuous fighting against the enemy in all its offensive operations and stray attacks in Gaza's sands, confirms our ability, with God's help, to endure and fight no matter how long the aggression lasts and regardless of its form.
Despite our full desire to stop the aggression against our people, we are prepared for a long battle of attrition against the enemy, dragging them into a swamp where they will gain nothing but the death of their soldiers and the capture of their officers. This is not because we are a great power, but because we are the people of this land and rightful owners.
We are Gaza with its sky, air, sea, and sand, reminding you every time that it is a graveyard for invaders. We resist occupiers through the ages. Let history and the present be a lesson for you, and the future will be even harsher and more painful for you, by the will of Allah.
We continuously and clearly report with names and photos about some cases of death and killing of enemy prisoners due to their army's aggression and their government's obstinacy and criminality.
We state this to present the undeniable facts to the families and public of the enemy against their government's lies and deception. When other facts about the prisoners emerge later, they will have to count the number of times we warned them about their fate, and Netanyahu's sacrifice of them for political gains in a losing battle.
We salute our heroic fighters in the occupied West Bank, who relentlessly pursue enemy soldiers and settlers, defending their families, holy sites, and people.
We salute the fighters of our nation who stood on the bright side of history at this important juncture in the history of our nation and people. Here, we renew our congratulations for the continuous strikes by our brothers in the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon on the enemy's northern front.
We bless the operations of our sincere brothers, Ansarallah, in beloved Yemen and their announcement of a new phase of confrontation with the enemy and support for Gaza despite the unjust, blind alliances and threats.
Greetings to our brothers in the Iraqi resistance who insist on supporting Gaza with all they can.
We also extend our greetings to the free people rising up against the oppression and crimes of the occupation, and to those standing in solidarity with our people and our just cause from all nationalities and races around the world, in the United States, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and in the Islamic and Arab world.
This unprecedented global solidarity and movement that exposes the occupation and reveals its ugly truth, and expresses the earthquake in global awareness caused by the Al-Aqsa Flood and the activation of many fronts and arenas on various levels, will have a significant strategic impact, God willing.
The outcome of your patience, O our people, will be nothing but relief and victory by the will of God. What you have sold to God in terms of souls and pure blood will be rewarded with a precious victory and humiliation for your enemies, whom God has used you to torment.
This cowardly occupierโ€™s persistence in its crimes and its call for the cover of the forces of injustice and tyranny, in contrast to the chants of tens of millions in your name and their curses on your enemy, is proof of your greatness and the worldโ€™s amazement at your steadfastness, resistance, and sacrifices. Rejoice in the promise of your Lord.
"Our word has already preceded to Our servants, the messengers, that they are surely the ones who will be helped. And indeed, Our soldiers will be the victors." May God accept our righteous martyrs, heal our brave wounded, release our free prisoners, and reunite our people everywhere. It is a jihad of victory or martyrdom.


I see screaming "glowie" is the new glowie tactic. Reactionaries 100% endorse that we kill ourselves.




A comrade? Was Hamas based all along?


Very based.
>A comrade?
That's Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, not Hamas.
>Was Hamas based all along?


He also wasn't able to get out of the military.


>Was Hamas based all along?
Originally they were used by Israel to make Palestine more radical as a replacement for the more moderate PLO, but I guess they escaped the leash or something (or Israel never actually controlled them like they believed).


Why not?

Whatever the case, if he didn't want to go full Dorner mode he could have gone for active sabotage or at minimum being purposefully incompetent. Once he got out he could move forward with the rest of his life. Any of those options would have been better.


No, hamas was tolerated by israel because at first it didn't engaged in military action and slo because they knew a militant islamic organization would resonate less with westerners than a socialist one wich is still true to this day


I dont know why some of you retards sit here all the time and try to turn >>1857643 into >>1857522
The mental disability on this website is staggering sometimes.


Some percentage of it may be simulated…


>As a result of an ongoing, sustained campaign of action targeting investors of Elbit Systems, investors have slashed their holdings in the zionist entity's largest weapon's company.
>Scotiabank has cut its investment in Elbit from $402 million to $237 million, which previously represented 4.2% of Elbit's outstanding shares. Meanwhile, JP Morgan Chase has cut its investment in Elbit Systems by 70%, from $54 million to $16 million.
>Since January, Elbit's stock has fallen by about 6%, while activists in Canada, Britain, and the US relentlessly targeted Scotiabank and JP Morgan Chase due to their investment in Elbit, affirming that their action will not stop until they shut Elbit down.
fucking based


Hezbollah 05/17/2024:
5:30: launched an aerial attack with a number of assault drones on the newly established headquarters of Artillery Battalion 411 in "Ja'atoun" which targeted the tents housing its officers and soldiers, accurately hitting the targets and leaving them between dead and wounded in response to the assassination carried out by the "israeli" enemy in the vicinity of the town of Qana.
14:30: targeted the โ€œTsnobarโ€ logistics base in the occupied Golan with 50 Katyusha rockets in response to the "israeli" enemy's attacks on the village of Al-Najiyra, which led to the martyrdom of civilians.
14:30: targeted enemy positions in "Zaoura" with a salvo of Katyusha rockets, hitting them directly in response to the "israeli" enemy's artillery artillery attacks on the village of Houla today.
14:50: targeted the Al-Rahib site with artillery shells.
15:15: targeted the Jal Al-Alam site with rocket weapons and artillery shells.
16:00: targeted the Bayad-Blida site with artillery shells.
16:00: targeted the Al-Baghdadi site with artillery shells.
16:30: targeted the espionage equipment at the โ€œBranitโ€ barracks with appropriate weapons, hitting it directly.
17:30: targeted the Al-Malikiyah site with artillery shells.
18:30: targeted the Zebdine site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms with rocket weapons, hitting it directly.
18:30: targeted the Al-Samaqa site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba Hills with rocket weapons, hitting it directly.
21:30: targeted two buildings in which enemy soldiers were stationed in the "Metulla" settlement with the appropriate weapons, hitting it directly in response to enemyโ€™s attacks on the steadfast southern villages and civilian homes, most recently in Houla
23:10: targeted a military vehicle entering the Al-Malikiyah site with artillery shells.

The UKMTO reports that a ship was attacked in the Red Sea 76 nautical miles northwest of Hodeidah, western Yemen.



<In the latest revelation to come out of the hundreds of thousands of leaked diplomatic cables provided by the website โ€˜Wikileaksโ€™, a diplomatic exchange between then Israeli Director of Military Intelligence, Major General Amos Yadlin, and US Ambassador to Israel Richard Jones showed Israeli support for a Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip which Israel could then declare Gaza to be a โ€˜hostile entityโ€™.The Hamas party won Palestinian parliamentary elections in January 2006, but was prevented from forming a government as required by the Palestinian constitution. In June 2007, after months of attempted takeovers by the US-supported Fateh party, the Hamas party was able to form their government in Gaza. The cable in question was recorded just hours before the Hamas government was formed in Gaza in June 2007.

<In the transcript, Yadlin told the US Ambassador that he would be โ€œvery happyโ€ if Hamas formed a government in Gaza โ€œas long as they have no (air or sea) port.โ€ He added that Israel would then work with the rival Palestinian political party, Fateh, to form a government in the West Bank and work to undermine the Hamas government in Gaza.

<That is exactly what took place, just after the meeting between Yadlin and Ambassador Jones, as Hamas created its government in Gaza and Israel launched a massive siege, and the largest-ever assault on Gaza in late December 2008.


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whats your point?


>Lindsey Graham calls to nuke Gaza

Testicular torsion. Remove finger and toe nails. Set on fire. Extinguish fire. Roll in broken glass. Bathe in lemon juice. Drag behind horse in triumph.


Ysabella Hazan is a paid Israeli propagandist.


the way he lost control of his temper when he was like "how come bombing hiroshima and nagasaki was ok and bombing gaza isn't"
like a child throwing a tantrum because he didn't get an ice cream


the way he lost control of his temper when he was like "how come bombing hiroshima and nagasaki was ok and bombing gaza isn't"
like a child throwing a tantrum because he didn't get an ice cream


the way he lost control of his temper when he was like "how come bombing hiroshima and nagasaki was ok and bombing gaza isn't"
like a child throwing a tantrum because he didn't get an ice cream


>participation in revolution
>action likely to lead to your death
>uncertain possibility of your action making a difference
>not glowie


>action certain to lead to your death
>uncertain possibility of your action making a difference

*scribbling furiously*


>supporting killing the enemies of communism
>not glowie

>supporting killing yourself


Yes. It's that easy.


>there's no future without israelis
then we must go back to the past


>Please! Please! kill youselves! Its hecking revolutionary!
No, you stupid obsessed faggot.


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The first Israeli astronaut died on their first flight.


>Kavkazi people are mostly descendants of Turkic migrants
this is the absolute stupidest thing i have ever read on this fucking site
the peoples of the caucasus have been here unmoved since at least pre bronze age


Who the fuck says kavkazi? No one does, even google just says that it's a prefix for jews from the area.


>if we take that Greek philosophy is the foundation of the "civilization"



He's right you know:
Khaled Meshaal lauds pro-Palestine supporters
Speaking in Istanbul, Hamasโ€™s former head says the group is grateful to those who have supported Palestine financially, or by demonstrating, engaging with the media or boycotting companies that support Israel.

โ€œWe are thankful to the student protests, which kicked off in American and European universities and erupted across the globe,โ€ Meshaal said.

He also said that despite the calls for ending the war in Gaza, Israel continues to carry out crimes in both the besieged coastal enclave and occupied West Bank.

โ€œThe resistance is alive and well. The popular support is strong and embraces the resistance. The world itself is changing and Gaza has unearthed the face of peopleโ€™s humanity. Our enemy is collapsing from within, its inner conflict causing it great frustration,โ€ he added.

โ€œWe are standing before a historical moment, an opportunity to defeat Israel and to dismantle the Zionist project. We have an opportunity to change the world, and this needs perseverance and strength. Our nation needs to continue what it started on October 7. Do not give up. Do not say you are tired.โ€


Israel on losing end in Gaza war: Former Mossad deputy chief
Israeli Knesset member and former Mossad deputy chief Ram Ben-Barak said the ongoing war in Gaza is โ€œfutileโ€, asserting that Israel is on the losing end and facing economic collapse.

โ€œThis war lacks a clear objective, and itโ€™s evident that weโ€™re unequivocally losing it,โ€ Ben-Barak told Israeli public radio.

โ€œWe are forced to engage in fighting in the same areas and end up losing more soldiers. Weโ€™re also facing setbacks on the international stage, our relations with the US deteriorating significantly, and the Israeli economy in decline,โ€ he said.

โ€œShow me one thing we have succeeded in.โ€


Zionists, because they got the USA at their back, shamelessly invoke NATO and the USA's history of atrocities, in order to claim Israel is being unfairly "targeted" by comparison to what those former "get away with" to uphold US hegemony. And obviously that's because of "antisemitism".


>Who the fuck says kavkazi?
Russian pronunciation is superior.


Is stupid shit, and I have no intention of pretending otherwise.


Its actually great they always using the muh holocaust card, so people can see through their bs, properly ignore that and leave past for the long dead.


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Ya'll are shitting on Maoism but I am for all intents and purposes an ML.




B-b-but the widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst Caleb Maupin told me the GOP is more anti-imperialist than those woke Dems!


Real Maga communism has never been tried!


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>a name I haven't heard in almost a year
/isg/ tards again?


How many times do we have to tell you? Go to isg or therapy.
Weird obsessive freak.


Blood of captives in Gaza 'on Netanyahuโ€™s hands', their families say

A group of families of captives held by the Palestinian Resistance in the Gaza Strip urged the Israeli government to complete an immediate deal to retrieve the captives, Israeli media reported Saturday.

"We are saying to the war cabinet: we need to immediately save all the hostages who are still alive, to bring the dead back to be buried in Israel. The way to do this is through a deal," a father of one captive said, a day after the Israeli occupation forces claimed they retrieved the bodies of three captives from Gaza.

Another relative of a captive accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of intentionally jeopardizing negotiations with the Palestinian Resistance and that the cabinet has "given up" on the captives held in Gaza.

"The blood of those kidnapped is on Netanyahuโ€™s hands and those who cooperate with him," she was quoted as saying.

The families of the captives considered that the Israeli occupation forces' ongoing attack on Gazaโ€™s southern city of Rafah signifies that the Netanyahu government has abandoned the captives who remain alive.

It is noteworthy that Hamas announced accepting a ceasefire proposal presented by the mediators in Egypt and Qatar during negotiations. However, Israeli occupation forces invaded the eastern part of Rafah, in defiance of US and international warnings, and occupied the main Rafah crossing with Egypt.

In a related context, Israeli media also reported that demonstrators gathered outside the Weizman Institute in Rehovot, demanding the resignation of the government and an immediate deal to retrieve the captives.

According to the media, the families of the captives will stage Saturday evening a protest in Tel Aviv that will see the participation of famous speakers and artists to demand the release of the 125 captives still held in the besieged Gaza Strip since October 7.

Israeli media also reported that demonstrators are gathering in central occupied al-Quds for a procession toward Paris Square. An enormous banner held by protesters read: "Elections now!"

The protest kicked off shortly after Israeli war cabinet Minister Benny Gantz gave Netanyahu a June 8 ultimatum to put together a plan for post-war Gaza, warning he would quit the coalition if the premier failed to do so.

"We will not give up until things are better here!" protesters were chanting during the rally.

But a group of the families of the captives held in Gaza stated that "the time for talk is over," in response to Gantzโ€™s deadline.

"The only relevant ultimatum this evening is that time is running out for the hostages. The time has come for action โ€” to renew negotiations for their immediate return," the group affirmed.

Some protesters also demanding the release of captives are blocking the Ayalon Highway in Tel Aviv amid clashes with Israeli police who are using water cannons in an attempt to disperse the demonstrators, Israeli media mentioned.


Not to absolve Netanyahu, the zionazi pig, but zionazis only have themselves to blame for colonizing the homes of another people and receiving retribution for it. They could have just lived literally anywhere else.


Hezbollah operations 05/18/2024:
09:45: Targeted a gathering of "israeli" enemy soldiers in the vicinity of the "Branit" barracks with rocket weapons, achieving a direct hit.
13:30: Targeted the position of "israeli" enemy soldiers inside a room in the "Ramim" barracks with an attack drone, achieving a direct hit.
14:30: Targeted the Ras Al-Naqoura naval site with artillery shells in response to the "israeli" enemy's attacks on a civilian fisherman in Ras Naqoura within Lebanese territory.
14:45: Targeted surveillance equipment at the "Ramtha" site with appropriate weapons, achieving a direct hit.
15:25: Targeted technical systems and surveillance equipment at the Rahib site with appropriate weapons, achieving a direct hit and destroying them.
16:00: Targeted the command headquarters of the "Liman" Battalion with artillery shells, achieving direct hits.
16:10: Targeted a position of "israeli" enemy soldiers at the Baghdadi site with an attack drone.
16:45: Targeted newly installed surveillance equipment elevated on a crane at the Hadab Yarin site, achieving a direct hit and destroying them.
17:20: Targeted the Al-Samaqa site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills with rocket weapons, achieving a direct hit.
18:00: Targeted the deployment of "israeli" enemy soldiers west of the Rahib site with rocket weapons.
18:15: Targeted newly installed surveillance equipment at the "Branit" barracks with appropriate weapons, achieving a direct hit and destroying them.
18:50: Targeted the Baghdadi site with artillery shells, achieving a direct hit.


In a scathing speech moments ago, War Minister Benny Gantz issued an ultimatum to Benjamin Netanyahu, threatening that his party leave the war government unless Gantz's proposed six-point plan for the end of the war and after it is implemented by June 8th.
Gantz demanded the return of prisoners from Gaza "as soon as possible because there is no longer time."
He stated that "a small minority has taken control of 'israel's' ship and led it into a deep abyss…Those who control 'israel' are currently acting cowardly and some only think about themselves," in a stark deepening of existing divisions within the entity.

Knesset member Ram Ben-Barak stated: "The war in Gaza is aimless, and we are clearly losing it. We are forced to return to fighting in the same areas, losing more soldiers, losing on the international stage, damaging relations with the United States, and causing the economy to collapse. Show me one thing we have succeeded in."
Meanwhile, former zionist war minister Avigdor Lieberman stated: "There is no victory in the north or the south, and we are like a ship without a destination. We have completely lost our way."

Eight months after the start of the battle of Al-Aqsa Flood, the IOF claims to have discovered the corpse of a settler who was killed on October 7th in the Gaza Strip.
128 settlers remain in the Gaza Strip, according to the IOF. The IOF has not been able to recover a single prisoner alive except through an exchange deal with the resistance.


The contemporary materialist framework of American democracy posits that the main antagonistic contradiction in American democracy is between the Uniparty and MAGA, not the DNC and GOP. This Uniparty ritual was all calculatedโ€”riggedโ€”in order to sustain the colloquial, bourgeois dialectic of DNC-GOP in order to perpetuate Uniparty rule.
At least look at the voting record before you jump to conclusions, democrat. Within these choices, the dialectical contradictions of American democracy are laid bare. The MAGA elements abstained from ratification; the statute was a product of the Uniparty machinery, devised and promulgated by spineless entities fundamentally at odds with MAGA.
They are mere instruments of the ruling party. Dismiss them from your consciousness.


we are witnessing the recuperation of the zionist entity in real time. don't let them get away with this shit.


>N-N-Not real Maga communism
Lol, lmao


Maritime security sources reported that the ship that was targeted off the coast of Yemen late last night was directly hit by a missile, leading to the outbreak of a fire onboard.

An explosive drone fired from southern Lebanon targeted an IOF vehicle in "Metulla" in northeastern occupied Palestine, wounding 3 soldiers, according to zionist media.

Hamas publishes a summary of the field performance of the Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades in the last two days, from May 16 to 18.
This includes:
- 20 IOF soldiers and officers confirmed eliminated.
- 81 IOF soldiers and officers killed or wounded.
- 31 vehicles completely or partially destroyed.
- 3 forces targeted with anti-personnel explosives.
- 3 buildings and forces targeted with anti-personnel shells.
- 3 IOF soldiers, officers, and enemy snipers that were sniped.
- 1 rocket barrage launched towards the occupied interior.
- 22 bombardments of field command headquarters and military gatherings with mortar shells.
- 1 helicopter targeted with a SAM-7 missile.
- 3 tunnel openings or artillery positions detonated against soldiers.


<first vid
>finishes salah
>hops on a mechanical RGB keyboard
>boots into a riced out Kali install to pwn the zionists


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don't worry glownonymous, I'm pro maga just like you


National Resistance Brigades (Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces) spokesman Abu Khaled:
The Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces set up an ambush that led to the destruction of an enemy Merkava 4 tank. Another ambush targeted one of their foot patrols, resulting in deaths.
Firstly: The Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces successfully ambushed an enemy Merkava 4 tank, hitting it with a tandem shell on Abu Al-Aish Street, east of Jabalia camp, which led to the destruction of the tank and injuries of those inside.
Secondly: The fighters of the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces ambushed an โ€œisraeliโ€ enemy infantry patrol in the Jabal Al-Kashef area, east of Jabalia camp. They clashes with the patrol and fired several short-range 107mm rockets at them, resulting in the patrol members being killed or injured. Our fighting groups returned to their bases safely and proudly with their achievements.
Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces โ€“ Military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Military Media


> 20 IOF soldiers and officers confirmed eliminated.
>- 81 IOF soldiers and officers killed or wounded.
>- 31 vehicles completely or partially destroyed.
>- 3 forces targeted with anti-personnel explosives.
>- 3 buildings and forces targeted with anti-personnel shells.
>- 3 IOF soldiers, officers, and enemy snipers that were sniped.
>- 1 rocket barrage launched towards the occupied interior.
>- 22 bombardments of field command headquarters and military gatherings with mortar shells.
>- 1 helicopter targeted with a SAM-7 missile.
>- 3 tunnel openings or artillery positions detonated against soldiers.
eagerly awaiting the kino dump


no doubt


the virgin maga communism vs the chad anarcho-maoism


The IOF admits to the death of 2 of its soldiers and the serious injury of 4 others during battles with the resistance in the southern Gaza Strip.

Fierce clashes are taking place between the Palestinian resistance and IOF east of Jabalia in the northern Gaza Strip and east of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, coinciding with artillery shelling.

Mostly already dumped the vids from today. It's possible vids will be released tomorrow, a few have already been posted. There's only one more after this for tonight. Most of the confirmed deaths came from one ambush which has not had a video released (yet).


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>invite National Unity into ruling coalition with ministers without portfolios
>form a "War Cabinet" with one of them
>he starts issuing ultimatums
>Mr Netanyahu dismissed the comments as "washed-up words" that would mean "defeat for Israel".
>Mr Gantz' comments come just days after another war cabinet member, Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, urged Mr Netanyahu to state publicly that Israel had no plans to take over civilian and military rule in Gaza. Mr Gallant said he had raised the issue repeatedly for months but had received no response.
You know it's a good sign when your disputes with your Defense minister and form IDF Chief of Staff are starting to become public.


Some of the most significant operations conducted today:

Al-Qassam fighters were able to liquidate 15 zionist soldiers after a Qassam group targeted a house in which a large number of soldiers were fortified with a Ra'adiyah (thunder) anti-personnel explosive device.
After that, our fighters stormed the house and clashed with the remaining soldiers from a point-blank range using light machine guns and hand grenades in the Al-Tannour neighborhood, east of the city of Rafah, south of the [Gaza] Strip.

Fighters of the Al-Qassam Brigades lured a zionist infantry force and detonated an anti-personnel explosive device on them, confirming the killing of 5 of its soldiers and injuring of others around the Al-Tabaeen Mosque east of Rafah city in the southern Gaza Strip.


Kek, spooky idealists


first time I've seen em use rifle grenades p cool


>the last few days have been beyond traumatic and triggering for all of us jews and israelis


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Greece represents


Amazing how quickly the Republicans stopped their laughable atni-war grift once the victims became brown people.


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No, nothing ever happens


I wish Greeks ruled over MENA again and I say as a Syrian


>Kill all Zionist
>Death to all Colonialists
Dare I say it? Greece is based?


>I wish Greeks ruled over MENA again and I say as a Syrian
Your small-penis war dramas and sissy-ass epics ARE THE DIRECT HISTORICAL CAUSE of all this. All hero cultists should be put to the wall.


Always has been
Greece has a large anarchist and street fighting tradition which gives a lot of shock troops for protest/social movements.


President of Iran Ebrahim Raisi just died in a helicopter crash.


AFAIK he's not declared dead yet


They haven't found him yet, the crash was in a rocky area with bad weather, it's not confirmed but it definitely doesn't look good.


foreign minister was also in the heli, hes a key element of the IRGC / AoR network, their status is still unconfirmed, but it was foggy as fuck and its raining now


I'm sorry why is anyone important traveling by helicopter after what happened to Kobe Bryant? They're such a bad mode of transportation, especially in Iran, they literally saw what happened to the Americans who came in on them in the 70s.


They should've just used ground transportation. Helicopters are catching body after body. This is also why Kim Jong Un doesn't fly.


Israeli sources are saying he's dead, which could be either sowing chaos or because they assassinated him.


At least if he died he'll get a cool dam named after him!


The problem is that most Greeks had to migrate to Europe so the tradition is dead now..


>I wish Greeks ruled over MENA again and I say as a Syrian


Iranian president something something what happened lol?


Helicopter had a "hard landing" in an area with bad weather, we have no idea of the president or the foreign minister's whereabouts


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>you can't support hamas and assad at the same tim-ACK


Israel is so stupid, they united literally every Arab faction save for monarchists against them when they looked irreconcilably divided not even ten years ago


Rescue arriving now. We'll find out soon.
No communications from radio or phone is a very bad sign for life
..and Syria too I guess.


>Amazing how quickly the Republicans stopped their laughable atni-war grift once the victims became brown people.
Different buckets to allocate the interests in. Although the cold war makes the overlap all the more flagrant. That said, Republicans never really were "anti-war" they just made a political theater issue of "Biden's war" in Ukraine. And only when it was authorized. And only when at the pace that it was allowed. And never actually obstructed the conduct of the proxy war. And all the while saying that the USA ought to be doing much worse around China and the global south in general.

So I don't get where this "antiwar" stance comes from.


>Greece has a large anarchist and street fighting tradition
Remember this every time some think tank paid pacifist posts on here.

It comes from stunted children who think "politics" is patty-cake and that the state can be turned to God.


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I just LOVE the fact that the entire course of human history could be entirely derailed by stupid shit like this.
Just imagine this, the world events that would've transpired had this not happened are now entirely different compared to what's actually coming next.


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>So I don't get where this "antiwar" stance comes from.
There are some but they tend to be black sheep in their own party. If you see that vote, the three Republicans who voted no on the Israel aid bill were MTG (who has become increasingly alienated from the great Orange Man himself), Thomas Massie and… some other guy… but Massie for example is an Austrian School libertarian guy Kentucky (there's a bit of a tradition of this there, Rand Paul is a Kentucky senator). Massie once said he thought people who were voting for him and Rand Paul (and his father, Ron Paul) were libertarian Republicans, but then he realized that they weren't voting for libertarian ideas but for the "craziest son of a bitch in the race."

I don't think leftypol needs a primer on libertarianism. But they tend to occupy a space that's both far to the right and left of the "left" and "right" respectively. Like, ending foreign wars, reducing the military, ending prohibitions on illegal drugs, while at the same time believing that property rights are sacrosanct and ending anything that smells like socialism, which in the U.S. context translates to abolishing = Social Security (old-age pensions), Medicare (a subsidized public healthcare program for the elderly), etc. Their attitude towards government is "go away."

This puts them in a weird position of being very agreeable to different people depending on what the issue issue is, and also… not. There's a longstanding tradition of this in the U.S., but they also tend to have a mythologized view of America in the 19th century (and early presidents like Thomas Jefferson who they admire greatly). Like, the U.S. government between Lincoln and FDR engaged in a version of East Asian-style mercantilism, etc. Some of them (of the nativist, protectionist, paleoconservative variety) also idolize Calvin Coolidge of the 1920s who defended high tariffs and strict immigration policies for explicitly racist reasons.

But however they interpret all of that, Massie has a consistent ideology, but represents really a particular American political sect that isn't reflective of the larger party. I'm not sure what MTG really believes other than trying to disrupt the government from doing anything, but I don't know if that's based on a particular ideology.


what's the scoop on Ebrahim Raisi in relation to Ali Khamenei? does the latter hold more power?


>He's going to Israel to join the IDF
lmao, let's see how the jumped up little cunt manages when people start firing rockets back at him



The president is who theoretically gets elected but in the end the real nodes of power in Iran are the Ayatollah, his immediate circle, and the IRGC, especially Quds force. The recent elections have had very low participation rates, especially in Tehran. Muhammad Mukhbar would only have a few months to rally the public to himself, I have no idea about his political capabilities or how the public will respond to Raisi's death if that's what's happening.


>unapologetically idealist view of history
Am I being trolled?


>the world events that would've transpired had this not happened are now entirely different
retarded, material forces are a lot more decisive than country leaders


Good video. Al Jazeera should have bought this. Shame.


>I don't think leftypol needs a primer on libertarianism
At the least, they should understand how the anarchists (those described as "Libertarians" before Murray Rothbard and company captured the term and recuperated it in service to Calvinist social and economic ideals.

>the ongoing direction and management of a closely held, real world material process is just idealism


i didn't know magic the gathering was up for election in amerikkka


This appears to be a classic example of a covert Zionist assassination, and considering that the โ€œcrashโ€ occurred in a isolated Mountainous part of the Azeri-majority region near the Azerbaijani border, it seems likely that Azeri separatists were used to carry this out in coordination with Mossad, Azerbaijan (who have close ties with the Zionist State, and claim the Azeri-majority provinces of Northwestern Iran as part of Azerbaijan), and probably Turkey as well (they LARP as Anti-Zionist but in reality they are a NATO member that has diplomatic relations with the Zionist State along with massive Military-Industrial cooperation with the Zionists, who practically built the โ€œTurkishโ€ Drone industry), with it being extremely easy for Mossad/Azerbaijan/Turkey to smuggle RPGs to some Azeri separatists who blew the Iranian Presidents Helicopter out of the sky in a remote mountainous area, ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฎ! If this is confirmed to be a Zionist/Turkish/Azeri operation, Iran should respond with launching Hundreds of MRBMs at the Zionist State, an Invasion of Azerbaijan, and arming a Kurdish PKK uprising in Turkey, โœŠ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡พ๐Ÿ‡พ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ถ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿš€โœŠ๐Ÿ˜œ!


>The president is who theoretically gets elected but in the end the real nodes of power in Iran are the Ayatollah, his immediate circle, and the IRGC, especially Quds force
I think the parliament and president have more power than you believe within Iranian society anon.


<t. I am mentally ill and decided I can implant fantasy onto reality
No. Go back.


Israelis have kidnapped Raisi and are going to extract him to Armenia.
t. in the know


Just got home from selling my labor and saw the Iranian president died in a plane crash and some people are pointing fingers at Israel. Truthfully, what the hell is going on?


<I half heard something on the radio and just idk made up my own head canon.
Wtf is wrong with you people read the fucking news Jesus fucking christ how would this never have been harder than coming here to posy Jesus fuck you people are so off the spectrum retarded why do I deal with you short-bus weirdos


I'm posting on here in between doing other stuff since I came home. I work three jobs. I need people to spoonfeed me complicated world news sometimes.


>Truthfully, what the hell is going on?
We don't know.

>I think the parliament and president have more power than you believe within Iranian society anon.
The president is more important than in a parliamentary system but far less that a presidential system. I think it works like that.





imageboards work like news aggregator with commenting and elite shitposters. Its better than getting just one narrative.



Allah shall resurrect him to lead the destruction of the zionist entity.


What is unreasonable about my Analysis, the Zionist are known to carry out high-profile assassinations on Iranian soil and the โ€œcrashโ€ happened in the separatist Iranian Azerbaijan region (as the name implies the population is majority ethnic Azeri and thus want to join their brethren in Azerbaijan), in a highly remote mountainous area where it would be quite easy for a small group of separatist commandos to use a RPG (it is very easy to smuggle weapons across the Iranian border, especially in a separatist region that shares the same ethnic Azeri population as Azerbaijan) to blow a Helicopter out of the sky, along with the fact that we now that Zionists have a tight Military-Intelligence relationship with Azerbaijan, ๐Ÿค”?


the gangs all here


>What is unreasonable about my Analysis
You're literally just guessing and the facts don't even close to add up to your autistic fantasy.


Lear is a known retard and attention whore.
Do not engage.


I didnโ€™t say that it definitely was a Zionist/Azeri/Turkish assassination, I just said that it is the most likely explanation given the facts I laid out (ie. The โ€œCrashโ€ happened in the Separatist Iranian Azerbaijan region, Zionists are known to carry out Assassinations in Iran, Azeris are known to be aligned with Zionists, etc.), and if Iโ€™m right Iran must launch a Total War of Annihilation against the Zionist State (Hundreds of Conventional MRBM strikes, and eventually a Nuclear MRBM strike on Tel Aviv If possible) and Azerbaijan (total Invasion, Occupation, and Regime Change in coordination with Armenia and Russia), combined with a Iranian/Russian/Armenian-backed Kurdish PKK uprising in Turkey, ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคข๐ŸคฎโœŠ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡พ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡พ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ถ๐Ÿš€โ˜ข๏ธ!


Yea he lives in complete ignorant fantasy. Apologies


What is โ€œIgnorantโ€ and/or โ€œFantasyโ€ about my analysis, ๐Ÿค”?


You are a fucking retard. You have absolutely no clue as to how the relations between Turks - Azeris and Iranians actually is like.


I know that Turkey is a NATO member that promotes Pan-Turkic Separatism among Turkic minorities in Non-Turkic countries (ie. Azeris in Iran, Uyghurs in China, Tatars in Russia, Turkmen in Syria/Iraq, etc.) and which has a close Military-Industrial-Intelligence relationship with the Zionist State (ie. The joint Turkish-Zionist Drone program which is used to kill Russian troops in Ukraine, Armenian troops in Artsakh, and Syrian and IRGC troops in Syria, etc.), and that Azerbaijan has irredentist claims on Iranian Azerbaijan, with widespread separatist tendencies among the ethnic Azeris their, so what is so absurd/ignorant about my analysis, ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿค”?


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Liberals use the kubler ross stages of grief strategically.

They always start with denialism of war crimes. Then they get angry at anyone who points out war crimes. Then they try to bargain with people to back down from their accusations. Then they pretend to be sad about how unfair it is that people are pointing out war crimes. They never reach "acceptance" however. They just restart the cycle.

Right now we're at "bargaining" where they're willing to admit that Israel is bad right now as long as we all pretend it's just Likud and Netanyahu, rather than the entire zionist project from beginning to end.


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It makes no sense to me. All the colonial project is doing is shooting at civilian targets putting their own retarded healthy nazionist soldiers at risk and cutting ties to other countries. How is that economically helpful for them especially ones American money runs out?


In the largest demonstrations since October 7th, the youth of Berlin, Germany, have come out in support of Palestine and demanding an end to the genocide being committed by the "israeli" occupation government in the Gaza Strip with the support of the German government.
The protests have been met with violent repression by the German police who has been attacking demonstrators and arresting activists. It is noteworthy that the German government has previously banned Nakba Day protests.

The zionist army admits to the death of one of its officers during battles with the resistance in northern Gaza.

In the central Gaza Strip, fierce armed clashes are taking place between the Palestinian resistance and IOF in Nusseirat camp, coinciding with heavy bombing.


Nazis are retarded


>Liberals use the kubler ross stages of grief strategically.
No they don't. The stages were never intended to be taken as a progression. Mentally ill religious people keep looking for teleologies in everything they see.


There is no "cycle", they're just trying to go through methods to shut up the opposition one by one.


Hezbollah operations 05/19/2024:
07:00: targeted the Al-Rahib site with artillery shells.
10:15: after careful monitoring and anticipation of the โ€œisraeliโ€ enemy forces at the โ€œMalikiyahโ€ site, and when a โ€œHummerโ€ military jeep entered it, the fighters of the Islamic Resistance targeted it with a guided missile, achieving a direct hit, and it was destroyed leaving its crew between dead and wounded. After the enemy soldiers gathered to inspect the casualties, the fighters targeted them with artillery shells, achieving confirmed hits.
10:40: targeted the Ramtha site with rocket weapons, achieving a direct hit.
11:00: targeted the newly installed espionage equipment at the Ramia site with appropriate weapons, achieving a direct hit leading to its destruction.
13:25: targeted the Jal Al-Alam site with artillery shells, achieving a direct hit.
16:40: targeted the spy equipment at the โ€œMalikiyahโ€ site with appropriate weapons, achieving a direct hit leading to its destruction.
17:00: targeted the newly installed espionage equipment raised on a crane at the โ€œMalikiyahโ€ site with appropriate weapons, achieving a direct hit leading to its destruction.17:30: after careful monitoring and surveillance of the border in the โ€œMetullaโ€ area and upon the arrival of three โ€œisraeliโ€ enemy soldiers and their entry to the border position opposite of Al-Khiam Airport, the fighters of the Islamic Resistance targeted them with a guided missile, which hit them and inflicted deaths and injuries among them.
19:30: targeted the headquarters of a reconnaissance company from Battalion 6551 of Brigade 551 Paratroopers Reserve (an elite force) in the โ€œMetullaโ€ colony through an attack with an assault drone, in response to the assassination that took place in Majdal Anjar.


UN aid chief warns of 'apocalyptic' consequences of shortages in Gaza

The UN humanitarian assistance chief has warned that "Israel's" continued starvation and blockade of humanitarian aid delivery in the beleaguered Gaza Strip might have "apocalyptic" outcomes.

On Sunday, Martin Griffiths, the UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, stated that "Israel's" airstrikes on Rafah have cut vital assistance crossings, resulting in gasoline, food, and medical shortages in Gaza.

Griffiths warned that if fuel runs out and the aid cannot reach the people who desperately need it, famine will no longer be "looming but present," which is going to be "hard, difficult, and apocalyptic."

Griffiths estimated that 50 trucks of supplies per day may reach the hardest-hit areas north of Gaza via the restored Erez gate. However, battles near the Rafah and Karem Abu Salem crossings in Gaza's south following the Israeli invasion "effectively blocked" crucial lines.

"So aid getting in through land routes to the south and for Rafah, and the people dislodged by Rafah is almost nil," Griffiths reported.

Griffiths said the aggression in Rafah was "exactly what we feared it would be," as gasoline, food, and medical supplies ran out, adding that the operation is a "disaster" for those who have been relocated 4 or 5 times to the area.

The UN reported on Saturday that 800,000 Palestinians have been "forced to flee" "Israel's" assault on Rafah.

According to a statement published on Sunday by the Gaza Government Media Office, "Israel's" blockade of the Rafah and Karem Abu Salem borders for the 13th consecutive day is blocking 3,000 assistance vehicles from entering the territory and preventing 690 patients from getting treatment abroad.

โ€œIsrael also prevents the entry of fuel into hospitals and agencies that provide humanitarian services which doubles the deep humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip,โ€ the statement detailed.

The office also reported the "collapse of the healthcare system and the targeting, destruction, burning, and complete incapacitation of hospitals.โ€

The statement held the Israeli occupation, the US administration, and the European Union accountable for the current genocide, which has killed over 35,456 Palestinians and injured over 79,476 of them.

Israeli occupation forces continue their aggression on various areas of the Gaza Strip for the 226th day, resulting in more civilian casualties.

In a related development, Israeli occupation forces (IOF) launched a series of airstrikes on various areas in northern Gaza amid fierce confrontations between Resistance fighters and the IOF, which is attempting to expand its invasion into the area.

Al Mayadeen's correspondent reported that Jabalia witnessed the highest rate of casualties in recent days. He added that fresh airstrikes targeted the gate of a makeshift shelter in the camp, killing 15 people and injuring more than 35. Our reporter also mentioned that the victims were transported to Kamal Adwan Hospital.

IOF artillery targeted the Sheikh Zayed area and Kalibo Hill in northern Gaza, with Israeli aircraft striking near Kamal Adwan Hospital.

In central Gaza, airstrikes hit a newly established camp north of Nuseirat, killing 18 Palestinians and injuring others.

Furthermore, Israeli aircraft targeted a residence owned by the Awad family near al-Safa Mosque in the al-Bureij camp in central Gaza.

Palestinian media also confirmed six fatalities from an Israeli airstrike on a residence on Yaffa Street in the al-Daraj neighborhood of eastern Gaza City.

Over 800,000 Palestinians have been forced to flee yet again to "so-called safe zones" since "Israel" began its incursion in Rafah, UNRWA Chief Philippe Lazzarini said on Saturday.

He lamented the numerous times that the people of Gaza have been forcibly displaced in a post on X, leaving them exposed and without "safe passage or protection," detailing how every time, they have to leave everything behind and begin their lives anew.

To make matters worse, he noted that most areas that people are fleeing to now lack safe water or sanitation and even basic emergency humanitarian assistance.

Lazzarini added that al-Mawassi, which he described as a sandy 14-kilometer land with "little to no buildings or roads" and lacking "minimal conditions to provide emergency humanitarian assistance in a safe and dignified manner," held some 400,000 people before the invasion of Rafah.

"The humanitarian community does not have any more supplies to give out, including food and other basic items.โ€ฏ"

In addition, he emphasized that lack of fuel, unstable telecommunication, and continued airstrikes render the much-needed delivery of aid "almost impossible".

Lazzarini urged the reopening of crossings and safe access to the same routes, citing that if they are not reopened, "the deprivation of assistance and catastrophic humanitarian conditions will persist."


They've not been acting anything approximating rationality for a while, we've been saying it for a while buy its over for Israel.


When shit goes bad a colonial project starts getting purely destructive like this. On a personal level, the people are spiraling because they're being confronted by reality and can't cope. On a materialist level, you could argue that it is actually somewhat strategically sensible, because historically speaking settler colonial projects only work out if they manage to fully exterminate or subjugate the indigenous population. Compare the situation in South Africa to the situation in the US or Australia. This kind of apocalyptic mass murder is in that context basically a hail mary attempting to push the last yards to get to the endzone of exterminating the Palestinians. At that point, it doesn't really matter what the ICJ does because there's no Palestinians left to exercise right of return, and it's not like they're going to deport the next generation of Israelis (who are children at the moment).


Whatever remains of an Israeli left that could constitute a peace camp is basically non-existent. Even before the war, most Israelis had attitudes towards the Palestinians that ranged from (a) indifference to (b) eliminationist. That attitude of indifference was coupled with a lot of hubris and arrogance that they could just ignore the Palestinians, but the reaction to Oct. 7 has been to mainly benefit the people in the (b) category who believe that driving the Palestinians off their land is doing God's work. The reaction was rage and desire for vengeance.

There's also a liberal camp (see Haaretz) which will focus on Bibi as acting like the ogre. But that's easy to do because it makes Israeli liberals feel good about themselves.


Curious about the 3rd video, does anyone know what kind of drone has this UI? Given that the projectile dropped when the recording said auxiliary bottom light had turned on, I wonder what sort of drones Hamas is using for this and how they've retrofitted them.


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Place your bets!


I WAS RIGHT, the Zionists and Turks must pay for what they did, INSHALLAH, โœŠ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡พ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡พ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ถ๐Ÿš€โ˜ข๏ธ!



๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿท ๐Ÿคฉ<-me

๐Ÿท๐Ÿคณ ๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿฅ„๐Ÿ˜‹<-me


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hmmm. doesnt look good


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Iranian TV stations are all broadcasting Quran recitations.
It's Khameneover.


It Khamenever began.


62% of Israelis don't trust 'absolute victory' over Hamas possible

A new opinion poll conducted by the Israeli Midgam Institute indicates that about two-thirds of the Israeli public do not believe in the entity's ability to achieve the objective of "eliminating" Hamas, marking a complete shift from a similar study conducted last January.

Since day one of the war on Gaza, the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that, along with bringing back the captives, the main goal of the war is to end Hamas and achieve an "absolute victory" against the Resistance in the Strip.

But almost eight months into the genocidal war on Gaza, "Israel" has yet to reach the captives, defeat the Resistance, reduce its influence, or effectively harm its capabilities. Meanwhile, political and social rifts are widening, risking the collapse of the emergency government and paralyzing the war cabinet.

Meanwhile, the dire Israeli situation on the northern front with Hezbollah has left tens of thousands of Israeli settlers unable to return to their settlements, as the Lebanese Resistance continues its daily operation against military bases and sites at an escalatory rate.

Published by The Wall Street Journal, the Midgam report showed that 62% of Israelis no longer believe that the entity is capable of achieving "absolute victory", while 27% still consider it realistic.

The newspaper noted that over 220 days after the start of the war on Gaza, the belief of the Israeli public in the ability of the Israeli army to achieve the objectives of the military war is weakening, specifically in terms of overthrowing the authority of Hamas in the Strip and recovering all captives.

The survey was conducted under notably different circumstances this time around, the WSJ said.

The Israeli military found itself today repeatedly being forced to launch new offensives in areas previously deemed "under control," after Resistance fighters remerged directly after the occupation's withdrawal.

Fierce confrontations are still underway, especially in Jabalia, indicating that the Resistance still maintains significant capabilities in the strategic parts of Gaza. Additionally, "Israel" launched an invasion into Rafah earlier this month without identifying the clear goals of the operation and leaving its army overstretched in battles across the Strip and in a continuous loop of war since last October.

In contrast, back in January, the occupation army was still deeply embroiled in intense Gaza-wide combat. During that period, it regularly touted purported achievements, leading the Israeli public to believe that the war's conclusion was imminent, which was far from the truth.

Apologies for accidentally marking this as RNN, the source for that post was Al-Mayadeen


What does this Mean, Comrade, ๐Ÿค”?


Why does good shit like this not happen to the US and its allies more regularly. This world fucking sucks


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Rescuers find Raisiโ€™s helicopter

Several Iranian media outlets have cited the Red Crescent as saying that rescue teams have found Raisiโ€™s helicopter.

The Red Crescent did not provide information on whether the president and his companions have survived or not.

Red Crescent confirms reaching helicopter site

โ€œRed Crescent search and rescue teams have reached the crash site of the helicopter carrying the president,โ€ the Iranian Red Crescent says in a statement.


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>no sources


Say hello to Soleimani for me in Jannah, Raisi-san


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True Anon rule


OK now it is well and truly over. F, rest in Jannah.


Doing this in a bad weather environment is actually more likely to be an assassination. I mean it's a perfect cover if you ask me.


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it's over…


maybe but small aircraft are dangerous as fuck anyway so who knows, it's by far the most deadly form of travel


The head of the Iranian Red Crescent said the rescue teams have reached the site of the crash. And in minutes, the rescue teams are going to reach the wreckage of the helicopter as well.

So now, we are receiving the videos from the rescue teams. Theyโ€™re saying that the entire cabin of the helicopter is significantly damaged and burned. And they say that as of now, there are no signs of the survivors on the site.


That's what I'm saying send a drone or better tamper with the helicopter itself to make it misfunction… Anyone says anything… But did you see that fog what did they expect it was so mountainous… Like it's the perfect cover while possibly actually just being a fuck up. I mean these are the geniuses that took out a passenger plane after the death of the general.


>I mean these are the geniuses that took out a passenger plane after the death of the general.

yeah I'm surprised americans don't make fun of iran for this more, what a huge fuckup


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It's over over


So Israel is definitely unhinged to have done this for no clear strategic benefit, right? Because the whole thing about KKKhamas and the KKKhouthis being Iran proxies. Surely the US or any allies wouldn't do this, what purpose would it serve?


Damn it really be looking like according to that photo that they just flew right into the mountain.

Bruh you gotta be kidding me


you'd be surprised how often that happens in bad weather


helicopter crashes are so common and iran is sucb bad terrain to fly a helicopter in that theres genuinely no reason fo assume there was anything shady, plus the president is not very powerful in important in iran, sorry happeningbros


>no visibility
>instruments don't know where the mountains are, only how high above sea level you are


Jesus these dumbasses deserved this shit if forensics comes back and says no interference. How fucking dumb


TBF there's GPS charts and stuff now that can tell you exactly where you are but people still get careless


You mean to tell me they can't keep track of the elevation of there own damn mountains?


hey they move ya know, never heard of tectonic plates?


This one seems almost primed for conspiracy theories because (a) it's been pretty convenient for a long time to kill people you don't like by sabotaging their aircraft and blaming it on the aircraft (b) Israel is pretty famous – I know this is a lot to process – for assassinating people they don't like (c) he was flying back from Azerbaijan which has a relationship with Israel and (d) Iran just launched a lot of drones and ballistic missiles *at* Israel… so… there's probably around two people in the world who wont link this with Israel.

But then, on the other hand, helicopters are fucking dangerous when they're not flying over remote and mountainous parts of Iran in extremely foggy conditions, and helicopters crash all the time and:
>you'd be surprised how often that happens in bad weather


At what a centimeter at year? Fuck this is embarrassing this is making me a western lib on this issue. The Islamic Republic has gotta go this embarrassment to the multipolar world is getting to be to much for me. I can't stand pussy Putin this is another level.


Iran is mountainous as fuck. A topographical map of the country would require extensive surveying or scanning lol.
lol, that doesn't tell you the elevation of the land at your coordinates


The head of the Iranian Red Crescent said the rescue teams have reached the site of the crash. And in minutes, the rescue teams are going to reach the wreckage of the helicopter as well.

So now, we are receiving the videos from the rescue teams. Theyโ€™re saying that the entire cabin of the helicopter is significantly damaged and burned. And they say that as of now, there are no signs of the survivors on the site.


>amerikkka should invade and kill millions because some guy crashed a helicopter

I feel like the entire world probably has topographical maps now, and flight GPS might not tell you the exact height of mountains in remote areas idk but at least it should show you where they are so you can go around


It does


But seriously why did Raisi use a helicopter?


The conditions sound like they were an absolute nightmare to fly through, the rescuers reported that they could only see 10 or 15 feet in front of them from the fog, and helicopters are, as has been point pointed out, prone to accidents.


More like this is another push for me to support the domestic grassroots opposition even at the risk of co-opt color revolution.


>I feel like the entire world probably has topographical maps now
At what resolution? And who has them? Doubtless the Pentagon has maps of Iran's mountains down to like a meter resolution. They can scan that shit from space. What technology does Iran have that would be able to measure this stuff besides the old classic analog surveying methods? I don't think you uighas understand what goes into getting that kind of tool. Science and technology isn't just a magic wand you wave at the world to make problems go away. Even if it was, it's important to understand that countries like Iran are materially worse off in this respect than the developed countries (by design ofc) and are at a significant technical disadvantage.


world leaders all are too good to use commercial. but there's probably not many direct flights between azerbaijan and iran anyway


Because of a helicopter crash?


They are being incompetent anon



you can zoom into any random place in iran and get topology, I'm sure paid-for services are better than this too


>It does
It can tell you your elevation, which is the same as the ground level if you're in a ground vehicle. It can only tell you the ground's elevation if you have the area mapped in your GPS device.


What kinda banana republic can't get their people in power some decent jets. What kinda banana republic can't make basic precautionary decisions in bad weather. Now I get to watch libs and Zionist at large meme about the fog real bullshit.


They have found the wreck some time ago now but it looks like there is still no official statement from the Iran gov that Raisi is dead. What gives?


I mean yeah I agree it's embarassing but it's not like jets never crash either.


I'm already seeing zionist making helicopter memes like fascist Pinochet fans


>Fuck this is embarrassing this is making me a western lib on this issue. The Islamic Republic has gotta go this embarrassment
>amerikkka should invade and kill millions because some guy crashed a helicopter
I think it's possible to hold these seemingly contradictory opinions in your head at the same time: it would be bad for the U.S. to invade Iran (for any reason), and the Islamic Republic is hosed up and just suck. You know, it's possible. Iranian emigres are celebrating. These are apparently the daughters of a woman (Minoo Majidi) who was shot and killed during the unrest in 2022.


They said they found no bodies in the wreckage. hearing some unconfirmed reports on social media that one has been found since then, unidentified.
even if they find raisi dead they'll probably take a bit to prepare a statement, etc before going ahead. fairly typical for this kind of thing.


Mehr News Agency says Raisi, Amirabdollahian killed in crash

The semi-official news agency reports that the Iranian president, foreign minister and other occupants of the helicopter, including East Azerbaijan Province Governor Malek Rahmati, have been โ€œmartyredโ€.

There is still no official confirmation that Raisi is dead, but medics have said that they found โ€œno signsโ€ of life at the crash site.

Watching PressTV live, they aren't reporting his death currently.


I mean yeah Iran does pretty much suck but when you contribute to general western propaganda it doesn't matter if you're doing it for good reasons of not, it's still just adding to the general climate of hate and dehumanisation of Iranian people


Worth noting that fog doesn't just reduce visibility but it implies changes in barometric pressure. Depending on the instruments on the helicopter, they may have had an altimeter that reads based on barometric pressure. Flying into the fog could have thrown off the readings.

That site only has 20m resolution between topography lines in the area near Azerbaijan. That's not very good. And how good were the instruments on this helicopter? Did they have topographical maps integrated? Would the pilot get a warning when approaching an area with a rise in elevation? This is the president's transport but it's the president of Iran. They don't necessarily have state of the art equipment, and clearly don't have the best guy to fly it since he flew a helicopter into dense fog through a mountainous region while transporting the president.


The social contradictions in Iran are more intense than in other U.S.-enemy states like Russia and China. There are periodic and highly destabilizing mass protest movements. I think that's a legitimate worry though. The choice of government is up to the Iranian people, not anybody else.


You know you fucked up when even leftypolacks who usually are "THE CIA-NATO-MOSSAD ARE BEHIND EVERYTHING BAD THAT HAPPENS IN THIS WORLD" are going "yeah this is just incompetence and bad weather lol"


It honestly could be either, but regardless it's full retard to try to fly through foggy mountains in a helicopter.


I've read that Raisi was a possible successor to Khamenei who is 85 years old so that adds another twist.


PressTV now confirming.


Even allowing riot police to contain protest without proper gear or communication which ended in some of their deaths is incompetence. Allowing scientists to be assassinated and not giving them proper protection is incompetence. Generals and soldiers getting matyred at the border and in the field is incompetence. Soleimani should have never been exposed in an Iraqi airport to allow orange burgerman even the opportunity to strike him.Another incompetent moment that should have never happened when you look at how the CIA even knew he was there. Now to top it off the Foreign Minister and the fucking President of the Islamic Republic used a old chopper and crashed out in the mountains. The cherry on top of all incompetence moments that the Islamic Republic has been doing. It shows how despised the opposition is that the Islamic Republic is still standing strong. Khamenei needs to start a purge and actually get there shit together. They are lucky there is still a strong base of support for the revolution but they should start actually having investing and looking at how different BRICS countries like China and even Russia handle security.


Apparently the chopper was made in the 60s, so it would have been approaching 60 years old.


Eh Raisi was not going to chosen he was pretty low but he was going to play a crucial role for the next Supreme leader


Honestly, whether this was a Zionist/Turkish/Azeri Assassination or an accident caused by a retarded Iranian pilot flying a Helicopter into a mountain due to Foggy weather (you would think the Cobe Bryant Fuck up would of thought big shots the world over to stop using these things in bad weather), it is an extreme embarrassment for the โ€œIslamic Republic of Iranโ€, which is compounded by the recent Kabuki โ€œattackโ€ on the Zionist state with worthless Drones that got blown out of the sky (they did launch some MRBMs which hit some empty buildings, but that is nowhere near equivalent to what the Zionists deserved in response to their Genocide of Gaza), ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฎ! These absurd events really emphasize how tragic it was for the Iranian people that the Communists didnโ€™t win the Iranian Revolution (instead the Reactionary U$/Zionist-backed Islamists won), because as much as I critically support the โ€œIslamic Republic of Iranโ€ against Zionism and U$ Imperialism, I would 100% support a Maoist PPW in Iran to establish a Socialist State that is genuinely Historically Progressive, Anti-Imperialist, and Anti-Zionist (actually willing to go to War with the Zionist State), with Self-Determination for all Ethnic Minorities (ie. Azeris, Kurds, Balochis, Arabs, etc.), and full equal rights for Women and Homosexuals combined with a Maoist Cultural Revolution to eliminate all Reactionary Superstructures (ie. Organized Religion, Racism, Homophobia, Sexism, National Chauvinism, Bourgeois Femininity/Domesticity, etc.), โœŠ๐Ÿ˜œ!


>Iranian drones search for Raisi for 15 hours
>a single (one) Turkish drone dispatched
<finds him within an hour
It's joever


>Al-Qassam fighters were able to liquidate 15 zionist soldiers
holy shit, they can't stop winning


the king is back!


just think about it like this: the Resistance is winning, and the zionists are on the run. international pressure is ramping up and even Germany is protesting. It would be a real shame is something were to obstruct this process…


OH FUCK. well let's hope it was an accident and all actors remain calm and don't do anything fucking stupid



I don't want to sound demoralizing, but why does it seem like the Palestinians (Palestinian leadership to be more precise) are so fucking desperate when Israel is (allegedly) a paper tiger about to collapse?

I keep reading articles about how Hamas leaders keep telling people to "ESCALATE ESCALATE ESCALATE" for Gaza, but why would they need to do that if Israel is clearly losing the war? Why are they calling for people in every country to revolt in solidarity with Palestine? Why would Palestine need solidarity if Israel's defeat is inevitable?


hey king, wanna start an enc*mpment?


>found no bodies in the wreckage
raisi confirmed going deep undercover with prigozhin


Damn I'm going to have to listen to you retards tell me this was a cia/mosad action for the next year aren't I?
>>found no bodies in the wreckage
Made up.
Multiple bodies.


GPS you say….? I wonder who controls GPS


This. People are fixating on the helicopter crashing, rather than why they were out in a storm in the first place. Clearly it must have been something high priority.


ICC just issued requests for arrest warrants for Benjamin Netanyahu, Yoav Gallant, and also for Ismail Haniyeh, Mohammed Daif.
Kharim Khan KC of the ICC said there are grounds to believe both Netanyahu and Haniyeh have commited war crimes and crimes against humanity.







He is shaking


Yeah the entire liberal world order is using Bibi as the fall guy to clean their hands off of this whole mess.
Can't believe I'm seeing this sort of scummy bullshit from History books happen in real time!


Palestine can go and claim that Israeli government is illegitimate now, because Israel tolerates Netanyahoo, and refuse to negotiate with him, for example. Same as what Ukraine has done. What will Westoids do then?


On the basis of evidence collected and examined by my Office, I have reasonable grounds to believe that Benjamin NETANYAHU, the Prime Minister of Israel, and Yoav GALLANT, the Minister of Defence of Israel, bear criminal responsibility for the following war crimes and crimes against humanity committed on the territory of the State of Palestine (in the Gaza strip) from at least 8 October 2023:

Starvation of civilians as a method of warfare as a war crime contrary to article 8(2)(b)(xxv) of the Statute;
Wilfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or health contrary to article 8(2)(a)(iii), or cruel treatment as a war crime contrary to article 8(2)(c)(i);
Wilful killing contrary to article 8(2)(a)(i), or Murder as a war crime contrary to article 8(2)(c)(i);
Intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population as a war crime contrary to articles 8(2)(b)(i), or 8(2)(e)(i);
Extermination and/or murder contrary to articles 7(1)(b) and 7(1)(a), including in the context of deaths caused by starvation, as a crime against humanity;
Persecution as a crime against humanity contrary to article 7(1)(h);
Other inhumane acts as crimes against humanity contrary to article 7(1)(k).


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International Criminal Court puts out arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant


They need to drop the both sidesism tho.


>Multiple bodies.
not him


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>deep undercover with prigozhin



You know they wont, what they're doing was already pretty unimaginable not so long ago


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So I don't see genocide there. Does anyone know more about ICC procedures? Like is it possible that they could still charge them with the big one?


Not even close. Operation cyclone was the most expensive covert operation ever conducted and funded by such measures as massive bond fraud in America that helped usher in a recession. Funding, man power equipment, intelligence and propaganda networks across essentially ever major country outside the Soviet Union, even the Chinese. And it was not successful in and of itself. The Afghan government was able to secure the country with the help of the very limited military support given by the Soviet revisionists. It was only when the Soviets pulled out (and then finished a complete counter revolution themselves) that the forces of reaction were able to overcome, in 1993. The Palestinian resistance is more like the Afghan government resisting hard against the waves of barbarians of all the most powerful nations on earth beating at their door. Don't you ever dare confuse the two or you spit on our history, present and future.


The CNN interview suggested that the charge would come up during findings of evidence because it would require substantialmy more evidence of intent rather than just looking at what happened on the ground.
It's not off the table

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