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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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Idk man, I genuinely feel like people that fall for Western propaganda essentially become functionally retarded
Just look at how your average euroid or yank cannot comprehend the fact that destroying other countries will naturally cause people to flee
Look at yankoids online scaremongering about Russia even though they’ve invaded countries since before I was born

I genuinely think that telling people they are “superior” turns them into stupid fucking apes committing random savagery and bowing down to the head chimp


You're right.
Soviet propaganda appealed to the more developed parts of the brain. Which implies a level of general intelligence higher than usual. Western propaganda appealed to basic instincts which means it's more entropically favorable. So although it appears as western propaganda always wins, there is a dark side to it.
>It creates dead individuals that wish to escape life's problems via antisocial behavior that leads to actual long run death of humanity
Which is why although I hate censorship, historical evidence proves that North Korea was smart in closing itself off.
You can't avoid the 2nd law of thermodynamics. If things continue in the same direction, I'm willing to bet DPRK will outlive South Korea.
In other words:
>Imagine if German Unification was done by the GDR


:| Western Propaganda
:O Chinese/Russian Propaganda


This is mostly a cart before the horse situation. It's much more the case that people who are already simple-minded are easier to manipulate and more likely to fall for propaganda.

That said, if you are bombarded with emotion-based propaganda it can be used to override your rationality whenever the subject of the propaganda comes up. Fear is especially effective for this. That can be fear of some scary Other that's been scapegoated, fear of becoming destitute yourself if you allow the "bad" economic policies to happen, etc. I would say your idea about supremacy is ultimately rooted in fear, rather than ego or pride. The nature of that propaganda is ultimately that the "inferior" Other is a threat to your status and you must defend it lest the roles become reversed.


>that people who are already simple-minded
Gee, I wonder why there are so many of these


Sabotaging education is different from doing propaganda, though they are related of course. But even with a good education system, there will be simpler people who are relatively easy to fool.

That's not really the biggest factor though, I was just pointing that out since it's what OP focused on. Personal self-interest is a big factor too. Regardless of whether you are a genius or a dumb-dumb, you are inclined to believe propaganda that's convenient to your interests.


If you live in the West you literally do not encounter any Russian or Chinese propaganda and can go your entire life without seeing any. False equivalence.


Angloid propaganda: making shit up because you know that the consumer won't ever encounter the truth about the other side
Russian/Chinese propaganda: showing reality because you know you can't lie much when like 10% of your population knows English and consumes angloid media
If anything, the propaganda is doing a terrible job. I despise angloids much more than even people who unironically watch TV.
They do frame the truth, of course - they do say that the west is basically the realm of slaanesh with drag queens on every corner, but then so do angloid conservative media.


Yes, we prefer truth over lies. Whats hard to understand?


Western Propaganda = BAD
Chinese/Russian Propaganda = GOOD

I am very smart.


Unironically yes. American propaganda is used to brainwash and obfuscate, propaganda non-western cultures is based around the concise communication of truths and ideas for the wider population. Not everyone shares the west’s culture of pathological deceit


Education in Westoid institutions does. Just look at people falling for NFTs and apes and shit, they all are educated people


I think it's less that propaganda actively makes you dumb, and more like people who are overworked and underpaid, stressed out all the time don't have the mental and physical energy to parse propaganda from fact. I can't blame them, I was literally so tired by the end of yesterday I almost cried.


>Western Propaganda = BAD
>Chinese/Russian Propaganda = GOOD
China propaganda seems like it tries to spread good vibes and be motivational in some kind way. That seems… better. Russian and U.S. fauxrage propaganda, on the other hand, seem to be more similar to each other in a weird way with an odd dissonance between the messenger and the message, like it's coming from the government / national security establishment but it doesn't present itself that way, instead it's packaged as "democracy" or "free speech" while being designed to make people feel like they're in an aggrieved state so they can, I dunno, beg others to save them from Russians or drag queens or Antifa or something.


gulping on anyone else spooks{propaganda} will make you a idiot

is a good example


Russian propaganda is schizophrenic, American is plain evil hypocrisy


>is a good example
of what?


Why did this thread make you angry?


>bourgeois propaganda = bad
>proletariat propaganda = good
Yes. Do you disagree?


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>china and russia


I think the difference is the purpose between visual media such as T.V. being dominated by commercial motives (profit) and dominated by a philosophy or a certain set of ideas. When I look at CCTV in China, the impression I get is that the Communist Party (which controls it) views television as an influence which can either educate or poison people's minds, so therefore it has to be used in a way that's beneficial, and you try to educate people in a broad sense of the world (art, history, culture) and also about humanity.

In reality, different countries are a mix. PBS, which is a publicly-funded broadcaster in the U.S., goes for the education approach. But that's not the same approach you'll get on media with a commercial motive. I like to feast on the slop from commercial media too, but they have a more "eat your vegetables" approach.


I was talking about Russia. China does a lot better.


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I don't know a lot about Russian television or what fills in for more educational programming. I'm curious to see it. The stuff I've seen has been selectively clipped (in this war context) stuff from hosts like Vladimir Solovyov and Margarita Simonyan who have based their approach on Fox News, vicious British tabloids and Berlusconi's infotainment TV – which is an interesting cultural similarity.

It's one big, tacky, dumb product of a political economy of profit-seeking, populism, and oligarchic kleptocracy. Looks are what sells. Destroy expertise and reason. Manipulate people by making them believe politics is a T.V. show with no real consequences. One problem is that it creates gaping blind spots that audiences develop an acute dissonance between what they're led to expect and what happens in real life. This results in a crisis of trust whenever the current crusade is all over.

The same pathologies can be seen in a variety of anti-Russian outlets in the West. A perverse kind of mimesis.

Also a similarity to fandom culture (fan theories, fandom wars, weird threads about fluid plots).


We're at the point where investor advice is that the west is completely fucking screwed.
This is a video that just randomply popped up for me.


<bourgeois propaganda = bad
<proletariat propaganda = good
>Yes. Do you disagree?
But going back to this for a second. The better question to ask is WHY is it better? Any dingus can act like they do on for-profit trash T.V. and call it proletarian.


I mean the only way for Western EVs to compete is to slap 100% tariffs on them and even then they're cheaper


Here's something I've been wondering, can't people just buy a Chinese EV from a Chinese company and have it shipped to them in a shipping container? Or is the government going to stop that too somehow?


Apparently it's not legal to drive cars on the road that haven't been officially imported. Damn!


>Or is the government going to stop that too somehow?
Yes. Any product you order from abroad which includes customs duties reaches customs first and then they notify you. If you don't pay the import duties in full on your Chinese EV they send it back to China or might even seize it if the car can't be returned to sender.


There's safety regulation shit that cars have to meet but the cynic in me says it probably has more to do with porky shit, like how you couldn't bypass dealerships when buying a car either.


There's more to the video like openly saying "the job market is fake" "people are too broke to buy shit on sale"

This is probably the first time I've heard a western investor just do straight doomerism across the board.


so how hard would it be to get a drug sub but for chinese ev's


The problem is that in order to compete they need to put their limited time and energy into the industry when maybe they should be focusing on other opportunities.
It's a terrible gamble because even if Americans are held hostage by their car industry, many are already being forced into car sharing schemes as prices continue to go up and living standards go down. Domestically produced EVs will just increase theses costs. And internationally they still need to compete with China who is the market leader with years head start.


I have a weird hat on my head. :D


Alright now let's try American propaganda pretending to be Chinese propaganda.


If this were true, Russia Fed and PRC would be garbage excuses for governments. You see Iranian propaganda online, just like an Iranian sees US propaganda. The point is that you don't attribute it, it's a subversive social element.

Your post is crypto-Western exceptionalism. That said, you are correct that it's a false equivalence - states have so much more access to their own citizens. You can go your life without seeing Chinese propaganda intended for Chinese citizens, and they can go without seeing US propaganda intended for US citizens.


>I genuinely think that telling people they are “superior” turns them into stupid fucking apes committing random savagery and bowing down to the head chimp
Flattery, innit?

>Look at yankoids online scaremongering about Russia even though they’ve invaded countries since before I was born

Are there any polls which show how many people sincerely think the invasions of [Iraq/Afghanistan/etc.] were justified humanitarian causes ("fighting terrorism"/"bringing democracy") rather than for power and resources? Bonus points for demographic analysis.


Nationalists of any country believe war is fine when they do it, it's not exclusive to the US.


>I think the difference is the purpose between visual media such as T.V. being dominated by commercial motives (profit) and dominated by a philosophy or a certain set of ideas. When I look at CCTV in China, the impression I get is that the Communist Party (which controls it) views television as an influence which can either educate or poison people's minds, so therefore it has to be used in a way that's beneficial, and you try to educate people in a broad sense of the world (art, history, culture) and also about humanity.
An interesting contrast is non-commercial* TV. I don't know the US situation well enough to comment, but look at the ABC and SBS in Australia. They make some pretty good social programming (consider shows like You Can't Ask That), and some of their shows end up being bought and screwed over by commercial networks because they're just plain better to watch than industrial spew. Of course, like the BBC in the UK, there are constant accusations of it being 'left-leaning' and people have a cry about that because their taxes subsidize it.


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On the topic of contrasting propaganda of different countries, it's interesting to see how it's dependent of culture.

Consider Squirrel and Hedgehog, the DPRK cartoon. There's a pretty obvious analogy in it, where different animals represent different nations - notably wolves and foxes as US imperial forces.
The Western audience who found the show find it funny how they're portrayed - Lt. Vixen is considered sexy and the wolves are considered powerful badasses. Image has spoilers, but is a decent perspective.


Anti-Soviet propaganda from the cold war days is viewed as "badass" today too, with the giant skeletons and whatnot.


post a couple pls



He's not wrong though. A survey of businesses in the past year or two showed that a significant percentage of managers posted fake job ads, for positions for which the company had no intention of hiring, to give the company a false aura of growth, to go through the motions for H-1B hiring, etc. Those false ads juiced official economic statistics, with certain unfortunate side effects for workers.

>like how you couldn't bypass dealerships when buying a car either.
It is local oligarchs and small pork that have such an interest in those dealership franchises. They are there for the long tail of the customer relationship. Dealership service departments are *very* profitable, more so with parts pairing, proprietary diagnostics and other technological tying. Ideally the buyer will also buy their next car from the same dealership, and remember that dealership when their own kids reach driving age.


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This one is my favorite but I can't find the original, sorry.


Thank you, comrade.

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